If You Possess These 14 Traits, You Might Be Born Of A Higher Frequency

March 3, 2017

Born With Higher Frequency

If you find yourself in 2 or more of these characteristics than you might be a high frequency being with a purpose to raise the frequency of the world:

– You have a deep desire to find your spiritual partner, family, home;

– You have excellent skills and a high level of intelligence, but it seems like you cannot find what you desire;

– You feel there are entities and angels around you. Sometimes you might even hear voices;

– Your mood changes often, as same as your energy and emotions;

– You have strange moments when you feel like you understand everything, but they don’t last long;

– You have vivid dreams;

– You want to build deeply rooted relationships and responsibilities but, there are moments when you suddenly want to let go and move on, just like it’s nothing;

– You perceive time passing a lot more faster than others;

– You believe that everything happens for a reason, but you also believe that you make your own destiny with your own choices;

– You have a strong intuition;

Read article in its entirety here.

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.