Editor’s note: Love this one! Having that ongoing experience of letting things go ~ the layers of energies being purged with more and more ease. It isn’t that people and places and things and situations (ah there goes the ringing in the left ear) don’t matter, it’s that, well my attachments are waning. My expectations are waning as well. In fact when “old” stuff may come up for someone I know and it is “stuff” I could once relate to but have since released, my body within repels and says “no”. It just no longer fits. My shaman did some more journey work with me and the work took her to Telos ~ that awesome ancient city with a doorway at Mt. Shasta ~ an area I have felt a resonance with for the past couple of years, likely because of my connection with Lemuria. Well sure enough she found and saw my Warrior Self there ~ looked just like me ~ waiting and wanting to be returned to me. Talk about a fascinating journey. This is not the first time she has said “I have never experienced this one before” when having these experiences with me. She has gone places and seen things she has never experienced before. Such is the interesting amazing journey’s I know I have had. Major power has been returned for my taking, which coincides with the energy work I had done last night. So I sit here, welcoming it back, with my large quartz crystal rock sitting by me (until I get some selenite ~ which she said is my power stone. Reading that I knew I had worked with it in the past. It is all coming back…) A couple of hours after that experience, I was talking with my girl, soothing her and suddenly had the desire to pull up an invisible sword and stand by her bed as a warrior. I could at that moment actually FEEL the weight of the sword. I didn’t say anything to her, but instead handed her what I said was “a piece of my sword for you”. As she took it she looked at me with big eyes and said “mama I can FEEL this! It’s really heavy!” Always have known I am a Warrior. Enjoy this piece. Very nice exercise to work through these amazing intense powerful purging energies…
Inelia Benz Website: Ascension101
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Inelia Benz |
End of 2017 and O M G the moment of truth or what?
We are at the end of 2017 and O M G have we reached the moment of truth or what?
2017 has been marked by many people as the year when the end of the Old Paradigm of Light vs Dark comes to an end.
And it has.
Have you been feeling waves of grief? Despair? Sadness?
Have you had a strong feeling to get rid of objects, situations, locations and people who are no longer compatible with you?
These things are related. And they are a human collective experience, not a personal one.
When I started actively visiting alternative timelines to learn things, get insights and have different experiences I decided one day to find and visit the “Inelia” who was the most effective at raising the vibrational level of the planet.
The experience was radically different to all the other timeline “Inelias” I had visited previously. It was so radically different that I actually thought it was just a figment of my imagination. Unlike the other instances that were real to me.
The reason why it was different was that when I stepped into that timeline I started flying. I thought it was super cool, but highly improbable. Then, I found the other “Inelia” and she was sitting on a cloud. Yup, you read right, on a cloud in the sky.
She was bright, beautiful, and super happy. I flew all the way to her and sat on the cloud next to her. Below us I could see cities, oceans, mountains, jungles, snow, tropics, deserts… it was all below us and like all of it was in one location… but not.
I have visited this particular “Inelia” many times since. Whenever I need some advice, or simply bask in the highest frequency expression of who I am, I visit her.
During the past couple of months, as the low frequency emotional waves hit so hard, and situation after low frequency situations entered my life, I went to visit her.
In our conversation I showed her what was happening, and asked her if she had any suggestions.
I should clarify at this point that she never says a thing. Never speaks. She just smiles.
Anyway, when she looked at me and smiled, I said, “oh, it’s all very well for you, you don’t take part in human life. You are just floating on a cloud.”
At which point she laughed out loud and opened her eyes, then I saw her life. And I finally understood the symbology of her shared experience, i.e. floating on a cloud.
Basically, I saw that she was of the world, in the world and living the world. She had family, friends, work, everything that can be had on this planet. But vibrationally, and at the level of engagement, she was above it all. She had zero engagement of low frequency experiences. If anything was dedicated as right or wrong, or have to, righteous, right, fair, legal… she simply let it fall where it would. It was complete, absolute and powerful. All thoughts, activities, relationships, situations and experiences were engaged from her very high frequency vibration.
I was so surprised. Not so much for the fact that it was happening, but for the results that it had.
Affecting or being affected. Both were only on high frequency vibrations and their expression.
Yes, there were people and situations in that timeline that were low frequency, but she didn’t hold on to them. She didn’t try to make them wrong or right. She simply let them be. Her awareness is so broad, so expansive, yet not a millisecond is invested in low frequency feelings, thoughts, or emotions.
I came back from that timeline and started implementing the absoluteness of this knowing. Of course I have known it. I have been talking about how this is the New Paradigm. That it is each one of us who embodies it by being strict and diligent in the frequencies we broadcast.
Yet, as you probably know, it’s very hard to keep one’s frequency genuinely high when bad things are hitting us.
I started to let go of those bad things. Literally my emotional investment in them was released. And wham! The waves of grief stopped affecting me.
At walkwithmenow.com, the weekly exercise became to relax your body several times a day. I am sharing that exercise with you today:
On our October 2017 monthly call, I mentioned how we are presently going through some pretty intense energies that can be experienced as grief, sadness and a desire to release everything, let go of things, locations, people and situations.
For more information on that particular topic, please refer to the call recording.
This week, I would like to invite you to help your physical body relax and release tensions at random times during the day and night.
Set an alarm for several times a day, or simply do this exercise whenever you remember during the day and night.
Take ten deep breaths. At each breath, relax your neck, shoulders, arms, chest and stomach. Also open your hands unless you are driving or holding something with your hands.
As you breathe out, you can “blow out the tension” and you state in your mind, “I let go of all tension and low frequencies from my body and field of attention.
This will help your body support you through this transition.
Do you want to discuss this article in greater depth with Inelia and others? Go to walkwithmenow.com/about
In JoyLightLove,
– Inelia and the team.
Sourced from here.