More Info on Personal Portals



There seems to be some slight misconceptions by some in relation to Portals. For those that may think they are Dark portals or are anything negative, it is so far from the Truth. These Portals are YOUR DIRECT LINK TO SOURCE. Darkness does NOT ENTER these Portals, it cannot, these Portals are pure energy streams between You, Divinity and Source/God. You are of God, a piece of God if You will, and Your energetic connection to All That Is, IS YOUR ENERGETIC PORTAL/S.

You do NOT open Dark portals in this manner, however, You do have the ability to CLOSE DARK ANCIENT PORTALS, which You will be given more information on in the future, as the DARK CLEANUP CONTINUES. Any of You seeing Dark Masses around Your Portals, it is not correct to think that they came through YOUR PORTAL. You must understand and have been shown, that YOUR DIVINE GIFTS are always enhancing. One Gift involves being able to VISUALLY SEE THE Dark energy, so that You may zap it with Your prowess, and eliminate it from this Now. Any of You that have seen dark masses around Your Portals, is to be understood that YOUR GIFT to see them has been activated as well as they may have jumped out of You, so that they could be eliminated. Everything with these Portals of Yours is positive and Divine. Use Your Divine Prowess to eliminate any Darkness You visually see Now, whether it be around Your Portal or a hundred miles away.

You are ACTIVATING YOUR DIVINE PORTALS TO HIGHER DEGREES. Every Soul upon the planet/Gaia, has these Portals. It is strongly encouraged and suggested for All to Activate them to Higher degrees and become familiar with what they are and the purpose. Keep sharing the info so that MORE MAY open/activate their Portals. You are Bringers of the Light, not Dark, You are Angels here to eradicate the Dark, You ARE fully protected and the last thing any of You could do, is OPEN DARK PORTALS, it just does not work that way.

If You wish to look at each individual Portal being a tractor beam for Ascension, then You may understand How the Activation/opening of so many Portals by individuals around Gaia, actually PULLS Gaia and Humanity into the 5D and closer to the Etheric Realm, shedding all darkness as WE Ascend.

Any fear -based thought of opening portals ACCIDENTLY for the Dark must GO. YOU ARE GOVERNED BY THE HIGH REALMS and all of Your activity is closely monitored and assured that it is kept in line with the Divine Plan and Divinity as a whole. Remember what You were taught; “fear separates”, and it will from Your Gifts if You have not let go of most of it. If You continue to have fear, then You would not be able to Create the New that You desire.

Every Soul that reads this, get informed about Your Portals and continue activating and opening them, it is partially how You bring Your good dreams to reality, do not hesitate. The more that open/activate their individual portals upon Gaia, the higher the vibration raises, the quicker the good things come to fruition and the quicker You slide into 5D.

Thank You
Love and Light

Sourced from here.

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.