editor’s note: i align so much with this awesome piece.
This is what intuitive insight came to me today… crazy intense energies today and yesterdat btw.. Schumann spikes and likely a whole lot more.
So our Event… likely it will be happening in different “versions”… we will all get our unique version, as is true of anything in life. We attract what is within* so therefore we will experience the Event in our unique ways. Some will see a pink wave, some will see a purple one, and so on. Im beginning to think that it also extends to the “system shutdown” for two weeks.. some may experience this and some not.. but it is all going to the same Result which is ➡️
➡️ Liberation from daek control + Muliti-dimensional Living restored… !
So there are other unique variations we could experience that have been inserted intuitively into my mind, like some will go immediately to a more fluid and multi-d reality… and some will go to more of a physical based reality/ experience in which they will be able to see more of the logistical* transformations take place.. such as banking and money changes, govt changes, education and healthcare changes, food and agriculture changes, clean up of our environment, etc… these people that experience this aspect of the Event more fully will be bc they want or need to see this.
Others will not feel the need to experience these changes so much (i personally feel like ive “lived” all these changes already internally, as ive i integrated the Event in so many levels already!)… and i feel i will experience more of the muliti-d aspects of the Event right away. Recently i saw myself in a vision: I was in blue-white energy right after the Event, flying very much, and i seemed to be less form, more energy. So this is the “version” i will probably land at, after the Event.
Which brings me to my next point… the other intuitive insight that came to me a few days ago is that, esoecially for those of us who will land in more of a muliti-d version of earth, after the Event… we may not see a “Wave” approaching us from the Horizon. There has been a lot of channeled info saying that we will see a colorful wave of energy that comes from Source, thru the Great Central Sun/ Galactic Center… and it will roll thru Everything and change everything. Including evaporating all dark beings and dark control and darkness that runs thru the grid. Yes its true, i feel, but im starting to see that this is not the Aspect of the Event we will all experience. Im srarting to see that some of us will just snap into a magical, energy-based, Reality. I think this is what my Guides have been trying to tell me… that i will not see a Wave in my Experience… but that I will just automatically snap into a Fluid, Multi-D reality. I saw myself in this reality in a vision, a few days ago, and its still very clearin my mind.
So i feel there are different levels/ aspects to the Event and life-after-the-Event…. And im putting it out there for others who may benefit… do share in the comments if you’ve been getting similar impressions as the ones ive shared here…! And of course always follow your own intuition and discernment, i am just sharing what has come to me personally 🍎