
Aside from writing essay’s and the like, I also write songs.  Back in 2004 I wrote a song on the piano called “Invisible”.  At the time I was reaching out for support and finding mostly judgment.  As is often the case, writing a song helps me process my thoughts and emotions when faced with things of the hurtful nature.  My intuition just nudged me to post the lyrics here.  Maybe they will comfort someone or at the very least, awaken a person to realize separation and our feeling of being invisible – or our belief that others are beneath us and thus invisible – are all illusions.  Stop feeding the matrix.  We’re all One.

Without further ado…
Do I appear invisible to you.
Do you even care that I exist.
I’m really not so different from you.
You know it’s true.
Just look in the mirror.
And you will see…
me staring back at you
through the same eyes.
How can you and I live in the same world.
When all you seem to care about is yourself.
People are dying in their hearts.
Their sense of self
is slipping away.
And people like you
you say you care
but when they reach out their hands
you just walk away.
Pretending you don’t see.
When I appear invisible to you
you really are invisible for yourself.
For we’re all a part of the same Life.
Look inside.
You know it’s true.
Reach out to me
and take my hand.
And we can walk together
into Eternity.

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.