“Israel for last” finds, and other things




That said……Kind of a lull atm.  I sit here – looking through things – and feel like “ok this is happening and that is happening but what really is real?”  Ya know?  Here’s what I see – letting ya’ll decide.

What’s in the vibes for me personally is September song…….and healing – bringing out all that was taken from us and justice for the brave souls who all along tried to get out the truth and the products that would put an end to “their” practices.  Vid below talking about regenerating our teeth (frequency – I’ve seen stuff over the years about stem cell modalities as well) – and the benefits of O2 – like I’ve said before – cells need O2 or they experience oxidization.  We need more of it.





He shares such interesting things – wish he’d change the titles is all….10 min. mark for the info on frequency to regrow teeth……

Barry Stepp


more info:

Ultrasound may help regrow teeth | EurekAlert!



Well given I am a woman, I can speak to this issue – while all of this is true – we also know women have always been more of the target when it comes to violence and poverty (single mother’s especially).  While I am not looking for a hero necessarily, a different, new reality that is actually SAFE and where I feel supported in my roles and ambitions/gifts – yes – BRING IT!




2342 simply asked if we (ANONS) are ready.


Another END comm:



Perspective….Individual AND collective experience.  I was recently told my work is keeping people stuck inside the matrix – as apparently going down rabbit holes is still a matrix program.  I stepped back and considered this – even though my body told me otherwise.  Doesn’t that depend if the goal is to keep people stuck in the holes or simply helping us all see what’s been there all along so you can make a different choice?

I’ve been searching for the truth on who I am, how I got here, what this place is, why the big problems don’t get solved, why we have all these systems in place that are so utterly contrary to who I am – I’ve been engaged in this particular journey for most of my life.  I began putting out my work to the public about 25 years ago.  I don’t consider going down rabbit holes and wearing the conspiracy theory hat and sharing those finds as a detriment – but as a necessary step.  How do you break down a system when you have no knowledge of that system?  And how do you do it alone?

Answer to both:  You don’t.

That bus may be an illusion – but it can still hurt you.  I currently feel and have been focused on bringing in my inner sense that I (we) can change the frequency of this place and make it work FOR us – thus collectively bringing it down upon itself.  Each “wtf” moment sends out a new vibe – a new frequency – thus changing the code.  As we do this, we begin to take our power back so we are no longer the battery for the matrix – or certainly we become less of an energy source for it.  Unlike what this man says in the video – I see nothing wrong with personal wealth – abundance – in so long as we aren’t taking away from others – which of course is what the matrix feeds on – those energies of power over, competition, etc.  The more we bring in the real energy – the real frequency of who we are as Creators – powering that up – that energy that is within every one of us – by working with the Universe while still inside the matrix – we change the very nature of the matrix.  As far as what precisely and I say precisely exactly what this matrix is down to its last detail – who of us know for sure – we who long for freedom from it – are doing the best we frigging can.  Working together, where all ideas and perspectives are considered, is a good goal.  Our faith – for many of us who have an inner knowing there is a plan – is what keeps us going.  I have that ongoing sense it’s far greater than we know even now – the dynamics of it all.  Like NEO – he wasn’t truly awake until he was located in the pod – his real self, real body and was released of it.

So all of that said – things like chemtrails and politics and what’s being disclosed – all of the world stage happenings – all that so many of us have known of for years – even decades – it does have a feeling of rather small potatoes compared to where we really are, the how’s behind this experience and why our DNA is so important.  Remember 17 said something about the more we know the more bizarre/hard to comprehend it becomes.

(btw – the narrator of this video – his necklace has one of “their” symbols on it – uh huh…)




In my area – old mobile homes – like from the 70’s – are now selling for almost $200,000 – and that of course doesn’t include the land.  And now this:



“Weight loss”.

REVEALED: The most shocking celebrity face transformations due to weight loss | Daily Mail Online


“I” happenings:

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.