editor’s note: more later on my own feels and experiences today. one word for now: grrrrrrrrrrr
The energies are in a very interesting phase now, where we seem to have to deal with polar opposites, yet, at the same time, these seeming opposites are cancelling and balancing each out.
The one side churns out all the deeply hidden fears and insecurities, the false programming which has been there since birth and even before that in other lifetimes on planet earth.
It is bringing the surface, that which needs to be dealt with, and released, forgiven, acknowledged and let go of. There is not running away allowed anymore: – it you wish to live in the higher dimensional state, you have to leave this behind!
Let the past be the past. If something from past appears on your inner screen, wipe it clear, like you would wipe clear a white board. You want to have that screen pure white and crystal clear!
On the other hand, the energies are reconnecting us more and more to our higher soul selves, and higher vibrations and frequencies of the 5th dimensional state. It is lifting us up into a much higher frequency band, and therefore we have to be willing to change, to be flexible and to not resist what is now being reborn within us and around us.
When the very foundations of what we always felt is stable, is shaking beneath us, and all is cracking wide open, and we literally seem to be hovering somewhere between earth and sky, allow yourself to get to a quiet place within you, and BREATHE. Deep in-breath. Deep out-breath. Concentrate on this, and still the mind’s frenzy.
Connect deeply with the deepest soul within you, and the Divine. And now, slowly but surely, affirm that all is perfect, whole and complete and that you are always Divinely protected and guided. As you calm down, remind yourself that this is a journey of discovery for ALL of us!
We have to be flexible and willing to allow these changes to occur within and without us, and to be open to whatever comes.
A much better way of life and living is coming to the fore.
We do not need to see more than one single step at the time.
However, keep that vision of fulfilling your highest soul mission and purpose always there, in front of you! That is where you are heading, and promise yourself, that no matter what comes, you will complete that mission, and do so with distinction!
Then leave the rest in much Higher Hands.
You are safe.
You are loved.
All is well.
All is well.
(Judith Kusel)