Kp Message 6-15-18… “About that ‘Kilauea Erupting’ thing… Energetically speaking”


editor’s note:  i can certainly align w/kp’s message.  all of this purging ALL life is going through.  to resist will only create an energetic backflow.  i know – i have experienced it.  deep breath.  let it go.  allow.  go with the flow.  be with and in the flow.  release what is called to release.  notice the body – notice where there is tightness.  strain.  for myself i am tuning in when i feel rushed.  ungrounded.  bz.  i am practicing intentionally sloooooooooowing down – including walking around the house.  flow doesn’t feel like it operates at a fast speed.  it doesn’t rush to its destination.  it enjoys the scenery.  i recall once an intuitive told me i was taking the “scenic route”.  at the time i was offended.  now i see it was meant as a message for me today.  [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart-2″ wrap=”i”]


I’m using a new “selfie” photo, one taken on Mauna Loa (on 5-23-18), with Mauna Kea in the background. I suppose these will always change, as the flow of energies change here on the Big Island.

Now that being said, I want to say this about that “erupting thing” going on over at Kilauea.

I was speaking to someone a few days ago and it kind of flowed out from my consciousness that the Kilauea flow was a much larger energetic event that many might have “sensed”. I’ve really not read anyone else’s “ideas” or “channelings” about it, if there are any. This is just what I have “got” about it.

I personally don’t care what physically, in a 3D way, “triggered” this event. That has nothing to do with what I’m communicating. As an energetic “Light worker” type, I felt we (many of us on the islands, and elsewhere) were involved in opening pathways for the flow of energies around the planet. Hawaii, and Kilauea in particular, is a key point for planetary energetic flows, and there have been numerous missions to Kilauea to assist in closing off certain “old paradigm” energy pathways, and later, opening up new energetic pathways. In my view, this was completed on 4-26-18, via this mission. And although it was called “New Foundations” mission, I know at that point that a foundation had been laid to allow the new pathways to open.

On May 3rd, the lava lake dropped and a fissuring on the east rift zone started. The new lava flow, and new energetic flow, had begun. On 5-11-18, another Kilauea mission was carried out, called “Pathway Mission”. That seemed to do even more to open things up… and the flows and fissures continued to grow… big time.

Now all this might sound ridiculous to many. But that is not important. This new flow, this quite large and impressive flow, had started, and reflects what is occurring all around the planet, particularly around the Pacific rim. It reflects what is occurring all around the planet, geologically, politically, spiritually. The new flow of lava (energies) consumes the old, burns it up, and all who care to try to resist it. The planet is opening up energetically, just like the new lava flows. Those who choose to resist, are being consumed. And it is their choice to either join the new flow, or be consumed by it.

We have been working for this for many many years. And now that new players have come in to play their roles in caretaking this new lava flow, bringing planetary change (let’s see, for example, Trump, Putin, et al.), some are resisting, or bitching and moaning about those new players.


It’s tough, baby… but all are capable of doing this.

The Kilauea lava flows are showing the planet what the current incoming energies are all about… Elimination of the old and outdated… Laying of new foundations… And even bringing in the new “green energies” (remember the olivine in the lava?) all at the same time.

So I suggest we continue to align with these new energies, align with the new “planetary lava flow”, and assist them in whatever ways our Higher Guidance guides us.

Aloha, KP

Sourced from here.


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Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.