Kp Message 7-14-18… “This whole ‘3D world paradigms’ thing is NOT for me”


editor’s note:  ooooh yes.  labels and Me do not mix.  feels like an energetic binding around me.  as my girl, at the sweet age of 4 said when i asked her who she thought herself to be:  “I am ME!”  


I’m sure I’m not alone in this. Reading internet articles, viewing videos, watching Netflix or Hulu or Amazon shows, all of those continually remind me (and poke at me) that this whole ‘3D world paradigms’ thing is NOT for me. ABSOLUTELY NOT FOR ME.

The things that some seem to get into (and especially among many #MAGA people), about Being “patriotic”, to ‘whatever’ country, town, etc., about Being “loyal” to this or that or this or that, Being “proud” to be an (American, Canadian, Asian person, straight person, gay person, LGBTQDRITPLOUKHF person, Andromedan, Pleiadean, etc., etc.), you know, those are all just a major “stuck in the old paradigms” kinds of deals for me. I know I’m not the only one in this.

Personally, I’m not here to play or participate in any “labels games”. I’m a BEing of the Cosmos, and honestly I do not care what forms outer manifestations take. And those who identify with those outer “labels”, well, to me that’s always been a “prison”. I’ve tried it a couple times in this lifetime, and it ain’t for me… no way. Labels do not work for me, and they never will.

From my view, there is no Higher Inner Connection to all that “Being patriotic”, “Being loyal to”, “Being proud of”, deals. Those are all very very “stuck stuck stuck in the 3D earth mud mud mud”. And the thing is that if you watch almost any kind of media (MSM as well as alternative), it is almost always present.

Even the “Cosmic” identifications are tough for me to deal with. I have felt a close connection to: Pleiadeans, Sirians, Andromedans, and even the “Cute Draconians” (you know, geckos, local lizards). But I do not label myself as any of those.

I AM who I AM… a BEing of the Cosmos.

Aloha, Kp



Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.