editor’s note: i am very pleased to present this piece to you, which comes via one of YOU. [wp-svg-icons icon=”smiley” wrap=”i”] robin has decided to take the plunge into the world of blogging. please don’t just read it here. please consider supporting this fellow lightworker’s site by going here and seeing what else she has to share. she has an amazing intuitive gift in knowing/understanding words, symbols and their powers.
June 13, 2018

One of the things I began to learn when I started to study the Sabian Symbols is that the evil wizards imprinted the words of the symbols to create a sort of story board for a world I did not and do not consent to living in.
I’m what has been referred to as a ‘seer’ by some, which means, I see.
I could clearly see what they were doing.
The more I learned about language, the more frightening it became.
Especially when the symbols were translated into other languages.
The evil wizards used the symbols…
Important excerpts from books can bring messages, so instead of going down the road I started with the last sentence, let me go here…
From “An Arctic Explorer Could Tell The Story”
Art’s curiosity finally got the best of him. “I really want to know what the evil wizards have been up to. I know some, of course. They used the symbols to dictate life on earth – but how did it all work?”
Hap looked to Blue, who paused to consider before he began…
“The short story is the original codes, the Legend of the Three, were intended to be used to create a Reality Based On the Light.
The evil wizards hijacked the codes and distorted them to create a matrix of algorithms they used as a tool for mind control through a system of artificial intelligence that works in reverse of what was initially intended.”
“Fear instead of Love?” Art asked.
“Pretty much,” Blue answered. “Because they have not been capable of love, nor willing to be, they have not been self-sustaining. They created the false matrix so to siphon our energy.
It’s hard to imagine, but they have been literally feeding off of our fear, guilt, grief, shame, anger, and all the other negative energies born of fear.
It became a vicious cycle and as technology advanced, so too did their means to harvest the energy of earth – and all life on the planet. They feed on pain and suffering.”
“Are you talking about loosh?”
“Loosh is evil wizard food. Yes.” Blue didn’t sugar coat it.
Art could see it and he was receiving images as Blue talked.
The evil wizards bred fear, fed on the energy, and used it to create more of the same – and worse. They used our fears, often propagated through false news in the media, to incite anger and create division.
“Scarlett talked about ‘loops’ when we were on Christmas Island, and how the evil wizards imprinted certain symbols to create repeating patterns of low vibrations they could use to further their agenda.
She mentioned certain symbols that were almost always in play when they carried out horrible events. Like shootings at schools, bombings at certain types of locations, and terrorist attacks – all kinds of evil deeds.
In fact, she said they planned events far in advance so they would coincide with the time those specific symbols would be activated by particular planets.
Some of them didn’t even make sense, but I guess the evil wizards used them to enslave people. I remember one had to do with drunk chickens. When I asked her about it, Scarlett said the evil wizards manipulated the energy to influence cycles of addictive behavior.
As if a chicken would really get drunk. Chickens flap their wings and fly!”
“Yes. They do,” Blue agreed. He knew the what Art was referring to and hoped he would never know the whole ugly truth.
Right after I posted my first blog, in which I mentioned ‘words are like spells,’ or something to that effect, I found an article that spelled it out.
“Words are energetic symbols and the representation we use to connect and to process our own reality. Words and conversations are alive, dynamic, interactive and impactful.
They allow us to shape reality, mind-sets, outcomes and to experience a shared reality.
Words allow us to build trust or break it, divide and conquer, bring us together or tear us apart.”
Here’s a link to that blog, by the way:
It’s a great read.
When I started to study language and translated some of the old, no longer in use, Sabian Symbols in other languages the results were frightening.
Just as the evil wizards intended, no doubt.
But that part of our story is over now that the Sabian Symbols are enlightened, and it’s because of the power of love that they translate well no matter the language.
Language of Love
Sourced from here.