I need to call these things “experiences” because they are more than just a dream.
It was brief. I saw an image of John Kennedy as he looks today. I then saw swirls of energy around him and felt this amazing feeling of hope and liberation and unity in my core. Excitement was very large too and touched everyone. I woke up carrying the feeling. The feeling was the time really is upon us. It was a message that went out to the collective – my feel that is.
Browsing around on twitter after I got out of bed, I see this one. Synch!
i had a dream last night. i saw what's coming. this went out in the collective astral last night – to see or feel. the feeling was beautiful. it is what awakens ALL. https://t.co/B3FxqlJgv0
— OfTheStarres (@victorianoreenT) March 25, 2020