Last night’s intense astral experience…and today’s Reflection


Whew – today was I N T E N S E – as in the most intense energy/feeeeeling yet.  I spoke with a few today who are having the same. exact. experience.

I think we ALL now feel this “bubble” that has been holding its own for an unreal amount of time is about ready to pop.  The pressure….

So last night was a long one in this house.  Little sleep for any of us.  First our child had disturbing dreams.  I soothed her – did my protection – and fell back into a deep sleep.  I was awoken some time later to my mate whimpering in his sleep – saying “no, no, no….”  I put my hand on his chest and told him he was ok – he was safe – while putting out my energy for whatever was attacking him to back the F off.  He calmed down – all returned to sleep.  Child again woke up – whimpering – mate brought her into bed with us.  Again, I returned to sleep only to have my own experience. Something – some being (felt there were 2 and they were not my friend nor were they human) was trying to physically force my face to look at an image on a screen.  I could see myself – I was big – could see myself shaking my head, saying “NO”, refusing to engage in their story they were trying to force on me.  I felt the one more in the background comment how “stubborn” I was – and to keep at it.  I continued to refuse until the experience ended.  My mate said he had a similar experience – something trying to force him to look at an image which lead to his whimpering.

My intuitive feel – this is how they create these astral experiences.  We just call t hem dreams.  We are lying down in some sort of pod/table on the outside – and they show us images on screens of their choosing (which explains why our “dreams” rarely feel like they are something we would choose to experience).  Sometimes we get more choice – more control – depending on if we are being monitored at the time.  There are far more of us than there are of them so they can’t monitor every one of us all the time.

Just my feel.  Anyway….I slept a couple hours more before dragging myself out of bed to “do” the day.  Usually when I am at that level of exhaustion, I am really cranky – but today I felt another energy – a supportive energy.  It was likely this:

Other than that – things just feel weird.  Different.  New. Things are moving now after feeling more or less a “lull” for a time.  I am focused on this movement clearing out “them” and revealing the Full On Truth.  We deserve it.  And we need it.  And we deserve and need it NOW.  The ability to tolerate blatant blind ignorance and just plain ‘ole “wtf are you even saying do you hear yourself??” is just gone.  Just….gone.  Inner Lion is activated and roaring when need arises.

That’s all for now.  Sharing some finds in a bit.




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Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

One thought on “Last night’s intense astral experience…and today’s Reflection”

    “The ability to tolerate blatant blind ignorance and just plain ‘ole “wtf are you even saying do you hear yourself??” is just gone. Just….gone. Inner Lion is activated and roaring when need arises.”

    This, after about 3 months months of trying to embrace the universal law and Oneness and acceptance with ‘these’ people, just reared itself making my head fume (like that one scene in Harold and Kumar go to White Castle when Neil Patrick Harris drives off with Kumar’s car and Kumar loses it…hope you seen it, lol) is me to a T. Boy oh MF’in boy. Yes, me too, I am beyond done. It’s so beyond even the original issue (like it ever existed, I won’t go into examples in order to keep this already long comment from becoming a novel) or even explanation. On so many things on so many levels, I’m like ‘uh, so are we ever to revisit this s**t, ever actually try to evolve and do something about it, oooorrrrrr is everyone just looking around shrugging shoulders waiting for someone else to do something so as not to be the bad guy, or “shudder to think” actually grow a spine and self-respect and take some f**king accountability for anything. So yes…, inner lion, done. So glad to run across others who feel this same way.

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