Late night reflecting – grateful for those who SEE and frustration over those who don’t/won/t


My daughter’s local yoga teacher – who cancelled classes after cv and opened them up a year later but only if the girls were outside – masked – and 6 feet apart (ya’ll know how well that went over with me – and what my decision was) – has sold out completely.  Lost herself in the agenda.  And obviously is NOT SEEING.

Just one year ago those classes, as they had been all along, were for girls only.  Yoga for Girls.  P E R I O D.

Today?  Yoga for girls and those who identify AS girls.

Tweens and teens.

Frigging little $(%*^&(* sell-out.

I want to be polite and accepting.  But being accepting is the same as allowing.  And this continues to be war – even during the show and tell phase.  And I refuse to accept evil’s obvious agenda in a way that allows for it to continue.  NOT HAPPENING.

The more time passes – even though I’m not really seeing anything new (brand new) – the more sensitive I am becoming OF all of “their” perversions.  It’s almost as though I am literally becoming more unplugged and sensitive at the same time.  It’s almost as though this is being done to make my transition outta their frequency of fooking yug as easy as possible.  If so – it’s working.  lol

But for now – UGH!

The hair colors.  Can they become more hideous?  I am not seeing pink.  I am not seeing green.  I am seeing putrid pink and putrid green.  I KNOW how “they” smell – I used to smell “them” as a child (after I stopped seeing “them”).  And these hair colors now have the same. feel/energy.  They’ve changed.  As someone who used to dye her hair red on occasion – who grew up as well in the 80’s and saw all sorts of colors – what we have today is a whole new array of colors that don’t belong on any pure color palette.  Intentional filth.  I see it all over the place now.  I have to look away.

Then there are those who step in – people I don’t even know – people who have never commented on anything I share in public forums – but who step in when I am expressing my frustration or pointing out, you know, obvious E V I L – and who claim not to judge.  “I don’t judge.”  I allow for it all.  blah blah blah  Or feign confusion as to why it’s so rough now.  “My life is beautiful why isn’t yours?”

Come here sweetie pies and dudes – I got some glasses to toss onto your face.

I feel like John Nada now.  Beaten up.  So f’ing weary of being criticized for speaking the dang beautiful necessary TRUTH and SO DONE feeling like I have to explain myself to ANYONE for what is so OBVIOUS now.  That rock too many are still living under need it removed and smacked with it.  Yes, that’s how I feel at times – esp. when I read this is happening for those rock dwellers while my kid has to deal with yoga teachers who allow for boys to enter into the girls only class and drag queen storytimes that continue and homeless junkies peeing on the sidewalk.  (and NO of course we don’t expose her to any of this – just that all of that filth blocks us from going where we would otherwise go and doing what we would otherwise do)

And I also feel even more gratitude for those of you who SEE.  I don’t share this much – but when I communicate/tune in to the Universe – to Love – to what is Eternal – I give thanks to all of you brave souls who followed the nudge to look and question and SEE.

It’s hard now ain’t it?  Really really hard.  But we have each other – even if at a distance – but I am grateful for that connection and support.




Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

3 thoughts on “Late night reflecting – grateful for those who SEE and frustration over those who don’t/won/t”

  1. Hi again. Just to let you know that so many synchs are happening now. Things I see and think daily, are echoed on your page more and more. From 10.4 buddy and weird stomach issues 🙃🥴to the putrid hair colours! Was literally thinking about it yesterday. I too died my hair in my teens, but somehow was different. Very weird but having VERY similar feelings and experiences.
    Want to say thanks again for the effort you put in. And that your exhaustion with it all, is felt here across the water too. I’m not great at putting thoughts into words, but a genuine thank you for your continued fight 👊🏻😎 We will win

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