UPDATE: 8 hours later, readings still the same as shown below
These data update automatically every 30 minutes
Last update: December 08, 2016 22:33:08 UTC
Seismograms may take several moments to load. Click on a plot to see larger image.
CU/ANWB Willy Bob, Antigua and Barbuda -
CU/BBGH Gun Hill, Barbados -
CU/BCIP Isla Barro Colorado, Panama -
CU/GRGR Grenville, Grenada -
CU/GRTK Grand Turk, Turks and Caicos Islands -
CU/GTBY Guantanamo Bay, Cuba -
CU/MTDJ Mount Denham, Jamaica -
CU/SDDR Presa de Sabenta, Dominican Republic -
CU/TGUH Tegucigalpa, Honduras -
IC/BJT Baijiatuan, Beijing, China -
IC/ENH Enshi, Hubei Province, China -
IC/HIA Hailar, Neimenggu Autonomous Region, China -
IC/KMI Kunming, Yunnan Province, China -
IC/LSA Tibet, China -
IC/MDJ Mudanjiang, Heilongjiang Province, China -
IC/QIZ Qiongzhong, Hainan Province, China -
IC/SSE Shanghai, China -
IC/WMQ Urumqi, Xinjiang Province, China -
IC/XAN Xi’an, China -
IU/ADK Adak, Aleutian Islands, Alaska -
IU/AFI Afiamalu, Samoa -
IU/ANMO Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA -
IU/ANTO Ankara, Turkey -
IU/BBSR Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences, St George’s Bermuda -
IU/BILL Bilibino, Russia -
IU/CASY Casey, Antarctica -
IU/CCM Cathedral Cave, Missouri, USA -
IU/CHTO Chiang Mai, Thailand -
IU/COLA College Outpost, Alaska, USA -
IU/COR Corvallis, Oregon, USA -
IU/CTAO Charters Towers, Australia -
IU/DAV Davao, Philippines -
IU/DWPF Disney Wilderness Preserve, Florida, USA -
IU/FUNA Funafuti, Tuvalu -
IU/FURI Mt. Furi, Ethiopia -
IU/GNI Garni, Armenia -
IU/GRFO Grafenberg, Germany -
IU/GUMO Guam, Mariana Islands -
IU/HKT Hockley, Texas -
IU/HNR Honiara, Solomon Islands -
IU/HRV Adam Dziewonski Observatory (Oak Ridge), Massachusetts, USA -
IU/INCN Inchon, Republic of Korea -
IU/JOHN Johnston Island, USA -
IU/KBL Kabul, Afghanistan -
IU/KBS Ny-Alesund, Spitzbergen, Norway -
IU/KEV Kevo, Finland -
IU/KIEV Kiev, Ukraine -
IU/KIP Kipapa, Hawaii, USA -
IU/KMBO Kilima Mbogo, Kenya -
IU/KNTN Kanton, Kiritibati -
IU/KONO Kongsberg, Norway -
IU/KOWA Kowa, Mali -
IU/LCO Las Campanas Astronomical Observatory, Chile -
IU/LSZ Lusaka, Zambia -
IU/LVC Limon Verde, Chile -
IU/MA2 Magadan, Russia -
IU/MACI Morro de la Arena, Canary Islands -
IU/MAJO Matsushiro, Japan -
IU/MAKZ Makanchi, Kazakhstan -
IU/MBWA Marble Bar, Western Australia -
IU/MIDW Midway Island, USA -
IU/MSKU Masuku, Gabon -
IU/NWAO Narrogin, Australia -
IU/OTAV Otavalo, Ecuador -
IU/PAB San Pablo, Spain -
IU/PAYG Puerto Ayora, Galapagos Islands -
IU/PET Petropavlovsk, Russia -
IU/PMG Port Moresby, New Guinea -
IU/PMSA Palmer Station, Antarctica -
IU/POHA Pohakuloa, Hawaii, USA -
IU/PTCN Pitcairn Island, South Pacific -
IU/PTGA Pitinga, Brazil -
IU/QSPA South Pole Remote Earth Science Observatory (Quiet Zone) -
IU/RAO Raoul, Kermadec Islands -
IU/RAR Rarotonga, Cook Islands -
IU/RCBR Riachuelo, Brazil -
IU/RSSD Black Hills, South Dakota, USA -
IU/SAML Samuel, Brazil -
IU/SBA Scott Base, Antarctica -
IU/SDV Santo Domingo, Venezuela -
IU/SFJD Sondre Stromfjord, Greenland -
IU/SJG San Juan, Puerto Rico -
IU/SLBS Sierra la Laguna Baja California Sur, Mexico -
IU/SNZO South Karori, New Zealand -
IU/SSPA Standing Stone, Pennsylvania -
IU/TARA Tarawa Island, Republic of Kiribati -
IU/TATO Taipei, Taiwan -
IU/TEIG Tepich, Yucatan, Mexico -
IU/TIXI Tiksi, Russia -
IU/TRIS Tristan da Cunha -
IU/TRQA Tornquist, Argentina -
IU/TSUM Tsumeb, Namibia -
IU/TUC Tucson, Arizona -
IU/ULN Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia -
IU/WAKE Wake Island -
IU/WCI Wyandotte Cave, Indiana, USA -
IU/WVT Waverly, Tennessee, USA -
IU/XMAS Kiritimati Island, Republic of Kiribati -
IU/YAK Yakutsk, Russia -
IU/YSS Yuzhno Sakhalinsk, Russia -
US/AAM Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA -
US/ACSO Alum Creek State Park, Ohio, USA -
US/AGMN Agassiz National Wildlife Refuge, Minnesota, USA -
US/AHID Auburn Hatchery, Idaho, USA -
US/AMTX Amarillo, Texas, USA -
US/BINY Binghamton, New York, USA -
US/BLA Blacksburg, Virginia, USA -
US/BMO Blue Mountains Array (Baker), Oregon, USA -
US/BOZ Bozeman, Montana, USA -
US/BRAL Brewton, Alabama, USA -
US/BW06 Boulder Array Site 6 (Pinedale Array Site 6), Wyoming, USA -
US/CBKS Cedar Bluff, Kansas, USA -
US/CBN Corbin (Fredericksburg Observatory), Virginia, USA -
US/CNNC Cliffs of the Neuse, North Carolina, USA -
US/COWI Conover, Wisconsin, USA -
US/DGMT Dagmar, Montana, USA -
US/DUG Dugway, Tooele County, Utah, USA -
US/ECSD EROS Data Center, Sioux Falls, South Dakota, USA -
US/EGAK Eagle, Central Alaska, Alaska, USA -
US/EGMT Eagleton, Montana, USA -
US/ELK Elko, Nevada, USA -
US/ERPA Erie, Pennsylvania, USA -
US/EYMN Ely, Minnesota, USA -
US/GLMI Grayling, Michigan, USA -
US/GOGA Godfrey, Georgia, USA -
US/HAWA Hanford, Washington, USA -
US/HDIL Hopedale, Illinois, USA -
US/HLID Hailey, Idaho, USA -
US/HWUT Hardware Ranch, Cache County, Utah, USA -
US/ISCO Idaho Springs, Colorado, USA -
US/JCT Junction, Texas, USA -
US/JFWS Jewell Farm, Wisconsin, USA -
US/KSU1 Kansas State University–Konza Prairie, Kansas, USA -
US/KVTX Kingsville, Texas, USA -
US/LAO LASA Array, Montana, USA -
US/LBNH Lisbon, New Hampshire, USA -
US/LKWY Lake (Yellowstone–Lake), Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming -
US/LONY Lake Ozonia, New York, USA -
US/LRAL Lakeview Retreat, Alabama, USA -
US/MCWV Mont Chateau, West Virginia, USA -
US/MIAR Mount Ida, Arkansas, USA -
US/MNTX Cornudas Mountains, Texas, USA -
US/MSO Missoula, Montana, USA -
US/MVCO Mesa Verde, Colorado, USA -
US/NATX Nacogdoches, Texas, USA -
US/NEW Newport, Washington, USA -
US/NHSC New Hope, South Carolina, USA -
US/NLWA Neilton Lookout, Washington, USA -
US/OGNE Ogallala, Nebraska, USA -
US/OXF Oxford, Mississippi, USA -
US/PKME Peaks-Kenny State Park, Maine, USA -
US/RLMT Red Lodge, Montana, USA -
US/SCIA State Center, Iowa, USA -
US/SDCO Great Sand Dunes National Park, Colorado, USA -
US/TPNV Topopah Spring, Nevada, USA -
US/TZTN Tazewell, Tennessee, USA -
US/VBMS Vicksburg, Mississippi -
US/WMOK Wichita Mountains, Oklahoma, USA -
US/WRAK Wrangell Island, Southeastern Alaska, Alaska, USA -
US/WUAZ Wupatki, Arizona, USA -
US/WVOR Wild Horse Valley, Oregon, USA