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“I Know What Love Is…”

I love this famous quote from Forrest Gump, when Jenny is accusing Forrest of not really knowing what Love is and he turns, hands on his hips and says, “I may not be a smart man but I know what Love is.”

I view myself in much the same way.  I no longer fall for the “you must experience hate and fear and dark in order to know love” matrix speak. Wrong.  I know what love is.

I have been having dreams and visions of other-wordly Beings who show up and help out humanity.  Others have as well given the same intel on certain blogs I have been following.  Is any of this True?  Who knows.  I know the dreams and visions I have had feel very real and certainly the objects I have seen in the sky (of which I know some are of earth and others, not) are very real as well. Continue reading ““I Know What Love Is…””

On Karma And Breaking “Contracts”

Over the years, I have come to view karma and contracts as another extension of the control matrix.  While I believe thought creates, as do actions, and for the most part, what we put out to Life comes back to us, the notion that we must learn in order to evolve spiritually is a bunch of bunk.  Let me explain why. Continue reading “On Karma And Breaking “Contracts””

The Arcturians – Awakening Adolescents

Editor’s note: I am sharing this one because of the dream my mate had last night and of the experience I had awakening.  He had a dream we all went on a huge mothership and I awoke saying I went somewhere last night and felt so tired – kinda like partying all night.  Then I read this piece.  Of importance to me are the words I italicized below.  

The Arcturians ~ Awakening Adolescents by Suzanne Lie

By Suzanne Lie, 09/24/2016

Awakening Adolescents

The Arcturians through Suzanne Lie

Dear Arcturians,

What happened last night? I don’t know what it was, but it was much like with the story of the dancing princesses where they went some place, and then were really tired after they have spent their sleep time in a long fourth dimensional adventure.

 Dear Suzille,

What occurred is that there was a celebration on the Ship because there was a reunion of some old Pleiadian friends who had just come back on the Ship after a long assignment on Earth. There were also other Crew Members who just returned from scouting out the Solar System.

Therefore, there was a reunion of different groups that returned to the Ship after their away missions. During our “celebration,” we were all trying to figure out the best place, which is actually the best frequency, to send the Illuminati to. Many of the children born under the Illuminati, at least within the last ten or twelve years, are not taking the brainwashing like the old guard did.

 Theses adolescents are not accepting the brainwashing because they have been having interdimensional experiences with beings of light and love. Therefore, they are not as easily brainwashed as their parents and grandparents were. They can see and feel the new energy fields even though their keepers and/or parents still live in the old negative, energy fields.

 These awakening adolescents of the Illuminati can feel the love outside of and beyond the negative energy fields that their families have generated. Since they did not feel love from their Illuminati parents, who were often cold, distant, angry, and usually a bit drunk, they are highly attracted to the energy fields of Unconditional Love.

 Hence, they are less frightened by the old school Illuminati who can not believe that there is any chance for redemption, nor would they accept it if it were offered. On the other hand, the adolescents of that generation, who are coming close to adulthood themselves, did not accept the indoctrination like their parents did.

 This generation of Illuminati children is just as prone to clairaudience, clairvoyance, and clairsentience as the non-Illuminati children. Their parents tried to tell them that the waves of light that they perceive are just illusions, shadows against the wall. But who ever heard of “light shadows?”

 We Galactics have been keeping an eye on this new generation of the Illuminati, and have found that they are quite different. For one thing, they have maintained their fifth dimensional imagination. It is for that reason that they can perceive the Light Beings that are calling them to break the family pattern and look toward the light.

 Some of these Illuminati children and teens still scoff at this “illusion of light.” But others are discovering that when they are very quiet and patient they can speak with these beings of light. These teens even understand that these beings do not speak in the same manner as you would speak with a human.

 They understand that when this “light” flutters and moves around the room that they are communicating in a higher dimensional fashion. Therefore, they do not accept the excuse that it is just “light shining into the room.”

In fact, this light is shining into the children, the teens, and the young adults of the Illuminati. Their parents are quite upset, but secretly some of the awakening members of the Illuminate are proud that their children can refuse the programming that they were not able to release.

 There are now many humans, especially in the United States, who have fallen into the illusions and the indoctrination around money. How can they get money? How can they spend money? How can they buy something with money? How much power will they have with more money?

Many humans are still hypnotized by these concepts of money. However, there’s a large group of awakened teens that are ready to see what was and is behind the curtain of fear of their parents’ generations. By releasing that “curtain of fear,” the higher frequencies of light have been flowing into the opened minds of the generation that are now teenagers.

 Thus, those of this generation are “pioneers”, and are ready to release the old reality of believing what their third dimensional senses reveal, in order to move into a new world of perceiving and believing what they experience via their higher states of consciousness.

 The children, teens, and young adults around the era of 2016 are more open to the concept of Starships, other inhabited worlds, and multiple dimensions than any generation in a very long “time.”

 These adolescents are able to experience the higher frequencies of light as it enters their body. Furthermore, because the teens of the Illuminati, as well as all adolescents, have shunned the brainwashing of third dimensional life and media and can more consciously decide to work toward ascension.

Because more and more the members of the generation that is now teenagers, are able to accept an interdimensional experience as “real,” their consciousness is greatly expanding. Hence, they are increasingly able to consciously experience more and more interdimensional experiences.

 As this experience expands their awareness, it allows their interdimensional experiences to become normal. What is occurring with the teens is also being experienced, consciously or subliminally, by all ages.

 As each of the “you” of all ages, allow your interdimensional experiences to become “normal,” your consciousness expands enough to fully accept, believe, and follow the guidance of your own higher dimensional perceptions. These “higher dimensional perceptions” become “interdimensional perceptions” when YOU accept them as REAL.

 When you document these perceptions and communicate with the Higher YOU that is sending them, the “interdimensional perceptions” become “interdimensional communications.”

 As you completely accept your experiences, you will be able to more easily explain to others how they, too, can “accept their higher perceptions.” These higher perceptions of reality also include how your Lightbody SELF can visit these higher worlds on a regular basis.

 As you accept these higher dimensional perceptions, messages and beings, you will progressively realize that this “Higher Being” is actually YOU. That higher frequency of your SELF is asking you to join with it, and is asking you to invite it into your home, into your meditations, into your car and into your mundane life.

 Therefore, we remind you to allow this frequency of you that appears to be ‘just light’ to shine it’s way into your core. This light can appear as a huge Angel, a very human looking member of a Starship, a Master, as well as any perception that you might have.

This “higher light” can appear as a flash of a huge being or a small dot that seems to follow you everywhere you go. As you enter deeper and deeper into the fifth dimension, you will begin to consciously perceive the fifth dimensional energy fields that are:

·      calling you,

·      educating you,

·      guiding you

·      and, most of all, unconditionally loving you all over, under, around and through.

Therefore, set your consciousness to, “I am ready to perceive and OWN my own higher expression of self in my third-dimensional, daily life.” It is the daily recognition, perceiving, and owning of your Higher Expressions of SELF that will assist you to:


Blessings to you all, The Arcturians

Sourced from:

Depression: It’s Not All In Your Head

Editor’s note:  While I find this piece interesting and it certainly provides useful information, speaking for myself, I believe the primary cause of most if not all mental suffering is due to the constructs of our society.  Either eliminate money or provide a universal basic income so that people will no longer have to concern themselves with how they will feed/house/clothe/educate themselves and their families.  Release free energy devices to the public.  Release healing techniques that actually WORK and do not create a host of unnecessary side effects.  Remove the 40 hour work-for-someone-else-and-make-them-rich bullshit and instead, have a system where people are free to share their gifts with their communities.  Have educational/religious/cultural centers that actually support the well-being of the human mind/body/soul/spirit.  Create small communities again.  Slow down.  Meditate.  Remember who we really are.  Live to play and create and connect with others.  These are the things that will eliminate depression and the like – over and above diet.  

Kelly Brogan, M.D., Green Med Info
Waking Times

No, it’s not “all in your head.” Depression and all of its relatives are manifestations of glitches in the immune system and inflammatory pathways—not a neurochemical deficiency disorder.

Psychiatry: A Very Special Specialty

Psychiatry, unlike other fields of medicine, is based on a highly subjective diagnostic system. Essentially you sit in the office with a physician, and you are labeled based on the doctor’s opinion of the symptoms you describe. There are no tests. You can’t pee in a cup or give a drop of blood to be analyzed for a substance that definitely indicates “you have depression” much in the way a blood test can tell you that you have diabetes or are anemic.

Psychiatry is infamous for saying “oops!” It has a long history of abusing patients with pseudoscience-driven treatments and has been sullied by its shameful lack of diagnostic rigor. Consider, for example, the 1949 Nobel Prize winner Egas Moniz, a Portuguese neurologist who introduced invasive surgical techniques to treat people with schizophrenia by cutting connections between their prefrontal region and other parts of the brain (i.e., the prefrontal lobotomy). And then we had the Rosenhan experiment in the 1970s, which exposed how difficult it is for a doctor to distinguish between an “insane patient” and a sane patient acting insane. Today’s prescription pads for psychotropic drugs are, in my belief, just as harmful and misguided as physically destroying critical brain tissue or labeling people as “psychiatric” when really they are anything but.

Is It All In Your Head?

My fellowship training was in consultation-liaison psychiatry, or “psychosomatic medicine.” I was drawn to this specialization because it seemed to be the only one that acknowledged physical processes and pathologies that could manifest behaviorally. I noticed that psychiatrists in this field appreciated the role of biological actions such asinflammation and the stress response. When I watched fellow psychiatrists consult on surgical patients in the hospital, they took these brain-body connections much more seriously than they did in their Park Avenue offices. They talked about delirium brought on by electrolyte imbalance, symptoms of dementia caused by B12 deficiency, and the onset of psychosis in someone who was recently prescribed anti-nausea medication. These root causes of mental challenges are far from the “it’s all in your head” banter that typically swirls around conversations about mental illness.

The term psychosomatic is a loaded and stigmatized term that implies “it’s all in your head.” Psychiatry remains the wastebasket for the shortcomings of conventional medicine in terms of diagnosing and treating. If doctors can’t explain your symptoms, or if the treatment doesn’t fix the problem and further testing doesn’t identify a concrete diagnosis, you’ll probably be referred to a psychiatrist or, more likely, be handed a prescription for an antidepressant by your family doctor. If you are very persistent that you still need real help, your doctor might throw an antipsychotic at you as well. Most prescriptions forantidepressants are doled out by family doctors—not psychiatrists, with 7 percent of all visits to a primary care doctor ending with an antidepressant prescription. And almost three-quarters of the prescriptions are written without a specific diagnosis. What’s more, when the Department of Mental Health at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health did its own examination into the prevalence of mental disorders, it found that “Many individuals who are prescribed and use antidepressant medications may not have met criteria for mental disorders. Our data indicate that antidepressants are commonly used in the absence of clear evidence-based indications.”

So we have overprescribing, but we also have some very sick women struggling in ways that are dismissed as “psychiatric”. In 2014 Scottish researchers addressed the gap between what the science says about the causes of depression and what patients experience when they find themselves caught in the default web of psychiatric care. In their paper they highlight the value of what I practice: psychoneuroimmunology. Indeed, it’s a mouthful of a word, but it simply refers to examining (and respecting) the complex interplay between various systems and organs of the body, especially those that syncopate the nervous, gastrointestinal, and immune systems in a brilliant dance that in turn affects mental well-being. These researchers point out that many patients who are told they have psychiatric conditions originating in their head or related to some (fictitious) brain chemical deficiency actually share real biological imbalances related to their immune-inflammatory pathways. These patients show elevated levels of inflammatory markers in their blood, signs that their body is on the defensive, activating processes that can result in unexplainable physical symptoms and that are diagnosed as psychiatric rather than biologic. And rather than treating the underlying biology, they are instead relegated to a lifetime of therapy and medication, to no avail.

Brain Body Connection

The idea that depression and all of its relatives are manifestations of glitches in the immune system and inflammatory pathways—not a neurochemical deficiency disorder—is a topic I explore at length throughout my book, A Mind of Your Own. This fact is not as new as you might think, but it’s probably not something your general doctor or even psychiatrist will talk about when you complain of symptoms and are hurried out of the office with a prescription for an antidepressant.

A multitude of studies now show an undeniable link between gut dysfunction and the brain, chiefly by revealing the relationship between the volume of inflammatory markers in the blood and risk for depression. Higher levels of inflammatory markers, which often indicate that the body’s immune system is on high alert, significantly increase the risk of developing depression. And these levels parallel the depth of the depression: higher levels equates with more severe depression. Which ultimately means that depression should join the ranks of other inflammatory disorders including heart disease, arthritis, multiple sclerosis, diabetes, cancer, and dementia. And it’s no surprise, at least to me, that depression is far more common in people with other inflammatory and autoimmune issues like irritable bowel syndrome, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, insulin resistance, and obesity. All of these conditions are characterized by higher levels of inflammation.

To really grasp the fact that depression is not a disorder primarily rooted in the brain, look no further than some of the most demonstrative studies. When scientists purposefully trigger inflammation in the bodies of healthy people who exhibit no signs of depression by injecting them with a substance, they quickly develop classic symptoms of depression. And when people with hepatitis C are treated with the pro-inflammatory drug interferon, as many as 45 percent of those individuals develop major depression.

Depression: It’s a Lifestyle-Body Mismatch

So when people ask me about why we’re suffering from what appears to be an epidemic of depression despite the number of people taking antidepressants, I don’t think about brain chemistry. I turn to the impact of our sedentary lifestyles, processed food diets, and unrelenting stress. I turn to the medical literature that says a typical Western diet—high in refined carbs, unnatural fats, and foods that create chaos in our blood sugar balance—contribute to higher levels of inflammation. Contrary to what you might assume, one of the most influential risk factors for depression is unstable sugar. Most people view diabetes and depression as two distinct disorders, but new scientific findings are rewriting the textbooks. One game-changing study published in 2010 that followed more than 65,000 women over a decade showed that women with diabetes were nearly 30 percent more likely to develop depression. This heightened risk remained even after the researchers excluded other risk factors such as lack of physical exercise and weight.

Personalized lifestyle medicine that accounts for the role of the environment in triggering inflammation and the manipulation of the immune and endocrine systems is the most sensible way to approach those individuals who would otherwise be candidates for multiple medications. It turns out that it may not all be in your head—but rather in the interconnectedness among the gut, immune, and endocrine systems.

It’s time we rewrite the textbooks. And it’s time we treat depression for what it really is.

About the Author

Dr. Brogan is boarded in Psychiatry/Psychosomatic Medicine/Reproductive Psychiatry and Integrative Holistic Medicine, and practices Functional Medicine, a root-cause approach to illness as a manifestation of multiple-interrelated systems. After studying Cognitive Neuroscience at M.I.T., and receiving her M.D. from Cornell University, she completed her residency and fellowship at Bellevue/NYU. She is one of the nation’s only physicians with perinatal psychiatric training who takes a holistic evidence-based approach in the care of patients with a focus on environmental medicine and nutrition. She is also a mom of two, and an active supporter of women’s birth experience. She is the Medical Director for Fearless Parent, and an advisory board member for Visit her website.

Sourced from:

Research Proves Raw Milk Prevents Infections And Boosts Immunity

Alex Pietrowski, Staff Writer
Waking Times

In 1948 Michigan became the first state to require all milk sold to consumers to first be pasteurized, thus beginning the war on raw milk. The national effort to prevent people from obtaining raw milk has become so absurd that state and local governments around the country are willing to sick S.W.A.T teams on U.S. citizens to protect us from the potential harm in consuming raw milk which has been a dietary staple for generations.

The ostensible premise for such militant enforcement of food law is of course public safety, as authorities say that certain manufacturing processes do not prevent the bacterial contamination of milk, and the government now claims that raw milk is too dangerous for human consumption even though it is entirely possible to produce it without contaminating it.

Advocates of the consumption and free sale of raw milk describe pasteurization as a process that destroys the real nutritional benefits of milk in an effort to prevent the risk of contamination.

“In response to the public’s concerns, regulators and hygienists improved the practices of caring for and milking cows as well as how milk was distributed to consumers (Gould et al. 2014; Leedom 2006). At a similar time, a heat-treatment process that could kill microbes, known today as pasteurization, was introduced to further ensure milk safety. Pasteurization requires heating milk to a specific temperature for a minimum period of time, and then quickly cooling it back down to refrigeration temperatures (4°C).” [Source]

Yet, the damage done to raw milk by the pasteurization process, as described below, is widely known to destroy most if not all of the nutritional benefits of milk.

“Pasteurization destroys enzymes, diminishes vitamin content, denatures fragile milk proteins, destroys vitamins C, B12 and B6, kills beneficial bacteria, promotes pathogens and is associated with allergies, increased tooth decay, colic in infants, growth problems in children, osteoporosis, arthritis, heart disease and cancer. Calves fed pasteurized milk do poorly and many die before maturity.” [Source]

In 2014, an important research study into the benefits of raw milk, conducted by The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology looked at a group of pregnant women in rural Europe to determine what benefits the consumption of raw milk had on infants and young children. The findings of the investigation concluded that raw milk is an important nutritional food that can dramatically impact early immunity, especially in regards to the prevention of respiratory illnesses which are quite common in infants today.

“Early life consumption of raw cow’s milk reduced the risk of manifest respiratory infections and fever by about 30%. If the health hazards of raw milk could be overcome, the public health impact of minimally processed but pathogen-free milk might be enormous, given the high prevalence of respiratory infections in the first year of life and the associated direct and indirect costs.” [Source]

“The main finding of this analysis was an inverse association between consumption of unprocessed cow’s milk and rhinitis [cold or runny nose], RTI [respiratory tract infections], and otitis [ear infection],” wrote the authors. “The effect was strongest when cow’s milk was consumedraw; boiled farm milk exhibited an attenuated effect.” [Source]

The consumption of raw milk actually helps infants build immunity to certain infections and diseases, even though the U.S. government claims that it has no nutritional benefit whatsoever.

“According to the research, raw milk works a lot like breast milk in providing protective, anti-infective health benefits to children. Compared to highly processed commercial milk, raw milk was found to help lower C-reactive protein levels, which are directly associated with inflammation. Raw milk, in other words, works against inflammation, while processed milk may help promote it due to its altered proteins.” [Source]

Raw milk is still widely consumed in the U.S. in spite of government efforts to prevent access to this natural food, and in spite of evidence demonstrating the positive benefits of raw milk consumption on childhood immunity.

“In America, 80 percent of the Amish studied by Dr. [Mark] Holbreich consume raw milk. In a study published earlier this year, Dr. [Bianca] Schaub’s group showed that European children who consumed farm milk had more of those regulatory T-cells, irrespective of whether they lived on farms. The higher the quantity of those cells, the less likely these children were to be given diagnoses of asthma.” [Source]

In addition to helping to prevent respiratory illness, raw milk also aids in the prevention of allergic diseases, as noted by Moises Velasquez-Manoff in a piece for The New York Times on possible cures for the allergy epidemic.

“In Europe, the consumption of unpasteurized milk has repeatedly correlated with protection against allergic disease.” [Source]

Final Thoughts

Aiming a gun at someone, kicking down their door and destroying homes, farms, and uneaten food in the name of safety is an affront to public safety in its own right. In light of the fact that we have credible scientific research backing up the notion that raw is not only not as dangerous as they’d like us to believe, but that it is actually good for you, it begs the question of why the government would treat is as such a dangerous controlled substance.

Take a look at the following video of the 2011 police raids against Rawesome Foods in California where armed police raided a raw foods outlet, destroyed high quality food and arrested the owner, James Stewart.

About the Author

Alex Pietrowski is an artist and writer concerned with preserving good health and the basic freedom to enjoy a healthy lifestyle. He is a staff writer for and Offgrid Outpost, a provider of storable food and emergency kits. Alex is an avid student of Yoga and life.

Sourced from:

Our Right To Informed Consent Being Usurped – Will You Resist?

zika-resistBy Alex Pietrowski

Through case-law, as well as by the 4th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, it is well established as a legal precedent in the United States that an individual has the right to informed consent of any invasive medical procedure.

No right is more sacred, or is more carefully guarded by the common law, than the right of every individual to the possession and control of his own person, free from all restraint or interference of others, unless by clear and unquestionable authority of law…To compel any one, and especially a woman, to lay bare the body, or to submit it to the touch of a stranger, without lawful authority, is an indignity, an assault, and a trespass…  ~Union Pacific Railway Co. v. Botsford (1891)

Mandating an invasive procedure in order to give informed consent is not a proper role for the state. No person should be directed to undergo an invasive procedure by the state, without their consent, as a precondition to another medical procedure. ~Virginia Governor Robert McDonnell (2012)

This is quite common sensical, yet now we find a pressing need to extend this to include the right to not be poisoned without our consent, as state and corporate powers are granting themselves the authority to spray people with dangerous and toxic chemical insecticides… for public health, of course.

Fighting Aerial Spraying of Toxic Zika Insecticide Naled

Florida residents have begun to fight back against the aerial spraying of the insecticide Naled which is being used to control the spread of the Zika virus by killing adult and young mosquitoes in targeted areas. Organized and organic resistance is growing, as many people are voicing objections to having their persons, families, homes, pets, and surrounding areas sprayed without consent.

“If you’re going to spray, we should have a say,” chanted protesters during a heated meeting atMiami Beach City Hall recently. This is the information age, and as one protestor pointed out it doesn’t take a genius to look up the health risks of Naled.

Naled is moderately to highly toxic by ingestion, inhalation and dermal adsorption. Vapors or fumes of naled are corrosive to the mucous membranes lining the mouth, throat and lungs, and inhalation may cause severe irritation. A sensation of tightness in the chest and coughing are commonly experienced after inhalation. As with all organophosphates, naled is readily absorbed through the skin. Skin which has come in contact with this material should be washed immediately with soap and water and all contaminated clothing should be removed. Persons with respiratory ailments, recent exposure to cholinesterase inhibitors, impaired cholinesterase production, or with liver malfunction may be at increased risk from exposure to naled. High environmental temperatures or exposure of naled to visible or UV light may enhance its toxicity. [Source]

The EPA ad the CDC maintain that when used in proper dosages and applied at the proper times in the proper manner it does not pose a risk to humans or household pets, which is in itself debatable; however, residents are not only speaking on behalf of themselves, but also for other insects, plants, wildlife and waterways that are being treated as well.

Spraying Airline Passengers Without Consent or the Right to Decline

Another startling example of this is practice of spraying airline passengers with toxic pesticides during flight. A toxic insecticide, d-phenothrin is commonly used on airlines to prevent the spread of insects from one region to another, and is often directly sprayed on passengers. It is toxic, according to this fact sheet:

‘d-phenothrin is low in toxicity when eaten, breathed in, or applied to skin or eyes. When d-phenothrin gets on the skin, it can cause skin sensations like tingling, itching, burning, or numbness at that spot. These sensations usually go away within 48 hours. d-Phenothrin can also be mildly irritating to skin and eyes. Reported symptoms from eating or breathing in d-phenothrin are rare, but can include nausea, vomiting, throat irritation, headaches, and dizziness.’ [Source]


This practice is done ostensibly to protect public health, yet spraying people with a low-level toxic poison entirely contradicts this, and world bureaucrats see this as permissible.

This process is being referred to as “disinsection,” a word that seems to have been made up by the TSA or airline industry. Disinsection, or the spraying of an insecticide or pesticides on planes, is now permitted under international law. The Department of Transportation says that the supposed intent is to protect public health, crops and agriculture, and the environment. [Source]

The following video was posted on YouTube with a description of events:

This is on a China Eastern flight from Shanghai to Sydney. The hostesses sprayed this all through the cabins about 30 minutes before landing. I was told to stop filming.

I personally don’t think being subject to a pesticide spray while I am stuck in a pressurized cabin is protecting my health; it’s just the opposite—it’s an assault. What happens to people with asthma or someone like me who suffers from an auto immune condition and is uber sensitive to chemicals? [Source]

Surprisingly, very few people are willing to directly confront things like this as they’re happening; however, not everyone has become a sheeple. Here is a thought-provoking video from a woman who was on a flight to Australia when she vocally objected to the practice. She says she looked to other passengers for support, but not a single person would voice concern along with her. When the plane landed she was escorted off the plane by six police officers.

Final Thoughts – Playground Bully Logic

Americans, and people all over the world, are being pressed evermore by big government and corporate authoritarians to forfeit personal sovereignty under the weight of authoritarian decree and the guise of ‘public health.’

It’s playground bully logic, really. If you want something from someone and you’re bigger than them, just take it, as there’s a one in a thousand chance that the underdog will object, let alone fight back.The flip-side of this logic, however, is that when even the smallest and seemingly weakest stand up to bullying, bullies nearly always shirk away in defeat. Will you resist this latest assault on your rights?

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized. ~Amendment IV to the U.S. Constitution

Read more articles from Alex Pietrowski.

Alex Pietrowski is an artist and writer concerned with preserving good health and the basic freedom to enjoy a healthy lifestyle. He is a staff writer for and Offgrid Outpost, a provider ofstorable food and emergency kits. Alex is an avid student of Yoga and life.

Sourced from:

Virginia Woman Feeds 150 Hungry People For $20

Editor’s note: As this article states, this is proof we do not need government to fix our most important issues.  Left to ourselves, without force and intrusion, we can accomplish great things.  

By Daisy Luther

You know what I find absolutely beautiful?

When a person takes over something that is usually left to be done by the government, does it a thousand times more efficiently, and does it with a true sense of compassion.

One of the major arguments that people have against less taxation and smaller government is that there will be no one to help the poor. If you don’t want to see a huge percentage of your money extorted from your paycheck and funneled into expensive government programs, then you’re accused of “hating poor people”  or being a racist.

But think about it: it’s human nature to resent being forced to do something like “give” your hard-earned money to the government so that they can dole it out to others. However, when force is not involved, then true compassion and generosity can shine through, and I believe it would do so far more often.

If charity is dying, it’s because the federal government is killing it. It’s because nonprofit organizations take our donations and pay their CEOs and directors enormous salaries. (The director of the Boys & Girls Clubs of America earns $1.8 million, the president of United Way Worldwide earns $1.2 million, and the CEO of Goodwill earns $850,000. source)  Don’t even get me started on fake charities like the Clinton Foundation, which are just a way for rich folks get donations and shift around money that they don’t want to pay taxes on.

We can do so much better than that.

Never depend upon institutions or government to solve any problem. All social movements are founded by, guided by, motivated and seen through by the passion of individuals.  ~ Margaret Mead

True charity is voluntary.

A common question asked of those of us who object to taxation and big government is, “Who will feed the poor?”

Here’s one answer: People like Lauren Puryear.

The 29-year-old Woodbridge, Virginia resident and founder of For the Love of Others, a community group that helps individuals in need, has set an impressive goal.

She’d like to feed 30,000 people by her 30th birthday.

Puryear, who is a mental health clinician, began helping to feed the hungry several years ago. She founded For the Love of Others in 2012 after her grandmother passed away.

“She just always had a really big heart, and taught us growing up to take care of other people, and love other people,” said Puryear of her grandmother.

And, she has found a clever way to make her goal a reality: Couponing.

Puryear began feeding those in need by conventional methods, but using coupons is helping her assist not just hundreds, but thousands of people, as she told What’s Up Woodbridge:

At first I just started off by doing Thanksgiving baskets for needy families, and Christmas wish lists for children. Then as years progressed, God laid other missions on my heart – one, feeding the homeless…I would just buy things in bulk from Costco and BJ’s. But then I was introduced to couponing, and once I learned how to coupon, and once I saw what I was able to buy for little to no money, I said ‘Oh my goodness, this is like going to be my ticket to really, really help people.’

Depending on the items, Puryear said she can feed as many as 150 people on just $20:

There are coupons in the Sunday paper, or online that you can print … so I collect as many as I can, match them to the store and that is how I am able to get the items for free.

Puryear has delivered 5,000 meals so far, and is confident she will reach her goal next year.

She told that “The joy of helping other people does not compare to any other accomplishment in my life,” and she is teaching her 5-year-old son to help others too.

It is very important to teach him to help other people. The little things we take for granted, the food we throw away every day…and if we just spread a little more love around, the world would be such a better place.

I could not agree more.

When the government gets involved, though, millions of dollars go to waste. Tax dollars go to pay high overhead expenses, nice offices, salaries, and other administrative costs. At the same time, they often squash the efforts of ordinary people who want to help, by citing public safety, food regulations, and anything else they can come up with to hide from us the fact that they’re obsolete. In 70 American cities, it is actually illegal to feed the homeless – kindness can get you arrested.

Lauren Puryear is a perfect example of what we can do voluntarily. She isn’t waiting around for the government to fix the problem. She is efficiently helping others because she is kind, generous, and intelligent.

If you’d like to make a donation to help Lauren Puryear feed the hungry, you can go here.

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