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Declassified Documents on UFO’s Released By FBI

Editor’s note:  Pretty interesting – part of this “soft” disclosure I speak of. Here is a section of page 22 which I have typed up (I am unable to copy and paste as it is a PDF file).  This is dated July 8, 1947 out of San Diego, CA.  I will provide the link to the original source and all its 69 pages at the bottom.  

  1. Part of their discs carry crews, other are under remote control.
  2. Their mission is peaceful.  The visitors contemplate settling on this plane.
  3. The visitors are human-like but much larger in size.
  4. They are not excarnate earth people, but come from their own world.
  5. They do NOT come from any “planet” as we use the word, but from an etheric planet which interpenetrates with our own and is not perceptible to us.
  6. The bodies of the visitors, and the craft also, automatically “materialize on entering the vibratory rate of our dense matter”.
  7. The discs possess a type of radiant energy, or ray, which will immediately disintegrate any attacking ship.  They reenter the etheric at will, and so simply disappear from our vision, without trace.
  8. The region from which they come is NOT the “astral plane”, but corresponds to the Lokas or Talas.  Students of esoteric matters will understand these terms.
  9. They probably cannot be reached by radio, but probably can be by radar, if a signal system can be devised for that apparatus.

Here is a link to the entire document:

Tachyon Energy and How It Works With The Body

Editor’s note:  I recently began taking tachyonized water and will report any results.  

First, the science.

All matter, from this page, to the human heart, to the cosmos and beyond, is made of energy and is part of an “Energetic Continuum”, a term used to describe the flow of energies as they move down from ‘THE SOURCE’. This ‘stepping down’ process creates the third dimensional world in which we live.

Formless Zero-Point Energy, (in Quantum Physics), is considered to be the starting point of the energetic continuum, and the first formed energy to emerge from it is called Tachyon. Named after the Greek word meaning swift, the word Tachyon, like the word electricity, merely describes a type of energy. But it is to Tachyon Energy, and its qualities and uses as a balancing tool for the human form, that I now direct your attention. What makes these Tachyon particles so special? Well, just like Zero-Point Energy, they move faster than the speed of light, are everywhere at the same time, have no frequency, spin, or gravitation, are the source of all energies, and contain the perfect potential of the entire universe within themselves,but remember, now they have form.

How Tachyon Energy Works with the Body

By interacting with what is called a ‘Subtle Organizing Energy Field’ (SOEF). This term, coined by Dr. Gabriel Cousens MD, in his book ‘Spiritual Nutrition and The Rainbow Diet’, describes an energetic theory of nutrition which states that our physical bodies are templated on SOEF’s (subtle organizing energy fields). When balanced, organized and functioning at its peak, the body is in a state known as negative entropy or ‘youthing; disorganized, it slips into a state of chaos known as positive entropy; the most radical example being the production of cancer cells. If a SOEF is blocked or depleted, the flow of life force energy through the Energetic Continuum becomes deficient. But SOEF’s can be energized. Our body naturally does this through the chakra system, oxygen, sunlight, water and food. However,when those sources are themselves deplete of Tachyon Energy, this can negatively impact our lives and may show up as symptoms such as pain, fatigue, and dis-ease.

So how can we get more of this Tachyon Energy if we want to function at optimal levels? The answer may be found in new advancements in technology that have allowed for the creation of “antennae’ that attract and focus Tachyon Energy. These ‘antennae’, when applied directly to the body, ‘feed’ the SOEF’s, giving the body the tools and energy necessary to heal itself, and do it in a self regulating fashion.

That’s right, you see the SOEF’s use only that amount of Tachyon Energy necessary to re-balance unorganized areas of the body, eliminating the need to monitor dosage requirements.

Some of the Things You Might Experience

Physically, you may experience an increase in stamina and energy; emotionally, a return to that feeling of unconditional love; mentally, you could experience increased wisdom or clarity of thought; and spiritually feel more in tune with ‘THE SOURCE’. To that list add natural detoxification,increased vitamin & mineral absorption, enhanced meditation, increased brain function, a decrease in general pain symptoms and an increased sense of well being.

In a recent independent research study by Norman McVea, Ph.D., Dir. Oxygen Research Institute, Mill Valley CA , Tachyon ‘antennae’ were found to be of tremendous value as tools for stress reduction, meditation, creative visualization, consciousness expansion, rejuvenation, and psychic exploration. Now you can see why countless lay people and health care professionals in over ninety-three countries choose to use Tachyon Energy for the betterment of themselves, their families, friends, clients and pets.

Tachyon Energy stands on its own as an exceptional balancing and energizing tool, or it can be used in conjunction with nearly all other healing modalities for its enhancing ability.

About this Contributor:Robert Ziegler, a Certified Tachyon Practitioner, and Member in good standing with the Tachyon Institute for Spirituality and Science, Santa Rosa, CA, is located in Central Florida. His practice is devoted to bringing balance to the mind, body and spirit complex through the utilization of Tachyon Energy.

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FBI Director Says To Cover Webcam

Editor’s note:  Got duct tape on mine.  

FBI Director Says He Covers His Webcam — And That You Should Too

webcamBy Josie Wales

FBI Director James Comey spoke at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington earlier this week to discuss the importance of cybersecurity. During the discussion, Assistant Attorney General John Carlin asked Comey if he still had his webcam covered with tape, a question referencing previous statements by the director. Comey replied, “Heck yeah, oh, heck yeah.” He continued to encourage the public to do the same thing:

I get mocked for a lot of things, and I am much mocked for that, but I hope people lock their cars. Lock your doors at night. I have an alarm system — if you have an alarm system, you should use it. I use mine. It’s not crazy that the FBI director cares about personal security as well, and so I think people ought to take responsibility for their own safety and security. There are some sensible things you ought to be doing, and that’s one of them. If you go into any government office, we all have our little camera things that sit on top of the screen, they all have a little lid that closes down on them. You do that so people who don’t have authority don’t look at you. I think that’s a good thing.

This isn’t the first time the FBI Director has mentioned his homemade security measures. During a Q&A after a speech on encryption and privacy at Kenyon College earlier this year, during which he claimed “absolute privacy hampers law enforcement,” he also admitted to wanting his own privacy.

I saw something in the news, so I copied it. I put a piece of tape — I have obviously a laptop, personal laptop — I put a piece of tape over the camera. Because I saw somebody smarter than I am had a piece of tape over their camera.

In the same breath, he also told the audience:

[The public should] demand to know how the government conducts surveillance. Demand to know how they’re overseen, how they’re constrained. Demand to know how these devices work.

While that may seem open and honest, the message being sent by the U.S. government completely contradicts such a sentiment.

Whistleblower Edward Snowden provided some insight when he revealed the expansive and unaccountable systems of modern global surveillance used by the NSA and its international intelligence partners to spy on American citizens and others. He is now hiding in Russia to avoid extradition to the U.S. after being charged under the 1917 Espionage Act.

So, according to FBI Director Comey, it’s okay to ask if the government is spying on you — but the answer is classified.

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My Predictions

I usually keep my predictions to myself or share only with a very small number of people.  I have had my share of ridicule and downright condemnation throughout the years because of my ideas/feelings/knowings.  However, some of my predictions and feelings are so strong right now, the need to share has gotten to the point where I awoke this morning with this sense of quiet urgency: it is time to go global with my thoughts on what I feel is happening and where we are headed and what is to come. Continue reading “My Predictions”

Largest-Ever GMO Crops Study Shows Massive Environmental Damage in US

Editor’s note: GMO’s and GMO crops/farming are bad news, period.  I remember first hearing about Montsanto on a PBS radio show about 20 years ago and intuitively, I felt bad vibes and knew there was also some dark agenda behind this movement, which I believe is population control and reduction.  We need to return to the ways of our elders and grandparents – organic farming.  That way we are ensured we eat, you know, REAL FOOD.  

According to new research from University of Virginia in the U.S., widespread adoption of genetically modified (GM) crops has decreased the use of insecticides, but increased the use of weed-killing herbicides as weeds become more resistant, leading to serious environmental damage.


Economist Federico Ciliberto led the largest study of genetically modified crops and pesticide use to date, alongside Edward D. Perry of Kansas State University, David A. Hennessy of Michigan State University and GianCarlo Moschini of Iowa State University. The four economists studied annual data from more than 5,000 soybean and 5,000 maize farmers in the U.S. from 1998 to 2011, far exceeding previous studies that have been limited to one or two years of data.

Herbicide Use / Environmental Impact (EIQ)


“The fact that we have 14 years of farm-level data from farmers all over the U.S. makes this study very special,” Ciliberto said. “We have repeated observations of the same farmers and can see when they adopted genetically modified seeds and how that changed their use of chemicals.”

Since 2008, genetically engineered crops have accounted for more than 80 percent of maize and soybean crops planted in the U.S. Maize seeds are modified with two genes: one kills insects that eat the seed and one allows the seed to tolerate glyphosate, a herbicide commonly used in weed killers like Roundup. Soybeans are modified with just one glyphosate-resistant gene.

Unsurprisingly, maize farmers who used the insect-resistant seeds used significantly less insecticide – about 11.2 percent less – than farmers who did not use genetically modified maize. The maize farmers also used 1.3 percent less herbicide over the 13-year period.

Soybean crops, on the other hand, saw a significant increase in herbicide use, with adopters of genetically modified crops using 28 percent more herbicides than non-adopters.

Ciliberto attributes this increase to the proliferation of glyphosate-resistant weeds.

Commentators and other peer-reviewed studies have even stated that the rise in pesticide use on GM crops has gone up much further since the 1998-2011 data that was reviewed in this new University of Virginia study. The period from 2011-2016 is when glyphosate-resistant weeds have become a major economic problem for U.S. farmers based on the increase of use and thus money spent on pesticides cutting in to their bottom line.


1o Things You Need to Know about Glyphosate

5 Things You Need to Know about Glyphosate Testing

Glyphosate in Numbers

“In the beginning, there was a reduction in herbicide use, but over time the use of chemicals increased because farmers were having to add new chemicals as weeds developed a resistance to glyphosate,” Ciliberto said.

Maize farmers, he said, have not yet had to address the same level of resistance, in part because they did not adopt genetically modified crops as quickly as their counterparts in the soy industry. However, the study did find evidence that both maize and soybean farmers increased herbicide use during the last five years of the study, indicating that weed resistance is a growing problem for both groups.

From 2006 to 2011, the percentage of hectares sprayed with only glyphosate shrunk from more than 70 percent to 41 percent for soybean farmers and from more than 40 percent to 19 percent for maize farmers. The decrease resulted from farmers having to resort to combining glyphosate herbicides with other chemicals as glyphosate-resistant weeds became more common.

“Evidence suggests that weeds are becoming more resistant and farmers are having to use additional chemicals, and more of them,” Ciliberto said.

Insects do not appear to have developed a similar resistance, in part because federal regulations require farmers to have a “safe haven” in their fields that is free of genetically modified crops. Insects and worms in those safe havens have no need to develop resistance, and because they interact and breed with insects in other parts of the field, they help prevent the development of resistant genes.

Despite the decrease in insecticide use, continued growth in herbicide use poses a significant environmental problem as large doses of the chemicals can harm biodiversity and increase water and air pollution.

Ciliberto and his colleagues measured the overall environmental impact of the changes in chemical use that have resulted from the adoption of genetically modified crops, using a measure called the environmental impact quotient, or EIQ, to account for chemicals’ impact on farmworkers, consumers and the environment. Comparing adopters to non-adopters, they found little change in the impact on farmworkers and consumers. However, the adoption of genetically modified soybeans correlated with a massive negative impact on the environment as increased herbicide use also increased contamination of local ecosystems.

Further investigation of the environmental impact quotient (EIQ) finding is now being called for by independent scientists in the U.S. and Europe using the even more accurate Pesticide Risk Tool (PRiME).

Overall, Ciliberto said he was surprised by the extent to which herbicide use had increased and concerned about the potential environmental impact.

“I did not expect to see such a strong pattern,” he concluded.

 Sourced from:

Planetary Shift Timeline

Planetary Shift Timeline

Planetary Shift Timeline


by Romeo Baron,

The Fall Equinox 2016 will allow another huge acceleration of ascension energies to blast through the Christic Grids of Mother Earth. And then the Winter Solstice, the final BLAST of cosmic light energy coming from the Collective Consciousness of the Elohim Guardians, including the alliance of the cosmos. When this great explosion of divine light flows throughout the planet, Everything Will Change!

* This Fall will bring the first stage of the planetary shift; the opening of Ascension portals that will allow all the Star gates to activate. The opening the Ascension Portals will be completed and this will allow the original Christ light consciousness to REMOVE anything that is not in harmonic alignment with the original divine plan for mother Earth. This is what will truly shift us into a new Earth reality.

* The great awakening commences between September 22nd and October 21st. The big energy wave will unleash the Truth and it will mark the end of the false reality and the outdated modalities. It will mark the beginning of the new Earth reality in the unified field of consciousness.

* In this Ascension cycle, the soul will see past events transmuted into the frequency of completion. We will transmute all previous experiences and emotions in the highest frequencies of Source. There will be a Huge activation of Cosmic Memory for many thousands of human beings. This is the time of remembering who we really are. Our Starry Families will make sure to make it to our Graduation at the end of this year 2016.

* When we speak of the “Second Coming of Christ”, it means we will be returning back to the vibration of God Source, the frequency associated with the Absolute Divine; Christ Consciousness. This is what we have to look forward to in the Fall of 2016, the return of the Cosmic Christ Consciousness.

* The Cartel will be exposed. Corrupt Pharmacy will be exposed. All Corruption will be exposed. Everything! This will continue on through the second half of 2016. And then a brand new Earth reality will appear after the Truth Sets us free from the layers and layers of lies that we have been living in.

* By the end of 2016 after two high dimensional frequency waves of the Cosmic Christ Light consciousness pours into the Christic Grids of Mother Earth, the collective consciousness will be changed so much, that the controllers will just Loose their control.

* There will be a mothership that will arrive in the 4th quarter 2016. The City-Size Ship was created by the Elohim Guardians with the help of the Galactic humanities of the cosmos. The good people will live their until the earth changes are completed. We are in the FINAL STAGE of this process that will complete by the end of 2016.

* The 5D frequency jumper will commence in the Autumn Equinox and we will completely merge with Earth’s 5D parallel body – new Earth in the Winter Solstice of 2016. We will separate from the third dimension and it will not seem as if reality is quite right. There will be a strange Feeling that we have moved some place and the world will seem brighter.

* There are Ascension portals between Earth and Parallel 5D Earth. Those living within the Inner Earth Cities of Light will be able to remove all of the radiation from the oceans once they are given the signal to move between domains after the portals are fully open by the end of 2016.

* By the end of 2016 new Earth will be fully established, and will take a few more years after that to rebuild many new Earth communities. A new social system will emerge and it will function on the universal Law of One. We will have universal rights and there will not be strict laws or regulations on living.

We are at a time of the most exciting experience you will ever have. For those of us who are ready, it will be more like a Huge Miracle appearing before us. It will be the most wonderful of all occasions. All will be redeemed and reformed in miraculous ways. It will be the most glorious, harmonious, divine flowing reality we could ever imagine.

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Children Will Teach Themselves To Read When They’re Ready

Children Will Teach Themselves to Read When They’re Ready

Annie Holmquist

Annie Holmquist

Late last week, The Washington Post highlighted a bit of a rant titled “What the modern world has forgotten about children and learning,” by author Carol Black.

In essence, Black’s article takes issue with the modern education system’s insistence that every child fit into its timetable of learning. Nowhere is this seen more clearly than in the area of reading.

When people really want a skill, it goes viral. You couldn’t stop it if you tried.”

According to Black, Americans during the time of the Founding Fathers were regularly reading difficult material, and learned to do so from many sources, only one of which was the education system of the time. “They could read,” she notes, “because, in a literate population, it is really not that difficult to transmit literacy from one person to the next. When people really want a skill, it goes viral. You couldn’t stop it if you tried.”

Black goes on to note that this is the same motivation behind the way the current society has learned to operate computers: “We don’t know how to use computers because we learned it in school, but because we wanted to learn it and we were free to learn it in whatever way worked best for us.”

Yet despite seeing this natural learning take place with computer usage, we’re still reluctant to put it to practice in the realm of reading:

“In the modern world, unless you learn to read by age 4, you are no longer free to learn in this way. Now your learning process will be scientifically planned, controlled, monitored and measured by highly trained ‘experts’ operating according to the best available ‘data.’ If your learning style doesn’t fit this year’s theory, you will be humiliated, remediated, scrutinized, stigmatized, tested, and ultimately diagnosed and labelled as having a mild defect in your brain.”

Black’s comments remind me of a concept long promoted by Dr. and Mrs. Raymond Moore. As they explain in their book Better Late than Early, the Moores have “analyzed over 8000 studies of children’s senses, brain, cognition, socialization, etc., and are certain that no replicable evidence exists for rushing children into formal study at home or school before 8 to 10.

Such a suggestion is shocking, particularly in an age in which we’re trying to get students reading by the time they leave kindergarten. Won’t such a practice damage children and set them on a course of functional illiteracy for life?

Not necessarily. In fact, the Moores have found that giving children time and space to explore and learn to read on their own timetable may actually set them on a path to greater understanding and maturity:

“Read, sing and play with your children from birth. Read to them several times a day, and they will learn to read in their own time – as early as 3 or 4, but usually later, some as late as 14. Late readers are no more likely to be retarded or disabled than early ones. They often become the best readers of all – with undamaged vision and acute hearing, more adult-like reasoning (cognition) levels, mature brain structure[,] less blocking of creative interests.”

If what the Moore’s research says is true, then is it possible that the educational decline America is experiencing is partly due to the push to get students into formal education environments at earlier ages? Would we get better results if we relaxed compulsory education laws and let learning take a more natural course until children reach age 8 or so?

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Doctors Now Prescribing Music Therapy for Heart Ailments, Brain Dysfunction, Learning Disabilities, Depression, PTSD, Alzheimers, Childhood Development and More

Doctors Now Prescribing Music Therapy for Heart Ailments, Brain Dysfunction, Learning Disabilities, Depression, PTSD, Alzheimers, Childhood Development and More

Written by Didge Project director AJ Block and guest author Gracy Liura.

music therapy

Music has proven time and again to be an important component of human culture. From its ceremonial origin to modern medical usage for personal motivation, concentration, and shifting mood, music is a powerful balm for the human soul. Though traditional “music therapy” encompasses a specific set of practices, the broader use of music as a therapeutic tool can be seen nowadays as doctors are found recommending music for a wide variety of conditions.

1Music Helps Control Blood Pressure and Heart-Related Disorders

According to The Cardiovascular Society of Great Britain, listening to certain music with a repetitive rhythm for least ten seconds can lead to a decrease in blood pressure and a reduced heart rate. Certain classical compositions, if matched with human body’s rhythm, can be therapeutically used to keep the heart under control. The Oxford University study states, “listening to music with a repeated 10-second rhythm coincided with a fall in blood pressure, reducing the heart rate” and thus can be used for overcoming hypertension.


2Listening and Playing Music Helps Treat Stress and Depression

When it comes to the human brain, music is one of the best medicines. A study at McGill University in Canada revealed that listening to agreeable music encourages the production of beneficial brain chemicals, specifically the “feel good” hormone known as dopamine. Dopamine happens to be an integral part of brain’s pleasure-enhancing system. As a result, music leads to great feeling of joy and bliss.

It’s not only listening to music that has a positive effect on stress and depression. The Namm Foundation has compiled a comprehensive list of benefits of playing music, which includes reducing stress on both the emotional level and the molecular level. Additionally, studies have shown that adults who play music produce higher levels of Human Growth Hormone (HgH), which according to Web MD, is a necessary hormone for regulating body composition, body fluids, muscle and bone growth, sugar and fat metabolism, and possibly heart function.

For more on how music can be composed to benefit the brain, read about States of Consciousness and Brainwave Entrainment.

3Music Therapy Helps Treat Alzheimer’s Disease

Music therapy has worked wonders on patients suffering from Alzheimer’s disease. With Alzheimer’s, people lose their capacity to have interactions and carry on with interactive communications. According to studies done in partnership with the Alzheimer’s Foundation of America, “When used appropriately, music can shift mood, manage stress-induced agitation, stimulate positive interactions, facilitate cognitive function, and coordinate motor movements.”

4Studying Music Boosts Academic Achievement in High Schoolers

Early exposure to music increases the plasticity of brain helping to motivate the human brain’s capacity in such a way that it responds readily to learning, changing and growing. “UCLA professor James S. Catterall analyzed the academic achievement of 6,500 low-income students. He found that, by the time these students were in the 10th grade, 41.4% of those who had taken arts courses scored in the top half on standardized tests, contrasted with only 25% of those who had minimal arts experience. The arts students also were better readers and watched less television.” This goes to show that in the formative stages of life, kids who study music do much better in school.

5Playing Guitar (and Other Instruments) Aids in Treating PTSD

The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs shared a study in which veterans experiencing Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) experienced relief by learning to play guitar. The organization responsible for providing guitars, Guitars For Vets “enhances the lives of ailing and injured military Veterans by providing them free guitars and music instruction.” Playing music for recovery from PTSD resembles traditional music therapy, in which patients are encouraged to make music as part of their healing process. Guitar is not the only instrument that can help PTSD. In fact, Operation We Are Here has an extensive list of Therapeutic Music Opportunities For Military Veterans.

6Studying Music Boosts Brain Development in Young Children

A research-based study undertaken at the University of Liverpool in the field of neuroscience has light to shed on the beneficial effects of early exposure to music. According to the findings, even half an hour of musical training is sufficient to increase the flow of blood in the brain’s left hemisphere, resulting in higher levels of early childhood development.

The Portland Chamber Orchestra shares, “Playing a musical instrument involves multiple components of the central (brain and spinal cord) and peripheral (nerves outside the brain and spinal cord) nervous systems.  As a musician plays an instrument, motor systems in the brain control both gross and fine movements needed to produce sound.  The sound is processed by auditory circuitry, which in turn can adjust signaling by the motor control centers.  In addition, sensory information from the fingers, hands and arms is sent to the brain for processing.  If the musician is reading music, visual information is sent to the brain for processing and interpreting commands for the motor centers.  And of course, the brain processes emotional responses to the music as well!”

7Music Education Helps Children Improve Reading Skills

Journal Psychology of Music reports that “Children exposed to a multi-year program of music tuition involving training in increasingly complex rhythmic, tonal, and practical skills display superior cognitive performance in reading skills compared with their non-musically trained peers.” In the initial stages of learning and development, music arouses auditory, emotional, cognitive and visual responses in a child. Music also aids a child’s kinesthetic development. According to the research-supported evidence, a song facilitates language learning far more effectively than speech.

8Listening To Music Helps Improve Sleep

According to The Center for Cardiovascular Disease in China, listening to music before and during sleep greatly aids people who suffer from chronic sleep disorders. This “music-assisted relaxation” can be used to treat both acute and chronic sleep disorders which include everything from stress and anxiety to insomnia.

9Playing Didgeridoo Helps Treat Sleep Apnea


A study published in the British Medical Journal shows that people suffering from sleep apnea can find relief by practicing the Australian wind-instrument known as the didgeridoo. Patients who played the didgeridoo for an average of 30-minutes per day, 6 days per week, saw significant increases in their quality of sleep and decreases in daytime tiredness after a minimum period of 3-months of practice. Dr. Jordan Stern of BlueSleep says, “The treatment of sleep apnea is quite challenging because there is not a single treatment that works well for every patient. The didgeridoo has been used to treat sleep apnea and it has been shown to be effective in part because of strengthening of the pharyngeal muscles, which means the muscles of the throat, as well as the muscles of the tongue.”

Sourced from:

Mass Consciousness – Your Energy And Intention Are Needed NOW

Hello beautiful people of Mother Earth~

We are in unprecedented times.  It is so important that we as a collective whole make the conscious effort to Remember Who We Are.  Turn off the outside world and go within to find again that powerful, still quiet voice that leads us Home to Self.  Let me help you by reminding you of some things you may have forgotten.  Say each one slowly and repeatedly. Let yourself FEEL the energy of the words in your body.

I Am a Powerful, Master Creator.

I Am God/Goddess/Source Energy.

I Am Whole, Beautiful and Worthy as I Am NOW.

I have the ability to totally change my reality and make it into the reality I want. Continue reading “Mass Consciousness – Your Energy And Intention Are Needed NOW”