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The World Is Waking Up And It’s Magic To Watch

Phillip J. Watt, Contributor
Waking Times

mass awakening ascensionIt’s inspiring to witness many of the earth’s people, especially in the Western world, becoming aware of the deep corruption in our social system, particularly because society is building its innate capacity to actually do something about it.

More and more people now understand that we are ruled via a corporatocracy where the money supply, banking, governmental policy and other vital public infrastructure has been hijacked by the oligarchs and the corporate elite. In addition, public discourse and the official narratives are dictated by the corporate media who are owned by the same people who control macro public policy via their political puppets, as well as the unprecedented wealth they have at their disposal.

Their ultimate agenda is of course ultimate power, which is dressed up in a pretty dress of “let’s save the planet!”. Of course the degradation of our natural systems needs a fresh approach, yet their covert game to win a planetary control-system has been brilliantly exposed for the world to see.

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A New Matrix Provides A New Hologram For Earth

By Michelle Walling, CHLC
Editor, HowToExitTheMatrix

new earth A matrix is a grid system that provides the light required to have a physical representation of consciousness in the form of a human body. The matrix on Earth was hijacked by those who dominated and controlled us for millenia through frequency technology and changes to the human body template. The new matrix that we are tuning into allows us to keep a physical human body filled with light as we ascend in consciousness.

Gridworkers around the planet have been bringing a new grid online while the old matrix slowly dissolves. Those who are on the ascension path have all been gradually tuning into the new grid or matrix.

All creation has a template of light, sound, and geometric patterns. The new matrix may be the original earth template or it may actually be a copy of the template with some noticeable improvements. The new matrix has better “firewalls” that will not allow it to be hacked.

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Update On World Events – James Gilliland

Editor’s note: Another individual saying the election process is not going to go off as it always has.  Also resonate with what he says about the higher dimensional’s assisting us with ascension with their energies, destroying the dark, slower/lower frequencies, expanding the light/higher vibe frequencies.

Awake And Empowered Expo

Good-bye Abuse: You Are No Longer Welcome Here

As I start this daily notes, I look above and see the “Enter title here” space.  Empty.  I really don’t know what to call this piece for there are many things I wish to discuss.  Maybe by the end of my stream-of-consciousness writings, the title will come to me.  Until then, it remains empty.

Much like my trust in the system of control.  Much like my trust in anyone, male or female, who supports bully, controlling, abusive behavior, both passive and aggressive, by dismissing hard truths.
I would like to discuss one truth in particular.  White. Male. Bullshit.
Oh dear, I swore, likely offending someone.  Oh dear, I have shown my anger.  Again, likely offending someone.

You know what?  I no longer fucking care who I offend with my anger. Continue reading “Good-bye Abuse: You Are No Longer Welcome Here”

The Japanese practice of ‘forest bathing’ is scientifically proven to improve your health

tree trunk and spider web

The tonic of the wilderness was Henry David Thoreau’s classic prescription for civilization and its discontents, offered in the 1854 essay Walden: Or, Life in the Woods. Now there’s scientific evidence supporting eco-therapy. The Japanese practice of forest bathing is proven to lower heart rate and blood pressure, reduce stress hormone production, boost the immune system, and improve overall feelings of wellbeing.

Forest bathing—basically just being in the presence of trees—became part of a national public health program in Japan in 1982 when the forestry ministry coined the phrase shinrin-yoku and promoted topiary as therapy. Nature appreciation—picnicking en masse under the cherry blossoms, for example—is a national pastime in Japan, so forest bathing quickly took. The environment’s wisdom has long been evident to the culture: Japan’s Zen masters asked: If a tree falls in the forest and no one hears, does it make a sound?  Continue reading “The Japanese practice of ‘forest bathing’ is scientifically proven to improve your health”

I Can Heal Water: A Star Child Speaks, Calls for Humanity to Wake Up

star child
I received the following email about a nine-year-old from Northern Europe who speaks about her ability to ‘heal’ water through star languages. She also gives her perspective on God and her Mission: “Poor us. poor kids who come to volunteer; we have such a difficult time ahead of us, a real fight. I am here to help my family ‘wake up,’ EVERYONE is sleeping.”

Cathy’s Mother: “My nine-year-old daughter speaks ‘star languages’ to heal water. I live in Northern Europe and have four children. At the time of my first pregnancy, a ‘voice’ told me my children were not mine. They would only come through me. These children belong to no one. It wasn’t until recently that I was aware there were such things as extra-terrestrials. My nine-year-old daughter is a special girl who finds the conventional world and rules difficult. She asks me why isn’t she allowed to do things her own way. Cathy has healing abilities and dictated some healing words in an ET language to purify water. I noticed the water actually tasted different afterward. She says that star languages are from a place outside of the Universe.

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The Beauty Of Synchronicity

There are no coincidences and accidents — there’s only synchronicity which happens for a reason.

Have you stumbled upon an old friend? Seeing someone doing the same thing or speaking the same words as you? Or maybe experienced an accident? Are you thinking ‘Oh! What a coincidence!’ or ‘I could skip accidents like this…’ Well, you shouldn’t, because every single coincidence brings a message to you. 

synchronicity happens for a reason there are no coincidences Revealing Synchronicity — The Science Behind Coincidence

The truth is, everything in our life is linked. From the past, to the present and future — every single coincidence or accident we stumble upon is linked. No matter how small or big of a movement is, it is all about synchronicity.

Every action you make creates a ripple in the universe. You unconsciously telegraph your thoughts to others. Synchronicity is the law of unity. We are all linked. There is no separation between you and anyone or anything. We are all connected.

There are no coincidences, no accidents. Every coincidence has a message for you.

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Rapid Energy Shifting Through Recent Portal Openings

by Katie IndiCrow,
Guest writer,

stargate portalSome have noticed that I’ve been unusually quiet this week. It may seem strange because SO MUCH is going on, and so many people are facing the darkness of both themselves and their societies. Storms are happening. Lies are being exposed. Things have been incredibly brittle and yet I have had nothing to say. The reason for that, dear friends, is I’ve been working to support energy shifting through transmutation. This isn’t something I normally share with others, but the energies have been so incredibly powerful that I feel it important to table. For me, transmutation often means physically and emotionally holding the energies that I am shifting inside of my being, whatever that may be. The last week, dear friends, I have been feeling an incredible amount of sadness and pain with you. I want to acknowledge that and remind you just how important what you are going through is.

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