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I Am Infinite Dream

Editor’s note:  I LOVE this piece.  So simple and sweet yet so deeply profound.  This is how Truth is expressed, imho.  Let the words resonate with you.  Enjoy.  

I Am Infinite Dream


The universal source of life and rebirth is always there. It is the infinite pregnant Great Mystery in perfect void space waiting to give away to you the finite release of the soul chards you let to other universes go. We’re at a moment where all of us as universal beings, incarnate in flesh now, have allies that we must call upon. If we do not use the support from our brothers and sisters we can never retreat into the self. Never is a long, long time, but never is a no time word also. Never tell the infinite source that you aren’t ready. So we must recalibrate our wisdom, recalibrate our knowing and understanding to an even deeper layer that says “I am infinite dream. I am never limited by the wisdom that I have not learned,” because we are more than we’ve heard, read or studied. We are more than our mystical experiences combined in infinite fold. We are universal streams of consciousness, floating through space and time, not just in this fraud time, but thousands of others and millions of others, not even in existence yet.

– Andrew Bartzis

 Sourced from: 

On Spiritual Guru’s: I Would Rather Hear YOUR Story

my-story-is-beautiful-960x640I received an e-mail about an upcoming spiritual summit.  There must be a list of over 50 well-known individuals in the Spiritual and Self-Awareness community.

And for $50,000 I can listen to them all speak in a luxury 4-star resort.

Ok so that last part was an exaggeration.  But I must say that, at my tender age of 27 (ok 40, um, ok FINE over 40), I am simply weary of this obsession we have with people who are well-known as well as this ego-based thinking that often plays in those circles that says THEY have all the answers for you and me.  And most indeed am I fed up with/finished/absolutely done with the price tags of some of these gigs. Many of these folks are already multi-millionaires. How on earth can they justify charging such outrageous prices just to talk?

Argh! Continue reading “On Spiritual Guru’s: I Would Rather Hear YOUR Story”

Billionaire Clinton “Hillblazer” Pushes New Tax That Funnels Middle Class Money To Wall Street

Submitted by Mike Krieger via Liberty Blitzkrieg blog,

“I find the whole thing astonishing and what’s remarkable is the amount of anger whether it’s on the Republican side or the Democratic side,” the Wall Street mogul said at the World Economic Forum in Davos. “Bernie Sanders, to me, is almost more stunning than some of what’s going on in the Republican side. How is that happening, why is that happening?”


– From January’s post: Billionaire CEO of Blackstone Trolls the American Public – He Doesn’t Get Why People Are Angry

David Sirota just penned a very important and interesting article zeroing in on how Wall Street is maneuvering to propose and implement a new retirement tax on Americans under a Hillary Clinton Administration.

Leading the charge is billionaire financial oligarch Tony James, who is COO of private equity giant Blackstone. Mr. James is a generous contributor to Hillary Clinton’s Presidential run, and is listed as a “Hillblazer” by her campaign for having raised at least $100,000 toward her candidacy.

While many Americans already know that much, most of you will be totally unaware of his aggressive plan to force a 3% payroll tax on the public which will be immediately funneled to Wall Street management firms, including “alternative managers” such as hedge funds and private equity. It seems like a very bizarre time to initiate such a proposal considering many public pension funds are actively ditching alternative managers after realizing they’ve been paying extraordinarily high fees for pitiful performance. In other words, they’ve been ripped off.

For example, recall what we learned in April’s post, “Let Them Sell Their Summer Homes” – NYC’s Largest Public Pension to Ditch Hedge Funds:

NEW YORK (Reuters) – New York City’s largest public pension is exiting all hedge fund investments in the latest sign that the $4 trillion public pension sector is losing patience with these often secretive portfolios at a time of poor performance and high fees.

The move by the fund, which had $51.2 billion in assets as of Jan. 31, follows a similar actions by the California Public Employees’ Retirement System (Calpers), the nation’s largest public pension fund, and public pensions in Illinois.

“Hedges have underperformed, costing us millions,” New York City’s Public Advocate Letitia James told board members in prepared remarks.“Let them sell their summer homes and jets, and return those fees to their investors.”

With public pensions moving away from alternative managers, the industry is looking toward government under Hillary Clinton to tax American workers in order to guarantee captive money continues to flow into the coffers of private equity and hedge fund managers.

You gotta hand it to these guys. When it comes to endlessly scheming and plotting various ways of getting their hands on your money, Wall Street is absolutely relentless.

International Business Times reports:

 While Hillary Clinton has spent the presidential campaign saying as little as possible about her ties to Wall Street, the executive who some observers say could be her Treasury Secretary has been openly promoting a plan to give financial firms control of hundreds of billions of dollars in retirement savings. The executive is Tony James, president of the Blackstone Group.


It is a plan that proponents say could help millions of Americans — but could also enrich another constituency: the hedge fund and private equity industries that Blackstone dominates and that have donated millions to support Clinton’s presidential bid.

The proposal would require workers and employers to put a percentage of payroll into individual retirement accounts “to be invested well in pooled plans run by professional investment managers,” as James put it. In other words, individual voluntary 401(k)s would be replaced by a single national system, and much of the mandated savings would flow to Wall Street, where companies like Blackstone could earn big fees off the assets. And because of a gap in federal anti-corruption rules, there would be little to prevent the biggest investment contracts from being awarded to the biggest presidential campaign donors.

Go ahead and read that again.

A Washington power player who reportedly turned down a slot in President Barack Obama’s cabinet, James first outlined the retirement savings initiative in a speech a year ago to the Center for American Progress (CAP). The liberal think tank was founded by Clinton’s current campaign chairman, John Podesta, and is run by her former top policy adviser Neera Tanden. James and Blackstone made six-figure donations to CAP that year, and the group gave him a platform to propose a new payroll tax that he said would fund guaranteed retirement benefits.

Rather than funneling the hundreds of billions of dollars of new tax revenue into expanding Social Security benefits, as many Democratic lawmakers have called for, James proposed something different: A decade after George W. Bush’s failed attempt to divert Social Security revenue into private retirement accounts, the Blackstone president outlined a plan to create individual retirement accounts, some of whose assets would be managed by private financial firms.

In the blueprint of the plan, James lamented that 401(k) systems “don’t invest in longer-term, illiquid alternatives such as hedge funds, private equity and real estate,” and said the new program could invest in “high-yielding and risk-reducing alternative asset classes.” In a CNBC interview, James said he wants the billions of dollars of new retiree savings to be invested “like pension plans.” He noted that in “the average pension plan in America, about 25 percent is invested in stuff we do, in alternatives, in real estate and private equity and commodities and hedge funds.” Unlike stock index funds and Treasury bills, those investments generate big fees for financial firms — and critics say they do not generate returns that justify the costs.

Critics see James’ proposal as an effort by a politically connected private equity mogul to present a Wall Street-enriching scheme as a social good — at a moment when his own firm has faced lower profits, and at a generally challenging time for the alternative investments industry.

That industry relies on investments from state and local pension systems, which over the last decade have invested billions in alternatives in hopes of reaping above-market returns in exchange for higher fees.Recently, though, regulators, pension trustees, investment experts and academics have questioned whether retiree savings should be invested with firms like Blackstone in the first place.

Some pensions are pulling out their money. Other pension systems have been turned into 401(k)-style plans, which are difficult for the alternative investment industry to break into because of federal laws that discourage those plans from buying into riskier, illiquid investments.

In the face of these challenges, James’ proposal could provide a government-mandated flow of money from workers’ paychecks into the high-fee alternative investment industry.

“This new plan depends on sweeping government mandates, the appropriation of trillions of dollars from the private sector that is then handed over to zillionaire investment managers who make no guarantees about rates of returns or discounted fees,” said South Carolina Treasurer Curtis Loftis, a Republican who serves on his state’s pension investment council, which contracts with Blackstone. “The only guaranteed benefit I see in this plan is one for wealthy money managers and their cronies. Wall Streeters reading this plan will understand, without having specifically been told, that having Hillary Clinton and the federal government use its power to aggregate the existing and future retirement funds of working Americans and entrust it to them is the Holy Grail of finance.”

Chris Tobe, a Democrat who advises institutional investors and who served on Kentucky’s pension board, put it just as bluntly: “James’ plan is a deliberate attempt to get around federal protections for retirees because alternative investments are not generally allowed in the 401(k) world. This is about making Blackstone and other private equity firms even richer than they already are.”

Clinton has cast herself as skeptical of the “shadow banking” world that Blackstone operates in, and she has said she wants to close a loophole that lets private equity managers pay a lower tax rate than most other workers.

Yet for all of Clinton’s tough talk against Wall Street, James and others associated with Blackstone have been among her biggest fundraisers, and during a recent cocktail party in Washington D.C. to promote the plan, James said he was optimistic that a Clinton win could make his proposal a reality.

You know, there are “public positions” and there are “private positions.”

 “What the election would mean for our plan: Yes, we’ve spent a fair amount of time with a number of Hillary’s policy advisors. So far they have been very encouraging about the plan,” he told the assembled crowd. “I am hopeful she’ll grab this issue once elected, and run with it. I think the signals are warm on that.”


As an icon of the private equity industry, James is an unlikely champion of retirement security. A recent Harvard University study found that private equity firms have transformed bankruptcy law into “an efficient financial engineering tool for insider sales—and for dumping pensions” — with 51 companies abandoning their pension plans “at the behest of private equity firms since 2001.”

Nonetheless, a spokeswoman for Blackstone, Christine Anderson, said that when it comes to the retirement crisis, “Tony has been talking about this for years.” As the 2016 presidential campaign heated up, James signed onto a new version of Ghilarducci’s plan that reduced the new payroll tax to 3 percent, split between employers and employees, and partially offset by a tax credit. They said the government would guarantee  the principal of the account, regardless of market conditions.

Interesting. Since government guarantees the principal, even if the asset managers put up horrible returns, they can still earn big fees while leaving the sucker taxpayer on the hook for any negative performance.

The James-Ghilarducci plan in fact offers substantial potential benefits for companies like Blackstone. It would provide Wall Street with a new, government-guaranteed revenue stream, and would also help the industry circumvent legal and market obstacles to reach a wider swath of the retirement savings business.

Alternative investment firms have tried to break into the $4 trillion 401(k) market for years, but their products, such as real estate and long-term private equity investments, are less easily transferable to cash, making them a difficult fit for 401(k)s. On top of that, 401(k)s are regulated by federal rules that discourage illiquid, high-risk investments — and make 401(k) overseers vulnerable to lawsuits if they move workers money into such investments. A new federal rule could further complicate alternative investment firms’ efforts to access the retail market because it “suggests that there are certain investments that are so costly, complex, or opaque that they cannot be recommended to retirement investors,” said Barbara Roper of the Consumer Federation of America.

The James-Ghilarducci plan would effectively circumvent many of those obstacles, allowing alternative investment firms to access billions of retail customer dollars that have been out of reach.

In terms of private equity, while that industry’s proponents — including Blackstone CEO Stephen Schwarzman — say their firms outperform the stock market, recent research challenges that claim, and the industry just experienced one of its weakest quarters. At the same time, academic experts and regulators have warned about hidden fees that eat into investors’ returns. The Securities and Exchange Commission last year sanctioned Blackstone for having “failed to fully inform investors” about fees in a case involving funds that listed James as one of their key overseers.

Some major institutional investors appear to be responding to the warnings. Just this month, officials at the California State Teachers Retirement System — one of the largest pensions in the world — announced that high fees had convinced them to follow other major pension systems and pull $20 billion out of its investments with private money managers.

Ghilarducci told IBT that concerns about fees were valid, but that the new federal program would use its market power to negotiate lower levies. Even if the effort to reduce fees was not successful, she argued, their proposal would still give retirees a better deal than 401(k) plans.

“If you are in a defined benefit plan that is paying too many fees to Blackstone, you are still better off than if you are in a Fidelity plan for a 401(k),” she said.

That’s a difficult case to make, though, when some private equity titans — including Blackstone’s own top dealmaker — have suggested the industry may not be able to deliver the high returns it promises in exchange for its high fees.

All told, economist Eileen Appelbaum told IBT, the James-Ghilarducci plan is built on earnings projections that are fanciful.

“The plan’s promise of 6 to 7 percent returns is likely to prove unrealistic, and they fail to discuss the risks inherent in the risky investments that would have to dominate the savings portfolio that could yield such returns,” said Appelbaum, who co-authored the book “Private Equity at Work” and published a study suggesting lower private equity returns are a new normal.

“This proposal is about Wall Street getting more assets under management because that is where they make their money,” she said. “Why would we put more retirement savings into private hands when Social Security or the Thrift Savings Plan could do the same at almost no cost?”

James and others connected to Blackstone have financially aided Clinton’s White House bid.

James is listed as a “Hillblazer” on Clinton’s campaign website, meaning he has donated and/or raised at least $100,000 for her campaign. The Wall Street Journal reported that James held a $33,400-a-person fundraiser for the Hillary Victory Fund at his Manhattan home in December 2015. Blackstone and James also held a lavish reception at the Democratic National Convention in July 2016, and James held another fundraiser for Clinton at his home last month, raising $1.5 million, according to the Associated Press.

Blackstone employees have given a total of more than $107,000 to Clinton’s campaign, according to data compiled by the nonpartisan Center for Responsive Politics (CRP). David Jones and Richard Sullivan, who until 2015 were listed as Blackstone lobbyists, have been among Clinton’s largest fundraising bundlers.

Outside of Congress, Blackstone has donated between $500,000 and $1 million to the Clinton Foundation, and the Associated Press reported that “eight Blackstone executives also gave between $375,000 and $800,000 to the foundation.” James has also built bridges to the Clinton-linked Center for American Progress, beyond his donations and seat on its board.

While Ghilarducci said she supports expanding Social Security, doing so would be more politically difficult than enacting a separate program, she argued — especially since her initiative gets a boost from its association with an industry power player like James.

“Tony certainly helps get an audience that the left couldn’t get,” she said. “The political reality is, you have to have resources and coalition building.”

In today’s America, bolstering social security is a political non-starter, but initiating a new payroll tax on Americans that directly flows to Wall Street is achievable. What a country.

Under their proposal, “Retirement portfolios would be created by a board of professionals who would be fiduciaries appointed by the president and Congress,” James and Ghilarducci wrote in a New York Times editorial. “The fees and investments would be much less prone to corruption because the managers’ income would not depend on the investments.”

Alternative investments, though, are notoriously opaque. The contracts between financial firms and pensions are secret, making it difficult to evaluate whether they are being competitively bid or whether they involve undue influence. A recent whistleblower lawsuit in New Mexico accused Blackstone of being part of an influence-peddling scheme, which Blackstone has denied, and USA Today in 2009 tracked how Blackstone officials had made donations to public officials in states that had awarded the company pension management deals.

Seeking to tamp down donor influence, the SEC enacted rules in 2010 aiming to prevent campaign contributions from influencing political appointees’ decisions about which financial firms get to manage retirees’ savings. But lawyers interviewed by IBT said the SEC’s rule covers only state and local retirement systems — not the federal government.

“Pay-to-play violations are a cornerstone of the alternative investment market,” said former SEC attorney Edward Siedle. “It’s often the only way that money managers can get elected officials to evade their fiduciary duty and invest in low-transparency, high-cost, high-risk investments that consistently trail the S&P 500. Any retirement plan that would allow that to happen at the federal level would be insane.”

Insane, perhaps. Or perhaps just a Banana Republic.

Sourced from:

Your Higher Self Is Ready To Join You- or – What You Seek, Seeks You

by Michelle Walling, CHLC
Guest writer,

higher selfMany of us are here in service to ground the energies of the shift into higher frequencies. In order to do this, a part of our multidimensional self needs to ground here to Earth while still being connected to the higher realms.

A part of the “work” I do is consciously connecting with my higher self, or the larger part of me that is outside of this matrix. I ask that my body be healed and cleared so that I can accommodate more of my higher self’s energies into this body. The higher self cannot merge into a low vibrating body nor can it stay if there are blockages.

I often ask my higher self to join me as much as possible while doing my meditation. I especially ask for guidance while doing my life coaching sessions, and it never fails me. I have learned to trust my higher self and most of the time it is driving my “vehicle” now without me realizing a difference, other than things seem to flow smoother when my higher self is more in the body.

There are times that the higher self retracts for a while. Lower density emotions can bring this on, however that usually happens so that you can clear out more for the higher self to bring more of its essence. At this time, I have observed many people in the In5d community exhibiting more of their higher self than their old 3d self.

The 3d self is run by the ego and is always in fear mode. That is because the 3d matrix reality uses fear and separation as the number one way to keep your vibrations low. The ego does not necessarily go away when your higher self merges with you. The ego runs the personality, but when the higher self takes the wheel, the ego takes the back seat.

While Earth is shifting, she needs beings planted on her that can stay connected to the higher realms. This keeps her from needing to have too many earthquakes or volcanoes. It also allows her to keep vibrating at a higher rate for her eventual shift from 3d to 4d and 5d in the physical. She has already shifted and separated realities on another level. We are still catching up to this in the slower densities, but it is accelerating.

If you have a sudden change in your personality, preferences, or relationships, your higher self may have walked in. Usually this would attribute to positive changes in your life. However, sometimes your higher self needs to walk in and shake things up a bit. It also likes to stop in to repair something like a relationship, especially if that relationship is necessary in your spiritual development. Some people aren’t conscious of their higher self stopping in, and that’s ok too.

If you have never thought of asking your higher self to join you, you can simply take some time to yourself and connect to your inner space. There are many ways to do this, but I like to imagine moving my consciousness (my thoughts and awareness) to inside my heart. I take a few deep breaths and ask for a connection. The connection has always been there but we have just forgotten. The more you do this, the stronger the connection gets.

Eventually, those that choose to ascend to a higher vibrational frequency will simply be their higher selves all of the time. The higher vibrational essence of their oversoul will have seated into the body and this will continue shift our reality. Everything is energy vibrating at a certain frequency, and whatever frequency you resonate at will determine what reality you tune in to. Earth’s higher self is assimilating with her, and she is supporting those who wish to vibrate away from fear and separation.. The re-connection to all that you are is now occurring and anything blocking it will be shown to you so that you can clear it.

Those that are working to integrate their multidimensional aspects are truly bringing heaven to Earth. They are building stronger bridges of connection, and when one person accomplishes this, it helps the collective. Change is inevitable in your reality as you change your vibration. If you are having a tough time right now, don’t forget that you always have guides by your side that you can count on. Be sure to utilize them by asking for adjustments to occur smoothly and painlessly.

About the author:
Michelle WallingMichelle Walling, CHLC is a Holistic Life Coach, international public speaker, writer, webmaster, and radio show host. In 2013, Michelle started her public career as a spiritual, metaphysical, and esoteric contributing writer for and Michelle is the webmaster for,,, and, and is the co-creator of Michelle is the host of In5d’s Cosmic Awakening Show and In5d Network.
Her personal Facebook page can be found here.

Sourced from:

Petroleum Disaster In The Great Bear Rainforest

great bear rain forest oil spillOutrage is the only word for what people are feeling after a tug and fuel barge, owned by Texas-based Kirby Offshore Marine, crashed on rocks in the heart of B.C.’s Great Bear Rainforest on October 13. It’s been leaking 200,000 litres (59, 024 gallons) of diesel fuel into the sensitive marine ecosystem ever since.

Continue reading “Petroleum Disaster In The Great Bear Rainforest”

UFO Closing In On Earth – NASA Covering It Up

via PopularMechanics,

One of the nice things NASA does is stream live footage from the International Space Station as it orbits the Earth 16 times a day. It’s pretty calming stuff—until a UFO enters the picture. Then all bets are off.

On July 9, NASA was streaming footage from the ISS when YouTuber Streetcap1 spotted something (aliens? probably aliens) entering the Earth’s atmosphere. But as the object (again, almost 100 percent aliens) nears our planet, the NASA feed cut out. While Streetcap1 points out it could be a meteor, we’ve seen Independence Day. We know what’s up. You can see the video below:

That video was quickly picked up by dozens of other YouTube channels. Soon, extremely reputable sources of scientific journalism such as were quickly on the case, with stories like SHOCK ALIEN CLAIM: ‘NASA cuts the ISS live feed moments after UFO appears.’

Curious as to why NASA would cover up such obvious evidence of an impending alien attack, we called them to get some answers. (In5D comment: I don’t agree with this; see Addendum below)

“We have never seen UFOs in the popular sense,” said a NASA spokesperson, after a long, deep sigh. “The feed in question is the High Definition Earth Viewing experiment. Anytime the ISS has a signal, that feed is sending down video.”

But when the High Definition Earth Viewing system loses signal, the video stream goes dark. “The feed is not switched manually,” said the spokesperson. “It’s all done automatically. There’s nobody at a control board. We used a space-based data relay network. It gives us a very good coverage area, but you do lose signal occasionally—anywhere from a couple of seconds to a couple of minutes. It varies from day to day.”

Which, of course, is just what they would want you to believe.

So what about that light in the video? Sure, if could be any number of things: a reflection on the lens of the camera, radiation hitting a sensor in the High Definition Earth Viewing system, a satellite, a meteor, or one of the tens of thousands bits of space debris currently circling the planet.

But come on, who’re you gonna believe: a bunch of know-it-all scientists at NASA or some YouTube videos with scary music? We’ll stick with the frightening YouTube videos, thank you very much.

In5D Addendum

Gregg Prescott, M.S.

This article was initially published by Popular Mechanics, who probably has a mainstream media agenda on their plate.

I question their use of the words “impending alien attack” when they said, “Curious as to why NASA would cover up such obvious evidence of an impending alien attack, we called them to get some answers.”   Why assume this is an attack and why trust ANYTHING NASA has to say about it?

Chances are, most UFO’s are benevolent star families and this could very well be one of them.

Editor’s note: I’m with Gregg on this one.  NASA = never a straight answer and popular mechanics is a system publication.  Truth will not be forthcoming from either – not until the mass awakening has taken place.  

Sourced from:

The World Isn’t Falling Apart – It Is Actually Coming Together

By Jocelyn Daher

We are here to watch it all come down and there is a ray of hope in and amongst this storm!

Praying for the World, holding the vision

ascensionI have been on fire these past couple of months with everything happening around the world. The old world most of us have grown up in, that we found familiar, appears to be going up in flames. As I watch this blatant inferno, my mind immediately starts to label it as a crumbling wasteland of utter chaos. As I invite that notion in, it swirls around my brain bringing forth the question, “ What can I do? What can we do but to watch it all crash to the ground?”

I can feel (along with most likely many of you who are reading this article) that we have been in the midst of a dark agenda playing out for hundreds of years causing the deterioration of humanity in the form of our inherent human consciousness as well as our beloved Earthly environment.
In my opinion, the darkness is a natural fluctuation in time (seems foreign, even removed to say), we are very much still in the Dark Ages!

Yes, we may have moved away from visibly decapitating people for speaking their truth but we are still very much in the infancy as a mass “civilization” waking up out of solely the physical planes into the higher uses of consciousness.

I am not speaking of superhuman intuitive powers like telekinesis, teleportation via the mind (remote viewing) or mind reading (although I believe, those are abilities we were and are very much capable of) but I am more speaking of the simple ability for example, to know that although we are in this physical body, we are animated by and connected to spirit itself!

Meaning that any person outside of yourself, is an active aspect of you, he or she is literally a part of you. This simple ascension from fear-based, head-centered navigation to  this heart-centered knowledge will (would) be reality shifting, when implemented on a global scale!
Just imagine with me, if the majority of humanity knew and started integrating that one belief into their everyday lives, physical violence would surely begin to end!
With each bomb that is detonated it seems to shatter a layer of the collective consciousness and yet underneath the rubble of this war zone we call our home, this attack on our (my) consciousness and in our physical world, survives a deep inner truth. In order for the old order to fall away we have to watch it decline into dis-order!
The predictions of 2012 have been correct about the end of times but it is not what the mass media portrayed it as, because this is an end to the times as we knew them! This movement into a new world begins in the spiritual and unseen realms first and then ripples across the physical world!
2012 was the first dismantling of the veil that protected any form of corruption from truth. We are here to watch it all come down and there is a ray of hope in and amongst this storm! There is a centralized theme and truth that has rang through history, that through the darkness comes the light once again.
Everything in the Universe is a mirror of itself and this works with the geometry of spacetime as well. Similar to the shape of ourDNA, the storage house for all of our ancestor’s journey through what what we call epigenetics.

The universe moves matter in a swirling, spiraling, up-down motion and in oscillating organic patterns, these waves echo throughout the procession of time and matter.

There was a time in our history of knowing, the time of light when the human races you rarely hear of ruled the planet, they still whisper gentle delights and enchantments into our hearts, if you listen.
The Sumerians, Lemurians, and Atlanteans, you have most likely heard of one of these civilizations. Each one of these cultures was a part of a time on Earth of pristine higher consciousness called The Golden Age.
Just as we rose into this Golden Age, we have naturally declined into The Dark Ages, whether this period of time was hijacked from us or whether it was destined from cosmic positioning, we will not know until we come into the great remembering and awakening once again.
Either way, I want to stay focused on why we are here now rather than where we have come from. We are coming into a time when the people of this previous golden age predicted that we would start rising out of the darkness (or lack of consciousness) once again!

I think that it is inevitable that we keep seeing the outbreak of every form of chaos! It is like how your body takes three days to fire up the immune system to heal a wound and the first response is swelling, redness and inflammation!

Well the planet is inflamed and the ones who are hearing the Earth’s call and feeling this calling deeply, are coming in with compassionate mindfulness to be a part of her immune response!
The more chaotic that our environment gets, the more it is an unraveling of all of the corruption that has been hidden or blatantly and uncontrollably exercised upon the people for hundreds of years!
The people in power have been focusing on the control of human consciousness and their usual tactics aren’t working anymore because we have reached a critical mass of enough of us who are awake (the hundredth monkey effect, if you don’t know what this is, Google it). The veil of control is visibly fading, failing and falling away.
I wanted to write this because this is a reminder to others who have been putting in the “work” to clear their karmic cycles here, to awaken and center into the remembrance of their mission.
You have heard many people say that there are the 1% that hold the majority of power and resources on the planet.
Well, I want to say this, just as everything moves in a symmetrical, dualistic fashion in this physical visible realm, there is another equal 1%, holding just as powerful of a resource.
That resource you ask? Unlimited unified, collective conscious, the fabric of all creation.
If you are one who has been hearing the clarion call of awakening, you are being invited to the forefront in the shaping of the New Earth consciousness.
Spread this knowledge and keep dedicated to the path of love and light, the darkness present is not entirely “bad” it just needs to be loved, felt, seen and honored back to remembrance.
Together we are creating a movement towards the next Golden Age.
If you resonate with this I am making my first course that helps empaths with tools to live a life connected to the purpose of awakening humanity! Check out, the course starts July 19th!
Hi fellow mystic, my name is Jocelyn Daher and I am a team member and writer for Spirit Science. I see every person as an extension of my family. My passion is reminding humanity how to love, in hopes to ignite the memory that you are in fact a walking embodiment of universal perfection! Did you resonate with this article? If so check out my website at 

The Goal Has Always Been Ascension

By H. Chavez

ohsoprettyThe Goal for humanity is always ascension.  For without Ascension there is no need or meaning for sustaining life.  It’s simply an inefficient waste to exist without improving.
Today, humanity finds itself seamlessly transitioning from a malevolent physical system of earthly enslavement via the appearance of Creator Source separation into a transparent benevolent form of divine assistance that restores humanity’s ancient truths, while also implementing the absolute re-unification mandate direct from heaven’s master plan for mankind.

This seamless transition is to appear invisible to the mass public without overt media attention or personal acclaim; however to those more aware of said transition it will appear in every press release, news headline, alternative website, media interview, political election speech and conversation.

Constant but subtle progress will appear as  clearly visible on an hourly basis, globally, as to accomplish such a historic transitional task.  And the collective consciousness / appearance shall be overtly manifested form will become more and more self-evident as each individual consciousness ascends to meet the higher love vibration.

Every sovereign nation, race, military and government entity in the world is well aware of this transition and has sworn to remain silent, treating this transition event like a classified state secrete until the time is mutually agreed upon to release for mass consumption.

Not only is the banking now to become transparent and safe from harm, but so to are all forms of education, culture, entertainment, food supply, athletics, media, science, technology, health care, transportation, history, environment, communication, law, governance, medicine, energy, space travel, extra-terrestrial existence as well as every other daily aspect within the scope of the human experience.

Money, for instance, will now be made so abundant post-transition that there will literally be no need for money as all previous generations of humanity have come to understand it.  Whatever is needed moving forward will be provided, provided it does no harm to others and services the greater good.

This is why so many from this Internet community struggle and/or fight to comprehend the GCR/RV, specially sovereign ZIM values, as they lack the higher consciousness necessary to personally manage the transition, let alone assist others going through their own ascension process.

Instead, they attempt to minimize the scope during this era of change utilizing outdated insult and fear strategies that create temporary and illusionary evolutionary boxes.  The deeper problem with this tactic is that humanity must ascend to survive, per heavenly mandate, and thus cannot be controlled, minimized or boxed in per se. This includes all traditional forms of banking transactions.

Change is permanent universal law, not some unique era exception.

Sadly, many are simply standing on the wrong side of evolutionary history as they continuously refuse to cross-over into this new era of infinite love and light.  Humanity is free.  And their desire is to remain enslaved. Hence the conflict and thus artificial drama is therefore created.

This why it is both wise and prudent now to expect the constant expansion of the human condition beyond all your previous earthly psychological boarders and potential physical realms (time and space)–so that you can more peacefully adapt into this “new normal.”

Adapt or die, right?  Well, all of us are either doing one or the other–all of our days and nights–as there is no escaping the requirement of perpetual ascension in this or any era.

Life extension for instance will also become a big part of this brace new reality during said transition, as new medicines and technologies will now be introduced as to immediately allow for increased human mind, body and soul preservation while remaining within your current incarnated vessel.

There is now, and always has been, no limitation to your ascension possibilities, which makes surrendering to a divine Creator Source energy the only pathway forward.  As only soul’s desiring to evolve into heaven’s mandate for humanity will be allowed to energetically continue.

And this is why the goal must and always will be ascension.


“The Big One” – Higher Dimensional Frequencies Hitting Now

ascension energies incomingThe Big Wave will unleash the Truth and this will stir Chaos in the old paradigm. However, the chaos is good because it will mark the end of the false reality and outdated modalities. It will be the beginning of the new Earth reality in the unified field of consciousness.

This Fall 2016 will bring the first stage of the planetary shift; the opening of Ascension portals that will allow all the Star gates to activate. This is what will truly shift us into a new Earth reality. We will separate from the third dimension and it will not seem as if reality is quite right. There will be a strange Feeling that we have moved some place and the world will seem brighter.

Ultimately, we will see a complete collapse of the current governmental/political and monetary system. ‘Money’ will be rendered obsolete because it will no longer be relevant to the new Earth reality. After this Collapse has become obvious is when we will be plugged in to the Greater Consciousness and the new Photon Energy of new Earth will emerge. No one will be able to suppress the free use of the photon energy. This will change our entire existence in to complete Universal Knowledge, including Travel and Education over night. The inner Earth people will introduce technology that will remove all radiation and impurities from the ocean. There is technology that makes everything clean instantly.

We are almost at the time of the most exciting experience you will ever have. For those of us who are ready, it will be more like a Huge Miracle appearing before us. It will be the most wonderful of all occasions. All will be redeemed and reformed in miraculous ways.


by: Romeo Baron

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