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Pleiadian High Council of Seven ~ The New Earth

Editor’s note:  Posting as I completely resonate with the concept that nothing of this Earth interests me much and I long for something new. New places.  New foods.  New experiences.  New ways of living/experiencing/Being.  Absolutely!

Pleiadian High Council of Seven“We are the Pleiadian High Council of Seven, and we are pleased to offer you our words of wisdom.”

You find yourselves in a situation now where there is much anticipation about what is to come, and many of you find that life on planet Earth as it is has little to offer you. That is actually by design. Those of you who came forth to navigate through the shift consciously and to lead others set it up for yourselves so that you would not get caught up in the game as it has been played for eons of your time.

So having little or no interest in what the world has to offer you right now is actually going to work to your advantage. The world needs dreamers. The world needs magicians. The world needs faeries, and the world needs creators. You are the visionaries. You are the ones to see beyond the illusion and to feel for the new Earth, the new reality, and the new version of yourselves.

This Earth is transforming, and all of that boredom, and angst, and lack of interest in what fascinates the masses is part of what you are using to summon forth the energy to create something new. Now if you do have an interest in the Earth as it is, and in creating a better life for yourself using that which is available to you now, it does not mean that you are not one of the ones we are speaking to now.

Even those of you who are finding life as it is to be enthralling are seeking something more. You are seeking new experiences, and the world is ready for you to create them. When you are not interested in playing the game that most of your human companions are playing, you have an even greater desire to seek out that which is within yourselves.

That desire will fuel your expansion and will give you the tools to create that you have been seeking. So if you don’t like what you see, or if you can’t find anything interesting in your world, simply close your eyes and feel for the infinite space within yourselves and the access that you have to higher-frequency energy that is waiting for you to create with it.

We are the Pleiadian High Council of Seven, and we are very fond of all of you. That is all.”

Sourced from: Love has Won

Free Yourself From Workplace Slavery – 33 Ways to Earn a Living Without a Traditional Job

Editor’s note:  I have done/do several of these.  Never made a living at any of them though – not yet that is…

 By Daisy Luther

Most people these days do not own their time. They have to abide by someone else’s schedule, accept the amount of money that an employer is willing to pay and organize their lifestyles around those hours, allotted money, and rules.

When people of my generation were growing up, many of our parents worked at the same job for decades, providing stability for us and our siblings. Times have changed, though. A regular, long-term job doesn’t always offer stability, a living wage, or fair treatment.

In fact, many jobs these days look an awful lot like slavery, and a lot of indebted Americans end up spending most of their waking hours with people they don’t even like, doing something they hate, and barely making enough money to survive.

Is that really how you want to spend 70% of your time? What if I told you that you that it was possible to be entirely free of the “employee” rat race and that you could be in charge of how you spend your life?

Maybe it’s time to step off of the hamster wheel. Maybe it’s time to stop answering to the middle-management dictator. Maybe it’s time to quit punching a clock, asking permission to go to the restroom, or begging to leave early to watch your child’s piano recital.

Maybe it’s time to be free.

Even if you want a job, they can be hard to come by.

With unemployment rates skyrocketing, going out and finding a new job can be nearly impossible these days.  This is only going to get trickier as the government continues to force businesses to increase the minimum wage and businesses respond by hiring fewer employees or reducing hours. Workloads that used to provide employment to two people are now forced onto one. The work performed gets shoddier as the one employed person struggles to keep up, and the number of people who are employed gets lower.

If you don’t have a job, consider making one up. Actually, you might be better to make up several, considering the current economy and how difficult it can be to start a business these days. If you are in the midst of a personal economic collapse, you just might be able to change your course by creating your own streams of income instead of relying on an employer to pay you a living wage.

Let me explain what I mean.

There are a lot of little jobs a person can do that individually would not pay the bills.  However, an organized and industrious person can group a bunch of small jobs into a full-time income if they schedule carefully, work hard, and stay organized. I know, because I’ve done it.

Once upon a time, I did home daycare on the weekends, tended bar on Monday and Tuesday nights, did dog-walking and pet sitting during the week, cleaned house for a person one afternoon per week, and did the shopping and cooking for an elderly neighbor. At the time, I didn’t have a car, so all of this was done on foot.  Twenty years ago, the $400-500 a week I made from doing all of these little odd jobs paid the bills and left me with time for other things.

After that, I got a “real” job and spent years in the workforce. After the novelty of a regular paycheck wore off, I realized how much I hated it. It wasn’t that I minded working. I hated missing important moments in my children’s lives. I hated answering to arrogant middle managers who were consumed with their own importance. I hated having to get up when I was sleepy, drive somewhere that was an unpleasant temperature, and wait to eat lunch until it was convenient for everyone else instead of when I was hungry.

I eventually got “downsized” and it was the very best thing that ever happened to me. I was set free from a prison that most of us enter voluntarily and repeatedly and I never wanted to go back inside those gates again.

I began to revisit this type of money-making system.  In my older-and-wiser version of “make up your job,” I ran my own website, was a staff writer for another site, did some freelance editing and writing, and I did other web-based projects and virtual assisting as well.  Again, I made enough to pay for all of our needs and some of our wants.

I can tell you for a fact that this method of earning your living works. I’ve done it for more years than I’ve spent in traditional jobs, and it can be wonderful if you’re willing to take the leap.

Set up multiple streams of income

The key to success with this is to have multiple streams of income. Don’t put all of your financial eggs in one basket, because if that should dry up, you’ll be left “unemployed” yet again.  As well, it really helps with budgeting if you are able to say, “This task pays my rent, this task pays my utilities, this task pays for groceries.”

Obviously, we all know that living frugally is like making money, but that is a topic for another article. Also, read this book. Back in the 70s, Dolly Freed lived so frugally that she had very little need for money. While the economy is very different now, there is still a lot you can learn from her example. However, these days, frugality alone is not enough for most people. The fact remains there are some things we need money for, so this article is focused on acquiring that cash.

Some of us have specialized skills that make this easier – for example, I am a writer and editor, so I focus my money-earning on those two skills.   Others might be particularly handy, so they might focus their skills on doing home repairs.

But it isn’t necessary to have a skill set to bring in multiple streams of income. You simply have to be willing to do small jobs that may or may not be short term.

33 Ways to Earn a Living Without a Job

Here are some ideas to get you started.  This list, of course, is  by no means comprehensive.

  1. Cleaning houses
  2. Cleaning out vacated rental properties (as a perk, sometimes you get to keep items that have been abandoned, and you can sell them on Craigslist or make use of them yourself)
  3. Yardwork: raking, mowing, landscaping
  4. Trimming trees
  5. Cleaning out gutters
  6. Repairing items: home repairs, small appliance repairs – whatever you’re good at fixing, there is likely a person who needs that item fixed
  7. Cooking for those too busy to cook for themselves
  8. Babysitting
  9. Before and after school childcare (It can be really tough for working parents to find someone willing to drive their children to school and pick them up)
  10. Weekend or overnight childcare
  11. Pet-sitting
  12. Dog walking
  13. Laundry service (I recommend doing this at a laundromat instead of running up your own utility bills – you can build the price of the coin operated machines into your fee)
  14. Run errands – some folks are working during regular business hours and don’t have the time to do those little errands like stopping by the dry cleaner, going to the grocery store, etc.
  15. Shovel snow
  16. Help people move – if you have a strong back, you can be the hired muscle
  17. Wash cars
  18. Do a paper route (it’s not just for kids anymore)
  19. Recycle aluminum or plastic
  20. Recycle scrap metal – if you have a truck, run an ad offering to pick up used appliances, etc.  Most people are thrilled to have someone haul off their old junk.
  21. Pick up poop – a friend I used to know made a LOT of money from his willingness to pick up dog poop in people’s back yard on a weekly basis
  22. Make and sell…something.  Maybe you make jewelry, knit scarves, carve duck decoys – whatever.  Find a venue to sell your handmade items, like Etsy, craft sales, EBay, or the local paper.
  23. Rent out a room in your home – you can get big dollars if you live near a college.
  24. Sell excess garden goodies from a stand in your front yard
  25. If you have a really good eye, you can make money buying cool vintage stuff at yard sales and online, cleaning it up, then reselling it to an antique shop.  Be careful, though – you can just as easily lose money doing this.
  26. Do you sew? You can make money doing mending and alterations – many tailors charge up to $20 to hem a pair of pants.
  27. Got a green thumb? Set up and tend to vegetable gardens for your neighbors
  28. Sell social media influence: if you have a busy Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook page, sometimes you can do sponsored posts for companies who want to reach the people that interact with you
  29. Start a blog about something you love. Keep in mind, this is not immediate money. It can take months or even years before you make a profit.
  30. If you have a marketable talent, create an account on Fiverr. You can sell logos, digital artwork, small online jobs…the sky is the limit but the price is $5.
  31. If you have professional experience, use it to hire yourself out as a consultant. You can charge a great deal of money to provide an outside perspective in many different types of industries.
  32. Teach something. Again, you can use former professional experience for this. But you can also teach some of the marketable skills above, like crafting, repairing, or gardening.
  33. Network marketing sales. I know, I know. You’re going to say I’m crazy. But there are a lot of people making a lot of money selling things like Scentsy, Pampered Chef, and essential oils. Beware of spending a whole lot of money getting started, but if you find a product that you love and believe in, you may end up joining the ranks of those who are very successful at it.

A few keys to success

It’s important to make a good impression on your customers.  Handle these small jobs just like you would a corporate job and follow these key steps.

  • Be professional.
  • Arrive promptly.
  • Be courteous – the customer is always right.
  • Be tidy in your appearance
  • Work hard
  • Try to exceed the person’s expectations

Keep these principles in mind and you will never lack the opportunity for work. Word of mouth is the very best form of advertising.

Don’t forget about the barter system

Don’t limit yourself to only doing jobs for money. Is there a good or service that you want? Sometimes you can approach people and offer them a barter, particularly if they are in business for themselves.  For example, I used to clean house for the person who cut my family’s hair.  Once I was hired to clean up a person’s yard and I politely asked if we could keep the walnuts that had fallen from their tree. They didn’t mind at all, as they had just asked me to rake everything up and bag it, and it gave us a nice little bonus of a winter’s worth of delicious black walnuts for a weekend’s work.

More recently, I’ve traded my home-raised goods for someone else’s. I’ve swapped chicken pound-for-pound with pork, traded my excess tomatoes for someone else’s excess squash, and traded homemade blackberry jam for homemade plum jam. This provided us all with variety at no additional cost.

Don’t be afraid to approach people about the potential of bartering – the worst thing that can happen is that they say no.

Do be aware that the government would like you to pay tax on barters. They like to be involved in all transactions.

Get the word out

Sometimes you can find work through people you know – maybe they expressed a need to have someone walk Fido partway through the day. Other times, you will need to search a little harder to find customers for your services.

  • Put an ad on Craigslist
  • Find some local message boards online and post your services there
  • Make flyers and hand them out in your neighborhood (be sure to respect the wishes of those homes that say “no flyers”)
  • Post flyers on telephone poles if that is allowed in your area
  • Put a sign in your front yard – I used to advertise “Daycare Space Available” at my home
  • Put an ad in the classified section of your local paper
  • Put a sign up on grocery store or other community bulletin boards

Living without a job can mean a kind of freedom you never had before.

Creatively funding your life without regular employment can give you a whole new kind of freedom.

  • You have the ability to pick and choose who you work with or for. If someone is unpleasant to deal with, you can find another way to fill in that portion of your income. No more horrible bosses.
  • You can make your schedule fit your life instead of the other way around. You no longer have to miss your child’s events because your employer won’t let you leave work to attend them. You can make your starting time begin when it is convenient for you instead of sticking to someone else’s arbitrary schedule.
  • Your fate is not in the hands of someone else.  One of the most stressful things in a workplace environment is the fact that you must answer to someone else all the time. And if those answers aren’t “the right ones” you can lose your entire stream of income in a heartbeat. Personality conflicts have the potential to end your career.
  • You can work as many or as few hours as you need to. One of my favorite things about working for myself is the ability to cut my workload when I want more time than money or increase it when I need more money to fund more fun time.
  • You can work when you want to. Are you a night owl? Stop dragging yourself out of bed at the crack of dawn and choose jobs that work with your personal circadian rhythm.  Are you a morning person? Work then and be in bed early. Stop setting your watch to someone else’s clock.
  • You can include your children. For many of us, daycare is a massive expense. Some of the work ideas listed above mean that you don’t have to have your children raised by strangers. They can come along with you, help you work, and learn marketable skills too.

While losing your job in this economy can seem like the most horrible, stressful thing in the world, sometimes it can be the best thing that ever happened to you. It can be like a reluctant baby bird getting shoved out of the nest. You can fly or you can fail.  If you choose to fly, you’ll discover a whole new world of freedom.

Sourced from: 

The Beginning Is Near (Intel, Current Events Compilation)

By truthearth

It is becoming very obvious that we are on the brink of experiencing a grand event (The Event). I am following many sources very closely and spend most of my time researching current events and intel from various places on the web.

If you are new to The Event and would like more information, I have summarized the whole situation in a post I wrote a little while back and have created documents to print and share with reliable links to the information.Now we heard from Cobra a while back that just before the planetary breakthrough, Turkey might have been the trigger for a short but intense military escalation, which did happen in July when the positive military there attempted to take over the government. This endeavor unfortunately failed and the post-coup consequences are still being felt. However, I want to bring attention to what was written which was about the breakthrough occurring after this attempted coup.

We have also heard from Corey Goode’s information that there was going to be a big event that would get everyone’s attention. He mentioned that he wasn’t sure what it would be but an example would be something having to do with the financial system. Which is part of The Event but if we are following what’s going on with this year’s presidential election, it is anything but normal mudslinging..

Could the Alliance be using the election to deliver the truth to everyone? Is it very possible as the election concerns everyone of the world as, for the time being, the United States is a superpower and whatever happens here has big consequences in other countries and it is broadcast through almost all the mainstream media avenues. It is everywhere. So this would be a very opportune time to dump some damaging and incriminating evidence about the candidates, who are actually just pre-selected puppets by the Cabal.

We have been hearing about the internet having a killswitch where if the Alliance were to do a type of grand public data dump on the web the Cabal could just knock out service for many people in a short time if not instantly. Recently, Wikileaks founder Julian Assange had garnered much excitement about his October 5th announcement outside the Ecuadorian embassy with the following tweet:

Image result for wikileaks julian tweet october surprise

The time was scheduled for 11PM where I lived and I thought that was a bit odd but just went to bed and thought I could watch it the next morning. When I went to check out what he had announced it was reported throughout the mainstream and alternative media that there was no big leak. Now, what was even more interesting was that there was a massive outage in internet service during the exact time of his speech as seen in the picture below:



Did the Alliance utilize Julian as bait to reveal the Cabal’s internet killswitch? It could be. If this was the case, it was extremely successful because we are, at the time of this writing (10/16/2016), on data dump number 9 from Wikileaks and the information contained has been totally amazing if you ask me. In case you may have missed it, there was a couple of e-mails to John Podesta from Astronaut Edgar Mitchell about the space war and wanted to find a good time to discuss disclosure and release zero point (free energy) to the public:



It is important to remember that the Alliance has to work in very intense secrecy so the Cabal does not interfere with their plans. But if you read between the lines in these events, you can spot them.

Let us also remember one of Cobra’s recent posts where he wrote the following:

“This is the last escalation of the Galactic Wars before the final liberation of our Solar System and the final removal of darkness from the Universe.”

We are seeing many commercials that feature extra-terrestrials, which is congruent with the intel that we are getting which is that there is a plan to roll out disclosure and condition society in order to be ready for when the big D happens, the big D of course, for those that don’t have a dirty mind, is Disclosure and The Event.

Just recently we had the Iraqi Transport Minister announce that their “new airport will be built on the site of a 7,000-year-old alien interplanetary spaceship launcher.”

“The atmosphere throughout Dhi Qar is positive….When the Sumerians settled here, they knew full well that the atmosphere here was suitable for flying to outer space. It was from here that the Sumerian spaceships took off towards the other planets.”

Then we have a big announcement on October 12th which was featured on The Guardian about a breakaway civilization called Asgardia. The founder Igor Ashurbeyli and a team of top scientists have asked humanity to join this new society by signing up through the website. They originally asked for 100k people but at the time of this writing the number is up to 336,472.

Igor Ashurbeyli
Igor Ashurbeyli

Igor had this to say just recently on the Asgardia website:

“In only 40 hours since I have announced the birth of the new space nation Asgardia one hundred thousand people from more than two hundred countries on Earth have applied to join.

And 4 days later we are already more than 300 000 people.

I would like to welcome and thank you personally.

Now we are continuing the registration aiming to bring together one million people. Soon we will become a member of the UN.”

Now I would like to go into this in more detail, especially about the name, Asgardia. When I read this name I got so excited! In the television show Stargate SG-1 the team meets a race of beings called the Asgard. They were responsible for the stories that we know of involving the viking, Thor. The being that the SG-1 team would have continuing encounters with was named Thor.

Image result for asgard SG1

The Asgard are a race of extremely advanced and benevolent beings which look like what we know as the Greys.

We have heard from whistle-blowers like Corey Goode that shows like Stargate SG-1 had a lot of leaked information and intel in it. This is one validation of this.

 asgard SG1
Episode from StarGate SG-1 titled ‘Disclosure’ Where the Stargate Command Team Discloses the StarGate Project to World Leaders

Recently we had an interesting executive order come out of the White House which had ordered various departments and people to begin preparations for damages that could be caused by solar weather and events:


“By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, and to prepare the Nation for space weather events”

What we are hearing from sources like Cobra, Corey Goode and David Wilcock, is that there is going to be a grand solar event that changes our reality on a quantum level. In David’s research he discusses how over 30 different ancient cultures and texts talk about this event which is suppose to happen in the time that we are in right now. It is positive but what we hear from Corey is that the Cabal is afraid of it and has different ideas as to what it will do but they don’t want to be around when it happens which is why we are getting reports that the Cabal is pouring into their underground bunkers and bases in Antarctica.

The following is from Cobra about the coming wave/solar event:

“In the center of our Galaxy, there is a huge double star, the source of Light and life for this Galaxy, the Galactic Goddess, the Pleroma, the Galactic Central Sun. It breathes and pulses with a regular rhythm, each heartbeat taking 26,000 years to complete. Every time the Galactic heart beats, the Galactic center sends a wave of highly charged physical and non-physical particles throughout the Galaxy.
This Galactic heart beat has entrained the precession of the Earth axis to align with the 26,000 year cycle.

This energy will completely clear the primary anomaly and the plasma octopus entity around the Earth, which was called Yaladaboth in Gnostic teachings.

We are approaching a Galactic wave right now and it will culminate in the Event.

It is important to understand that the Event is an active interaction between our global consciousness and the Galactic Center and that Galactic energies are coming to us based on our ability to receive them. This is why it is so important for as many people to awaken as soon as possible.”

The negative ETs have been trying to leave the planet as well as they know they can’t be here when this solar event takes place. But they will be🙂

Now on to the financial front of things. Cobra has already relayed to us in previous interviews that nothing very big would be happening until the The Event happens in regards to the financial system. If we follow what’s going on though, we can see that there is an obvious amount of panic and extreme distress among those working with big banks and in the stock market.

We keep hearing over and over “it’s gonna crash, anytime now!” The reason they are saying this is because one of the biggest banks in the world in Germany, Deutsche Bank, which, I might add, is supposedly the most economically responsible country in Europe, is experiencing a total meltdown and collapse. As the saying goes, if Europe sneezes, the U.S. gets a cold. And this applies to the financial system.

Deutsche Bank has hundreds of trillions of dollars worth of bad derivatives AKA bets, mostly in oil, and all it would take is for a certain amount of people to stop paying their debts and the entire system would collapse. At least, this is my understanding of how the financial system works. Since we are in a global great depression, this is exactly what’s happening. No one has any money, everyone is broke.

Recently Deutsche Bank made big headlines as they have been ordered by the Department of Justice to pay a 14 billion dollar fine which resulted in the stocks taking a dive, yet again. The CEO of course is saying that the bank is fine and that they don’t need a bail-out. Of course, the German chancellor and allegedly Hitler’s daughter Angela Merkel has publicly announced there will be no bail-out for DB. The bank really needs a bail-out and is probably doing much worse than is being admitted but the German government cannot possibly do this or they would look absolutely hypocritical as they forced Greece to pay back their debts to them during their crisis, which is actually still on-going.

Deutsche Bank has also recently announced it will be firing 10,000 workers in the coming years, but don’t worry, everything is juuuust fine.

It appears that the financial crash we are currently watching in real time is actually being guided and will continue until the final breakthrough. This is what we are hearing from various sources. There is nothing to fear as everything that is happening here is being overseen and watched by very high density beings.

Now into Geopolitics. The anti-Russian news stories being put out by the mainstream media has gotten exponentially worse and with more hate than ever before. WWIII is playing out as we speak in Syria through proxy mercenary armies and the Cabal is losing miserably with Russia and its galactic advisers working tirelessly to finish them off and the Cabal trying to take the whole world down with them.

Cobra has mentioned in his most recent update:

“Regarding current escalation of tensions between Russia and USA, Putin has received a tactical plan from the Pleiadians how to avoid a global war.”

The Cabal doesn’t know what to do with itself in Syria since Russia showed up. The U.S. recently broke off all diplomatic ties with them in a poor attempt to paint Russia as the aggressor, but as usual, Putin and his right-hand man Lavrov handled everything very diplomatically and carefully. Hilariously, John Kerry has now decided to restore ties with Russia and began talks about Syria.

stop bombing our terrorists
Meme I Created

So this is it everyone, the last stretch before duality ends forever in the Universe. We are watching it happen right now in real time. We all have front row seats to the spectacle of all spectacles. There is nothing to be afraid of. We are about to be free and I have provided much evidence to this conclusion. The Cabal is desperate as we can see by their actions on the world stage. It’s not over yet but we are closer than we have ever been. Thanks for reading and much love as always! Victory of the Light!

 Sourced from: Truth Earth

Thoughts Of A Weary Starseed Human – Part 2

As though I could come up with more things to say on this whole weary starseed human experience.  But as I like to say: “Can’t come up with anything to say? Come sit next to me and I will think of something.”

Lately I have been seeing these stats, on random sites, posed by random people, that say anywhere between 65-85% of the population are either cloned or without souls.  The idea of most humans being cloned or soul-less bothers me deeply and it simply doesn’t resonate with me.  After giving it some contemplation, I came up with something tonight and I would like to present it and see what you think and feel about my concept: I believe that statistic simply represents the percentage of folks who simply are not ready to awaken.  It isn’t that they don’t want to – it is simply that they can’t.  Why?  I don’t know for sure.  Perhaps it is part of their evolutionary plan as created by their Higher Self.  Perhaps it is simply due to a lack of will.  Perhaps they simply aren’t ready. Continue reading “Thoughts Of A Weary Starseed Human – Part 2”

18 Signs That You’re Here to Transform Human Consciousness

For many years now, a lot of people have been talking about “The Shift,” this mysterious transformation of human consciousness that is supposedly underway.

Ever since the end of the Mayan calendar in December of 2012, New Age types tend to twitter away about the evolution of the species, the revolution of love, and other hopeful but fuzzy seeming changes in what it means to be human. I want to take a minute to help us all ground this floaty notion a bit.

See if any of this sounds familiar:

Do you have a vision of some aspect of a more beautiful world, and you know it’s your sacred purpose to help bring it into being?

Do you sense that something is out of alignment in the world, and you want to be a part of the solution?

Have you experienced a life-altering event that changed everything for you, and now you want to use that experience to help others?

Do you have an innovative idea that might make the world a better place?

Do you feel called to help others heal, transform, connect, love, create, succeed, and thrive?

Yeah, I thought so. I had a feeling you were one of us! Welcome to what my friend Martha Beck calls “The Team.” In her book Finding Your Way In A Wild New World, Martha Beck defines Team members by the following characteristics.

You may not recognize every single attribute, but if you’re a Team member, you’re likely to be nodding your head a lot as you read through these characteristics of those whose souls incarnated here on this planet right now to facilitate this mystical shift in human consciousness.

See if any of these Team traits resonate with who you are and how you feel:

A sense of having a specific mission or purpose involving a major transformation in human experience, but being unable to articulate what this change might be.

A strong sense that the mission, whatever it is, is getting closer in time.

A compulsion to master certain fields, skills, or professions, not only for career advancement but in preparation for this half-understood personal mission.

High levels of empathy; a sense of feeling what others feel.

An urgent desire to lessen or prevent suffering for humans, animals, or even plants.

Loneliness stemming from a sense of difference, despite generally high levels of social
activity. One woman summed up this feeling perfectly when she said, “Everybody likes me, but nobody’s like me.

High levels of creativity; passion for music, poetry, performance, or visual arts.

An intense love of animals, sometimes a desire to communicate with them.

Difficult early life, often with a history of abuse or childhood trauma.

Intense connection to certain types of natural environment, such as the ocean, mountains, or forest.

Resistance to orthodox religiosity, paradoxically accompanied by a strong sense of either spiritual purpose or spiritual yearning.

Love of plants and gardening, to the point of feeling empty or depressed without the chance to be among green things and/or help them grow.

Very high emotional sensitivity, often leading to predilections for anxiety, addictions, or eating disorders.

Sense of intense connection with certain cultures, languages, or geographic regions.

Disability, often brain-centered (dyslexia, retardation, autism) in oneself or a loved one.

Fascination with people who have intellectual disabilities or mental illness.

Apparently gregarious personality contrasting with a deep need for periods of solitude; a sense of being drained by social contact and withdrawing to “power up” again.

Persistent or recurring physical illness, often severe, with symptoms that fluctuate inexplicably.

Daydreams (or night dreams) about healing damaged people, creatures, or places.

You! You! You!

If you read that list (like I did) thinking “Check, check, check,” you’re definitely one of us visionary healer mender way-finders on The Team. And the world needs you to fulfill your sacred purpose — pronto!

As Martha wrote:

“If enough people start mending their true nature in the incredibly interconnected world we’re creating, the cumulative effect really could begin healing the true nature of, well, everything.”

The Karass

In my new book The Anatomy of a Calling, I wrote about Team members, but also about the “karass”, which is its own special form of Team gathering.

In Cat’s Cradle, Kurt Vonnegut writes about how God organizes the world into units which he calls a “karass.”

A karass is a unit of incarnated beings whose job it is to bring into being one of God’s holy ideas. Members of a karass all further the collective purpose seamlessly, though many never even know they are part of this karass.

Even if they never meet, they work together in harmony, in impeccable service to God’s holy idea. Everything about their lives furthers the purpose perfectly, even though they may be furthering the purpose unconsciously.

When you meet someone who is a member of your karass, even though it may make no sense to you on a human level, you will recognize them as a family member instantly. Your souls will resonate, even if you appear to have nothing in common on the human level.

This is how the Divine gets important things done in the world. Your karass is like a peaceful army that activates to bring light into the world.

Vonnegut compares the karass to its polar opposite, which he calls “The Granfalloon.” The Granfalloon is a group of people who think they are connected to each other in some way, but they have no spiritual connection whatsoever.

For example, the Harvard class of 1986 — or the Republican party — or Mets fans. They are completely unrelated to each other when it comes to their soul purpose. They may think they belong to the same tribe, but the bond is shallow, whereas the bond between members of a karass runs deep and pure.

Members of the same karass are held to their purpose like electrons around a nucleus. Some live very close to the purpose.

Some are further out. But all are held to the purpose by a spiritual magnetism. They may have never met each other, or they may be married to each other. They may work in the same field, or they may have very different careers. But their lives fit together in service to this shared spiritual purpose.

We are all here for an unknown purpose. Serving this purpose makes us feel fulfilled and enriched. But if we get seduced off purpose — by ambition, fame, money, or the ego’s grasping at comfort — our vitality gets stolen from us. When we commit to this purpose we’re here to serve, when we give ourselves to serving it with great impeccability, everything begins to fall into place.

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Intel & Situation Report from

Editor’s note:  As always, use discernment.  My mate and I noticed two sets of military jets Friday afternoon – in formations of 3 – fly over, heading west (we live by the pacific coast).  Something was up, that’s for sure.  This piece shares some information on that.  Also appreciated the insight into waking up with sore hips – something I have been experiencing lately enough to take notice.  



This last couple of weeks have involved MAJOR PLANETARY SHIFTS through work I have been involved in or privy to. I have received the green light to disperse this information and recommend we all celebrate in such a momentous event.

Firstly, as of Monday the veil has “officially” come down and people will begin to see the truth of who they really are. Don’t be surprised if you begin to see through archeological finds in a new way and exposure of political events.

Secondly, as of Thursday, TIME has been successfully unraveled and disentangled from the Point of Creation. Begin to notice how we are now fully stepping out of time ALTOGETHER.

As of Friday afternoon as well as Saturday morning some of you may have heard a loud sonic boom in the area of San Diego, California. My husband Steve came into my office notifying me of some sort of “explosion” having occurred. This is because TEN Stellar Galactic Ships came in through our sector to retrieve any remaining cabal members on Planet Earth. There was a final violation of all terms and agreements by Cabal Members made to stay on Planet Earth which initiated this response by Ashtar’s Allied Forces. It has been confirmed that air raid sirens went off in San Diego as well.
Nuclear missiles were activated in Montana by The Cabal in response to this event but were immediately shut down.

Also, there are confirmed reports that US bankers run by The Cabal have been closed down in foreign countries and are no longer willing to receive large bills of US currency. They will take them but do not want them.

Lastly, I would like to share some helpful information with you that has been passed down to me. IF you are waking up sore, especially in the hips and back area, COMMAND that you no longer need to go into the underworld to seek out or retrieve lost parts of yourself. Prime Creator has taken care of this for you and has all of your crystalline parts that have been stolen from you or hidden away in unknown places. Call forth 2 Guardians of 100% of Sacred Light once you fall asleep to prevent you from going into places where you will only be “beaten up” and where it is not for your Higher and Best Good. This is no longer needed.

I sincerely wish all of you a fabulous Sunday afternoon. This is truly an epoch weekend and all of us will look back at this momentous break through with nostalgic appreciation.


Most of this information comes from a trusted anonymous Source.

I love you all-


Sourced from:

NESARA Intel Report by Veritas: “Full Press On” — October 16, 2016

Editor’s note:  I hesitate posting such articles only because the last thing I want to do is post disinformation nor do I wish to mislead people or leave them feeling dismayed given this NESARA RV/GCR info has been circulating for years.  However now and then I do only because this has been a vision of mine for almost 25 years – long before I heard of any of it.  And please ignore the ignorance of the author when he/she speaks of the younger generations who are “addicted to food stamps” and other government handouts.  Addiction is a harsh, judgmental word.  The COL is outlandish today and the wages have simply not kept up, which has forced millions of folks – young AND old – to need to rely on such assistance.  There is no addiction.  There is no shame.  The system was rigged from the start to create this crap.  So says I…


by Veritas | October 16, 2016

Starting with NESARA and my comments on safety..

This is really the story of power and how it corrupts people, organizations and nations. I am often questioned on my beliefs as to what is happening in America. It goes like this, “This is the United States. How can you possibly believe that something like NESARA could happen here?” Then there is my favorite, “How can you say these things and alarm people. That’s irresponsible.”

American, I ask you. CAN YOU REALLY SIT THERE AND NOT BELIEVE THERE ARE WEALTHY AND POWERFUL PEOPLE THAT WANT TO DETERMINE THE FLOW OF MONEY HERE? CAN YOU PROVE TO ME THAT THERE AREN’T SUCH PEOPLE INFLUENCING OUR POLITICS AND OUR NEWS? Why do I read information in other countries about the U.S. that never shows up on our news? Do you not notice that news stopped being neutral and starting projecting opinions? Have you not noticed the younger generation and how much trouble they are in because they are almost totally addicted to food stamps and hand outs? Are you so unaware?

Now, when I tell you that there are military people, Admirals and Generals and others, that are determining how they can best carry out their charter to protect the U.S.Constitution, perhaps you could take a moment and follow the logic of it with me.

In the 1930’s there was a lot of corruption in the U.S. banking system. It wasn’t regulated, at least not enforced and it was privately run. It is in the history books. Willie Nelson used to do concerts about the farmer’s plight.

The bankers were in collusion with the Federal Regulators at the time. The goal was to obtain farm property en masse. Banks would put clauses in tiny print that later allowed the property to be taken such as indicating that upon the farmer’s death the property reverted to the bank. This was done without disclosure to the person taking the loan and often resulted in a nasty surprise for those who thought they were inheriting family farms and could carry on the decades old tradition of working the land. Often the banks would take payments in cash and then never record them, later declaring default and then taking over. The farmers were helpless to stop it.

There are lots of sites where you can get in-depth details. Do some research. For my purposes here, let me summarize. The situation grew until it involved many farmers and became a class action lawsuit of enormous size. Those hurt by the situation included one General who was co-plaintiff in the Farmers’ Cases when it finally went to the U.S. Supreme Court in the 1980’s.

Racing through our speedy court system, it reached the nine Supreme Court judges in early 1993. Seven of the nine justices ruled on major issues in a closed court (for national security purposes). These rulings included official court statements that the Federal Reserve Banking system was unconstitutional, that the U.S. had been operating outside of the Constitution since March of 1933, that major reforms of government and banking systems were required, and, most importantly for us here, that financial redress and remedies must be provided for financial losses due to bank fraud suffered by generations of farmers.

These reformations were extraordinary and happened because so many Admirals and Generals were involved and aware of the wrong. You can read the final court case up to a certain point, then it was sealed by the Court and all court records and people directly involved were given a strict NDA by the Supreme Court until the reformation was made public. From this section, take away the thought that this was huge, involved a lot of people for compensation after decades taken to resolve it and that it was kept gagged for obvious national reasons.

The next part is where it gets interesting

Again, summarizing greatly, the military latched on to the situation. Some of the very best constitutional attorneys became involved in helping determine how this situation could be used for the issues greatly concerning the military – our country’s departure from constitutional adherence.

Because this was implemented at the Supreme Court level, those Justices who ruled in favor now had a vested interest in determining how the court’s orders were to be fulfilled. During this process the 16th Amendment, the Income Tax Amendment, was discovered as never having been ratified and was included in the reforms ordered by the court. This established a patter of both Federal Administrators and Congress ignoring Constitutional law since 1933. This began when Franklin Delano Roosevelt declared a national banking emergency and amended the Trading with the Enemy Act. A Committee was formed and given the authority to manage the announcement and implementation of these Supreme Court-ordered reforms.

You are probably not aware, but every public official is required to sign a NESARA resignation form when they take office. That includes all members of Congress and the President and Vice President of the United States. These documents represent the public official’s agreement that if NESARA is enacted, their position is dissolved.

Certain actions were taken since the 1990’s and some were not. There was a new currency, the Treasure Note, or TRN that was printed, backed by gold and shipped to sit in vaults waiting for announcement. This has been used outside of the U.S.for years, just not publicly announced. A general Farm Claims process began which was to design financial redress to Americans. There has been a lot of interference that has made this a slow process, but it got there at any rate. In 1998, the General and Admirals brought in new legal experts, the very best, to assess the situation and how to bring the reforms out and correct the misdirection when the major facets of our government such as the Federal Reserve bank became corporations owned by private individuals rather than representing our country. It is easy to verify. It’s just that one would never think to check and see that some of the royalty of England and very wealthy individuals actually own our Federal Reserve. Profit earned there is returned to equity holders and is drained off in large quantities. Large enough to assist greatly with our national debt, by the way.

To stop the stalling that was happening by the Judges of the Supreme Court, it was decided to compile the reformations into a law and have it passed by Congress. This was the beginning of the National Economic Security and Reformation Act (NESARA). This was passed by quorum by members of the U.S.Senate and House very privately. Can they do that? Yes, they can. Study it out.

Since then the military has moved forward strongly in preparation. General Dunford is the name to watch for. I will have to give more detail or you can find plenty of the actions taken on this major change. Here’s what is important, very important.

The new Republic as represented by General Dunford has been fully, completely and unalterably accepted by the international community in a fully legal fashion. Though Obama takes credit for everything, it is the Republic that has been recognized and taken action at the G20, with the Paris Accord, and with the IMF, the White Dragon Family (providing the gold behind the new currency as required by the IMF), the BOC and their excellent software programmers creating a global interface for the new international transfer and banking system – CIPS, and on and on. The highest court in the world, The Hague, has been involved closely and working with General Dunford on this transition. It is only the American public that is unaware of this currency and this governmental change.

How can I make such a statement? How can I be certain? It is because of my political, international, business and Republic associates. Why do I bother explaining? Now, that is a very good question! I am in a position to realize the impact on citizens and I care about that. I want a better future for my children and their children. It is a case where naiveté might be quite dangerous.

It is time to consider whether you feel that there might be even the most remote possibility that this is true. It is already in place though under the radar, so why not find out about it? If what I say is true, then it will soon be more apparent out in public. The transition is being handled very carefully because you can imagine a public reaction could be lively. Returning to our Constitution is not without its own cost, just as our Founding Fathers experienced in their own dilemma in fighting tyranny. Should we? Shouldn’t we? They were people so much like you and I. They would embrace this heartily.

To those of you in the belief category in wonderful groups like this one, I commend you on your openness and courage. It hasn’t been easy, has it? I am glad to be able to reassure you and bring even a bit of comfort to long time supporters. You are right. It is very true and in the end all will know it.

The question is, how open will the change be within the U.S.?

Even as I write this, the new Republic’s General Dunford, White Dragon Elders and others are pushing the final release of GCR/RV funding out the door. Behind the scenes, this is anything but quiet. General Dunford has had four attempts on his life in the last week. This last one included a sniper shooting at both the General and two Elders as they exited a building. A very, very close call, this one. Both the Elders and the General are now ready for full implementation with no more delays.

It has already begun. I have reports around the world verifying bond releases. The Farmer claims have been processed along with other key class action groups. The last report I had was that Tier 3, the Internet group tier, was processing and that announcement of its beginning would be withheld until everything announced in a shotgun approach, all at once. I would watch for this any time. Every contact indicating it is flowing smoothly and progressing to release. (This is a slight revision from this post made earlier. It was held for a bit – most frustrating when gagged – so updated.)

There can be time shifts in an estimate like this. There are a lot of details involved in the technical side of release that sometimes slow things down as it did the other day with Tier 3 releases. The threats to Dunford also caused time lost. The motivation to have this released and decrease the pressure on Dunford just went to a new level when the Elders were included as targets. They don’t get even, they take action and fast. It needs to happen. They know it. We know it. It is logical that delays at this point cause more harm than good. It’s like a baby being born. At some point it is just going to happen.

We are at that point.

Be aware, watch and see the connections.

The reason for a warning of staying close to home? I hope by now you understand that when a major transition such as the one we just discussed has many possibilities to it. In the best case, it is subtle, public announcements that no one realizes what they are. At the other extreme, it could be initiation of martial law. Hopefully that is a remote possibility, but when that IS one of the possibilities and I am aware of it, I feel a personal obligation to let people know. It is simple to just stay at home at likely announcement times with a few days food. Not a reason to panic, again just common sense.

Take that for what it’s worth.


Copyright 2016 all rights reserved VERITAS WITTICISMS LLC

This content was originally submitted and published at Operation Disclosure.

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