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More Physical Ascension Upgrades Coming October 13th!

by Aluna Joy Yaxkin,

Even though we whine through them, geomagnetic storms assist us to upgrade our physical bodies, so we can maintain new ascension frequencies in our physical form.

In early September, we had an odd geomagnetic anomaly that centered over England while we were pilgrimaging there. This was a warm up and, little did we know, this was just the beginning of some pretty large geomagnetic disturbances. Then on September 25 through October 1, we had a very long sustained geomagnetic storm pattern (see prior post for more about this).

These storms are truly affecting and upgrading our physical bodies. Our bodies are magnetic in nature, and the iron that is in our blood is helping us transform.

From the middle to the end of this month, there is solar activity forecasted for us to have yet another extended, solar magnetic storm. This is far as the forecast goes today! (see the image attached). We can send calming energies to the atmosphere to deflect this incoming disturbance, but you might want to read more before deciding to do that.

More Physical Ascension Upgrades Coming October 13th

I asked about this month’s crazy energy, and this is what I received …

I was told that our nervous system has already been upgraded this year. Remember those panic attacks, weird unfounded fears and lack of sleep? This was the first steps in physical ascension.

Now our endocrine system is getting an upgrade. We will experience emotional and physical challenges similar to ones that we had at the end of September, but at a deeper intensity. Most sensitive and empathic people will simply not be comfortable during this phase. Many (even MEN!) will have strong PMS like symptoms and strange hot and cold cycles. We will not have the ability to control body temperature during the rest of this month. Facial flushes, sinus issues and weird fever-like symptoms might arise as well. This is because our Adrenal and Thyroid glands are being upgraded. All of our glandular systems are being upgraded, and thus our hormones are being reprogrammed. You are not sick; you are being physically upgraded. We knew this was coming, and now it is here!

The endocrine (glands) system produce, store, and secrete hormones through our iron rich blood. Our hormones from these glands are like a second nervous system to our bodies. The glands of the endocrine system are: Hypothalamus, Pineal Gland, Pituitary Gland, Thyroid, Parathyroid, Thymus, Adrenal, Pancreas, Ovaries, Testes . These glands produce different types of hormones and are distributed through our blood. Iron is affected by geomagnetic storms as iron is magnetic by nature. These geomagnetic storms are disrupting our usual process and are triggering our bodies to process new frequencies in a different way.

You are most likely feeling these symptoms already… Dizzy spells, bloating and weird digestive and elimination issues. Your body is dumping anything into your bowels to purge that which will not serve your regeneration. Emotionally you might feel like you are regressing, going backwards, and even getting younger. For older women, this might mean feeling old menopause symptoms arise again. Sorry. We will need to really maintain self care and maintain a mastery level of consciousness. These are early stage symptoms of Physical Ascension.

What we can do to ease challenges …
  • Hot detoxing baths. Find one that speaks to you. Just Google detox bath and use what feels right.
  • Smudge and clear yourself daily. See your body enveloped in violet light (violet flame).
  • Eat as clean as you can without obsession. Obsession can block much of the nutrient value from our diet.
  • Take it easy on yourself, and don’t push your issues, either physically, emotionally or spiritually. We are at our physical limit and pushing will not give you any more results at this point. If an issue is to be resolved during this potent time, it will happen with little effort on your part.
  • Get outside everyday, and go barefoot if possible. Fall/Spring is a beautiful time of year. Being in a negative ion environment is best for magnetic overload (Oceans, rivers, water falls, etc…). Deserts will be the most challenging.
  • Put you WiFi on a timer, so it goes off at night. If you can flip the main breaker to all your electric, that is even better! P.S. You can pray over all your computers, WiFi and other technology related devices. This will make you feel better when the magnetic storms wreak havoc on our devices.
  • If you feel vital and strong enough to be in service, you can take action with this energy. Pray for all people who are our world leaders. See each of them in violet, clearing light, so that their best and highest motivations for humanity and our world are supported. Pray for the spirits of all the world’s countries, and, most of all, the spirit of our one Mother Earth.

Your are ready for this spiritually. (Yes … That is you who are reading this). This time could make you feel impatient and ready to leap out of your skin, but you need your skin, yes? Did you hear this? Yes, you are ready in spirit! Now we need to get our clunky physical space suits to come into alignment with these higher frequencies. There is a huge legion of light beings supporting us in this process, even though we might feel abandoned right now.

We are not going to share what this crazy time will do to the fragile, shifting world stage at this time. The world stage implications is in another message coming soon (Yikes!) Today’s message is for YOU, so you can take care of the most important thing. That is YOU! If you are not strong and healthy, you will not be effective for what comes next, and we need everyone of you for our new future.

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Editor’s note:  This past year, my mate and I have had a very similar dream where we were in this massive structure that was shaped like a mountain.  It was literally like the center of a beautiful crystal-like mountain had been carved out on the inside.  There were waterfalls and natural light came in from the top.  In the center was this massive, wooden table that ran the length of the particular section we were in.  There were about 50 people inside – all human/humanoid looking.  With the exception of my mate and child, I knew no one.  But the feeling of friendship and celebration was quite wonderful.  My mate had a very similar dream weeks later.  

Researcher believes Inner Earth Civilizations will soon reveal themselves to the World. In a new interview by Coast to Coast AM, author and researcher David Wilcock said that an alliance of ancient civilizations is living inside our planet. Wilcock says that according to his research, it seems that these cavities are utilized so that advanced civilizations have a place they can live while looking out for everything that happens on the ‘outer Earth’, the surface of our planet. These inner earth civilizations have been calling the inner Earth their home for extensive periods of time and they are about the reveal themselves to the world. Wilcock believes that the US government knows of their presence due to accidentally discovering them via undercover projects building secret underground bases. “I think we are going to find out that underground bases are much more extensive than we thought and much more ancient,” Wilcock said.

Sourced from: Disclose TV

National laboratory scales up quantum-dot solar windows that can power entire buildings

solar window technologyImagine a future where a building’s energy comes from its windows. Many scientists have worked towards that future in the lab, but now five scientists from Los Alamos National Laboratory have demonstrated solar window technology can indeed be scaled up. Instead of palm-sized models, they created solar windows large enough to power entire buildings.

Related: Revolutionary new solar windows could generate 50 times more power than conventional photovoltaics

 Solar-Windows-TechnologyFluorophores in the LSCs also help the windows do their job. After light is collected, the chemical compounds re-emit photons. Photovoltaic cells can then collect the photons after they are guided towards the cells via “total internal reflection.”

The team used a “doctor-blade” technique to create the LSC windows. This technique is often used in printing to remove excess ink and leave behind a uniform film. The scientists drew on the printing technique to add a thin, uniform layer of a “dot/polymer composite” on large glass slabs that could be put into buildings. Lead scientist Victor Klimov said the solar windows could “turn presently passive building facades into power generation units.”

As detailed in their research published online by Nature Energy this week, the scientists hope the use of LSCs could reduce solar power costs. Their solar windows likely wouldn’t need as many “expensive photovoltaic materials” as other solar modules. They also noted solar windows would be incredibly beneficial for urban spaces, where there may not be as much room for solar panels.

Images via Los Alamos National Laboratory and Wikimedia Commons

Study Finds Trees Have Feelings, Make Friends And Look After Each Other Like An Old Couple

by James Gould-Bourn | Bored Panda

“They can feel pain, [and] have emotions, such as fear. Trees like to stand close together and cuddle. They love company and like to take things slow,” – these are just a couple of findings by Peter Wohlleben, a German researcher who devoted his work to studying trees.

“There is in fact friendship among trees,” says Wohlleben. “They can form bonds like an old couple, where one looks after the other. Trees have feelings.”

The new documentary, called ‘Intelligent Trees’, is the work of German forester, author, and tree whisperer Peter Wohlleben, and Suzanne Simard, an ecologist from the University of British Columbia. Watch the trailer below to get a glimpse into it.

“They can form bonds like an old couple, where one looks after the other. Trees have feelings”

Image credits: Chaiyun Damkaew

“Trees like to stand close together and cuddle. They love company. They can feel pain, [and] have emotions, such as fear”

Image credits: TOMÁŠ MORKES

See for yourself in the trailer below:

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10/10, Indicating a Powerful Shift: The Completion Year Has Reached an End

Editor’s note:  Of interest to me is today I was telling my mate that “I feel like I’m walking in between two worlds.”  

October 11, 2016

By Sophie Grégoire, 10/10/2016

Patience, please. October 10th – 10/10 – indicating a powerful shift : the completion year has reached an end. We are now in-between worlds. We feel electric and ready. Finally ready for some much more : our purpose. But not ready yet to step into action in the 3Dworld. There is an urge to act. It’s about becoming that specific light that we were meant to be in the world. It’s not that much about learning or experiencing anymore because we feel that we now know enough to start and be It. Our purpose. However something is still holding us back. That time, it’s not him or her or anyone. We’re cleansed, old patterns and negative ways of relating with our families and close partners have been released for good and for real in September. This time, it’s our own soul which asks to wait a little more. Patience please, it says. We need a little more time to act in the « right way ».

There is actually a big push and urge to wait. Quiet the mind. Stay still and receive what you hear with an opened mind. Nothing will be as it was any longer now that we’ve ascended. Anything that you hear now is receivable. It doesn’t need to make sense, this order has collapsed. There is a new way of making sense. The voice rising from within knows and is now able to converse with our minds a lot more easily. The voice rising from within knows even if it would have felt unbelievable a while ago. Everything is changed.

The truth is on its way and now we shall wait and receive. We need quiet and silence to process. Our guts however feel incredibly electric because we know that something big is on its way. A lot has happened since January and a lot now needs to be integrated at its own pace like pieces of a beautiful puzzle. It’s time to process and it’s now naturally happening. Let it be. Soon it will be time to know clearly what to do next. To make sure that you’re not taking the « wrong way » while you’re still receiving guidance only do what feels right deep in your bones. Refuse to engage in anything that feels forced or which hurts. This way of being alive has ended for real and for good for us. Be very careful not to commit to anything that your guts or inner voice refuses to do. If you don’t know what to do, simply choose to wait and to hear the trees within. In the middle of this golden blank page, see that you’re neither the Nothingness nor Akin. Your desires are being worked on behind the scenes and soon you’ll be written on, once again. It’s slow right now, because more is to be revealed. Wait. Patience, please.

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‘This Is My Act of Love’: Climate Activists Shut Down All US-Canada Tar Sands Pipelines

Coordinated show of resistance executed in solidarity with those fighting against Dakota Access pipeline

Five activists shut down all the tar sands pipelines crossing the Canada-U.S. border Tuesday morning, in a bold, coordinated show of climate resistance amid the ongoing fight against the Dakota Access pipeline.

The activists employed manual safety valves to shut down Enbridge’s line 4 and 67 in Leonard, Minnesota; TransCanada’s Keystone pipeline in Walhalla, North Dakota; Spectra Energy’s Express pipeline in Coal Banks Landing, Montana; and Kinder-Morgan’s Trans-Mountain pipeline in Anacortes, Washington.

The activists, who planned the action to coincide with the International Days of Prayer and Action With Standing Rock, expressed feeling “duty bound to halt the extraction and combustion of fossil fuels…in the absence of any political leadership” to address the withering goal of keeping global temperature increase beneath the 2°C climate threshold.

“I have signed hundreds of petitions, testified at dozens of hearings, met with most of my political representatives at every level, to very little avail,” said 64-year-old mother Annette Klapstein of Bainbridge Island, Washington, who was arrested just before publication. “I have come to believe that our current economic and political system is a death sentence to life on earth, and that I must do everything in my power to replace these systems with cooperative, just, equitable and love-centered ways of living together. This is my act of love.”

Fifty-nine-year-old Ken Ward of Corbette, Oregon, who was also arrested, said, “There is no plan of action, policy or strategy being advanced now by any political leader or environmental organization playing by the rules that does anything but acquiesce to ruin. Our only hope is to step outside polite conversation and put our bodies in the way. We must shut it down, starting with the most immediate threats—oil sands fuels and coal.”

The action comes two days after a U.S. federal court of appeals lifted an injunction on the Dakota Access project, to the dismay of the Indigenous water protectors and their supporters across the U.S. and Canada.

“Because of the climate change emergency, because governments and corporations have for decades increased fossil fuel extraction and carbon emissions when instead we must dramatically reduce carbon emissions; I am committed to the moral necessity of participating in nonviolent direct action to protect life,” added activist Leonard Higgins, 64, from Eugene, Oregon.

The activists are all members of the group Climate Direct Action, which is providing live updates on the coordinated shut-downs on its website and Facebook page. Others shared statements in support, as well as images and videos of the actions on social media with the hashtag #shutitdown.

Tim DeChristopher’s Climate Disobedience Action Fund is also supporting the action and has set up a legal fund for the activists’ defense.

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A Time Of Mass Awakening

The Elohim ~ A Time of Mass Awakening

Posted by newsununity, 10/10/2016

Greetings beloved ones we are the Archangeloi of the ELOHIM and we come to guide and to support at a time of mass awakening of all levels of your BEing. For many of you this is a time of supercharging, a time when you can FEEL the flow of the New Earth energies coursing through your human vehicle, for others it is the beginning of the upgrading of the human vehicle, the downloading and uploading of various LIGHT codes in preparation for all that will now flow across and within planet earth. The movement of ALL out of the old 3d earth CREATED reality is NOW beloved ones and we guide for you to LET GO and ALLOW ALL to FLOW.

The ocean does not attempt to hold back the waves for fear of losing part of its fluidity and you in your human form are asked the same. For many of you are attempting to hold back the changes that are now flowing into and around you. Believing that if you are not in conscious control of all then you will lose control and this beloved ones is the teachings of the old 3d earth reality that is now dissolving. For at SOUL level you are in full control, you are navigating your human form into position in order to align fully with your SOUL and your SOUL purpose, for each one of you incarnate into human form has a purpose upon this planet and this will now become more and more illuminated for you from WITHIN YOU.

The outpouring of emotions across and within planet earth are now working to release the pent up energies that have been stored within Mother Earth and human consciousness for aeons, this outpouring is relieving the pressure on humanity as a whole, albeit the old 3d earth reality is trying to teach you that the opposite is happening. This pent up emotion is now being dissolved by the LOVE that IS and we guide for ALL to LET GO and release, for it serves no one least of all SELF to hold on believing that somehow disaster will ripple throughout your life experience. That is what the old 3d earth reality taught you to believe in order that you hold on and build up the resistance to the LOVE that IS.

The LOVE that IS is a frequency that is inherent within you, it is your natural state of BEing and as such you are drawn to it like a moth to a flame, many are now struggling with this and holding on believing that they are not able to hold on to the LOVE that IS and that somehow the LOVE that IS is not real. This filters out your very substance beloved ones for it is not for you to store the LOVE that IS within so much as to allow it to naturally FLOW THROUGH YOU, for you have been taught to hoard and to store when in essence ALL FLOWS for the universe is an energy that continually shifts, moves and FLOWS.

We ask for you to allow the natural rhythms of the universe to begin to take anchor within you, to let go of schedules and routines that have been CREATED FOR you and allow your natural way of BEing to birth around you, through you and within you for in TRUTH beloved ones FLOW is YOU. Do you understand our guidance beloved ones? do you understand that the universe is trying to harmonize you with ALL and that the old 3d earth reality taught you to resist your very nature?

For some at this time this is a time of mass breakings, in order to grow the shell of the old 3d earth has to be broken from within and we highlight from within, for many are of the belief that this is happening TO them and we guide for clarity beloved ones that this is a process that is happening from WITHIN YOU. YOUr outer waking world the reflection of your inner space and the old 3d earth teaching the mirrors heavily, it taught that you change the outer, filtering out that the outer is merely a reflection and cannot be changed on its own. The New Earth energies now seek to remind you of your own power, that power is WITHIN YOU beloved ones and will now come to the surface to be acknowledged. It can only swim to the surface when you have allowed the dam to burst, the emotions to flow and the lower dimensional frequencies they are created FROM to dissolve fully within the LOVE that IS at this time.

HUGE miracles will now unfold within the human race for the human race have begun to remember and this process will now rapidly speed up, the ascension process now fully underway and those who are awakening now awakening to deepening levels. As you now begin to understand the process and who YOU ARE in TRUTH you are able to work TOGETHER, to remember that ALL ARE ONE and to understand that ALL JUST IS. There is immense power in this beloved ones and all are now supporting to new levels of our awareness.

We walk with you always beloved ones, more and more in human form now connect and work with us personally and this will only increase as the frequency and the vibration of Mother Earth now increases in preparation for the gifts that are to be born THROUGH the human race. We send you the LOVE that IS in the form of the BLUE RAYS of CONSCIOUSNESS and we ask for you to understand that they are only the beginning of the RAINBOW that will now bloom across and within planet earth at this time.

We send out the codings of 444 and 555 and we ask for you to anchor TRUTH to new levels of your BEing. Those who now walk in the BLUE RAYS of CONSCIOUSNESS will now be recoded to the higher levels of LIGHT in preparation for the next part of this human life journey.

BREATHE and BE beloved ones for the expansion of human consciousness is now fully underway and the reflection will be seen by all upon and within planet earth in TRUTH. RELAX and BE for ALL is NOW in TRUTH.

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Celebrate Columbus Day By Remembering The Only Native American To Defeat The Federal Government In War

Columbus Day has rightly become the subject of disdain and sharp criticism given the altogether ridiculous idea he “discovered” a land already inhabited for eons and wrought genocide against its population.

Peoples indigenous to that land have since been forced to battle an equally brutal government for the right to simply exist. Centuries of exploitation and genocide have corralled these original inhabitants into (in many cases) arbitrary areas politely termed “reservations” — but are decidedly more akin to 1930’s German ghettos.

And the government of these so-called ‘United’ States still continues its exploitation, as in its surreptitious alignment with Big Oil to allow construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline which will likely contaminate the Standing Rock Sioux’ drinking water — and that of some 18 million people, all told.

Thanks for nothing, Columbus.

But in light of the stark reality of the conqueror’s brutal legacy, a few shining moments of resistance evidence the power of the indigenous to quash governmental usurpation — as is the innate right of humans anywhere.

Considered most successful of these rebellions is the war led by Red Cloud — the English name of the warrior, statesman, and Oglala Lakota Sioux chief Mahpiua-Luta — against the U.S. military beginning in 1866.

With the discovery of gold in northern Wyoming and southern Montana in the early 1860’s came the need for a route for miners and European settlers advancing west and north — but the simplest route traversed the Powder River country already set aside by the government as hunting territory for the Northern Cheyenne, Arapaho, and several of the seven bands of Lakota.

John Bozeman, despite warnings against incursions into Native American lands, blazed a trail along a path long used by indigenous peoples through the Powder River Basin — a less arduous route than one to the west that didn’t trespass into designated Native lands.

This path came to be named the Bozeman Trail — and the government’s quest to protect the European invaders who wished to travel it led to a bloody and decisive victory by Red Cloud and his allies.

After Col. John M. Chivington needlessly massacred an estimated 150 Arapaho and Cheyenne men, women, and children in 1864 in Colorado Territory at a peaceful camp on Sand Creek, survivors fled north to the same Powder River country, attacking white settlers along their way. writes:

“Early in 1865, bands of the Cheyenne, Oglala Lakota and Arapaho tribes set up huge camps on the Tongue and Powder rivers in northern Wyoming. That summer, thousands of warriors moved south and on July 26, 1865 attacked Platte Bridge Station, an army post where the emigrant road crossed the North Platte, and killed 26 men. Among them were Lt. Caspar W. Collins, for whom the city of Casper, Wyo., is named.”

To protect the settlers and miners traversing the Bozeman Trail to Montana Territory gold mines, the U.S. military initiated the euphemistically-titled 1865 Powder River Expedition headed by District of the Plains Commander Brig. Gen. Patrick Connor as a brute force method of quelling the tribes.

“A second column, led by Col. Samuel Walker, made its way east of the Powder River toward Montana, and the third, led by Col. Nelson Cole, crossed Nebraska Territory and met up with Walker north of the Black Hills. Walker’s and Cole’s men suffered from terrible weather, dying animals, confusion in the badlands and demoralization, and limped into Fort Connor as ‘the sorriest army ever seen in Wyoming,’ according to historian T. A. Larson,” continues.

Those three columns consisted of around 2,675 men whom the government forced to wear outdated and insufficient uniforms leftover from the Civil War. This bedraggled bunch came under attack and generally failed to accomplish any decisive victories against their Arapaho and Lakota rivals, although its efforts succeeded in solidifying Native resistance.

By autumn 1865, the U.S. government attempted several treaties with Cheyenne, Arapaho, and Lakota leaders — but many, including Red Cloud, refused to negotiate, much less sign, any monetary agreements to allow settlers safe passage through the Bozeman Trail and Powder River Basin.

Amid ongoing treaty negotiations, the U.S. War Department deployed 700 troops and hundreds of their family members and civilian contractors headed by Col. Henry B. Carrington to the river basin in 1866 — though they were poorly equipped to handle the terrain, weather, and the highly skilled opposition.

Carrington founded Fort Phil Kearney on the Little Piney Creek and then moved on to do the same further north,leaving behind enough men to finish construction.

“In December, a band of Oglala and Minniconjou Lakota warriors led by Red Cloud, Crazy Horse and High-Back-Bone lured Captain W. J. Fetterman over a rise near Fort Phil Kearny and into a trap. Within half an hour, Fetterman and all 80 of his men were dead.”

Fort Phil Kearney and areas nearby came under successful attack by Red Cloud and his warriors in subsequent months. Eventually, the military provided faster-firing ‘breech-loading’ rifles for the fort’s troops, who then managed to better stave off attacks from the Native warriors.

But the government, more concerned with protecting construction of the transcontinental railroad, realized keeping troops positioned to guard the Bozeman Trail would deflect too much manpower — and once again summoned Red Cloud to the negotiating table at Fort Laramie in 1868.

Red Cloud again refused to meet with the so-called peace commissioners until the military abandoned Fort Phil Kearney and two others in the Powder River Basin. Left without viable options and the need to move troops elsewhere, the Army evacuated and regrouped at Fort Laramie — leaving Red Cloud, the Lakota Sioux, the Cheyenne, and Arapaho the clear victors in the war.

As the Army withdrew from the forts, the warriors quickly burned them to the ground.

In November, Red Cloud finally arrived and signed the Treaty of Fort Laramie, which created the Great Sioux Reservation, encompassing all of South Dakota west of the Missouri River and included the Black Hills — the exact area in which the Standing Rock Sioux are now forced to resist in order to protect their drinking water from Big Oil.

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