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US elections to be cancelled and war crimes tribunals to be held Pentagon and CIA sources say

Editor’s note: I follow this intel at times and am on the fence as far as how accurate it is.  Is it simply more propaganda or factual?  I don’t know.  However I decided to post this one as I began to feel back in January of this year that something was going to happen with this election – that either there wouldn’t be one, it would be postponed or something would happen that would put a big ‘ole wrench in it.  It is a feeling that has not left me.  Months later, I began to see other hints here and there as to something similar.  I also follow James Gilliland at ECETI and recently, Winston Shrout.  James sent out a brief e-mail linking this article below while saying Spiritual Sources as well as Winston Shrout have been saying the same.  So there ya go folks.  As for myself and how I arrived at this conclusion – I had no intel – other than my own intuition.


The US Presidential election due for November 8th will be cancelled and instead there will be war crimes tribunals held, sources in both the Pentagon and the CIA say. The excuse for cancelling the election will be the resignation of one of the presidential candiates, the CIA sources say.

Here is the raw intel from the CIA:

“There is now a 90% probability that the elections will be postponed.” 

I asked my contact in DC why? His answer was: 

“You can’t have an election with one candidate”

I asked him which one will be removed. His reply was:

“I am not allowed to tell you, let’s just say that Obama will make the announcement very soon.”

The Pentagon sources, for their part, say “The 911 law will push Saudi Arabia to expose Israel, Bandar bin Sultan and the Bush cabal behind 911 and will lead to a real truth commission and a war crimes tribunal.”

Since it is only a few weeks before the election, it will not be long before we see if these predictions come to pass.

In any case, the data dump of over one million documents revealing the extensive crimes of the Clinton Foundation make it clear there is a powerful faction within the military industrial complex that is fighting to overthrow the Khazarian mafia. That is because such a data dump cannot be carried out by individual hackers and requires a governmental organization with access to high level  computer systems. At the same time, the fact the corporate media and net giants like Google are censoring this data makes it clear the owners of the big corporations (Bush/Clinton/Rockefeller/Rothschild etc.) are in battle against white hats in the military and the agencies.

No matter what though, the Khazarians are not going be able to murder themselves out of trouble this time because too many people are now aware of them and their crimes. That does not mean they will not try though.

Bill Clinton, who is close to death from HIV, recently issued a death threat against this writer and Neil Keenan. The signs are that Neil Keenan has already been murdered. Although he used contact this writer regularly on Skype, the current person pretending to be Neil Keenan on Skype is unable to answer a simple question that only the real Neil would know the answer too. Furthermore, the Neil Keenan website is now promoting Bush/Clinton mafia con jobs like the Zimbabwe currency scam. Revenge for Keenan’s death will be comprehensive and thorough, White Dragon Society sources promise.

Furthermore, if this writer is killed, you can be sure the entire 13 ruling bloodlines will be wiped out going back 5 generations to the founding of the Federal Reserve Board.

The families must think hard if they are willing to sacrifice the entire tree just to try in vain to save a rotten branch.

In any case, the Bush/Clinton/Rockefeller branch of the Khazarian mafia is now desperate for money. The recent Hurricane Mathew scam (the hurricane only existed in Khazarian mafia controlled media, not in the real world) was carried out do that the Khazarian mafia could make some money by short selling stocks in insurance companies, CIA sources say. “Follow the money, it is the same as the shorting of airline stocks before 911,” one CIA source says. The perpetrators of this fraud have been identified and will face long overdue justice soon, the sources say.

Pentagon sources say that the end of the Chinese National Day Golden Week holiday and the end of the October 3-9th World Bank and IMF annual meeting, together with ongoing, systematic “cabal terminations,” should propel big moves towards the new financial system starting this week. It is also worth noting that the upcoming October 16th full moon is known as the “Hunter’s moon,” and it is open season on murderous Khazarian gangsters, the sources say.

There also appears to be some sort of hit campaign going on in relation to North Korea. Sources in Japanese right wing organizations say that the top North Korean agent in Japan was fatally poisoned recently by a “CIA female agent” who “appeared to be just an ordinary Japanese woman.” Another source Japanese right wing source says North Korean strongman Kim Jong Un has also been killed.

CIA sources in Asia confirm this and say “Kim Jong Un has been replaced with a double, who is now under our control. The original went way off the reservation and had to be removed.”

This news report, for its part, says China is planning “decapitation strikes” against North Korea.

That may no longer be necessary.

Other sources, meanwhile, provided evidence to this writer that Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte is a Bush agent. Dr. Michael Meiring, who later changed his name to Dr. Michael Van de Meer, claimed in a video recorded before his death that Duterte, at the time mayor of Davao city, planted the bomb that blew off his legs and that he did so on the orders of George Bush Sr.

Continue Reading at ….

 fyi – you have to be a paid member to read the above in its entirety
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New Cities of Divine Light are Emerging All Around the World

New Cities of Divine Light are Emerging All Around the World

Many people with sixth sense abilities have had clairvoyant visions of what has been called “cities of light”. These are based on how some fifth dimensional beings currently live in ethereal crystal based cities infused with light.

There are plans to bring these type of cities to Earth in our reality, and many ethereal cities of light already exist in places like Sedona, AZ. We cannot see them in this reality because they are simply vibrating at a higher frequency.1

However our bodies are like radios and as we continue to raise our vibration in resonance with Earth’s vibrational frequency, we will be able to tune into these higher levels of our existence at will, like changing the radio station. One cannot enter these cities of light without having a vibrational frequency match, which makes them a safe haven from those who still carry dissonant frequencies of vibration within their bodies. Although humans still have emotion, people who live in these cities operate out of their heart space which keeps them from choosing emotions of fear like anger and jealousy.


How to build these cities of light

Creating the template in the “now” is how communities will manifest into cities of light. Helping our brothers and sisters in need now with love is how we will resonate to the frequency of light. Barriers will begin to break down with government and miracles will open doors to allow us to have more free will choices of living.1 When the dollar dies, we will have no choice but to rely on community living if trucks stop delivering food to grocery stores.

Until we are on a fifth dimensional vibrational frequency or higher, when we do things like raise money for others and exchanging items on a basis of what we think it is worth, this it creates a template in human consciousness for other people to tap into. And so on, and so on. This is one way we change the world. The future of community living will involve humanitarian practices and technology that will simplify living and allow everyone to do what they enjoy every day.

Do not ever underestimate the power of one small act. Pay attention to the large acts that are setting models for humanity to follow. Build bridges now for humanity to cross; as the saying goes, “Build it and they will come”

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India Just Hit A Massive Milestone, And The Entire World Should Take Note

by Leah Kirts

September 12, 2016

Go to a grocery store in the U.S. and you’ll likely find a small area of the produce section marked “organic,” where the options are pricey and scant compared to the “regular” AKA conventionally produced section. Now, go to India, and you’ll find an entire state growing only organic produce. That’s right: every farm, every field, every vegetable.

Home to more organic farmers than any other country in the world, India now boasts the first state to receive 100 percent organic certification. Small but mighty, all 75,000 hectares of farmland in Sikkim and its 66,000 farmers have sworn off GMOs, pesticides, and chemical fertilizers.

This would be an amazing feat in any U.S. state, where consumers are already willing to pay a premium for organic produce, data from the USDA shows. But in India, the concept of organic certification is still pretty new and has yet to gain strong consumer support.

Going fully organic was a massive milestone,” Food Radio Project’s Amrita Gupta reports. “But now Sikkim has to learn how to market that produce, and as they do, the rest of India is learning right along with them.”

India’s restrictions would have cost Monsanto millions of dollars worth of lost profits each year.

Growing crops with little to no inputs and using reproductive seeds dates back centuries in India, but the added value of an organic label is proving to be a learning curve for its consumers. Sikkim is a living case study for the Indian government, and its success or failure will prove whether or not statewide organic production is reproducable in larger states.

The milestone of going fully organic comes thirteen years after the Sikkim Organic Mission set forth its Action Plan of 2003, through which it has gradually removed subsidies for chemical fertilizers and pesticides, increased the integration of organic farming resources, and purchased organic certification for Sikkim’s farmers, saving them 33,000 rupees each (or approximately $495).

The farmers in Sikkim are mostly small-scale, subsistence farmers whose plots average four hectares or less, where the landscape is hilly—neither ideal for the large-scale monocropping of conventional agriculture. Though labor-intensive, much of organic agriculture is cost-effective: farmers don’t need expensive GMO seeds nor the synthetic inputs they require. The annual expense of certification is often their biggest hurdle, along with the risks of entering a new field (quite literally).

In the U.S., the cost of organic certification varies, but averages $1,000. The USDA’s cost-share program covers up to $750 of farmers’ expenses, but yearly dues to maintain certification and fund inspections must be paid in order to remain organic. It’s unclear if, or for how long, the Indian government will be able to subsidize its organic farmers’ certification costs, and if it’s an expense that could be covered in larger states with many more farmers.

Going fully organic was a massive milestone.

If the tide is slow to change inside of India’s borders, exporting produce to nearby countries where organic consumption is booming might be the next best option, though not without its own set of hurdles. Located in the remote North, the small state of Sikkim currently lacks the infrastructure needed to expand its organic market; it is landlocked and far from large roads, and doesn’t yet have a cold storage chain or distribution centers needed for expanding sales in distant markets—which can take many days of travel to reach.

Also, more players are needed in the industry in order to help organic farmers fetch a higher price at the consumer and distribution levels. After all, what’s the point of making the state organic if farmers still have to compete alongside conventional produce without anyone to explain why organic is better in the first place?

Beyond infrastructure, marketing, and retail, farmers are in need of a more intangible form of support. Empowering farmers to feel proud they’re making the switch is so important,” Gupta reports. Some experts in the field are concerned that farmer livelihood could be overshadowed by the organic label. “Somewhere along the way, in the celebration of organic farming practices, we’ve lost sight of the farmers themselves and the difficulties they face.”

The move away from GMOs is also gaining ground through other crops in India. On July 6, Monsanto withdrew an application to sell India its latest version of Bt cotton, a variety of genetically modified cotton seed. Pulling their application was a way for Monsanto, the world’s leading seed producer, to fight back against India’s restriction on how much money Monsanto could charge farmers in royalty fees for using their patented gene technology and seeds. The restrictions would have cost Monsanto millions of dollars worth of lost profits each year. Up until now, India has been the largest buyer of Monsanto seed outside of the U.S., and the largest producer of its cotton, but all of that could change with the decisive governmental shift away from genetically engineered crops and toward an organic future.

In the U.S., the organic industry is still very much in its adolescence. It’s growing nearly four times faster than the entire U.S. food market, earning record-breaking sales each year: $4.2 billion in 2015, according to the Organic Trade Association. The U.S. now holds the third most organic agricultural land in the world, behind Australia and Argentina, at 2.2 million hectares, but it’s still nowhere close to catching up in terms of scale with conventional agriculture, using less than one percent of America’s 370 million hectares of farmland.

While the appetite for organic food still outweighs supply in the U.S., India’s new state of organic fruits and vegetables are ripe and ready; the question is, when will India’s consumers finally be ready to dig in?

Photos via Unsplash 

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Media Bias And The Illusion Of Democracy

Ryan Cristian, Conributor
Waking Times

The mainstream media in the US has become a universal joke. Even those who regularly watch a given mainstream channel will openly admit that every channel has obvious bias, and then justify their viewing it by saying,

“but that is why I watch both channels; to hear both sides.”

This has become the common answer to how an American stays informed in this age of blatant pandering and misinformation. What should be shocking to anyone who can stand back and remember the honor bound public service that was originally envisioned, is that the obvious bias has become so pronounced and common place that it is now an accepted part of the process. Many would propose that the news had never lived up to those grandiose idealistic pillars or impartiality and morality that were visualized, and that may indeed be the case, yet that does not change the fact that these men were given a mandate of which they have failed to live up to, and likely never even feigned an attempt at success once the true value was recognized in the ability to sell their interests to the highest bidding corporate sponsor.

The simple concept that a viewer has two politically charged options on television, of which both are openly and fiercely bias to their sponsor’s interests, and that a viewer can then watch both these compromised sides and walk away fully informed, is this country’s biggest misconception. Deep down, most already know this to be a false security, yet do not want to admit it to themselves for fear that the admission would then cast doubt on their entire lifetime of commitment and acceptance of this broken system.

Most continue to participate in this façade because they are falsely led to believe that there are no other options; that this system is the pinnacle of thousands of years of development building toward a better system of democracy. Well sadly that is not the case. This country has not been a democracy for a very long time, and that fact has become quite a bit more pronounced in recent years with the rise of thepolice state, the infiltration of the medical industry, the continual erosion of every American’s constitutional rights, and the defrauding of the election process.

A democracy is defined as:

Government by the people; a form of government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised directly by them or by their elected agents under a free electoral system.

A oligarchy is defined as:

A form of government in which all power is vested in a few persons or in a dominant class or clique; government by the few.

Even to a child, it is quite clear which of these two are being practiced in the US. All one must do is take a look at the non-existent middle class to see that this country is being ruled by an élite run oligarchy; or at the very least, a plutocracy or corporatocracy, both of which more accurately represent what Americans are experiencing in this country.

For all those who only believe something once a scientist is paid to produce the corresponding result, this same conclusion, of the false sense of democracy, was actually reached scientifically by Princeton and Northwestern universities. United Press International reported the study found that:

The U.S. government now represents the rich and powerful, not the average citizen.

In the study, “Testing Theories of American Politics: Elites, Interest Groups and Average Citizens,” researchers compared 1,800 different US policies that were put in place by politicians between 1981 and 2002 to the type of policies preferred by the average and wealthy American, or special interest groups. Researchers then concluded that US policies are formed more by special interest groups than by politicians properly representing the will of the general people, including the lower-income class.

“The central point that emerges from our research is that economic elites and organized groups representing business interests have substantial independent impacts on U.S. government policy, while mass-based interest groups and average citizens have little or no independent influence,” the study found.

The study also found:

“When a majority of citizens disagrees with economic elites and/or with organized interests, they generally lose.”

Many forget that this nation was originally founded as a republic, which was supposed to give all the power to the people themselves. If one chooses to over look the rampant voter fraud taking place this year, the disproportionate allotment of super-delegates following the primaries, redistricting or gerrymandering, and the inherent undemocratic process of the electoral college, then a republic has a way of appearing like this country’s style of government. Yet once these are all taken into account, a state in which “supreme power” rests in the hands of a the citizens, does not seem anything like what is seen today.

A republic is defined as:

A state in which the supreme power rests in the body of citizens entitled to vote and is exercised by representatives chosen directly or indirectly by them.

One can clearly see that this form of government, the form which the nation’s founding fathers set forth to protect the future of American liberty, was originally chosen as the best way to ensure the rights of Americans. As one can clearly see, a republic is not only far from what Americans experience, but quite possibly was never practiced outside of the few idealistic moral bound men who led the charge to American freedom. History has shown that those men were the minority in that historical room, yet they were the dominate voice. Since that time, that voice has faded, and a more sinister and profiteering voice has risen to fill its place.

Media Bias:

*Note from the Editor: Thank you to BestPoliticalVideos for the above video. Despite it’s rousing endorsement of Republican candidate Donald Trump at the end, which neither The Last American Vagabond nor Waking Times, this video is a great example of the blatant lies that are perpetuated, and the wildly unprofessional political bias that goes unchecked, on mainstream television.*

Illusion of Democracy:

*Thank you to MassReport for this excellent video.*

About the Author

Ryan Cristian is the author of website, The Last American Vagabond.

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Hey Starseeds…Warriors….Truthseekers: A Little Message

Editor’s note:  Got this in my e-mail earlier this evening and thought many of you will appreciate this and resonate with it.  Certainly resonated with me – especially the f-bombs.  I’ve been dropping an unusually large number of them lately.  Much love…

New post on The Event Reference


by novabiscotti

(Note – I watched the whole video once.  While I kinda like the song itself, I found watching the video to be an annoying and repetitive affair.  Simply click “Stop” once you’re sick of listening/watching – there’s only one verse.  The grainy images of Paul Rudd & Jason Segal are best I could find without spending several hours online.)


We are at a unique point regarding the liberation of Earth for parasitic ET/ED entities. For a bit of background – lightly skim Cobra’s blog posts since July and check out the last two interviews done by different Prepare For Change groups near the end of September.

Things are going very well overall in the Solar System… yet here on Earth it feels like we are going backwards. I’m speaking of mounting frustration – which seems to be experienced by everyone at this time. In a way I feel this is a necessary part of the process. Let’s rephrase that: my higher self tells me that this is a necessary part of the process, while my 3D self stomps off in a tantrum muttering f-bombs.

Seriously – everything is messed up right now. People are acting out in ways which I’ve previously witnessed. It’s hard to know how much of this is the dissolution of the matrix and how much is attributable to interference – but no single human relationship seems very functional at this point.

People are splitting up, elderly relatives are dying, companies failing, etc. No one truly believes anything anymore. Everything feels wrong or false in some manner. Reliability and dependability in services is as rare to see as a unicorn.

Emotionally, the year of 2016 has been a year of raw purging – for myself, my friends, my family, and for society as a whole. These lyrics from the musical group LCD Soundsystem’s song “Sound of Silver” are especially apt in describing what this year has felt like:

Sound of silver talk to me

Makes you want to feel like a teenager

Until you remember the feelings of

A real life emotional teenager

Then you think again

Our matrix of reality is collapsing, and with it, I think everyone feels a bit on edge at present. If we’re in tune with the changes, it likely means we’re picking up the angsty vibes of everyone else. If we’re not in tune with the changes, it likely means you have an angsty vibe yourself.

It’s OK – I’m not afraid to admit I’ve been losing a bit recently. I write this in the hope that other people feel it is alright to talk about their feelings, too. Maybe we can all be all be empathetic (not ’empathic’) toward one another right now – angry outbursts may happen from the stressors and energies around us, but at the same time, we need to feel compassion toward each other as well.

On one hand – I feel a bursting of emotions waiting to get out, and on the other I feel this overwhelming need to simply give a big hug to everyone (in person or virtually) and say

You really pissed me off – that’s why I was screaming so much. But I love you, Man!”

I guess you could call the above words a messy, awkward version of Hoʻoponopono. But it’s a start – a small step for each of us when we ‘lose it’ in one of our relationships. It’s a recognition not just of our own weakness, but also our desire to forgive and to be forgiven in kind.

Ultimately, this is a journey we’re all going to have to make in our lives – forgive ourselves, forgive each other, and (God Forbid!) forgive the vast majority of those who are part of “The Cabal”. This process is going to have screaming, yelling, tears… and a lot of long hugs with those we care about. Humanity is already undergoing group therapy, and “Disclosure” is going to bring that to a whole ‘nother level of craziness.

But ultimately it’s going to be OK – in fact, better than OK – wonderful!

At least that’s why my higher self keeps telling me when I stop muttering f-bombs and listen to what it has to say to me. At some point my 3D self gives up and says, “Yeah, you’re right. Thank you for the advice.”

Loving one another means loving ourselves. It also means accepting our own flaws as well as those of others.


You Are Not Without Power In Any Given Situation and More

Editor’s note:  I needed this piece tonight.  

By Anastacia

Blue Beyond – You are Not Without Power In Any Given Situation and More – 8th October 2016 – A Re-sharing from the 11th October 2014
It is a time for us to RE-LOOK at our BOUNDARIES and protect, protect, protect.

The more you are in touch with your EMOTIONS, the more you FEEL and will be able to FEEL what resonates and what doesn’t in your soul. Many times it is an old soul contract that needs to be finished, where you need to TAKE YOUR POWER BACK and stand in your love and truth for yourself…

Take a step back from everyone that are not on your wave length….are you still trusting others?….step into your POWER. What ever it is….you are not without power in any given situation….it will depend on if you are struggling to hold on to the old….or if your head takes over in fear or loss of control.

Help and guidance is here as you go through all you need….yet it is not for us to attempt to control what we need to go through as sometimes we need to let go and go with the flow….and all the support and love and guidance will be provided if you ask….and ask from your heart and soul while feeling deeply….as we need to come from an intelligent heart and a loving mind.

Remember….you need to ask for help and guidance for it to come, without wanting to control how it comes….ask and stand back and allow the universe to provide. Now more than ever have faith and trust and do not attempt to force or control your will and let the energy of the divine flow through and with us.

‘Seize the day’….take this opportunity for yourself to start again with all you know and have been through….as the next step is here….it all depends if you are brave enough to step into that space….are you brave enough? We are not without power in any given moment….feel this….know this….and then breathe this in deeply to your very core….and if a situation comes up, then draw on this feeling.

I know you can do this as I believe in you and the spiritual warrior that you are and all you have gone through to be here at this time. Ascension and spiritual growth cannot be fooled, rushed or cheated, it needs to be earned….it is about the journey of SELF DISCOVERY and not what someone else tells you…yes seek guidance but filter it and feel what resonates with YOUR soul.

Forcing our will at this time will only cause frustration, depression or anger and your energy will be blocked – by yourself!….please trust and have faith and remember – YOU ARE NOT WITHOUT POWER IN ANY GIVEN SITUATION.

It is time for us to find a balance of looking after ourselves first….and then to blend this in with the rest of our daily routine….to continue in all we are doing….by including looking after ourselves first and foremost….as this needs to be our new routine.

We do have shadow sides of our souls that need to come to the light….sides of us that have been hidden that we need to shed more light on, for us to bring those sides of us into the light…as they have been hidden or suppressed.

It is time to claim a portion of ourselves we lost along the way….and also to give love to our shadow side as we heal it. It is easy to get lost in the astrals of wanting changes for ascension to be instant or relief to be given to us on our journeys….but ascension and growth needs to be earned and that takes time.

Pull back and protect your energy and trust in all you are and what you have gone through to be where you are at….as you have certainly earned all you have.

Follow your heart of hearts….as only you have the answers for your soul….and it is time we stopped looking for answers outside of ourselves.

Yes, seek information and guidance by all means, as that is part of learning and growing and vital to be a seeker of YOUR truth of information available….yet ultimately your soul has the answers that you need for your souls growth…and it is about tuning in and listening to that inner voice that IS there.

Ask yourself each time you are faced with a choice or decision, am I coming from my head or my heart?….and than FEEL what comes….as you have the power WITHIN you.

If your head kicks in and you are angry and don’t want to be ‘sick’…….then you are only fighting against yourself and your own energy……and you need all your energy to be focused within, to allow your healing process to continue until it eases……and that is different for each individual.

You are not alone….as guidance and unconditional love and support is here….and when you stop forcing or pushing and when you pray and hand over….and then take a step back and trust….then wait for the universe to bring to you what your soul needs… will be amazed as to the blessings that are there for us that practically fall in our laps….as you are so loved and supported – ALWAYS. Humanities energy has now caught up….with US who are the change for the next phase of humanities ascension and growth.

There is a SPIRITUAL HEALING CRISIS for many of those on the world stage that have been guiding us….and now it is their time to do the core of their soul connection – through their emotions and all that is involved in linking their emotions to their spiritual side – The human to the angelic side.

I can share that those in places of being a beacon to others- are being very tested….so now we have those spiritual leader/healers who are on their souls journeys too, not being the clear vessels they once were.

It is now time to not take what you read or hear as face value….as it is time to feel inside your soul what resonates for you….as there is much confusion…..and that confusion is now filtering through humanity….as many healers/guides and counsellors are very caught up in the astrals and higher levels of information for humanity….’forgetting’ that they are human too (more on this further).

It is nice to be in the higher realms…..yet this is not reality as to who we are and why we are here…..we came here to choose a human experience…..what sets us apart from other ‘beings’ is that humans feel emotions. Protect your energy, yes we know this….what is also important is to protect our heart of hearts….now at this time more than ever this is so important… unconditional love truth and honesty can be just words….yet to live them and truly live them is on a whole other level.

~So don’t fight this, as the only person you are fighting is against yourself, as there is always a way and an answer and you are not alone~

And then there is the layer underneath, the core of our soul that this then affects us….as to cope and survive and move forward we need to go from the inner out now….the time has come as it is SOUL SURVIVAL TIME. Many souls are needing to find their faith and trust and take that step over the edge and trust that their wings will come out and they will fly to the other side.

Congratulations on being here as you are moving onwards and upwards and have so earned it andyou are very loved and not alone….and remember, all you need to do is ask.

Take the time to stop and smell the roses each and every blessed morning that you are still here as we have waited so long to be here at this time. It takes the brave and courageous who are in touch with their emotions. As my friends many are not and yet to do so. And this includes those who are guiding and aiding humanity. As many healers/guides and counsellors are very caught up in the astrals and higher levels of information for humanity forgetting that they are human too.

As it is nice to be in the higher realms yet this is not reality as to who we are and why we are here. We came here to choose a human experience and what sets us apart from other ‘beings’ is that humans feel emotions. And if those emotions are not felt or linked to the spiritual aspect of us, then we do not have the whole picture or cannot be whole and balanced – (Note – this was written in 2014 and many souls do not agree with this and that is okay, as they have their roles in what they are sharing and bringing to humanity).

Unconditional love truth and honesty, can be just words, yet to live them and truly live them is on a whole other level. By shifting your perspective you then go with your healing process and honour yourself……that is going with the flow.


Much Love and Divine Blessings
Ascension Guide/Teacher
Multi-Dimensional Ancient Earth Master

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Hurricane Matthew, The Latest Example Of Global Weather Warfare Desperation

October 3, 2016



Dane Wigington

Hurricane Matthew is about to decimate specific populations that are already struggling to survive. Is this storm being manipulated by the weather/climate modification programs? Though countless anthropogenic factors have contributed to the rapid warming of our planet, there is no question that global climate engineering/weather warfare is a reality and making an already horrific climate scenario far worse. What agendas might the power structure be carrying out by manipulating and/or exacerbating climate chaos over specific regions and during critical windows of time? Is mass distraction from US/NATO fueled Middle East and European mayhem one of the objectives being provided by the climate engineers and hurricane “Matthew”? All available data indicates the geoengineers have been actively suppressing cyclones in the Atlantic basin for at least a decade. Why has “Matthew” been at minimum allowed to strengthen? Was the unexpected 90 degree northward turn of this storm a natural occurrence? Or was this course alteration the result of geoengineering, ionosphere heaters, and atmospheric aerosol spraying? What other objectives might also be in the balance? There has been an over 11 year hurricane drought in the US regarding major hurricane landfalls and that drought persists. Though many sources tried to claim that Hurricane “Hermine” ended the anomalous hurricane drought for the US, this is not true, as “Hermine” was barely a category 1 hurricane, and even then only for an extremely short period just prior to landfall. “Hermine” DID NOT end the major hurricane landfall drought in the US. How can the US be spared the record major hurricane impacts that are pounding so many locations in other parts of the world? Because the largest military in the world (the US military) is at the head of massive climate intervention programs that are nothing short of weather warfare. Though some might claim that cyclone suppression for the us (that, again,  has gone on for over 11 years) is beneficial (and therefore should be embraced), this very suppression contributes to even more overall heat buildup in the climate system and thus eventually even more hurricanes of even greater strength. This must also be considered, ALL forms of climate engineering involve the use of highly toxic materials that quickly descend through the breathable air column and are, therefore, inhaled and absorbed by all life forms.


Geoengineering/solar radiation management programs are highly visible in skies all over the world. Photo credit: Dirk Poole

Again, about hurricane “Matthew”, why is it being allowed to strengthen (or possibly even being augmented by the weather makers)  when the climate engineers have patented hurricane suppression technology to suppress this storm? There are likely many agendas being carried out with “Matthew”(including providing a timely distraction from the US push toward WWlll), but as already stated, cyclones provide cooling and ocean mixing for our rapidly warming planet. So long as the weather makers can steer this highly destructive cyclone over regions and populations that are not of interest or concern to the US military powers (or over regions where the destruction might even provide opportunities for US military occupations to be carried out under the pretext of “humanitarian aid”), then the cyclones are allowed to spin up and strengthen. The “moisture pump” effect of this cyclone as it is steered northward (while possibly being prevented from making a landfall on the US east coast and thus the military ports based there) will also provide some temporary cooling for the record warm oceans and for the East Coast. But at what cost does the hurricane manipulation come in regard to the planet as a whole? As Matthew approaches the US, the bombardment of aerosol spraying occurring over the storm will likely increase dramatically. The climate engineers will likely try to weaken the storm to create the largest expanse of aerosolized sun blocking cloud canopy possible (SRM operations), and, again, possibly to keep the storm from actually making landfall on the US east coast. This being said, in the end, we can’t know the full agenda of those behind the levers of power and thus we cannot say with certainty how they will attempt to manipulate this storm in the coming days.


Hurricane Matthew has gone through very anomalous phases where it almost appears to be a twin cyclone on radar images as the core was divided.


“Matthew” has even transitioned through phases where there were actually 3 major zones of convection.


The forecast map above shows the original projected path of Hurricane Matthew.


Hurricane Matthew’s new projected path as of 10/3/16, a near 90 degree northerly turn from the original projected path.


The photo above was taken on 10-2-16 near the Haitian capital of Port-au-Prince (photo: AFP)

Haiti is a country of immense struggle and crisis, much of it fueled and exacerbated by outside influences. The Haitian people already have good reason to feel angst and anger toward western powers, how much more anger would they feel if they knew about the ongoing climate engineering/weather warfare operations? How many countries around the globe have had to endure engineered climate catastrophes which then led to military occupation under the pretext of “humanitarian aid”? When countries do not cooperate with the agenda of the western power structure, are they then made the victims of weather warfare?

The planet’s climate system is aggressively being used as a weapon of war, conquest, and control. As power structure becomes more desperate (due to unfolding global scenarios), they will likely become rapidly more aggressive with weather warfare operations. The global geoengineering/weather warfare assault is the greatest and most immediate threat to life on Earth short of nuclear cataclysm. All are needed to help with the most critical battle to expose and halt the ongoing climate engineering insanity, make your voice heard.

Sourced from:

Hurricane Matthew Update – Sinister Skull Seen on Radar Image & HAARP Status Correlation of Hurricane

Editor’s note:  Weather can be and is being manipulated and even created. Think this “skeleton” image, with it being a few weeks away from Halloween, as well as the image being so dark anyway, is a coincidence? Think again.  These folks leave their messages of “here we are” in all sorts of unusual and usual places.  Be safe.  And let us all focus on redirecting that storm back out to sea and visualize it dissipating.  We have that power, after all.  

News source:

Just in time for Halloween. A spooky satellite image of Hurricane Matthew resembled a human skull, which, naturally, sent the internet into a frenzy.

The infrared image (captured by NASA) was shared on Twitter by the Weather Channel’s senior director of weather communications, Stu Ostro, as the devastating storm made landfall in Haiti Tuesday, October 4.

The post has since been retweeted more than 1,500 times, with many users freaking out over the devilish sight. “Good grief! Thats creepy!” one user wrote. Another added, “Looks like he was smiling for the photo shoot.. Creepy.”

NASA Earth Science Office’s Paul Meyer, an atmospheric scientist, told CNN that the sinister picture looks like a skull because of the way the colors have been tweaked to focus on the eye of the hurricane. The skull’s teeth are cold convective clouds, he told the news outlet Wednesday, October 5.


HAARP Status Network Showing Hurricane Sandy Values For Southeast Coast with a rare WHITE VALUE … a value meaning it is higher than the highest value we have.

With NOAA forecasting a direct hit on Florida we are seeing something completely different.  A white value has been detected and reported along the Carolina coasts with South Carolina at the crosshairs.

Hurricane Matthew will make a strike on this if we are right.   Reports from Florida are indicating high values too .. .but nothing like South Carolina…

Be advised this will be updated in a day but this is the worst we have seen since Hurricane Sandy.


Get HAARP Alerts Here – 

National Weather Alerts We Issued Here – 

Southern California Weather Alerts We Issued Here –

Source: HAARP Status Network

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5 Ways Your Higher Self Speaks To You

When we’re feeling lost, alone, and confused, we will often ask for guidance from the Universe, but we sometimes forget to pay attention to the answers that come to us. Our Higher Selves, Spirit, and the Universe communicate with us in quiet, subtle ways, which often require our diligent attention to fully appreciate. Here are a few ways we’re offered guidance in our daily lives.

  1. That Gut Feeling – It’s called a “gut feeling” for a good reason; you feel it right in your gut! This can happen when you meet someone, walk into a room, or when you have an important decision to make. You might feel a sort of sick feeling in your stomach, or a strange, uncomfortable sensation in the solar plexus area. This is a sure sign that something is “off,” and that you should probably keep your distance from whatever it is that’s triggering that feeling. Conversely, you could feel excited “butterflies” in your stomach, or a sense of joyful anticipation, or maybe a happy, tingling sensation. Let these positive feelings urge you forward on your path as they indicate you’re right where you need to be. Always pay close attention to these physical sensations, as they are the soul’s barometer.
  2. Signs and Synchronicities – Your Higher Self and Spirit often try to get your attention with signs in the physical world, which can help you to connect with your soul’s wisdom. These signs can be visual, like ladybugs, birds, coins or feathers found in unusual or significant places. They can be sounds, like a special song playing at exactly the right moment, wind chimes or bells with no discernible cause, a snippet of overheard conversation that answers a question you’ve had, or even a voice that you hear speaking to you. They can be scents of food, flowers or cologne, which strongly invoke a memory. Whatever they are, if your intuition tells you it’s a sign, take it for granted that your intuition is right!
  3. Strong Urgings or Restlessness – When you’re feeling it’s time for a change, it’s a good idea to pay attention to that feeling, even if it doesn’t make logical sense. Your soul knows when it’s the right time to move forward and begin to manifest new experiences and challenges, and will signal you with feelings ranging from a sense of discontent with your current situation to a restless urging to explore new options. When these feelings arise, be sure to go within through meditation or quiet contemplation and allow yourself to explore these urgings to see where they’re leading you. It could be someplace wonderful.
  4. Dreams and Visions – Your Higher Self and Spirit will often communicate with you through your dreams. If you find you’re in a phase of vivid dreaming that evokes an emotional response, start keeping a dream journal. Place a notebook and pen at your bedside and record all the dreams you can remember upon waking, before you start your morning routine. Then review these dreams every few days to see if you can discern any patterns or recurring emotions. Also pay attention to any visions that pop up during meditative times in your day. You may be used to calling these visions “daydreams,” which are simply your “imagination,” thereby dismissing their importance. But what exactly IS your imagination? How much valuable guidance do you dismiss by assuming these visions and dreams are simply a product of the brain, and not a window to the soul?
  5. Strong Emotions – We can always choose our responses to the powerful emotional responses we have to our world. We can choose to sink into the emotions and use them as an excuse to avoid change or we can take a step back from the situation and see them as a signal that we’re being offered an opportunity to learn something valuable about ourselves and our lives. If someone in your life regularly triggers unpleasant emotions, can you use this experience as a mirror of something you might want to work on within yourself? If you’re feeling sadness and grief, can you honor the need to temporarily withdraw, go within, and find your inner strength? Your emotions are a powerful indicator of the progress you’re making on your soul’s journey; be sure to use them to your best advantage, rather than viewing them as a catalyst to victimhood.

Remember that there is always guidance available to us, and that answers will always come to the questions we pose. Cultivating trust in our intuition, finding that quiet space within, and paying attention to the subtle signs from our Higher Selves can greatly enhance the amazing journey of our earthly lives.

Are you listening?

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How To Make Your Own Natural Antibiotics

Editor’s note:  Oil of Oregano is also pretty powerful stuff as is Colloidal Silver, which you can make yourself with a Silver Generator.  

by HealthyFoodHouse

 This natural antibiotic is beneficial, quick and cheap to make, and it also has no side effects and consequences that usually occur after using some antibiotic.


  • 1 garlic clove
  • 2 tbsp honey
  • 2 tbsp ginger powder
  • 1/2 tbsp ground chili peppers
  • 1/2 tbsp cinnamon
  • 3.3 oz (1 dl) fresh lemon juice


Add crushed garlic, ginger powder, chili powder, and cinnamon to the lemon juice. Mix all the ingredients and add honey last.
Let the syrup rest for 3 hours on a room temperature. Keep the syrup in a closed glass container and store it in the fridge.

How To Use It:

Every morning before eating anything take 1 tablespoon of the syrup to strengthen your immune system. If you already have a cold, take 1 tablespoon of the syrup, three times a day before eating anything.

 Sourced from: