One of my favorite movies is The Matrix. I particularly resonate with the scene where Neo is (at first) told the Truth of the enslavement of humanity by Morpheus. Morpheus holds up a battery and says this is what the human body is to the machines – a life support.
“No,” Neo says, the reality hitting him hard. “Get me out of here!” He is then brought back from the program where he promptly throws up.
The truth is a hard pill to swallow. Searching for truth has been a life long journey for me, although it really became much more of a focus for me about 15 years ago. Along the way I have certainly had my moments where, like Neo, wrapping my brain around the next layer has been really difficult. Depressing. Maddening. And yet I keep going, even when I have those moments where, like Cypher says to Neo, “Why didn’t I take the blue pill instead?”
The flu season starts around October and peaks around February. At this time all of the pharmacies are starting to push flu shots on consumers without fully explaining the risks that come with their toxic ingredients.
One such consumer re-wrote and posted on Facebook the following conversation between her and the pharmacist at Ride-Aid in a post that’s going viral on social media:
Consumer: “May I please have the package insert for the flu vaccine?”
Rite-Aid Pharmacist: “Why?”
C: “So I can read it.”
P: “Which one?”
C: “The one advertised with the little banners on every aisle.”
P: “I will print you the information sheet.”
C: “No, that’s not the same thing.”
P: “What do you want to know? I can tell you.”
C: “I would just like to read the whole thing before I consider getting one…side effects, contraindications, effectiveness, ingredients like mercury.”
P: “I don’t think I have any. Let me check. [checks] Sorry, I can’t give you one until the box is empty, because it has to stay in the box. And there isn’t any thimerisol in the single dose flu shot any more. I can print you the information sheet.”
Pharmacy co-worker with big smile at me: “Hi, I found one.” (hands insert to P, hands to me).
This type of conversation is becoming increasingly common as pharmacists adjust to the demands of curious customers. Unfortunately, many people are not lucky enough to find someone who will hand them an actual insert.
The hand out that most people receive, believe it or not, does not include the most vital vaccine safety information when it comes to risks.
For example, this is the information sheet people receive about Fluzone® High-Dose (a flu shot that shows 105 controversial senior citizens deaths right after the clinical trials of the vaccine among other adverse effects): view the information sheet here.
And this is the insert that shows all the adverse effects that happened during and after clinical studies; severe reactions reported after the vaccine arrived on the market, and other risks: view the insert here.
Source: Facebook. Photo by Sandra Ganey
The patient sheet is only one single-column normal-font page long and the worst side effect it mentions is headache. On the other hand, the insert is four double-column small-font pages, and the side effects include a few dozen that are severe or life-threatening, including the potential of causing death.
The shocking information found in the actual insert that doctors (and on a rare occasion, patients) receive exists for every vaccination available.
Besides the side effects, from the insert we learn about the actual vaccine ingredients. They vary by manufacturer, and some are more toxic than the other, but all have at least one controversial and unhealthy ingredient.
What Exactly is in Flu Vaccines?, a source that analyzes the pros and cons of controversial issues, has listed all the vaccination ingredients by type and manufacturer.
Fluzone vaccine’s insert lists many severe reactions to the shot.
Fluzone contains:
Formaldehyde: A chemical usually used in building materials, as well as industrial fungicide. In medical laboratories, it is used as a preservative. Long-term effects have not been fully studied, as the National Cancer Institute admits. A study of funeral industry workers found a link between formaldehyde and myeloid lukemia, and professionals such as anatomists and embalmers reported increased risks of leukemia and brain cancer when working with formaldehyde.
Octylphenol ethoxylate (Triton X-100): is a product created by a few chemical companies including DOW. It is used for“wetting, detergency, superior hard surface, metal cleaning and excellent emulsification” in paints, coatings, oilfield chemicals, textiles, and industrial cleaners. In 1995 an article raised a question if this chemical is toxic to the reproductive system. In the fact sheet for Triton, the chemical is listed as possibly toxic to specifically the female reproductive system, and mutagenic for mammalian somatic cells (may change DNA of skin, bones, blood and connective tissue cells.
Thimerosal (standard dosage multi-dose vial): is a mercury-based preservative used in flu shots and some childhood vaccines. The ingredient has caused a lot of controversy since 1990s. It is a neurotoxin; it can cause nerve damage, and FDA knows of numerous cases of mercury poisoning caused by thimerosal.
Other ingredients in Fluzone are: sodium phosphate-buffered isotonic sodium chloride solution and gelatin
Vaccines contain many toxic ingredients, but they vary by manufacturer.
Other flu shots are made from different potentially toxic ingredients:
Afluria (Trivalent) contains:
Monobasic sodium phosphate (MSP): when used in high doses during colon cleansing, it has caused acute phosphate nephropathy, and permanent impairment of renal functions. It has alsocausedseizures, and cardiac arrhythmias.
Dibasic sodium phosphate and monobasic potassium phosphate: Phosphates are often used in food as preservatives, acidifying, and emulsifying agents. German researchers concluded that it is “damaging to health,” especially to the renal function, and is linked to cardiovascular and overall mortality.
Potassium chloride: has been most commonly linked to digestive problems and vomiting, but in severe cases it can lead to severe allergic reactions, chest pains, irregular heartbeat, confusion, and paralysis.
Calcium chloride: may lead to cardiovascular issues.
Sodium taurodeoxycholate: have been associated to promote tumor growth, particularly in pancreas, colon, and throat,studies show.
Neomycin sulfate: in rare cases has been linked to drowsiness, loss of hearing, difficulty breathing, rash, and weakness.
Polymyxin B: is an antibiotic, whose side effects include neurotoxic and nephrotoxic reactions: rising blood levels, dizziness, apnea, fever, and headache.
Mercury: a heavy metal responsible for poisoning, and damage to many organs leading to severe illnesses, includingsevere insomnia, and neurological disorders.
Beta-propiolactone is a carcinogen and a possible toxin to liver, skin, respiratory tract, and gastrointestinal tract.
While the amounts of these chemicals may be small, there have been very few studies done on any variation of combining these chemicals together, and their interaction with thousands of chemicals in our environment and food we encounter every day, as well as the cumulative effect.
It’s worth mentioning that over $3 billion has been paid out to vaccine courts by the government since 1986, when a law was passed that exempted vaccine makers from being sued. Many, many people, especially kids have been paralyzed, and havehad seizures after receiving a flu shot, and yet the pharmaceutical industry continues patenting new vaccines with even more toxins.
Taking all that into consideration, the most important thing to know is the importance of doing your own research to make an educated decision with the help of your doctor and, hopefully, the full vaccine insert rather than a watered down “information sheet.”
If there’s one constant among the vast majority of solar panel designs, it’s flatness; while solar panels can be equipped to tilt to follow the sun’s path through the course of the day, there are still significant efficiency limitations to this basic design. V3Solar’s rather elegant photovoltaic Spin Cell cones aim to address that, and their current prototype was recently third-party verified as capable of generating “over 20 times more electricity than a static flat panel with the same area of photovoltaic cells.”
The V3 Spin Cell was developed through collaboration with industrial design team Nectar Design. The company believes that the Spin Cell could be a game-changer in its market. On their website V3 explains that if one places a 20x solar concentration on a flat, static solar panel then “the temperature quickly reaches 260 degrees F, the solder melts within ten seconds, and the PV fails. With the same concentration on the Spin Cell, the temperature never exceeds 95 degrees F.”
The one meter-diameter cones feature a layer of hundreds of triangular photovoltaic cells positioned at an angle of 56 degrees, encased in a “static hermetically-sealed outer lens concentrator.” The photovoltaic cone spins with the assistance of a “small amount” of its own solar-generated power which feeds a Maglev system, intended to reduce the noise generated by the cones as well as any required maintenance.
While an “array” of V3’s Spin Cell’s can occupy a very small space, relative to conventional flat panels, V3 has also conceived of a “Power Pole,” to support even greater even solar power generation in a small space, the designers explain “This is a pole that holds 10 Spin Cells, or 10KWp, in a footprint of 10 SF. The spin cells are placed with mathematical precision to make sure no Spin Cell shades another. This not only creates significantly great power density, but also removes the concern of floods and mitigates the environmental impact.”
Additionally, V3 hopes that with the dramatically reduced physical footprint of the solar cones, theymight be able to “dramatically reduce the [total cost of ownership of solar farms] making more projects economically viable.” See one of the Spin Cones in action here.
Poland just unveiled an amazing new bike path that glows bright blue at night! The path near Lidzbark Warminski is illuminated by phosphor, a synthetic material that lights up after it’s charged by sunlight. Studio Roosegaarde’s Starry Night bike lane inspired TPA Instytut Badań Technicznych Sp. z o.o to create the glowing bike path.
TPA Sp. z o.o. president Igor Ruttmar told Gazeta Wyborcza that the material in the bike path can emit light for around 10 hours. Each day the path collects the energy that enables it to glow at night. Board of Regional Roads in Olsztyn director Waldemar Królikowski said the luminous bike path is meant to improve the safety of people biking at night.
According to Next Nature Network, the luminophores, or “particles” in the bike lane material can emit a variety of colors, and the designers picked blue to best fit in with the surrounding landscape. They also researched the sustainability of the materials they utilized, and how to make the materials as cost effective as possible since the bike lane does cost more than traditional lanes.
While the Starry Night bike path provided inspiration, the technology utilized in the Polish bike lane is quite different from the Van Gogh-themed lane. Studio Roosegaarde’s bike lane drew on LEDs powered by a solar array and “light-collecting paint.” TPA Sp. z o.o.’s bike lane doesn’t require any power sources. The bike lane is still being tested, as it is not known how long the lane will last before it begins to wear out.
Woven into the ever-evolving narrative of the mainstream media are key plot lines, hidden in the sub-text of so-called current events, going for the most part unnoticed by the public. We could say this happens by chance but since we already know the structure and purpose of corporate media, this would be naive and dangerously forgiving of an organization that plays an authoritative role in manufacturing reality. And since political, economic, social and environmental reality is an affront to our greatest human potential, to say the least, it serves us well to acknowledge and expose the directives we are being provoked into accepting and acting on.
“This complete utter and total connection between perception and experience is understood by that hidden hand, and that’s why the human mind is bombarded 24/7 with downloads of perception.” ~David Icke
Conspiracy. An abused word, but one with tremendous relevance today, as no other word in the english language adequately synthesizes the concepts of plot, motive and wicked intention. Love or hate the word itself, when an examination of media in its relation to reality is given proper due with respect for historical and philosophical truth, it requires willful ignorance to dismiss the fact that there are conspiracies at play in our world, and therefore theories are required to understand and expose them.
There a handful of major conspiracies driving the mainline media’s direction of our attention onto whatever nonsense, propaganda or disinfo happens to be soup du jour for public consumption. Awareness of these disrupts the pattern of top-down, in-your-face control, offering the freedom to consume media without unconscious obligation to the subduing and pacifying world view being forced down our throats by our information overlords.
Here are five of the most important and prominent media conspiracies constantly at work on the public psyche. All are absolutely essential to support and maintain the status quo.
Indoctrination into the nurturing womb of the state is essential for our society to function as it does. As children, we are taught the state’s version of national and international history, we pledge allegiance to the state flag, and we learn a superficial version of how state government works while being told the only alternative is destructive chaos.
This theme of state indoctrination carries on into the mainstream media as state worship is embedded into news, infotainment and entertainment. The most important people are those in public office. The most important opinions come from state employees turned pundits. The most important decisions are those made by the government. Heroes are soldiers. There is no issue or concern which does not warrant action from the state.
2. The Conspiracy to Conceal the True Powers in the World
There is an invisible unelected power which controls government and industry around the world, yet no matter how many warnings we receive from even the most credentialed individuals, the media will never genuinely report on the shadow government, the deep state, secret societies, or the Zionist neocons, opting instead to direct our attention onto government, maintaining the impression that major decisions are made democratically.
Consider how many years it has taken for even basic, propagandistic coverage of Bilderberg to make it to the mainstream. The Bilderberg Group is a gathering of the world’s most powerful private, corporate, and state actors, yet the media still wants you to believe their influence in our world is but a theory.
Furthermore, the banking institutions which have monopolized world currencies into private hands charging every interest for the ability to trade, are fully misrepresented by the media as benevolent and ‘too big to fail,’ ie., too big to prosecute. For a recent example of this, look to CNN Money who put together a shoddy segment on the Federal Reserve Bank of the United States, explaining to the audience how it was not at all political, but rather an independent group intentionally designed in 1913 for our benefit.
3. The Conspiracy to Cover Up the Corporate Rape of the Planet
The rape of the planet physically, economically and spiritually by corporate power and greed is escalating on a global scale, yet the mainstream refuses to give this issue its proper due. Corporations are presented as society’s saviors, bringing us the jobs and conveniences that make life bearable, yet, while we may profit in material terms in the short term, corporate exploitation of the world and its cultures is quickly pushing us into unknown territory where the world’s wealth will be given over to the 1%, and the world’s eco-systems are laid waste.
The Dakota Sioux protest over the Keystone XL pipeline offers a recent example of how corporate media treats important environmental issues resulting from corporate dominance. Silence. Although organic resistance to this is huge and widely covered by the alternative media, only natural disasters that stoke irrational fears make the nightly news.
When was the last time the mainstream news ran an expose of the Athabasca Oil Sands project, or of the widespread destruction of the Amazon rainforest? These issues are vastly critical to our survival, yet never explored by corporate media. Even something as crucial as Fukushima, which is still dumping radiation into the Pacific Ocean five years after the earthquake and tsunami of 2011, gets nary a mention. This disaster is put off as a local Japanese issue and all attempts to bring closure to this are left the hands of TEPCO, the Japanese energy corporation, even in the face of mounting evidence thatFukushima is already affecting life in North America.
4. The Conspiracy to Encourage Self-Destruction
In order to create and maintain the culture of top-down rule, it is mandatory that the populace suffers interminable disunity, widespread apathy, infighting and senseless division. This is fomented by the mainline media’s assistance in the destruction of the individual; for our own self-destruction is the most economical solution for the elite in their quest to destroy us.
The vibration of the news is always as dense as possible, a continual flood of violence, hate, gore and madness, ever refusing concepts and ideas that enlighten, focusing instead on the repetition of insanity. Corporate media, especially from Hollywood, is a non-stop psychic assault serving to color darkly our souls, driving us into inner despair, suggesting to us that we self-medicate, guiding us into the hands of modern psychology for relief from the onslaught.
When the individual is useless to himself, he is useless to his community and to society as a whole. When this is accomplished it is easy to corral us into narrow frames of mind and widespread division, working against ourselves rather than for ourselves.
5. The Conspiracy to Arrest Consciousness
The war on consciousness is real. It is a concerted effort to prevent the individual from understanding the true nature of the self, from gaining critical self-knowledge, and from maturing beyond childish naivety and intelligence. The prosecution of the war on drugs, heavily promoted in corporate media, is a key strategy, for it inhibits our willingness to explore our own sovereign consciousness, cutting us off from ancient and natural tools of self-exploration, limiting our understanding of what is possible in this human experience.
As researcher and author Graham Hancock states:
“There can be no more intimate and elemental part of the individual than his or her own consciousness. At the deepest level, our consciousness is what we are—to the extent that if we are not sovereign over our own consciousness then we cannot in any meaningful sense be sovereign over anything else either. ” ~Graham Hancock
6. The Conspiracy to Prevent Revolution
We are quickly entering a time when the only way for the elite to prevent revolution is to enact the strict social controls only possible in a world war type scenario, which is presently unfolding before our sleepwalking eyes. The mainstream media participates in the conspiracy to prevent revolution by constantly reinforcing false state narratives about security, privacy and the need for more control, and by continually manufacturing consent for the oligarchy.
The main objective is to prevent disbelief in official government stories and narratives, regularly engaging on the trigger term ‘conspiracy theory‘ to deflate curiosity of the unknown and misunderstood workings of our government. The media are molding us into self-monitoring, self-policing gatekeepers who are trained to reject revolutionary ideas before they are duly investigated.
Final Thoughts
When so much of the information we intake is controlled by so few organizations, and the messages we most receive combine to transform us into dis-empowered non-actors in a world being taken over by untouchable global powers, we can safely call it a conspiracy.
The solution, of course, requires us to tune out of corporate media and engage self-education, self-knowledge and in participation in community.
About the Author
Sigmund Fraud is a survivor of modern psychiatry and a dedicated mental activist. He is a staff writer for where he indulges in the possibility of a massive shift towards a more psychologically aware future for humankind. Follow Sigmund on Facebook here.
Editor’s note: I first read about this in The Celestine Prophecy (awesome book, btw) back in 1997.
A biological research team at Bielefeld University has made a groundbreaking discovery showing that plants can draw an alternative source of energy from other plants. This finding could also have a major impact on the future of bioenergy eventually providing the evidence to show that people draw energy from others in much the same way.
Members of Professor Dr. Olaf Kruse’s biological research team have confirmed for the first time that a plant, the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, not only engages in photosynthesis, but also has an alternative source of energy: it can draw it from other plants. The research findings were released this week in the online journal Nature Communications published by the renowned journal Nature.
Flowers need water and light to grow and people are no different. Our physical bodies are like sponges, soaking up the environment. “This is exactly why there are certain people who feel uncomfortable in specific group settings where there is a mix of energy and emotions,” said psychologist and energy healer Dr. Olivia Bader-Lee.
Plants engage in the photosynthesis of carbon dioxide, water, and light. In a series of experiments, Professor Dr. Olaf Kruse and his team cultivated the microscopically small green alga species Chlamydomonas reinhardtii and observed that when faced with a shortage of energy, these single-cell plants can draw energy from neighbouring vegetable cellulose instead. The alga secretes enzymes (so-called cellulose enzymes) that ‘digest’ the cellulose, breaking it down into smaller sugar components. These are then transported into the cells and transformed into a source of energy: the alga can continue to grow. ‘This is the first time that such a behaviour has been confirmed in a vegetable organism’, says Professor Kruse. ‘That algae can digest cellulose contradicts every previous textbook. To a certain extent, what we are seeing is plants eating plants’. Currently, the scientists are studying whether this mechanism can also be found in other types of alga. Preliminary findings indicate that this is the case.
“When energy studies become more advanced in the coming years, we will eventually see this translated to human beings as well,” stated Bader-Lee. “The human organism is very much like a plant, it draws needed energy to feed emotional states and this can essentially energize cells or cause increases in cortisol and catabolize cells depending on the emotional trigger.”
Bader-Lee suggests that the field of bioenergy is now ever evolving and that studies on the plant and animal world will soon translate and demonstrate what energy metaphysicians have known all along — that humans can heal each other simply through energy transfer just as plants do. “Human can absorb and heal through other humans, animals, and any part of nature. That’s why being around nature is often uplifting and energizing for so many people,” she concluded.
Stay centered and grounded. If you are centered within your spiritual self (instead of your analyzer or ego) you will sense right away when something has moved into your space. If you are fully grounded, you can easily release other people’s energy and emotions down your grounding cord with your intention.
Be in a state of non-resistance. What we resists sticks. If you feel uncomfortable around a certain person or in a group, don’t go into resistance as a way to protect yourself as this will only keep foreign energy stuck in your space. Move into a state of non-resistance by imagining that your body is clear and translucent like clear glass or water. This way, if someone throws some invalidation at you, it will pass right through you.
Own your personal aura space. We each have an energetic aura surrounding our body. If we don’t own this personal space we are vulnerable to foreign energy entering it. Become aware of your aura boundaries (about an arms length away from your body all the way around, above and below) as a way to own your personal space.
Give yourself an energy cleanse. The color gold has a high vibration which is useful for clearing away foreign energy. Imagine a gold shower nozzle at the top of your aura (a few feet above your head) and turn it on, allowing clear gold energy to flow through your aura and body space and release down your grounding. You will immediately feel cleansed and refreshed.
Call back your energy. When we have our energy in our own space there is less room for other’s energy to enter. But as we focus on other people and projects we sometimes spread our energy around. Create an image of a clear gold sun several feet above your head and let it be a magnet, attracting all of your energy back into it (and purifying it in the gold energy). Then bring it down through the top of your aura and into your body space, releasing your energy back into your personal space.
Originally written by Michael Forrester and published on Prevent Disease
It turns out that unvaccinated children aren’t little time bombs walking around ready to blow and spread devastating disease in their wake.
That’s a myth. It’s told by the medical cartel, for their own obvious reasons.
And it turns out that children raised in a healthy way are strong, and have strong immune systems.
This was once viscerally known and understood and accepted as a truism.
Those who insist on 50 or 60 shots of germs and toxic chemicals for every child, like it or not, are participating in an ongoing criminal enterprise.
Their vision is unnatural and perverse.
It turns out that stimulating the production of antibodies—which is the purpose of vaccines—is not the be-all and end-all of existence. It isn’t the road to health. It isn’t an automatic lease on life.
Every aspect of a child’s life contributes to, or detracts from, his immune-system health and strength. This is traditional knowledge. This basic tree of knowledge has been shaken and hacked at by decades of remorseless propaganda from official medical/government/corporate mob bosses.
The vaccine establishment has become a protection racket. Take your shots or pay the social and political consequences.
Natural health is a reality. It isn’t a stunt.
When smallpox ravaged England, it wasn’t the lone work of a virus. It was sewage in the city streets, horrendous overcrowding, lack of basic nutrition, grinding poverty. It was also the smallpox vaccine:
“Smallpox, like typhus, has been dying out (in England) since 1780. Vaccination in this country has largely fallen into disuse since people began to realize how its value was discredited by the great smallpox epidemic of 1871-2 (which occurred after extensive vaccination).” (W. Scott Webb, A Century of Vaccination, Swan Sonnenschein, 1898.)
And then there is this: “The combined death rate from scarlet fever, diphtheria, whooping cough and measles among children up to fifteen shows that nearly 90 percent of the total decline in mortality between 1860 and 1965 had occurred before the introduction of antibiotics and widespread immunization. In part, this recession may be attributed to improved housing and to a decrease in the virulence of micro-organisms, but by far the most important factor was a higher host-resistance due to better nutrition.” Ivan Illich, Medical Nemesis, Bantam Books, 1977
Improve environmental conditions and the standard of living, and you pave the way for natural health. It’s not a mystery. It never was.
—The basic purpose of promoting these dud “epidemics” that come down the pipeline every few years is: to convince the population that they can’t live in a state of natural health; there is no such thing as natural health; everyone must live their lives under the constant supervision of doctors.
This is becoming the central myth of our times.
It is becoming the primary form of surrender.
Natural health is a silver bullet to medical vampires.
How many studies can you find that investigate the factors of health in children who do quite well without overriding medical attention? How many studies in peer reviewed journals examine large groups of healthy unvaccinated children? None.
Health is basically a non-medical condition.
The primary medical psyop is the effort to erase that understanding.
Every healthy unvaccinated child is a refutation of the medical cartel.
If your business is sickness, and you’re unscrupulous, it stands to reason you’ll try to find more and more sickness, even, and especially, where it doesn’t exist.
You’ll never study health, because it would put you out of business.
About the Author
Jon Rappoport is the author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at or OutsideTheRealityMachine.
I recently encountered bully behavior with other women. Mother’s, no less. It was an online situation where I was coming to the defense of a picture that had been posted of a little boy in a skeleton costume. The boy was 3 or 4 and he was crying, clearly very upset. He had refused to eat the night before, so the parents decided to put the costume on him while he slept, then upon awakening, they informed him he had “starved to death” and he was upset that his body is gone. (Yeah, let that one sink in. I am still horrified.)
The idea that a parent could and would not only post a picture of their child in such fear and distress was appalling enough for me, but the idea that the parents would also use such a clearly abusive tactic in an attempt to teach their child a lesson much less show ENJOYMENT over it, is simply deplorable.
One of the biggest criticisms against wind turbines is that they aren’t usually nice to look at, but that may be about to change thanks to the French company NewWind. Their new device, Tree Vent, is an array of vertical wind turbines that look a lot like a tree.
Though the tree looks like a piece of modern art that would fit in at any urban area, it also provides a very important function. Each tree has a current power output of 3.1 kilowatts, which might not be able to power much on its own. However, using several of the trees together as landscape features in a park or along a roadside would make more of an impact to the homes and buildings nearby.
The trees are 11 meters (36 ft) tall, and 8 meters (26 ft) in diameter at its widest point, which makes it about the same height as many urban trees. The white frame of the tree is made out of steel, and it can hold 72 turbines that sit vertically. This orientation cancels out noise, allowing the turbine to spin silently. Wind turbines are typically very tall in order to reach the altitude where the wind is stronger, but these vertical turbines are able to spin with wind blowing as low as 7 km/h (4.4 mph), making this twice as sensitive as traditional turbines. However, they are durable enough to withstand Category 3 winds, which can reach 178 – 208 km/h (111-129 mph).
Each turbine “sheet,” called an Aeroleaf, is constructed out of lightweight plastic. The plastic has been treated with a resin which protects it from weather conditions such as humidity and salt (for areas close to the sea). The turbines are wired in parallel so that if one stops working for whatever reason, the others will not be affected.
Image credit: NewWind
Anxious to check one of these out? NewWind will be testing a tree in Paris’s Place de la Concorde between March 12 and May 12 of this year, allowing the public to see how the turbine functions in a normal setting. About 40 more units are due to be installed around the country in September.
For those wanting a Tree Vent for themselves, you are going to have to wait a bit longer. They aren’t due to go into mass production until the summer of 2016 and will initially only be available in France and other proximal European countries. There is no word on when or if they plan to extend the product into the United States. The approximate price of each tree will be about €29,500 (US$35,000), though that price will hopefully decrease as production becomes less expensive and the technology is further developed.
According to UFO hunters, and based on numerous satellite images, massive alien fleets are flying in ‘tactical’ formation near Earth and through the inner solar system towards the sun. Some researchers have even come forward claiming that our sun may act as some sort of massive Stargate, used by super advanced alien civilizations to travel across the cosmos.
The ‘alarming’ discovery has been made by UFO hunter Streetcap1, who analysed images of the sun captured by NASA’s SOHO (Solar and Heliospheric Observatory) Satellite.
The SOHO satellite is in fact a joint project between the European Space Agency and NASA. The observational satellite is located in halo orbit around the Sun-Earth L1 gravitational point an keeps an eye on our solar system’s star nonstop.
According to Streeetcap1, the alleged image captured by cameras on board SOHO show a MASSIVE alien fleet of UFO’s flying past Earth, heading towards the sun.
“I have seen too many ‘UFO fleets’ now to be in any doubt that this is a reality,” wrote the UFO hunter.
According to Streetcap1, the intimidating armada of alien spaceships appear to be travelling in a regular and highly ordered group of formations, which are indicative of a highly organized military fleet.
“They are flying in small group formation which might suggest military craft,” Streetcap1 explains. “I have seen too many ‘UFO fleets’ now to be in any doubt that this is a reality.
UFO Hunter Scot Warring from UFO sightings daily commented on the images:
“This UFO fleet was caught by Streetcap1 of YouTube. It is an awesome find,” he writes in the latest update to his blog UFO Sightings Daily.
“I have seen thousands of SOHO sun photos, but never one like this,” he continues. “Here we see fleets of ships in groups of two, three and even four. This is a fleet, which is not a good sign.”
“For a fleet this size to be passing Earth, something big is about to happen,” Waring writes. “Yes, you can bet money that they know we are here, but they are so technologically advanced that we are not threat to them. Thus, they ignore us. We see 60-80 ships here that the SOHO image caught. Many more it didn’t catch.”
The debate continued on YouTube among hundreds of users who left their comments on the video.
“It’s like a space battle..”
“Incredible; but why…?
“But they are huge how do you explain [this].”
In the distant past, numerous weird objects have been spotted near the sun, visible on SOHO satellite images.
While UFO hunters are convinced these are interstellar starships from elsewhere in the universe, skeptics argue that we are looking at malfunctions in the images. Processing errors and dead pixels present ni some of the images.
UFO hunters, however, do not agree.
In the past, researchers have wondered about the numerous anomalies present near the sun and have ventured out to ask whether it is possible that our sun is a massive Stargate.
This video below by Nassim Haramein supports the idea that the sun acts as a massive portal or Stargate.