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Timelines Shift And Collapsing 3D Timelines

By Lisa Renee

The pinnacle of the Ascension Cycle marks the end of the 3D collective timelines on the earth. As the planet is moving into higher frequencies that are located in a future time-space, it is shifting the planetary consciousness into a future dimensional octave.

This skips the entire planetary consciousness field, therefore the collective human consciousness, into future timelines that resonate with much higher dimensional frequencies. Many of us on the ascension timeline have already transcended these lower dimensional timelines. What is important to discern is that this is a planetary event that is impacting everyone on the earth and beyond. At the end of 2017, the planetary body is shifting into the higher frequency band that is located in the next Harmonic Universe. This event will change the planetary coordinates, planetary timelines, thus changing where the planet is actually located in Universal space-time.

The collective consciousness in the planet has been shifting through dimensional frequency bands quite regularly, during the Ascension Cycle. However, what portends this will be a major collective consciousness shift, is that the planet is rolling up the lowest three frequency bands, 1D, 2D and 3D, into the higher frequency bands in the next Harmonic Universe. This means that the lower three dimensional frequency bands will cease to exist in the planet. All that will remain is the frequency accumulation that the collective inhabitants generate in their own consciousness, which are the energies that form from their own mental beliefs, behaviors and actions. The people that remain in the 3rd dimensional consciousness after this shift will find themselves increasingly uncomfortable, extremely pressurized and unhappy. Thus, many will feel the squeezing pressure to transform rapidly through the alchemical theme of polarity synthesis, which helps to bring completion to these old karmic patterns from the past, if we are willing to let them go. This purging process will add or subtract the required blueprint patterns that we may need to meet these new coordinates in the earth grid, and to help clear out the unstable or dark force influence in our lives. We are being purged deeply and the remaining content is processed into higher light and consciousness, to be stabilized and synthesized into the body, in order to improve energetic coherence and spiritual strength.

Our responsibility now is to practice unconditional love to all that we see, and to see everything and everyone around us as connected to the unified whole. At the same time, we make clear intentions of where we place our consent, in higher authority. This loving intention and compassionate practice will keep our heart open and aligned to the source field, and will make the transition much more comfortable. The deep reconfiguration that is transpiring within the planet’s holographic geography is effecting the operation of Stargates, Power Vortices, Ley Lines, and Ray force transmissions. As a result, this trickles down into the collective consciousness of the human race, directly impacting the consciousness functions of the human Lightbody, spiritual identity and timelines. The macrocosm architecture is undergoing a radical shift, and this in turn manifests a chain reaction that profoundly alters the configuration of the human energy field and lightbody. Events that profoundly alter our energy field, produce radical changes in our life style and relationships.

Preparing for 2017

Many of us have been preparing for the planetary alignment into the next Harmonic Universe at the end of 2017, which has required many planetary gridworkers to clear out multiple timelines, devices and implant structures that are recorded in the collective consciousness fields, either from the accumulated past miasmatic energies, or that were created with artificial intelligence. This five-year window is very important in meeting the mission upgrade deadline, for the planetary anchoring into the new collective consciousness timelines at the end of 2017.

In order to meet this deadline, the planet is required to have an increase in the base threshold of frequency that is held within the consciousness of the people that make up the collective consciousness agreements on the planet. At the end of 2017, the planet undergoes a precise measurement of the quantum field, which directly impacts the future evolution timelines for all of the inhabitants when they move through the Consciousness Corridor. Effectively, the earth body will be anchored into new time and space vectors in the future dimension, that is located within the 5D frequency band timelines. This shift in location will directly impact the collective consciousness agreement, although many of the population will be unaware consciously, that this major shift has occurred. During the bifurcation cycle, the planetary body has gradually undergone subatomic shifting in the lower fields of the particle structure, which forces collapse in lower dimensions and rolls them up, as the entities are transited out and the leftover energies merge with the next octave of higher harmonic frequencies. As a result, the point in time and space where the planetary body is located, and the time continuum in which we exist as a collective consciousness, is being moved into the next harmonic universe. Therefore, the collective consciousness will be subjected to the laws governing the energetic fields in that new space-time.

Those of us on the ascending path have already made this consciousness shift beforehand, while we are coexisting on the planet with many people that are still maintaining the lower energies that descend with the third dimensional timelines. So the split in the timelines and frequency schism are existing in parallel to each other, yet each person that represents either the upward or downward momentum of the energetic spiral, is actually located at a different point in the timeline. Their station of identity is located at a different point in the time space continuum.

The collective fields of planet are scheduled to move into the soul timelines of the fourth, fifth and six dimensional fields of the next Harmonic Universe.

For people on the earth that have not yet evolved to the point where they have dissolved their chakra membranes, the fourth, fifth and sixth dimensional wave spectrum will gradually replace, and become connected into the lower energy centers where the first, second and third chakra previously existed.

The position of the Soul matrix will fully embody in the core of the human body, eliminating the barriers between the solar plexus and heart. Many of us don’t have the lower chakra configurations anymore, while we are existing on the earth plane. This planetary event changes the chakra energy center configuration in the earth and in individual people, based upon their spiritual integration and unique genetic arrangement.

Collapsing 3D Timelines

In the creational structure of Harmonic Universes there are two timelines per dimensional frequency band.

As the planet is moving into the next scale of the higher harmonic structure, the six timelines that existed within the lower three dimensions, are rolling up into the next harmonic, so they cease to exist in the same frequency band. This poses a variety of new consciousness experiences for people on earth that will impact memories, other identity lifetimes, and other historical recordings that were made to the past or future timelines. As many different people on the earth are existing at different levels on the scale of spiritual evolution, where their base frequency stabilizes in their Lightbody, determines their timeline and future spiritual direction, whether they are consciously involved in that decision or not. People who are not yet on the ascension path, but are in spiritual agreement with the collective consciousness shift, if they stay incarnated on the earth, the move into the next harmonic universe will deepen their soul bond within their physical body, therefore, placing them on their soul timeline. This will be true for the majority of the current collective consciousness field.

However, the metamorphosis that occurs at the earliest soul initiation to open the heart, when there is unresolved pain recorded there, can be very confusing for people that do not have emotional healing tools or spiritual ascension context. This will thrust many earth inhabitants into experiencing the Dark Night of the Soul, and the planetary landscape in the earlier stages of this shift, may feel quite chaotic and dark.

As many people will be unexpectedly plunged into communing with the higher frequencies, in order to purify themselves of painful lower vibrations.

For those people that are already soul integrated, the new foundation to draw upon, will allow much easier access into higher Monadic frequencies, making it much easier to accomplish. The move will deepen the monadic bond within their physical body, therefore placing them on their monadic identity timeline.

At the time of full monadic body integration, the chakra membranes dissolve, and the lightbody structure begins to change into an orb body that accretes the source field or Plasma waves. When we energetically evolve and move up in dimensional frequency bands, we are exposed to more dimensional octaves, therefore more potential timelines. However, in the range of polarities that may exist as potential consciousness experiences, there is only one timeline that is the highest expression of our spiritual identity and that manifests the fulfillment of our heroic probability. Within the future timelines are stations of identity, commonly called Soul, Monad, and Christos self. These spiritual identities comprise lightbody parts or whole spiritual bodies of our forgotten future selves. These are spiritual energetic bodies that hold our consciousness intelligence matrices, our mind matrices and that make up our spiritual identity.

We are designed to reclaim these spiritual-energetic pieces during the Ascension cycle. This is why those on the spiritual ascension path continually experience their energetic healing by meeting the cellular memories that surface for compassionate witnessing, at different stages of evolution in the multiple timelines. As we move through the series of timelines in each dimensional octave, we reclaim our spiritual identity, while recoding and changing the artificial or false reality from interfering with our continued consciousness expansion. We connect with our lost aspects to merge with these timelines, which allow us to reclaim and re-collect our spiritual bodies, clear Negative Forms, Clones, and Artificial intelligence.

As we clear false identities and inorganic architecture from suppressing and impairing our Consciousness, we are extracting the alien enslavement programming and clearing implants, in order to embody our true inner Christos spirit.

Planetary Chakra Reconfiguration

The Chakras that exist in the 3D earth’s energetic consciousness body are replicated in the 3D human energetic body at the point we incarnate on this 3D earth , as a result of coming here, we accept the planetary body imprint on our consciousness body, which configures itself into what we know as the main chakra cones. Each of these cones have an opening that directly interfaces with the same dimensional plane of the earth’s consciousness body and the 12 planets in our Solar System, that together, make up the total consciousness body of the original earth.

Each of the chakras have membranes that separate the dimensions and the Ray forces that exist within that specific wave spectrum. As the planetary membranes collapse as a result of collapsing timelines and collapsing obsolete dimensional spaces (pockets of space time), so do the membranes dissolve that have created these separate compartments for the chakra cones. What is happening to dissolve the chakras membrane and the chakra panel is a result of the Ascension cycle and is an evolutionary event. Yet, some of the masses are not ready to leave the chakra system because they are fully interdependent on the energy centers governing the life force to circulate into their bodes functioning, until they awaken to choose to go beyond the ego programming, it is nearly impossible to remove or clear these membranes, as they will be seriously impacted. Some people on this earth are going absolutely crazy from this change happening in the chakra fields, as they have not been prepared for what is occurring. So it is helpful to comprehend that all beings that incarnate on the 3D timelines of earth, currently have this configuration in their personal energy centers, or through spiritual Ascension and developing their lightbody, they may have evolved past the chakra membranes that created the separation in-between the dimensional planes, that are represented as the chakra energy cones in an individual.

A person incarnating into this density, a very low vibration, will not be able to hold the necessary high frequency that allows them to join fully with all of their many stations of identities that had been split apart and sitting inside the dimensional access of their own chakra cones. The person through developing consciousness, gets their identities integrated, retrieves missing pieces, and those pieces reintegrate through the chakra cone, so this in itself is an appropriate function for the overall collective consciousness state that exists on the earth right now. The majority of people will not have the consciousness ability to be involved in what you are referring to in evolving out of chakras yet, and many of us here are not only here to develop our lightbody, but to hold the necessary energetic space for the entire planet, the human tribes in the collective consciousness, to be the prototype that allows future humans to continue where we have left off.

Cause and Effect

As we undergo the bifurcation of time during the Ascension Cycle, it is supportive to understand that the current planetary consciousness shift radically magnifies and speeds up energetic forces that are governed by the Universal Law of Cause and Effect.

As we move into the next Harmonic Universe, the Law of Cause and Effect manifests much more quickly, more accurately with the frequency being matched, and with more intensity on the material plane of earth than it ever did before. In every area of our life, when we generate belief systems, thoughts, behaviors, emotions and actions, this accumulates into energetic content that combines with the vibrationally matched consciousness fields that are in the environment. Moving forward, the energetic content that we send out will return back to us with increasing immediacy, and even instantaneously. Whatever the quality of energy that we broadcast out into the Universe, it sets into motion the accumulative frequency of the energetic content that will be directly returned back to us.

This is why it’s crucial to be able to find our inner stillness in Meditation, and broadcast as much unconditional loveForgivenesspeace and gratitude to the Universe, as possible. The third dimensional timelines to which we have been accustomed, are much more dense and infected with layers of Artificial intelligence, subconscious mind fragments, phantom spaces and dark entities. As a result of the density, the return of the corresponding reciprocal energies that occurs in the process of Cause and Effect, is slowed down in the lower density, has less energetic concentration, and takes longer to manifest in the sequence of our personal timeline. It was harder for us to connect the dots between the causal event and the actual effect our thoughtforms and emotions had upon the environment, because it took much longer, required more energetic strength and willpower to bring it into manifestation.

Changing Planetary Laws of Structure

The planet has just completed its Magnetic Peak cycle, which discharged a massive amount of magnetic force into the earth. The Subatomic particles of elemental matter are rearranging to support the planetary body shift into the next harmonic universe. All communication systems connected to these levels of planetary architecture are undergoing fluctuation, reconfiguration and potentially re-building interstellar links that reconnect earth Portals to realign into multiple star systems and celestial bodies.

This massive shift at the quantum scale is changing the Law of Structure in the architecture that governs function over our matter body, as well as our consciousness bodies.

Quantic Field Impact to Space-Time

Currently, the planetary body is undergoing a space-time reorganization that ripples out many strange anomalies that influence the quantic field.

As a result, there are new patterns of electromagnetic disturbances, interruption or distortions in the collective field. The quantum field, also referred to as inner space-time, is rippling these effects into the unmanifest layers of the core manifestation template, otherwise known as the blueprint matrices that make up the layers of Morphogenetic Fields in the earth. Gridworkers may feel the blueprint structure in the planetary field transforming completely with the Shifting Timelines, and this feels like something very different, extraordinary and even bizarre is occurring in the earth fields. It feels like it is a new design that is encompassing our Consciousness with the necessity to learn a foreign language, and yet it feels distantly familiar and vastly powerful. The Blueprint alterations impact the dark matter template, and this appears to have direct consequences to altering and changing the earth elements, and the elemental structure of the earth body.

Sourced from:

The Real Truth Behind The ‘October Surprise’

Editor’s note: If these sources had actually done their homework before putting out all of this sensationalism, they would have known Wikileaks actually released the breakdown of what Assange would be sharing on 10/4.  They never even said there was going to be an “October Surprise”.  I fell for it, I admit.  Lesson learned to remember to stay in discernment and don’t always believe the headlines w/o further research.  

Beer Company Develops Edible Six-Pack Rings That Feed, Rather Than Kill, Marine Life

Amanda Froelich for True Activist

A craft beer company and an ad agency brewed up a brilliant idea to save marine life if six-pack rings end up in the ocean. Are you aware that 80% of the plastic humans throw away ends up in the oceans? The sad reality is made worse when one learns that, as a result, billions of pounds of plastic are now swirling in convergences in the seas. In fact, 40% of earth’s total ocean mass is now covered by plastic.

According to Greenpeace, approximately 70% of Seabirds and 80% of Sea Turtles are now ingesting plastic. As a result,1,000,000 birds and 100,000 marine mammals and sea turtles are dying each year.

One of the major contributors to this epidemic are the seemingly harmless six-pack rings found around cans of soda and beer. Because the rings have little value, consumers nonchalantly throw them into the trash without any regard for marine life. Now, 99% of seabirds are expected to have plastic in their guts by the year 2050. This is unacceptable, and a Florida-based brewery agrees.

In partnership with We Believers ad agency, the Saltwater Brewery in Delray conjured the brilliant idea to create edible six-pack rings that feed, rather than kill, marine life to offset the damage being done by plastic pollution.

Credit: We

Credit: We Believers

The rings are created from beer by-products during the brewing process, such as barley and wheat, and are completely safe for humans and fish to eat. In addition, the invention is 100% biodegradable and compostable.

Considering that Americans drank 6.3 billion gallons of beer in 2015, and 50% of that volume was from cans, this impressive invention will have hugeimplications for the environment.

Credit: We Believers

Credit: We Believers

The craft beer company says that the innovative design is as resistant and efficient as plastic packaging. Though, one major drawback is that they are more expensive than plastic rings.

The company believes, however, that when consumers are made aware of the horrific consequences of using plastic six-pack rings, they’ll be more than happy to pay a little extra to preserve the Earth for future generations.

Credit: We Believers

Credit: We Believers

Says Peter Agardy, head of brand at Saltwater Brewery:

“It’s a big investment for a small brewery created by fisherman, surfers and people that love the sea.” 

The brand also believes that if more breweries opt to use the edible rings, prices may go down.

Credit: We Believers

Credit: We Believers

At present, the brewery is in the process of patenting together with a small startup of young engineers in Mexico. The social entrepreneurs believe that edible six-pack rings will have a huge impact on the CPG and Food and Beverage Industries. Of course, their number one goal is to save thousands of marine lives.

The company writes:

“For brands to be successful today, it is no longer about being the best IN the world. But rather, being the best FOR the world and take a real stance.”

Would you be willing to pay a little extra to help ocean life? Please comment below and share this news!

This article (Beer Company Develops Edible Six-Pack Rings That Feed, Rather Than Kill, Marine Life) is free and open source. You have permission to republish this article under a Creative Commons license with attribution to the author and

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Timber Company Tells California Town: Go Find Your Own Water

Editor’s note:  This is maddening – and wrong on so many levels.  The water belongs to the people.  As does the land.  The air.  It ALL belongs to We The People – here and all over the planet.  Water is a basic human right and this growing dark trend of privatizing is ugly.  Given my research on this topic, which spans back over a decade, this has been the agenda for a very long time.  Fight the good fight citizens of Weed.  And a smack on the head to this Roseburg, Oregon based timber company.  To the time out corner of shame you go.  

The snow-capped dormant volcano Mount Shasta, as seen from Weed, in Northern California. Credit Jim Wilson/The New York Times

WEED, Calif. — The water that gurgles from a spring on the edge of this Northern California logging town is so pristine that for more than a century it has been piped directly to the wooden homes spread across hills and gullies.

To the residents of Weed, which sits in the foothills of Mount Shasta, a snow-capped dormant volcano, the spring water is a blessing during a time of severe and prolonged drought.

To the lumber company that owns the land where the spring is, the water is a business opportunity.

Roseburg Forest Products, an Oregon-based company that owns the pine forest where the spring surfaces, is demanding that the city of Weed get its water elsewhere.

“The city needs to actively look for another source of water,” said Ellen Porter, the director of environmental affairs for Roseburg who led the company’s negotiations with the city. “Roseburg is not in a position to guarantee the availability of that water for a long period of time.”

For the past 50 years, the company charged the city $1 a year for use of water from the Beaughan Spring. As of July, it began charging $97,500 annually. A contract signed this year directs the city to look for alternative sources.

Roseburg has not made public what it plans to do with the water it wants to take back from the city. But it already sells water to Crystal Geyser Alpine Spring, which bottles it in Weed and ships it as far away as Japan. Crystal Geyser is looking to increase its overall supply.

Residents of Weed, including the current mayor and three former mayors, say the water was always intended for municipal and domestic use and should not be sold to the highest bidder.


Bob Hall, a member of the Weed City Council, at Beaughan Spring, a source of Weed’s water. Credit Jim Wilson/The New York Times

“The corporate mentality is that they can make more money selling this water to Japan,” said Bob Hall, a former mayor of Weed and currently a member of the City Council. “We were hooked at the hip with this company for years,” he said of the timber company, the largest private employer in the area. “Now, they are taking advantage of people who can’t defend themselves.”

Bottled-water plants have met with resistance and in some cases protests in a number of places across California, including a Nestlé plant last year in Sacramento. In the water-rich towns in the shadow of Mount Shasta, residents have raised concerns over proposed bottling plants that they say could severely diminish local water supplies.

A measure on the ballot in the November election in Siskiyou County, where the towns are, would for the first time require that companies obtain permits to export water.

The disputes echo California’s broader water wars. Five years of drought have escalated competition among farmers, factories and residents over water use and have pitted the arid south against the more water-rich north.

“Water is money,” said David Webb, a resident of the city of Mount Shasta who follows the water disputes in the area. “If you can get it, you can make money from it.”

The mayor of Weed, Ken Palfini, says the value of the city’s water was emphasized during a visit several weeks ago by Pierre Papillaud, the founder of the company that owns Crystal Geyser Alpine Spring. In what the mayor and another participant described as a tirade of abuse, Mr. Papillaud demanded that the city give up its spring water so that his company could have more.

“He said if he didn’t get his way, he was going to blow up the bottling plant,” Mr. Palfini said of Mr. Papillaud’s visit. “He said that twice.”

Mr. Papillaud’s son Ronan Papillaud came to Weed in mid-September to apologize for the brusque treatment and to rescind his father’s demands. But Mr. Palfini said it was a lesson on how small municipalities in the area need to protect themselves from water-hungry companies.


Paul Welliver at the controls of a lathe at the Roseburg Forest Products mill in Weed. Roseberg owns the pine forest where the spring providing city water surfaces. Credit Jim Wilson/The New York Times

“They are just corporations,” Mr. Palfini said. “They are not your friend.”

Residents of Weed, which is still rebuilding after a major wildfire two years ago, say they believe that their dispute with Roseburg will end in the courts and that they have a document showing that the previous owner of Roseburg’s timber business here, International Paper, handed over water rights to the city in 1982.

But they describe a David and Goliath battle between Roseburg, a wealthy corporation capable of paying for high-powered lawyers, and a relatively poor city with just 2,700 people.

Residents in Weed followed the legal battles of Missoula, Mont., where the State Supreme Court ruled in August that the city could seize water from a private company by eminent domain to secure the municipal water supply.

The alternative to legal proceedings for now is to drill a new well at a cost of around $2 million, according to Ron Stock, the Weed city administrator.

Roseburg has suggested a site on its property, but city officials say it is potentially dangerous: The well would be located a few hundred yards from a former wood treatment facility that is contaminated with highly toxic chemicals including arsenic. The facility, which is managed by Roseburg, was fenced off in 1986 and has been declared a Superfund site.

Because of the complex hydrology of the area, including lava tubes that carry water in various directions under the mountains, the city would not know whether the water was safe until it drilled a test well, Mr. Stock said.

“The city has to be very careful,” he said. “We don’t want a Flint, Mich., situation.”

Ms. Porter, the Roseburg representative, said the proposed well site was “well outside any area of contamination.”

In an interview at the company’s timber plant outside Weed, where logs are spun and shaved into thin sheets used for plywood, Ms. Porter blamed Mr. Hall, the city councilor, and others in the city for casting Roseburg in a bad light.


Bottles filled with water from the Mount Shasta city spring in a park in Mount Shasta, Calif. Credit Jim Wilson/The New York Times

“We are becoming the corporate bad guy, and that’s really unfortunate,” she said. The city already has wells that serve around half the population, she said.

Ronan Papillaud, the president of CG Roxane, which owns Crystal Geyser Alpine Spring together with a Japanese pharmaceutical company, Otsuka, was also defensive when asked about his company’s plans.

“We do not belong in this story,” Mr. Papillaud said. “We are not depriving anyone of anything.” CG Roxane has bought water from Roseburg since the late 1990s and dedicates one of its production lines in its Weed plant to bottling water bound for Japan.

Mr. Papillaud described his deal with Roseburg as a simple relationship between a buyer and seller.

“Is this blood water? Are they involved in child labor?” he asked rhetorically. “We are clients, end of story.”

Watching the water dispute warily are members of the Winnemem Wintu, a small Native American tribe that considers the slopes of Mount Shasta sacred.

According to tribal beliefs, one of the springs on the mountain is the place where animals and mankind emerged into the world. Six years ago, for the first time in the oral history of the tribe, that spring dried up, according to Luisa Navejas, a tribe member.

The water around Mount Shasta is not limitless, she said.

“This mountain is calling us now, and we need to listen,” Ms. Navejas said of the inactive volcano.

“This mountain will talk,” she said. “The time will come.”

Sourced from:

Amazing UFO Destroys Chemtrail, Alien Technology? UFOs protecting Earth?

Witness report: On September 28, 2016 I caught an extraordinary UFO sighting. I was watching an odd looking light crossing the sky at variable speeds around my house, during the sunset.

To me it was just some sort of helicopter, or maybe a drone. But after 5 or 10 minutes, I began suspecting the object not to be man-made.

It was performing weird maneuvers, accelerating and decelerating randomly. When the light started to accelerate towards a huge Chemtrail, I took my camcorder and tried to find it in the distance.

The object stopped in front of the Chemtrail, and slowly destroyed it. Indeed, the trail was being “consumed” progressively. I was simply speechless. I still can’t believe what I caught. The Chemtrail got literally perforated.

I can’t be 100% sure it’s due to the object itself, but I’m sure there’s a link between it and the Chemtrail.

Such a huge trail can’t just disappear like that, for no reason! And only a small portion of the trail gets erased, justly around the object.

After the UFO attacked the trail, it moved backwards and flied West, in my opposite direction. It disappeared pretty quickly.

What was that object? Man-made prototype to delete Chemtrails? Some extra-terrestrial technology made to protect us? I just don’t have a clue of what this is.


Flu vaccine contains 25,000 times more mercury than is legally allowed in drinking water

(NaturalNews) In case you missed it, recent lab tests conducted at the Natural NewsForensic Food Lab found that seasonal flu vaccines, which are pushed on virtually everyone these days, including young babies, pregnant women and the elderly, contain outrageously high levels of neurotoxic mercury. Vials of batch flu vaccine produced by British pharmaceutical giant GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) were found to contain upwards of 51 parts per million of mercury, or 25,000 times the legal maximum for drinking water established by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

This shocking discovery was made using advanced mass spectrometry technology with incredible accuracy, filling the gap left by the nation’s regulatory agencies that have failed to conduct this type of safety testing themselves. Millions of people are injected with flu vaccines annually, and most of them are completely unaware that one of the most toxic metals known to man is being implanted directly into their muscle tissue unabated.

“Mercury is one of the most poisonous substances known to mankind,” explained Dr. David Brownstein, a board-certified family physician and holistic medicine specialist, on his blog. “For over twenty years, I have been testing nearly every patient seen in my office for heavy metal contamination. … I have found that over 80% of my patients, both healthy and sick, have mercury toxicity.”

Pregnant women, young children and elderly encouraged to line up for mercury injections

Presenting this type of concrete data, which contradicts the official government position on vaccines, has sparked many venomous attacks from angry pro-vaxxers who insist thatmercury is completely safe. Either that or they claim that mercury is no longer being added to vaccines, a detestable lie that continues to harm the most vulnerable among us, including innocent children.

You can see for yourself on the official drug insert for FluLaval, the flu vaccine evaluated by Natural News, that the vaccine does, indeed, contain mercury. The following quote is taken directly from, the so-called “Internet Drug Index,” proving that flu vaccines contained added mercury in the form of thimerosal:

“Thimerosal, a mercury derivative, is added as a preservative. Each 0.5-mL dose contains 50 mcg [micrograms] thimerosal ([less than] 25 mcg mercury). Each 0.5-mL dose may also contain residual amounts of ovalbumin ([less than or equal to] 0.3 mcg), formaldehyde ([less than or equal to] 25 mcg), and sodium deoxycholate ([less than] 50 mcg) from the manufacturing process.”

And yet, even with all these added contaminants, pregnant women, the elderly and young children are prodded to get jabbed every year by health authorities. Never mind that each of these ingredients is a known neurotoxin, not to mention the fact that formaldehyde is a known cause of cancer — just line right up and get your flu shots, because the government says they’re good for you!

The mercury double standard continues to ravage public health

The irony in all this is that the government now admits that mercury is toxic, at least when it comes from other sources. The Obama administration, as we recently reported, is on a crusade to shut down all coal power plants, using the excuse that they blast heavy amounts of mercury into the atmosphere. And official government warnings tell pregnant women to avoid mercury from canned tuna.

But what about the mercury still being used in vaccines and dental fillings? Why is mercury exposure from these sources completely safe, according to the government, but mercury in food and smokestacks should be avoided?

For more breaking news on vaccines and the heavy metals like mercury lurking in them, visit and, respectively.

Sources for this article include:

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5 Master Crimes You Will Have To Explain To Future Generations For Not Stopping

Editor’s note:  I agree with all of these.  However, I believe there is growing attention to each of these problems/issues so that the future generation will see most if not all resolved.  Truth is a growing movement that will not and cannot be stopped.  Rock on!

Bernie Suarez, Guest
Waking Times

Picture yourself still alive in the future. Perhaps after the new world order is fully operational (2030 or beyond). By then perhaps it’s too late. Humanity had become enslaved forever. Imagine a large percentage of humanity is now dead and gone. Billions succumbed to various diseases all linked to toxins and diseases that you now realize could have been easily avoided. The human species, you now realize, became victims of their own corruption, greed, subsequent policies and mind games. The species had become so locked in to their predetermined paradigms that by the time enough people began to think on their own too many of them died off one way or another.

The “war on terror” that never did seem to end turned out to be the perfect tool to rationalize permanent war against everyone, anywhere, everywhere and at anytime. The human species essentially killed itself off. All along while one tiny segment of the planet known as the globalists, financial elite or Illuminatioperating under the guise and interest of nation states all danced along to a script they had laid out many years prior. The script told the story of how they were going to kill everyone off to conquer the world. The generations that lived during that time, as a whole ignored the warnings. Truth seekers, revolutionaries, independent journalists and alternative news entities kept warning for years about this out of control top-down corruption and many other ongoing conspiracies, but the overall complacency of the species did not allow for quick enough significant action to take place to stop this agenda.

Before we knew it, it was too late. The wars, the fatalities, the depopulation agenda had all finally come to fruition. The human suffering immeasurable and unimaginable to the average mind would be blocked from sight and mind. Most people alive and surviving in this new world order system would be constantly subjected to wireless signals that provide news and entertainment … and control over what you see and hear. So if a person doesn’t see the suffering, then to that person it’s as if it’s not happening.

And there you are, in the future, seeing all of this. You awaken and you are surrounded by children of the future. In the future some of these may be your children, some may be neighbors, acquaintances, distant friends and even strangers. The young children want to know something and they look to you with their most important question: How did this happen? You search for an answer and before you know it the children one by one ask you more specific questions. The permanently enslaved children ask questions that they hope you can answer.

You then think to yourself, wondering what will you say to these children of the future to explain to them what your role was in preventing these now very key issues that the generations of the future will demand answers for. In the future, will you have an answer for these key issues that sealed the destruction of humanity? When the time comes, will you be able to answer to future generations and confidently say you did your part to stop these events? What events are these? Here’s a small list for you to think now of what you will say on behalf of yourself for allowing the following crimes to take place. while humanity did nothing about it when they had a chance to stop it.

1 – Over a decade of geoengineering and in-your-face weather manipulation.

In the distant future, after humanity’s DNA is permanently contaminated from breathing aerosolized metal particles, what will you say you did to stop chemtrails chemical spraying and daily aerosolized nano-sized metal injections into the atmosphere? Will you be able to tell future generations that you did all you could to stop chemtrails and chembomb artificial cloud seeding to manipulate the weather? When the pH of the system is unsustainable for life, when the ecosystem equilibrium is thrown off, when the nutrients of the earth and ocean are fully contaminated and ongoing extreme weather and climate changes destroys the essence of our planet due to geoengineering crimes – what will you say your role was in stopping this?

Will you be guilty of showing outward passion about the climate all the while ignoring years and years of in-your-face global spraying operations spraying dangerous metal particles in the sky that went straight into the ground, the ocean and into your lungs compromising the essence and vibrancy of humanity and the planet?

2 – A generation without justice on 9/11 crimes.

After over a decade of absolutely illegal wars, torture, war crimes and revelation of mountains of evidence implicating a very long list of political criminals in the 9/11/01 globalist terrorist attacks, what will you say to children of the future when they ask how did your generation allow the criminals who orchestrated this event to get away with it for so many years? Will you have a good answer? Will you be able to say that you did everything you could to stop the cover-up, expose the lies and seek true justice?

When the children of the future read about the overwhelming idiot-proof evidence explaining every detail of the 9/11 globalist terror attacks, and when they hear about how this evidence was freely available to humanity the whole time, what will you say to them to explain how justice was never served? Think about this.

3 – Open genetic (GMO) contamination of the food supply of the species.

What about when future generations find out that, especially in America, people convinced themselves with Monsanto paid-for propaganda that it was somehow “safe” to eat genetically contaminated food every day and to ignore the simultaneous rise in cancer and many other medical diseases across the board amongst males, females, adults and even children? How will you get out of this one? We’re talking a mass program of progressive stupidity and ignorance that the species decided to suicidally and hypnotically accept to poison their own DNA by poisoning their own food supply so that a small group of people representing several large corporations could profit by imitating the food resource of the planet.

Do you have your story ready? Because future generations will want to know if you threw them under the bus and allowed them to eat proven poison without telling them what they were eating. Will you dissociate yourself from this mass stupidity? Will you be able to show a body of work that you did to stop this?

4- Tons of toxin-laced vaccines injected directly into newborns … no accountability, no proof of safety, no problem!

Speaking of contaminating the DNA of the human race, a pregnant woman and her baby are one of the most amazing things humanity will ever encounter. It’s the start of a new life and the power of nature is at work. The miracle of life is the ultimate miracle of them all.

So if challenged by those in the future, what will you say when they ask you what you did to stop the poisoning of the newborn humans from a long list of mandatory chemical injections, none of which had been proven convincingly safe to the species? This single process of forcefully injecting a laundry list of proven unsafe chemical vaccines saturated with “trace” amounts of deadly toxins into the human newborn may prove to be the crime that you will have the hardest time explaining.

Can you imagine the questions a future generation would ask? How can any company be allowed to create chemical compounds that are directly injected into newborns, while at the same time not being held accountable for the damage their chemicals eventually cause? This may sound like a scene from a monster movie thriller but it’s not. Many will ask in the future. Where was the logic in this? Who was looking out for the safety of the innocent newborn? How can it be that none of these chemical vaccines had been proven safe to humans yet were allowed to be directly injected into innocent babies at such high frequency?

Will you be able to tell someone in the future that you did everything you could to stop this mandatory chemical injection madness? The madness in this is worse than we think.

5 – Choosing impractical top-down tyranny over small/self-governance

Don’t you think future generations will realize there was a choice all along beyond just being controlled by a bunch of idiots at some global top level political platform? Some will surely ask – how about plain old freedom and self-governance? Or how about some kind of version of very small government? Think of how upside-down the useless concept of top-down governance will sound to someone in the future? Why allow someone at the very top, someone completely disconnected from who you are and who you neighbors are, to completely control your life, your livelihood and your personal interest? This might be the “WTF” moment in everyone’s life at some point in the future.

Most of us don’t think this way, but imagine if you had to explain to someone in the future as to why you stood by and did nothing about a bizarre top-down dictatorship seeking to control humanity at a global level. Think of how inefficient this is in every way shape and form. Given how incredible humans are, why would they not simply create small, compact and efficient micro-governments; or, better yet, models of self governance to live happy healthy and prosperous lives where they can exercise their own choices? It’s like discovering clean renewable energy that can power the world for free and forever and then opting to go backwards in time and use petro-chemical based, pollution-creating, expensive gasoline again. Who would choose this? The same with freedom and mastering your own domain.

Close your eyes and truly consider these topics and arguments and think – what can you do to change the world? Start with any of these issues and make sure you can defend your actions someday in the future. Remember that the future is inevitable. It will be here with or without you. The globalists have planned out their future. Have you?

About the Author

Bernie is a revolutionary writer with a background in medicine, psychology, and information technology. He is the author of The Art of Overcoming the New World Order and has written numerous articles over the years about freedom, government corruption and conspiracies, and solutions. A former host of the 9/11 Freefall radio show, Bernie is also the creator of the Truth and Art TV project where he shares articles and videos about issues that raise our consciousness and offer solutions to our current problems. His efforts are designed to encourage others to joyfully stand for truth, to expose government tactics of propaganda, fear and deception, and to address the psychology of dealing with the rising new world order. He is also a former U.S. Marine who believes it is our duty to stand for and defend the U.S. Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic. A peace activist, he believes information and awareness is the first step toward being free from enslavement from the globalist control system which now threatens humanity. He believes love conquers all fear and it is up to each and every one of us to manifest the solutions and the change that you want to see in this world, because doing this is the very thing that will ensure victory and restoration of the human race from the rising global enslavement system, and will offer hope to future generations.

Sourced from:

The Nightmare of Mainstream Medicine: One Person’s Story

Mainstream medicine about killed my mate – not due to any one act of intention – but due to blind ignorance, arrogance, incompetence (willful, perhaps) and neglect – which to me is almost as criminal.

We met in the late 90’s and at the time he was having some health issues that were related to the joints in his wrists.  Numerous tests showed deterioration of tissue and cartilage and chalked up to work environment.  He was only in his 30’s at the time so the doctor’s couldn’t throw in the “it’s your age” excuse they offer up to pacify you once you get into your 40’s and 50’s.  Surgery would have helped – some – but it would have also reduced mobility quite a bit so he decided to just live with it. Continue reading “The Nightmare of Mainstream Medicine: One Person’s Story”


Aside from writing essay’s and the like, I also write songs.  Back in 2004 I wrote a song on the piano called “Invisible”.  At the time I was reaching out for support and finding mostly judgment.  As is often the case, writing a song helps me process my thoughts and emotions when faced with things of the hurtful nature.  My intuition just nudged me to post the lyrics here.  Maybe they will comfort someone or at the very least, awaken a person to realize separation and our feeling of being invisible – or our belief that others are beneath us and thus invisible – are all illusions.  Stop feeding the matrix.  We’re all One.

Without further ado…
Do I appear invisible to you.
Do you even care that I exist.
I’m really not so different from you.
You know it’s true.
Just look in the mirror.
And you will see…
me staring back at you
through the same eyes.
How can you and I live in the same world.
When all you seem to care about is yourself.
People are dying in their hearts.
Their sense of self
is slipping away.
And people like you
you say you care
but when they reach out their hands
you just walk away.
Pretending you don’t see.
When I appear invisible to you
you really are invisible for yourself.
For we’re all a part of the same Life.
Look inside.
You know it’s true.
Reach out to me
and take my hand.
And we can walk together
into Eternity.

What Really Matters?

One thing about living in this dimensional matrix construct is how it pulls us out of the “now” and thus, who we really are.  As children we are completely immersed in the “NOW”.  It’s ok if you don’t remember being like that as a child.  I can prove it to you.  I have a small child who teaches me constantly how to be in the NOW.  She will completely immerse herself into every activity, every creative pursuit.  She will completely “lose” herself – and it’s beautiful.  And precious.  Her sweet little voice, singing little made-up tunes, making up stories with her toys, all as though she is the only one present in her reality – as though she hasn’t a care in the world.  I watch her – listen to her – and as I do – I become just as “lost” as she is.  Children have that way of pulling us into their world.

And thank goodness for that because, let’s be honest, who of us really authentically enjoys the adult world? Continue reading “What Really Matters?”