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To Anyone Who Thinks They’re Falling Behind In Life

You don’t need more motivation. You don’t need to be inspired to action. You don’t need to read any more lists and posts about how you’re not doing enough.

We act as if we can read enough articles and enough little Pinterest quotes and suddenly the little switch in our brain will put us into action. But, honestly, here’s the thing that nobody really talks about when it comes to success and motivation and willpower and goals and productivity and all those little buzzwords that have come into popularity: you are as you are until you’re not. You change when you want to change. You put your ideas into action in the timing that is best. That’s just how it happens.

And what I think we all need more than anything is this: permission to be wherever the fuck we are when we’re there.

You’re not a robot. You can’t just conjure up motivation when you don’t have it. Sometimes you’re going through something. Sometimes life has happened. Life! Remember life? Yeah, it teaches you things and sometimes makes you go the long way around for your biggest lessons.

You don’t get to control everything. You can wake up at 5 a.m. every day until you’re tired and broken, but if the words or the painting or the ideas don’t want to come to fruition, they won’t. You can show up every day to your best intentions, but if it’s not the time, it’s just not the fucking time. You need to give yourself permission to be a human being.

“If it’s not the time, it’s just not the fucking time. You need to give yourself permission to be a human being.”

Sometimes the novel is not ready to be written because you haven’t met the inspiration for your main character yet. Sometimes you need two more years of life experience before you can make your masterpiece into something that will feel real and true and raw to other people. Sometimes you’re not falling in love because whatever you need to know about yourself is only knowable through solitude. Sometimes you haven’t met your next collaborator. Sometimes your sadness encircles you because, one day, it will be the opus upon which you build your life.

We all know this: Our experience cannot always be manipulated. Yet, we don’t act as though we know this truth. We try so hard to manipulate and control our lives, to make creativity into a game to win, to shortcut success because others say they have, to process emotions and uncertainty as if these are linear journeys.

You don’t get to game the system of your life. You just don’t. You don’t get to control every outcome and aspect as a way to never give in to the uncertainty and unpredictability of something that’s beyond what you understand. It’s the basis of presence: to show up as you are in this moment and let that be enough.

Yet, we don’t act in a way that supports this lifestyle. We fill every minute with productivity tools and read 30-point lists on how to better drive out natural, human impulse. We often forget that we are as we are until we’re not. We are the same until we’re changed. We can move that a bit further by putting into place healthy habits and to show up to our lives in a way that fosters growth, but we can’t game timing.

Timing is the one thing that we often forget to surrender to.

Things are dark until they’re not. Most of our unhappiness stems from the belief that our lives should be different than they are. We believe we have control — and our self-loathing and self-hatred comes from this idea that we should be able to change our circumstances, that we should be richer or hotter or better or happier. While self-responsibility is empowering, it can often lead to this resentment and bitterness that none of us need to be holding within us. We have to put in our best efforts and then give ourselves permission to let whatever happens to happen—and to not feel so directly and vulnerably tied to outcomes. Opportunities often don’t show up in the way we think they will.

You don’t need more motivation or inspiration to create the life you want. You need less shame around the idea that you’re not doing your best. You need to stop listening to people who are in vastly different life circumstances and life stages than you tell you that you’re just not doing or being enough. You need to let timing do what it needs to do. You need to see lessons where you see barriers. You need to understand that what’s right now becomes inspiration later. You need to see that wherever you are now is what becomes your identity later.

“There’s a magic beyond us that works in ways we can’t understand. We can’t game it. We can’t 10-point list it. We can’t control it.”

Sometimes we’re not yet the people we need to be in order to contain the desires we have. Sometimes we have to let ourselves evolve into the place where we can allow what we want to transpire.

Let’s just say that whatever you want, you want it enough. So much so that you’re making yourself miserable in order to achieve it. What about chilling out? Maybe your motivation isn’t the problem, but that you keep pushing a boulder up a mountain that only grows in size the more you push.

There’s a magic beyond us that works in ways we can’t understand. We can’t game it. We can’t 10-point list it. We can’t control it. We have to just let it be, to take a fucking step back for a moment, stop beating ourselves up into oblivion, and to let the cogs turn as they will. One day, this moment will make sense. Trust that.

Give yourself permission to trust that.

Jamie Varon is a writer based out of Los Angeles. You can connect with her on Twitter, Instagram, and at her Facebook page.

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How CBD Works

Originally published in O’Shaughnessy’s.

Cannbidiol (CBD), a non-psychoactive component of the marijuana plant, has generated significant interest among scientists and physicians in recent years—but how CBD exerts its therapeutic impact on a molecular level is still being sorted out. Cannabidiol is a pleiotropic drug in that it produces many effects through multiple molecular pathways. CBD acts through various receptor-independent channels and by binding with a number of non-cannabinoid receptors and ion channels.

Here are some of the ways that CBD confers its therapeutic effects.


Unlike psychoactive THC, CBD has little binding affinity to either the CB1 or CB2 cannabinoid receptors. Instead, CBD indirectly stimulates endogenous cannabinoid signaling by suppressing the enzyme fatty acid amide hydroxylase (FAAH)—the enzyme that breaks down anandamide, the first endocannabinoid discovered in the mammalian brain in 1992.

Whereas the cannabinoid molecules found in cannabis are considered “exogenous ligands” to the cannabinoid (CB) receptor family, anandamide is an “endogenous” cannabinoid ligand—meaning it binds to one or more cannabinoid receptors and is found naturally inside the mammalian brain and body. Anandamide favors the CB1 receptor, which is concentrated in the brain and central nervous system. Because FAAH is involved in the metabolic breakdown of anandamide, less FAAH means more anandamide remains present in the body for a longer duration. More anandamide means greater CB1 activation.

CBD enhances endocannabinoid tone by supressing FAAH.

By inhibiting the enzyme that metabolizes and degrades anandamide, CBD enhances the body’s innate protective endocannabinoid response. At the same time, CBD opposes the action of THC at the CB1 receptor, thereby muting the psychoactive effects of THC.

CBD also stimulates the release of 2-AG, another endocannabinoid that activates both CB1 and CB2 receptor. CB2 receptors are predominant in the peripheral nervous system and the immune system.

The Vanilloid Receptor

While CBD has little binding affinity for either of the two cannabinoid receptors, it has been shown to directly interact with other “G-protein-coupled” receptors and ion channels to confer a therapeutic effect. CBD, for example, binds to the TRPV-1 receptor, which is known to mediate pain perception, inflammation and body temperature.

TRPV is the technical abbreviation for “transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily V.” There are several dozen TRP receptor variants or subfamilies that mediate the effects of a wide range of medicinal herbs.

Scientists also refer to TRPV-1 as the “vanilloid receptor,” named after the flavorful vanilla bean. Vanilla contains eugenol, an essential oil that has antiseptic and analgesic properties; it also helps to unclog blood vessels. Historically, the vanilla bean has been used as a folk cure for headaches.

CBD is a TRPV-1 “agonist” or stimulant. This is likely one of the reasons why CBD-rich cannabis is an effective treatment for neuropathic pain.

Capsaicin—the pungent compound in hot chili peppers—activates the TRVP-1 receptor. Anandamide, the endogenous cannabinoid, is also a TRPV-1 agonist.

The Serotonin Receptor

Jose Alexandre Crippa and his colleagues at the University of San Paulo in Brazil and at the King’s College in London have conducted pioneering research into CBD and the neural correlates of anxiety.

At high concentrations, CBD directly activates the 5-HT1A (hydroxytryptamine) serotonin receptor, thereby conferring an anti-depressant effect. This receptor is implicated in a range of biological and neurological processes, including (but not limited to) anxiety, addiction, appetite, sleep, pain perception, nausea and vomiting.

5-HT1A is a member of the family of 5-HT receptors, which are activated by the neurotransmitter serotonin. Found in both the central and peripheral nervous systems, 5-HT receptors trigger various intracellular cascades of chemical messages to produce either an excitatory or inhibitory response, depending on the chemical context of the message.

CBD triggers an inhibitory response that slows down 5-HT1A signaling. In comparison, LSD, mescaline, magic mushrooms, and several other hallucinogenic drugs activate a different type of 5-HT receptor that produces an excitatory response.

The Adenosine Receptor

CBD’s anxiolytic (anti-anxiety) properties may in part be attributable to its activation of the adenosine receptor. Adenosine receptors play significant roles in cardiovascular function, regulating myocardial oxygen consumption and coronary blood flow. The adenosine (A2A) receptor has broad anti-inflammatory effects throughout the body.

Adenosine receptors also play a significant role in the brain. They down-regulate the release of other neurotransmitters such as dopamine and glutamate.


Whereas cannabidiol activates the TRPV-1 vanilloid receptor, the A2A adenosine receptor, and the 5-HT1A serotonin receptor, some studies indicate that CBD functions as an antagonist that blocks, or deactivates, another G protein-coupled receptor known as GPR55.

GPR55 has been dubbed an “orphan receptor” because scientists are still not sure if it belongs to a larger family of receptors.

GPR55 is widely expressed in the brain, especially in the cerebellum. It is involved in modulating blood pressure and bone density, among other physiological processes.

GPR55 promotes osteoclast cell function, which facilitates bone reabsorption. Overactive GPR55 receptor signaling is associated with osteoporosis.

GPR55, when activated, also promotes cancer cell proliferation, according to 2010 study by researchers at the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Shanghai. This receptor is expressed in various types of cancer.

CBD is a GPR55 antagonist, as University of Aberdeen scientist Ruth Ross disclosed at the 2010 conference of the International Cannabinoid Research Society in Lund, Sweden.

By blocking GPR55 signaling, CBD may act to decrease both bone reabsorption and cancer cell proliferation.


CBD also exerts an anti-cancer effect by activating PPARs [peroxisome proliferator activated receptors] that are situated on the surface of the cell’s nucleus. Activation of the receptor known as PPAR-gamma has an anti-proliferative effect as well as an ability to induce tumor regression in human lung cancer cell lines.

PPAR-gamma activation degrades amyloid-beta plaque, a key molecule linked to the development of Alzheimer’s disease. This is one of the reasons why cannabidiol, a PPAR-gamma agonist, may be a useful remedy for Alzheimer’s patients.

PPAR receptors also regulate genes that are involved in energy homeostasis, lipid uptake, insulin sensitivity, and other metabolic functions. Diabetics, accordingly, may benefit from a CBD-rich treatment regimen.

CBD’s enzyme-mediated activation of the PPAR-alpha receptor may have antipsychotic effects. Polymorphisms or mutations in the gene encoding PPAR-alpha can result in deficient PPAR-alpha signaling, which has been linked to schizophrenia. PPAR-alpha activation is both anti-inflammatory and can decrease dopamine release, thereby minimizing schizophrenic symptoms.

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We Don’t Need a New President – We Need a New System and a New Consciousness

Editor’s note:  I love this piece and completely agree.  I have been saying the same words for 15 years.  What do we want – more of the same or a new way of thinking/being?  

By Makia Freeman

Contributing writer for Wake Up World

What the United States needs most right now is a new consciousness, and a new system which springs from that elevated consciousness – not a new president.

Here we are again in the midst of another long election cycle in the US, and what has changed? Yes, there are more “outsiders” this time, to the extent that you can call Sanders (a career politician) and Trump (a billionaire intent on always getting the best deal, in true capitalistic style, no matter what) “outsiders”. You see it every election cycle; a new candidate emerges, promising hope, change and sometimes even a revolution. But how often does it actually lead to significant, lasting and beneficial change? Can any candidate really deliver as much freedom, peace and abundance to the average person as much as an improved new system?

The “Hope and Change” Ride

Many get swept away by the euphoria of it. Obamamania was a classic example. Obama was Mr. Hope and Change, but as many have noted, he turned out to be Bush on steroids, or tyranny with a smiley face. Obama has continued and expanded all the wars he inherited, spearheaded a whole new type of war (remote controlled drone killings) and signed pieces of legislation like the NDAA which allows Americans to be held indefinitely without trial, in gross violation of the 6th amendment among others.

Is this the kind of hope and change people thought they were getting when they voted for Obama?

Hope and change, or similar notions, are almost always seized upon by politicians vying for office, because they play off people’s dissatisfaction with the status quo. However, history shows us that generally the promised change never quite happens in a way that’s good for the people. The movement or revolution in the making tends to dissipate once the candidate takes office. It leaves us betrayed and trapped, like a donkey tricked into doing hard work, reaching forward for the carrot on a fishing line that always remains out of grasp no matter what he does.

Understanding the Four Types of Political and Corporate Lies

Although Bernie Sanders is clearly of a higher moral character than Obama, what will his brand of “change” be? If he wins, will he, as Chris Hedges writes, just be the leader of another phantom movement?

The US President Has Too Much Power — Whoever It Is

We may get a new president, but he or she will inherit the same system of control. Meet the new boss; same as the old boss. Lord Acton famously said that “power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely”. It is a very rare person indeed who cannot be corrupted by the massive excess of power that is afforded an office like that of the US President.

US presidents have the power to fire anyone in the entire executive branch of the government, and also to command the instant destruction of entire cities. The US has thousands of nuclear missiles; only the president can give the signal to launch them. Why are we still allowing a system to exist that gives one person such massive power over the entire world?

Call It What It Is - America Is A Police State 3

Men like JFK, although he had flaws like anyone, held to his principles (for which he paid his life), but he was one in a million. It is insane to continue on with a system that keeps deceiving, manipulating and enslaving us, waiting in vain for someone “good” to finally take office and reverse it all. We will run out of breath trying.

Let’s Face It: Power is Way Too Centralized

The issue is clearly that there is too much power vested in too few hands. Power is far too centralized already, and the goal of the New World Order is further centralization of power into a world government. If we care about freedom, we need to be going in the opposite direction: decentralization of power.

Haven’t we learned enough from history, with pages full of mass murder, genocide and war, to see the disastrous consequences of concentrating power in too few hands? Or are we going to continue to delude ourselves that decentralization is too inefficient, and that it’s better to sacrifice freedom for “more efficacious decision making”? It’s just like our health; many people would rather eat fast food and hold cell phones to their heads for hours (thus microwaving themselves) because it’s more “convenient” than eating home cooked meals and talking on landlines. Our values and priorities are so out of whack we are literally killing ourselves with our decisions.

It’s time humanity asked itself: politically, what’s more important – freedom or efficiency?

Creating a New System

Imagine if we put as much power into changing the system as we did changing the US president. Imagine a new system where the government only had 1/6th of its current power, and things like defense, education, energy and healthcare were decentralized and not under the government umbrella. Imagine a new system like direct democracy where citizens could vote electronically on bills and initiatives, thus bypassing much of the need for elected representatives. Imagine a new system where the government had to balance its books and legally could not borrow to go into debt. Imagine a new system where only those who didn’t want the job were chosen, in order to prevent the ambitious from becoming career politicians. Imagine a new system where campaigning and rigged electronic voting machines were banned. Imagine a new system where anyone who declared war would have to personally go on the front lines to fight it!

We have the numbers and the power. We could create any new system we wanted to, only limited by our imagination and our will. Many societies in humanity’s past used a council of elders or wise men and women as their sole political vehicle. Some native American Indians gave great power to the old women or crones, who got to decide which men would be leaders, since they knew their characters as young children, when they had reared and watched over them.

Elevated Consciousness: Key to Any New System

However, before we create any possible new decentralized system, we need to address the root cause of the issue. To really be beneficial, any new system must be grounded in a higher state of consciousness. Einstein said that a problem can only be solved by moving to a higher level of thinking than that which created it. The real revolution has to be a revolution of consciousness. Any other movement or revolution that is not accompanied by this is bound to fail.

Conclusion: It’s Time for a Real Revolution

Imagine if we put as much power into changing the system as changing the President.

If you live in the US, I urge you to think big this election cycle. Don’t just think about which candidate you want, because after all, many are bought-and-sold NWO puppets. Think about the entire system. Think about what changes you would make if you could. Think about what system would better serve everyone. Share this with people you know, even if they aren’t open to it, because it may just plant a seed in their minds. We don’t have to constantly settle for mediocrity by choosing the lesser of two evils. We’re better than that.

At some point we created the government, and thus, so too can we dissolve it and replace it with an entirely new system if we so choose. Remember the words from the Declaration of Independence:

“That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.”

We’ve been abused enough. It’s time for a real revolution.

Sourced from:
Activism without spirituality is just an angry mob

Pioneering Grandma Building Tiny Sustainable Homes Out Of Hemp

Vic Bishop, Staff Writer
Waking Times

The DEA considers hemp to be a dangerous substance and it’s still classified as a schedule I drug, alongside heroin and ecstasy, even though the plant contains almost no THC and has no psychoactive effects. Many believe this classification is the result of the oil industry’s grip on the legislative process in America, because hemp is one of the most viable alternatives to plastics, fuel and other building materials, in fact, it used to be an important domestically produced crop, and it even contains extraordinary health benefits.

“Hemp is the only plant that can feed you, house you, clothe you and heal you.” [Source]

The Tiny House Movement is Growing

As a response to unbridled consumerism and desire for infinite growth inherent in our economy, some are finding that satisfaction in life is not dependent on having and maintaining the ‘American Dream.’ Tiny houses are becoming widely popular, especially so for those not interested in participating in the debt economy which is driven by banks who’ve used the mortgage industry as a means of looting the nation.

The tiny house movement is one of the latest innovations in personal freedom from an overly consumeristic and a debt-driven society.” ~Isaac Davis

Unity – Tiny Hemp Housing

In Bellingham, Washington, a local grandmother, Pamela Bosch, is making news for combining the philosophy of tiny home living with the growing innovation in building materials and practices made out of hemp. In what she considers a pioneering experiment in sustainable living, Pamela’s organizationHighland Hemp House is using hemp imported from Europe to make model energy and resource efficient homes.

The planet we live on is a rapidly changing environment that demands that human beings become more conscious of our living arrangements.  Smaller spaces that require less energy are part of the emerging response to inefficient buildings, as are eco-villages with shared resources. Net Zero houses that produce the energy they will consume and permaculture designs that are mindful of the synergies of systems that support life in place.

So, as the Hemp House was envisioned, the role of the single family home in the setting of a small urban environment was contemplated.  Can this ever ubiquitous bastion of American life transition to a future that supports a more integrated humanity?  How should our contemporary castles of middle-America hold the spaces or be the places where we learn to thrive in balance with our living environment?  How can our living spaces support our adaptation to a less consumptive way of living that is also of higher quality? [Source]


READ: US Government Declaring All Out War on Tiny House Living

Pam was recently featured on Seattle’s K5 News showing off the tiny home she is building by herself, proving that anyone can do it, so long as they have the desire to be a part of our sustainable future.

“We need to be building this way,” Bosch said. “We should have as many buildings as we can that are built out of a renewable resource that sequesters carbon, that is healthy and if it were legal would be very affordable. It’s an agricultural waste product we’re using.”

Hemp can be used for soil remediation, biofuels, plastic composites, organic body care and health foods, but until it’s regulated, farmers in Washington would need permission from the DEA. [Source]

Final Thoughts

Environmentally friendly, healthy, affordable, yet illegal, hemp offers great promise, yet the U.S. Federal government is prohibiting innovation by continuing the ridiculously un-warranted and unfair ban on hemp. Legalize hemp, now.

Prohibition against hemp is finally cracking, however, and some states are allowing farmers to cultivate the precious crop, and as technology and innovation move forward together, many ingenious people are finding excellent new uses for this cash crop, including the making of building materials.

“Alternative economies, open source governance, local food production, non-polluting energy generation, holistic health maintenance, to name a few of the many movements, are adaptive responses to the challenges of bringing human nature into alignment with Nature in balance.” [Source]

Read more articles by Vic Bishop.

About the Author

Vic Bishop is a staff writer for and Survival Tips blog. He is an observer of people, animals, nature, and he loves to ponder the connection and relationship between them all. A believer in always striving to becoming self-sufficient and free from the matrix, please track him down on Facebook.

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15 Reasons To Keep Coconut Oil In Your Bathroom

Editor’s note:  I have kept coconut oil (virgin, organic, cold-pressed, unrefined) in my bathroom for a few years now and follow many of the 15 uses listed below.  I also cook with it.  A must have!

By Dr. Mercola

While multiple companies manufacture and market “new and improved” FMCGs — fast- moving consumer goods — that we use every day, such as soap, toothpaste, deodorant and body lotion, one of the best and most natural products has been right under our noses, so to speak.

Coconut oil has a pleasant scent, and besides being very economical, it’s an amazingly versatile and therapeutic substance. Since the mid-1990s, roughly, coconut oil for a number of applications, such as cleansing, deodorizing and healing, has been growing on the larger population.

Questions like “Where does coconut oil actually come from?” and “What does it smell like?” are apropos. Coconut oil, like butter, is a solid substance, melting to a liquid form when it reaches about 76 degrees.

Insoluble at room temperature, it takes on a creamy consistency when blended with water using a whisk. If not treated to processes such as bleaching, refining or deodorizing, coconut oil exudes the mild fragrance you would expect — like coconut.

2 Kinds of Coconut Oil — Commercial Grade and Virgin

The relatively recent interest in the many uses of coconut oil also elicits questions regarding its production. There are two basic types: Commercial-grade and virgin coconut oil.

Commercial grade coconut oil — This product is made from copra, which is the dried meat of the coconut. It’s usually smoke-, sun- or kiln-dried or a combination of the three. But when standard copra is used to make coconut oil, it’s not sterile and therefore unsuitable for human consumption.

It’s “purified” or refined through a process known as RBD — refined, bleached and deodorized. According to

“High heat is used to deodorize the oil, and the oil is typically filtered through (bleaching) clays to remove impurities. Sodium hydroxide is generally used to remove free fatty acids and prolong shelf life.

This is the most common way to mass-produce coconut oil. The older way of producing refined coconut oil was through physical/mechanical refining. More modern methods also use chemical solvents to extract all the oil from the copra for higher yields.”

Virgin coconut oil — In comparison, like olive oil, coconut oil is best when “first-pressed” and “virgin.” Like pressing a teabag that’s been steeping in boiled water a few minutes, the first water released will contain the most actual extracts.

The second time it’s pressed, as in the teabag analogy, the result isn’t as concentrated. continues:

“Virgin Coconut Oil can only be achieved by using fresh coconut meat or what is called non-copra. Chemicals and high heating are not used in further refining, since the natural, pure coconut oil is very stable with a shelf life of several years.

There are currently two main processes of manufacturing Virgin Coconut Oil:

    • Quick drying of fresh coconut meat which is then used to press out the oil. Using this method, minimal heat is used to quick dry the coconut meat, and the oil is then pressed out via mechanical means.
    • Wet-milling. With this method, the oil is extracted from fresh coconut meat without drying first. ‘Coconut milk’ is expressed first by pressing.

The oil is then further separated from the water. Methods which can be used to separate the oil from the water include boiling, fermentation, refrigeration, enzymes and mechanical centrifuge.”

Why Keep Coconut Oil in the Bathroom?

Raw, organic coconut oil, besides being good enough to eat (which we’ll discuss in a minute) has a plethora of benefits apart from actual ingestion. Here’s a list of 15 benefits of coconut oil, in no particular order:

1.Smooth shave — If you’ve been plagued by red, irritated and razor-burned skin after shaving, coconut oil is both soothing and antibacterial.

2.Rash recovery — Other rash problems from diaper rash to mild allergic reactions can be remedied using coconut oil. Propylene glycol is one chemical found in commercial moisturizers that can cause skin irritation and dermatitis.

3.Lip balm — Use coconut oil to moisturize, nourish and hydrate chapped lips without inadvertently eating endocrine disruptors.

A study on the metal content in lip balm revealed lead, aluminum, cadmium, chromium and manganese in high concentrations, some associated with reproductive, developmental or other adverse health effects.2

4.Facial cleanser — Effective as a face wash, mixing equal parts coconut oil and castor oil is known as oil cleansing. Massage it into your skin and remove gently with a warm washcloth.

Ninety percent of the body washes and cleansers you buy contain harmful chemicals such as sodium lauryl sulfate or sodium laureth sulfate, which, in combination with other chemicals, can form cancer-causing nitrosamines.3Coconut oil can even improve acne.

5.Makeup remover — Not only can you cleanse your face, you can remove use it as a natural makeup remover — even stubborn mascara and eyeliner.

6.Night cream — While you may not want to use coconut oil under makeup, applying it lightly before bed will hydrate your skin because its fatty acids form a natural emollient. If the skin around your nails is hard and peeling, treat your cuticles to a soothing coconut oil rub to keep them soft.

7.Deodorant — A tiny dab of coconut mixed, if you desire, with an essential oil such as lavender is very effective — so much better than the antiperspirants containing aluminum, which is linked to Alzheimer’s.

Another deodorant recipe combines 3 tablespoons each of coconut oil, arrowroot powder (or cornstarch) and baking soda.

8.Foot fungus fighter — Because it’s antimicrobial and antibacterial, coconut is very effective in combating athlete’s foot. Rub it on the bottoms of your feet after every shower.

Antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal compounds in coconut oil have been shown to inactivate microorganisms such as bacteria, yeast and fungi.4

9.Soothing bath — As an alternative to bubble baths that may induce urinary tract infections, especially in children, drop a dollop of coconut oil in your bath with a few essential oils. It’s both moisturizing and helps kill bacteria.

10.Body scrub — Combining equal parts coconut oil with sea salt, sugar or baking soda to make a homemade scrub softens, smoothes and moisturizes your skin.

11.Body lotion — Moisturizers you buy at the store typically contain harmful chemicals such as aluminum, phthalates, parabens, formaldehyde and propylene glycol.5 Coconut is a fragrant, moisturizing alternative containing none of these.

12.Toothpaste — To combat tooth decay and even whiten teeth, make a DIY coconut oil toothpaste by mixing 1 teaspoon with 1/2 teaspoon baking soda and 2 drops of peppermint essential oil. Just brush as usual.

13.Oil pulling — An oral rinse works much like a mouthwash, only you shouldn’t gargle with it. As you swish vigorously for five to 15 minutes, it penetrates the soft tissue between your gums and “pulls out” bacteria that causes cavities, plaque and bad breath.

14.When applied to infected cuts or wounds, coconut oil develops a layer of naturally protective chemicals that also keep out dust, fungi, bacteria and viruses. Applied to bruises, it speeds up the healing process in damaged tissues.

15.Frizz fighter — People with hair that tends to frizz often turn to silicone- or alcohol-based gels and mousses, which coat the hair, prevent it from absorbing moisture and dries out the hair shaft. Just a few drops of coconut oil are all you need for anatural hair conditioner for smooth, silky shine.

Healing Properties of Coconut Oil

Virgin coconut oil has been described as having a “haunting, nutty, vanilla flavor (and) even milder and richer-tasting than butter.” A New York Times article noted that coconut oil, while once demonized by the “all saturated fats are bad for you” camp, has now become accepted:

“The main saturated fat in coconut oil is lauric acid, a medium-chain fatty acid. Lauric acid increases levels of good HDL, or high-density lipoprotein, and bad LDL, or low-density lipoprotein, in the blood, but is not thought to negatively affect the overall ratio of the two.

… Any number of health claims have been made for lauric acid. According to proponents, it’s a wonder substance with possible antibacterial, antimicrobial, antiviral properties that could also, in theory, combat H.I.V., clear up acne and speed up your metabolism.”6

Even applied topically, coconut oil has healing properties. One interesting factoid is that while antiperspirants containing aluminum are associated with Alzheimer’s, coconut oil actually prevents it because of the medium-chain fatty acids (MCFA) that are easily absorbed and metabolized by the liver and can convert to ketones. One study noted:

“Ketone bodies are an important alternative energy source in the brain, and may be beneficial to people developing or already with memory impairment, as in Alzheimer’s disease (AD) … (It may also) be beneficial in the treatment of obesity, dyslipidaemia, elevated LDL, insulin resistance and hypertension — these are the risk factors for (heart disease) and type 2 diabetes, and also for AD.”7

Alzheimer’s is projected to affect 1 in 4 Americans in the next generation, rivaling obesity and diabetes, but evidence suggests that ketone bodies in coconut oil may help restore and renew neurons and nerve function in your brain, even after damage has set in.

Unhealthy Alternatives to Coconut Oil

Regarding coconut oil in the kitchen, even as a household cleaner, there are a few points to consider:

Virgin coconut oil has a smoke point of 350 degrees, so for cooking, it’s best used at lower temperatures. Olive oil overcooks even as low as 250 degrees, which may cause oxidization, doing your body more harm than good.

You can substitute coconut oil for butter or olive oil, and most definitely instead of so-called vegetable oils. Here’s why:

Multiple studies reveal coconut oil to impart amazing benefits when used in nutritional applications. One of the most dramatic changes you can make in your health will be to replace the so-called “healthy” vegetable, soy, corn and cottonseed oils such as canola when sautéing food or baking cake or cookies.

It’s interesting to note that Polynesian populations, who’ve been using full-fat coconut oil as a diet staple for untold generations, have no heart disease to speak of. Why? It’s a direct contradiction to what conventional medicine touted for a few decades, that saturated fats are bad for you, and will lead to obesity, high cholesterol levels, heart disease and Alzheimer’s.

The truth is, saturated fat like that of coconut oil and olive oil is natural, not the concocted substances created in a laboratory using methods like hydrogenation and partial hydrogenation that convert polyunsaturated fatty acids to trans fats. Vegetable and seed oils undergo the double whammy of hydrogen atoms and high heat, creating a cheaper oil with a long shelf life that’s very bad for your health.

Further, when vegetable oils are heated to a high temperature, the chemical compounds break down, get “stuck” in your cells, oxidize and create dangerous free radicals that lead to disease, including heart disease and cancer.

Sourced from:

You Are Going To See The Greatest Polarity Occurring Now

Editor’s note:  Beautiful words and a humble reminder not to get caught up in the election drama.  I forgot that for a time earlier tonight. Important to remember my own words – and heart.  xoxo

by Lisa Brown,

You are going to see the greatest polarity occurring now, especially of the different dimensions, as we enter huge amplification energies again. The old unconscious ones are going to go to greater extremes to “break the energy” of those realities, while the higher dimensional realms are going to become more magnificent, more profoundly awesome. This has to occur. You are going to see on a collective level, huge things, more bizarre things…. this is how these frequencies work. As we go, this will continue, as more SOULS further wake up, the human’ness is what must break. Keep in mind “why” things occur. Remember the strength of stubborn, selfish, lack and separation energy. This is what is being broken, so hearts can open, the body can release, so more are OPEN to listening, honoring, connecting and ACTING from this place.

You will see the extinction of old human everything. It all has to die… yes, literally if this is what that soul chose… This is not going to be an easy time for many. Each must go inward, each must connect, each must stop fighting themselves….. for that’s when the fight/struggle ends.

Consciousness shifts every reality, and “whatever it takes” is the frequencies we moved into a few months ago…. Whatever it takes to bring all fully conscious, faster…. You are going to see more extremes… because of these higher light frequencies activating continuously now.

The more separation, the more challenging. Everything is VIBRATIONAL and faster now.

Collapsing timelines means many things. For those who intentionally collapse, it’s easier because you are leaving the old behind intentionally and moving on. You are not waiting for things to happen. You are in flow according to your own soul.

There is always a huge separation/distance between dimensions, then a collapse, then they merge. This is how it works. The more we expand, the vaster the distance…. whatever needs to get worked out/resolved does, then we collectively contract into a new timeline in a multitude of ways….

NEW Earth is a collective of those constantly stepping up. Constantly contributing, constantly holding the highest vibration intentionally and intentionally clearing/cleansing whatever is ready to be seen/go. WE do not participate in old programs, we do not support them or feed our energy into them. That does not create anything other than more of the old programming…. which collapses faster now. The moment each’s heart opens and they open up to honor their own soul, EVERYTHING shifts….. and flow can be restored according to Universal Law…..

What you bring into/allow in your field of consciousness is yours. What you observe and realize what dimension it represents, then is your choice of which reality you desire to experience. It is going to be more necessary for everyone focus, work and exist intentionally. You can assist/guide without taking others stuff on or allowing their projections. As a MASTER BEING, you have capABILITIES you didn’t have an unconscious human. You may have to make some tough decisions…. It is part of the process in breaking the old realities so that all can unify back into the purity of their own soul now.

If you don’t break/dissipate the energy, it will break you…. You can do this as love and from a place/space of inner peace and power through kindness, yet requiring loving respect in response by transmitting this yourself first. Respect is for other’s choices, decisions, actions and “consequences” (the human word for receiving vibrationally due to unconsciousness). You are a Light House here to expose/activate others to a new way… They still have to choose.

Re-educating according to higher consciousness takes many forms. The first form is a love that is not breakable because it is pure. ♥

Observe and carefully choose where you focus your energy. This creates your reality you experience here. ♦

The flip side is the magnitude of the magnificence of expanded dimensions available to all holding this now. ∞

Lisa Transcendence Brown ☼

Sourced from:


Editor’s note:  I could do without the bible quote and the thoughts on the Clinton’s.  However…good insight into the history and truth of money and how we have been fooled into believing we must have it in order to survive. Rubbish.  Money is a tool and therefore an illusion, meaning we do not need it.  “They” want us to think that.  Step up and evolve into a new way of thinking peeps…


RV Op Ed

Monday September 26, 2016 (8)


“From nothing everything comes.”


1 Timothy 6:9-11

Those who want to get rich fall into temptation and a trap and into many foolish and harmful desires that plunge people into ruin and destruction. For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs. But you, man of God, flee from all this, and pursue righteousness, godliness,faith, love, endurance and gentleness.


Ever lose everything? In a fire? A bankruptcy? Maybe a historic flood? Robbery? Early onset dementia? Lost absolutely everything overnight?

If not, normally I would say you’re lucky, but in this case, I say those who know the lesson in losing everything are blessed because they own that from nothing everything comes.

Many are still holding onto a pre-RV mentality versus adopting a post-RV reality because it’s safe. You know it. You can live this life a little longer even if there’s a new reality, a new era, speeding at your life. Maybe it will demand that you leap over some threshold of belief into another realm of possibility and experience infinite abundance. Maybe not. We’ll see.

Although deep down, you all know that very soon all your currency will convert in digital credits backed in gold bullion, and all of this RV stuff will snap into reality for you. You’ll suddenly have “real money” to spend as you really wish, then watch out.

But what if I told you that money is not real at all? That money was a disease? Would you still allow your mind, heart and body to make the leap of faith into your post-RV lifestyle? Maybe. Maybe not. But continue friend…

Money is after all just a concept, right? 100% man-made most level headed people wouldn’t argue that. Everyone knows there is no physical or genetic origin of money on this planet, no money DNA strand per se. Its just a theory really. A possibility that someone decide needed to be so. A macro dream that magically manifested into everyone’s micro reality that was encouraged over time to be treated as life or death.

But for the vast majority of human existence on the face of the earth, there was no such thing as money–and still isn’t–because it doesn’t exist. Shalom!

Money literally does not and will not exist to them. Ask an Aboriginal, an African Bushman or Native Hawaiian? Heck, go ask a homeless dude on the streets of Jersey City… they will all tell you same truth in their own language, that money is man’s great lie, created by man to enslave his fellow man.

Here’s a cup of strong coffee: Everyone has once lived and will live once again without money. Book it, Dano.

Ironically, once the RV appears and brings with it its hoards of gold backed digital money (as if it appeared out of nowhere when it truth it’s been master planned, crafted, adjusted and now executed since the late 1600’s) people might quickly understand that humanity will be moving again to a reality, a consciousness and society where money as we understand it today… simply does not exist.

For is not this new gold backed digital money theory but fancy economic fodder drawn up in some D.C. or Beijing think tank? And how can your grand theory of a money-less society be if we’ve lived our entire lives striving to make, save, kill, hoard, give and spend money? Do tell. You are intriguing me… but I need more action verbs and conjunctive compound sentences…

Well, lets take a gold old fashioned plague like smallpox for instance as a random example of something that once was, yet is no more. Smallpox was a horrifying viral disease that existed in human history going back over 3,000 years. Thankfully, it was permanently eradicated from the human physical condition by 1979. Now can smallpox come back in human reality? Sure. Will it? Doubtful.

Has the earth significantly changed? Are rare earth elements and minerals suddenly made differently by Mother Nature? Do humans breath air that is suddenly different today then back then? Of course not. H2O maybe? Nope. So brother, what’s the point of this example… the Kardashians are coming on in an hour and I wanna find out which NBA star Khloe is hooking up with this week? Talk about a concept the needs eradicating… the freaking Kardashians need to be placed on the CDC’s most threatening to human decency list pronto, Tonto.

Look, the only thing that has really changed was people’s perception towards smallpox. At some point, smallpox became so common that the disease was deemed as a serious threat to the survival of the human species. So a lot of really good leaders and smart scientists got together and figured out how to eradicate smallpox. Now it did take a few hundred years but they cleared the slate of the genetic strand and now we live in a smallpox-less society. But what’s time and space? Ah, another post for later kids. Stay with me…

Turns out that every deadly plague or disease mankind has ever faced by definition is also a temporary condition, as all diseases past, present and future will be eradicated from the human genome. Why? Because God says we say so that’s why. He says we stand up to defeat it now by any means necessary. That’s what we do has human beings, that’s why He gave us our immune systems. We are divinely designed to attack and defeat what unrighteous attacks and attempts to defeat us.

This premise is also why all diseases in general is merely temporary concepts versus meaningful threats to existence, because humanity can at any time no longer deem something useful by Heaven decree, and band together as brothers and sisters in arms to systematically find a cure, apply the cure, discard the disease and do so in a relatively short reversal period. Then poof, no more disease. How novel. Victory over our oppressors. Hallelujah!

Folks, fiat money is just a temporary disease, and like smallpox we will have eradicated in just a few hundred years. When the disease of money became a threat to the survival of the human species, we rose up to defeat it. In fact, ever since those European goldsmiths started issuing linen chits in lieu of gold and silver coins–fiat (or paper) money was doomed. Sure they made it more convenient than carrying around bags full of precious metal coins–and certainly safer when riding your horse through a strange and dark forest at night–but never did they make it inherently valuable like gold or silver … because something that is intangible can never held as tangible value forever.

So if we want to change or improve society regarding anything, we can. And like us throwing money out to the curb tonight at midnight, we can overcome anything if spiritually, energetically, we allow ourselves to start with nothing and remember we have everything already by the grace and mercy of God the Father Almighty. In fact, once we remove the fiat money system and the false trust it was built on, the fiat money exchangers will flee like rats in a rain storm. Now do you see how they had become a threat to the survival of mankind?

They lied to us… for like four hundred years.

In our specific case as it relates to the USA, this cabal family used our government and Federal Reserve Bank to take away our money, with the help of a global cartel of central bankers, politicians, intelligence agents, old family (dark nobility) plants and military generals in a variety of different uniforms, cultures, languages and job titles. They all lie ’cause they’re all “cabal” in origin, and they do their best to keep up appearances and hide the grand illusion that money is in fact real.

They’re highly organized, ruthless and certainly well funded because THEY PRINT ALL THE MONEY. In secrete, this cabal cabal represents less than 0.00001% of the human population, but they’ve convinced the other 99.99999% that their fiat money is invaluable, thus they were able to attain more and more natural assets, property, influence, fame and prestige. When all they ever give us are lies meant to mislead and distract our attention. They coordinate psychological propaganda via the news media, entertainment studios, sports leagues, political elections, until voila… we stop asking questions about their fiat money monopoly. And if and when a few awakened souls do begin asking tough questions, cabal family agents spring into action and either pay them off, jail them, physically or legally intimidate them, or flat out destroy them. Then voila… their problem is solved… and the monopoly is preserved.

Why do you think they invented monopoly for us to play as children? Seems to me all it does is enforce their fiat money lie.

And do you know why Bill and Hillary cannot, nor ever will stop lying? They can’t. No cabal family member can. Because that’s the truth of who and what they are… deceptions the cabal’s whole game plan. And they’re forced to lie on behalf of the cabal’s interests at all costs. So as psychopathic liars go, the Clinton’s are uniquely gifted and unquestionably committed. Oh, and don’t sleep on Chelsea either, she’s quite the young study–mom has molested, I mean trained her well.

Yo, dude, can we have some good news please? Maybe step away from the whole Clinton and Kardashian angel because we all already known they’re on the Super Friends short-list for most heinous public villains against humanity?

Alright. Alright. Alright. As of tonight, like one minute after midnight I’m told, the 800#s are gonna release and those same old families that once believed they had absolute rule over their subjects will publicly lose their fiat financial kingdom… forever. Yes, you read that correctly… the Kardasians are heinous public villains against humanity. Sorry, I couldn’t resist.

Turns out this mystical monetary trust mankind once gave to to the cabal has completely been eradicated, and like smallpox, we’ve decided to rid ourselves of their money disease once and for all. Blah. Blah. Blah. And too boot, we’re going back to hard precious metal accounting for all monetary transactions, exchanges, trades and barters. Now this may not seem real, or right, or Kosher… but trust me when I tell it’s so and you’re the beneficiary.

Wait, so Hillary Clinton is a biker lesbian and a family pedophile? Did that just happen or am I dreaming?

How is all this possible you ask? How can we exist without fiat paper money when our entire culture, every culture, is still living, breathing, working and dying around the concept of money? Well, humanity got some really smart economists, engineers, technicians, bankers and generals together and we created a new financial system that does away with fiat certificates and eliminates the concept of money as we understand it. It took five plus decades, but we got it done.

And hopefully tonight, all the cabal’s paper money will be taken in, converted to digital credits and destroyed. No press. No fanfare. No memos. No lies. The world is made right again and transgender shows and bathrooms come to a screeching halt. Plus, the concept of fiat monetary value is being physically eliminated from circulation just like the concept of smallpox was physically eliminated from the human genome.

Now if you think back into your 1600’s soul member, maybe you’ll remember that humanity doubted whether or not they could eradicate smallpox from the face of the earth? But check it, they did. Dam. So why not money Holmes? Why not now hombre? Aren’t both smallpox and money just temporary concepts who’s time has come and gone? Hasn’t money caused more death, more destruction, more devastation than all the psychological diseases in mankind’s history bar none? Damn straight. Poor some of your forty out for money, kid… it’s like dead, dead.

Khole Kardasian, oddly hot or walking human pig face I get so confused as to what NBA ballers find attractive.

Sadly, the cabal for centuries found it so easy to roll out fractional reserve and central banking (loaning a portion of wealth out against a larger portion of wealth, without any unified control over the total loan amount). In the same spirit, the new-powers-that-be will find as easy to roll out our appointment digits. Because everything is temporary on a long-enough time line.

So whether you’ve had the privilege of already experienced abject fiat paper money poverty or are now preparing yourself to cannonball feet first into this infinite pool of RV gold backed digital wealth, remember you were born free with nothing and everything came. So act free. Live free. And yo, be free.

God is with us.

Sourced from:

“I Know What Love Is…”

I love this famous quote from Forrest Gump, when Jenny is accusing Forrest of not really knowing what Love is and he turns, hands on his hips and says, “I may not be a smart man but I know what Love is.”

I view myself in much the same way.  I no longer fall for the “you must experience hate and fear and dark in order to know love” matrix speak. Wrong.  I know what love is.

I have been having dreams and visions of other-wordly Beings who show up and help out humanity.  Others have as well given the same intel on certain blogs I have been following.  Is any of this True?  Who knows.  I know the dreams and visions I have had feel very real and certainly the objects I have seen in the sky (of which I know some are of earth and others, not) are very real as well. Continue reading ““I Know What Love Is…””

On Karma And Breaking “Contracts”

Over the years, I have come to view karma and contracts as another extension of the control matrix.  While I believe thought creates, as do actions, and for the most part, what we put out to Life comes back to us, the notion that we must learn in order to evolve spiritually is a bunch of bunk.  Let me explain why. Continue reading “On Karma And Breaking “Contracts””