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11.7.24 ~ Finds ~ Checking in….


It feels very quiet – almost too quiet.  There are people who are very upset -so much so they are shaving their heads.  Some on social media saying if you voted for Trump, unfriend me while ranting about the need for unity.  Some women also saying they are getting their tubes tied (including seeing a local say the same – young woman).  I don’t know where this is going – just know something feels both calm (as in everything will be ok) and a bit ominous (as in I don’t quite know when that solid calm experience comes in and stays).  The radio people are also very upset.

I feel things happen quickly now.

I remember Lisa Harrison saying we return  home during the time of year everyone celebrates – she also said she felt we had about 4-6 weeks of $$ freedom/abundance – just to know what that feels like.  No one knows for sure of course -but these two statements of hers have stayed with me – and returned again yesterday in my feeeeeeeeeeels.

Praying for all to remain calm, centered and in the heart.  Now more than ever.  And maybe this really is THE CALM b4………..





Yes, exactly – Fed is not public – it’s a private outfit.  Other means perhaps?







Already on there sharing……


Interesting timing………

Clinton Foundation Shuffles Leadership Team


Here’s How Quickly Gary Gensler Could Lose His SEC Chair Gig Under Trump



















For those who see:



The prisoners are saying “WE ARE FREE”………..question though:  how does this happen “accidentally”?







11.6.24 Finds


Had an experience today that reminded me how much our bodies store – even without knowing it consciously.  I was feeling agitated inside – and instead of focusing elsewhere, numb it with an activity or even simply soothing myself – I let the feeling be to see where it took me.  Since I began doing EMDR (the proper way), my body has been very busy processing, which has also included bringing up old energies needing release.  So today, allowing the feeling in my body to go where it needed, a core/original wound came up – which I worked with my healer today.  It’s still quite amazing to me to observe my body release something so. old. – something going back 40 plus years.  And all it took was to notice it, do some eye movements and somatic movements (intuitively guided – letting my body tell me what it needed to do) and I felt the energy move and come out of my body.  Tingling.  Trembling.  Out it goes.  Quiet soon follows.  I recently read where you can eat as healthy as you want, exercise, take supplements, meditate and affirm all you want – if you are not working with the body to release that trauma – you simply won’t heal in full.  Listen to your body.  It has something to say.

Trump has been quiet today on social media – nothing on X or TruthSocial – which I find interesting.  Remember, there will be no more rallies.

Here’s what I’m seeing.


Purple = submission

WATCH: Kamala Harris Delivers 12-Minute Concession Speech After Abandoning Her Supporters Overnight | The Gateway Pundit | by Cristina Laila


Squirrel………..nice touch…….


Yeah, I’m letting myself think/feel they have no more options.  If they demand a recount, they will have to show THEIR b.s.  I think we’re so used to being disappointed and let down the last 7 years, we all have ptsd and trust issues.




Is ra el for last…………



The states she won in have no Voter ID.


Next Phase – winding down a 9 year journey………9 is the number of completion.



There’s the Q:



How many of us have those Ideas for NEW and wonderful – awaiting the right opportunity to create them?  🙋‍♀️
















Site not allowing for all X links to be seen atm – top 8 foods:

Butter.  Himalayan Sea Salt.  Red Meat.  Full-Fat Dairy.  Eggs.  Potatoes.  Dark Chocolate.  Coffee.

11.6.24 ~ Trump Won. K to Concede This Afternoon.


Even though he won, and K is said to be conceding, I still feel this pause within me – this hesitancy to not quite celebrate yet.  Could be due to the trauma and the disappointments over the last several years.  How are you all feeling (at least those in the states)?  I’m ready for the financial abundance/liberation part.  My income is still down and I’m absolutely done losing sleep over it.  My girl needs a mom who is well supported and rested.

Here’s the world stage happenings.  Please leave whatever donation you can afford below.  🙏






The Victory speech:


DEVELOPING: Kamala Harris Admits Defeat, Calls President Trump to Congratulate Him on Landslide Victory


DOJ and Special Counsel Jack Smith Reportedly Evaluating Full Dismissal of Federal Cases Against President-Elect Trump Ahead of Inauguration



Go ahead – investigate the numbers……..

So far, Democrats Are Down 14 Million Votes from 2020 Biden ‘Miracle’ – What Happened?


















Late Election Evening Finds & Updates


SO here’s what I’m seeing now:






*According to one election site, as of 1:28AM EST, Trump has a 96% chance of winning.  See that find at the bottom.*




However – the mainstream folks -the usual suspects – still not calling it.  As many are saying – they won’t concede easily – not w/o a fight.  Next chess move is…………?  UPDATE:  Fox news calls it (vetted):

Donald Trump wins 2024 presidential election | Live Updates from Fox News Digital



My sense:  We let “them” cheat – some – then took back control – enough to gather evidence but not enough for a steal.

Current electoral map as of 11:22pm (nice TS eh?):

Trump:  247

Cuz It:  210








Yup – they did this in Washington State too:




Repeats of 2016?   HRC didn’t concede until hours after the election was called – the next day:



And as I end this, I have this to share:




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11.5.24 ~ Election Day Finds, puzzle piecing.



F’ery abounds – as does that sketchy vibe.  And some humor.  You will see it all and more below.  Thank you for your support.  Please remember to share and leave a financial contribution for my work.  Let’s get that number back up to where it has been.  Thank you!




Talk radio here is cray – saying T’s going to shut down the media – as though that’s a bad thing?


Russia Russia Russia – same playbook.


Pennsylvania Vote by Mail Update: Democrats Only Squeak Out 2,411 Net Votes on Election Eve… Developing


ARIZONA UPDATE: Republicans Led in Early Voting by 218,311 – Republican Election Day Voting: Turn Out Is 2-1 Over Democrats


Here We Go: Harris County Clerk Issues Statement After Early Votes Shift Mysteriously Favor Democrats — Claims it Was an ‘Accident’


Election Day Chaos Hits Key Swing State County: Voting Machines Down in Apache County, Arizona


URGENT: CAMBRIA COUNTY, PA VOTERS: Stay in Line: RNC Secures Another Victory, Extends Voting Hours Until 10 PM After Voting Machines Melt Down


BREAKING: O’Keefe Media Group Undercover: Philadelphia City Commissioners’ Office Tells Noncitizens They Can Vote if They Are Philly Residents (VIDEO)


HUGE WIN! Biden-Harris DOJ BLOCKED From Entering Texas Polling Stations Hours After AG Ken Paxton Sues Department


Then come the gas leaks………


Then we got this………




A dedicated Patriot……..



This is interesting.  He says “stay online” – not “stay inline”………..


Here he says to Stay and Run (msg. to republican voters):




Now this is very interesting – Elon shared this last night.  I missed this part – went and gave it another look – it’s real:

My screenshots – you can’t really hear it – it’s background words – so I had to cc it:



There’s Elvis again (from last night – last rally – “Elvis” has left the building………..) – Singing Suspicious Minds –  interesting song too about being caught in a trap……….



Ok so here’s more sleuthing/feeeeeeeeeeeeels – most of this I’ve shared – but just getting more clear and convinced……..Trump has been telling us he’s leaving the stage.  He was the master of ceremonies – the great actor – calling out everyone who needed to be seen.  I still sense this makes way for John to be the new prez for those having that upcoming experience.  When Trump spoke of 4 years from now, another candidate, there may be 200 people at the rally.  My sense of that is once this split happens, those still not seeing go to the cleaned up version – and in another 4 years – there will just be a small number of people still “here” – still waking up.  Think about it – as I’ve been saying for so long – for most of us it’s taken years to wake up – and so while it is not fair or just to expect us to wait even longer than we have – those still not seeing will have that chance.  If our consciousness can be removed and placed elsewhere – done by “evil” doers – then GOOD can do the same and use it to awaken those still not seeing.  Trump goes home with us – those left behind either have no memory of him and have another person as their prez – John perhaps or perhaps even an actor version of KH who is controlled and does things right.  Remember this is about saving the MIND – the Consciousness.  Just some feeeeeeeeeels…


And then there’s this beauty – with today’s delta (7 years).  I had forgotten about this one and the “elections don’t matter after this stage”.  Remember T telling us in recent weeks we wouldn’t have to vote again?







The Final Walkout – at 12:12.  Numbers.  Songs (final countdown)……….


Israeli PM Netanyahu Fires Defence Minister Gallant, Citing Lack of Trust


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Late evening Trump comms


I just had to share this one:

Bring with them 200 people (interesting number)….but the big one – for me – is Trump saying he’s “going from here to another wonderful place”………and “we’re going to have big crowds”……Makes me think of my portal vision I had years back – where I saw Home/Outside – there was a massive crowd – huge stage – and off to the left was that teleprompter – T comes on, thanks us and says he’ll be Home soon – he had to make sure all the plans put in place were solid………Remember we’ve been told Trump goes Home with those of us who also align with that.  There’s a sadness to this – feels like this plan that we’ve been a part of is wrapping up.


I did – and I also heard a name – after having that inner nudge to remember not only who I really am but what my name really is – which I looked up – and it means the Sun.


Ivanka shared this today – another Trump comm…….


11.4.24 ~ ‘Twas the night before the election and all through the land…..” A poem, finds and some sleuthing….


‘Twas the night before the election and all through the land…..
The creatures agitated all in a fury, awaiting the Trump hand.

For they know what’s coming, their fate is assured.
Run though they may, the masses have seen and heard.

The battle cry of NO MORE is shouted from coast to coast
With each ballot cast, it is fate that Trump receives the most.

For nothing can stop what’s coming is not just a simple phrase,
but an end to endless experiences that left us all in a blaze of toxic haze.

For it is indeed our Birthright to experience the bounties of our Creator;
freedom, joy, abundance and love, nothing can be Greater.

So take these days coming and make them Grand
for soon my friends we once again know Peace throughout the Land.


Local talk is more encouraging than I saw in 2020 or in 2016.  Division is there, but more are seeing and questioning.  Polls are showing H is slightly leading – but we know “they” are in the process of stealing.  One look at H’s rallies (pitiful numbers of people) compared to T’s rallies with thousands packing an arena, yeah………..It’s all pretty fake.  Staying neutral as much as I can and dancing to Vince Guaraldi music.




We about ready to JUMP back to the future……..The DeLorean made me giddy like a school girl…..



DOG comms…….




Comedy break:


This is – interesting.

Speaking of a week of closure (through 11.10)………remember the Q post that said America Unified on 11.11 (2018 at the time) – 8:13 mark…….

Are fences going up at the Capitol before the election? – YouTube





They better watch it ‘lest they wish to be accused of RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA election interference……..


Very interesting……….


He flipped from 8 years ago (see that below).

Joe Rogan Endorses Trump, and Trump Calls Him ‘the Biggest There Is’ – The New York Times

“Down Is Up! And Up Is Down!” Joe Rogan’s Lament On Our Upside-Down Presidential Campaign | Decider


This is rather comical.  “let them in let them all in – just don’t let them into MY house”………..classic narc program – rules for thee but not for me………

A gematria for 11.3.24



Trump has been talking about his “little secret” in recent days.  Could be the final Trump Card – perhaps something of the legal nature – perhaps something as simple as “who is behind the masks” – a moment of unmasking.  Could be related to Time Travel and/or Project L. Glass.  Could also be the reemergence of John Kennedy Jr (or whatever name he goes by).  We will see……..

Here’s the gematria for LITTLE SECRET – which in english gematria is 888

Being Fierce Like The Lions

Time Traveler

Stop The Lies

Eye of the Tiger (just heard it today – along w/seeing references to time travel and 144)

Donald J Trump

Morning Star

We Are Not Alone

The Only Way

Your Real Name