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Comm’ing on the squirrel and its connection to Jimmy Carter & Other Finds


So this squirrel owner is a big social media influencer.  I didn’t know that until today because that stuff is simply not on my radar.  And more than an influencer – but a rather creepy one? This is what I saw today.

You get to this page by following the link he has on his verified X account.  I vetted.  :::shudder:::  (unable to share the tweet link here – so had to take a screenshot)



And not only that – the account is protected.  Verified his account is legit.




Feeeeeeeeeels – T has just been the master of ceremonies here……….Once everyone realizes – on both sides – it’s ALL been a movie with actors – that would unify.





Here’s where Carter comes in.  Is he the next to fall?

The 2024 WH Christmas Ornament is a tribute to Jimmy Carter.

Think it’s a acoincidence that peanut the squirrel was killed?

Carter was, aside from being the US President in the 70’s, was best known as being a Peanut Farmer.


Scavino shared this one 3, maybe 4 years ago – and now it’s back:


Pretty much………..Hence the term QUESTION ANYTHING “they” put in our faces.  They want attention – loosh.


Now here’s where I came in today – pointing out how people go nuts (excuse the pun) over the (alleged) death of a tree rat – playing on people’s emotions – when that energy could be much better directed at helping, you know, HUMANS.  The victims of recent weather disasters many still w/o power, etc.  Homeless families.  Victims of d.violence.  Just another day in the matrix but OMG A SQUIRREL (allegedly) GETS KILLED LET’S FREAK OUT AND THROW MONEY AT THE ALREADY WEALTHY SOCIAL MEDIA INFLUENCER because the news told me to.  I kind of no longer care much how I sound here – given my own situation – and how I have tried and continue to try – to get help with promoting and support (and might I add I am not a perv) – like FOR REALS – and this whatever he is with the help of the media gets all of this sudden attention.  This wreaks of f a k e. I’m like this at this point – priorities SO out of whack here:



I don’t know about this guy but I do know the affiliation with Mr. Breast is a definite red flag for me:


Neat little trick:



This was in response to another fairly big account trying to link Trump to Epstein – using pictures without THINKING and DIGGING to make assumptions:


Things are getting interesting in D.C….


New fences up at Treasury and the Vice President’s house due to election violence fears. – YouTube


Shut it down.  An end to the rallies.  This is it, friends……….


Just to save face w/the animal lovers – which I am one – and often prefer their company because they understand Love – I just feel there’s a hierarchy and if we ain’t focused on helping children and mama’s and homeless folks first and foremost we got some work to do:




11.1.24 ~ Weather


As I said it’s been fire-hose weather here – day after day of rain.  Gotta soak us out west so “they” can dry it out back east.

Drought conditions spark multiple fires across Pa. |

Lower Hudson Valley, NYC, Long Island under red flag warning



Spain Braces for More Rain and Flooding as Rescuers Dig Through Debris – The New York Times


And as I felt today – the soaking we’re getting here is going to head east next week just in time for election week…..

Things Are About To Get VERY Interesting… – YouTube


now this is bizarre:


well now this is obvious:


And we have these two states who have activated the National Guard in preparation for any election day fuchery:

Gov. Jay Inslee activates National Guard ahead of Nov. 5 election | Cascadia Daily News

Lombardo to activate 60 Nevada National Guard soldiers to help with Election Day security


HUGE timeline cleanse:  🥰🥰🥰


11.1.24 ~ Checking in………..reflecting………….Finds that may end up just being music






Putting things together after seeing and engaging and hearing from others………

We seem to be on our own timeline – our own experience – viewing all that is happening from our perspective.  Even though I own that I voted – I don’t see the point in it – and at the time I did I felt nothing.  My brain tried to convince myself otherwise – saying this is a vote to say NO to evil.  But ANY system of government is just power over and control – cleaned up version or not – it’s still all b.s. that doesn’t align with me.

Manifesting seems to be hit or miss with many of us struggling a lot atm. I have either have power or not – which means I have the ability to control my weather around here – we were supposed to ahve had sun and dry starting yesterday – which I intended and gave my energetic consent to – but what do we have instead?  Pouring rain showers and 50 degrees.  “They” keep pushing the sunshine out into the future.

I seriously need some answers.  I either create my reality or I don’t.  There is no gray here.  For anytime you say you create your own reality EXCEPT or BUT….that says our ability TO create is seriously compromised here.  Oh yes – there is a way to manifest in this reality – but that information is part of the secret club.  

I’ve been scripting/intending for months and have seen only maybe just a weeeee bit of movement with personal agenda’s – my ability to manifest $$ has been in the toilet – funds down – costs up – daughter needing things that I simply can’t afford at this moment. I need glasses and some other things that insurance doesn’t cover.  I never joined their club – hence, well, there ya go.

That said – I KEEP GOING – all of us – KEEP GOING.  Keep at it.  If it takes 10 years or 10 minutes to build that house (metaphor for experience), then keep. at. it.  And support one another.  Help out.  Whenever two or more are gathered in the energy of Love – magic happens easier.  P E R I O D.

For me it’s exposure/promotion and money atm.  Share my work.  Donate whatever you can.  Simple and doable for anyone with employment and the time and heart to do so.  Please add to my energy of expanded finances, new opportunities to increase finances and new home.  My body is desperate for this – my heart cries daily now – for my girl – who is as desperately wanting to live someplace safer and small and quiet – where we can go wherever we want without having to worry about drug addicts and half naked men walking around town relieving themselves, yelling – not to mention safe places to go hike without worrying if my car will be broken into.  She is every. bit. as DONE as is her mama here.  This challenge to find affordable housing and increase my income is really pushing me to the edge.

We want that new reality?  Be AS IF we are in it.  As much as we/you/I can.  Even if “they” compromised that ability and made it hard as hell to always be IN THAT SPACE – because if enough of us were to be in that space and stay in that space – we could have changed this entire reality.

Or so I say.  Hard to play a game when you don’t remember how to play it and it was f’d over hugely by invisible parasites.

That’s all for now.




Ok – so diving in – I keep seeing the same repeating narratives – doesn’t matter what side.  And that song – proud to be an american – OMG if I have to hear that song ONE MORE SECOND I’m gonna burst a plethora of nasty sounds.  lol  Quick – new song time new song time.  Hey – I have one – heard it today – a favorite because it’s jazz and no singing.  Plus it gives me visions of dancing little birds and puppies.


Well this is new.  Boarding going up in front of a restaurant – sandbags too……down by the Washington Post and White House……….Flood/storm incoming?  Weather shows clear and warm (70’s)………Eisenhower Executive Office Building……..President staff is located there……….

A new spiked fence goes up in the White House compound before election day.



Well there ya go – I manifested this…………Possible he was showing us the authentic election results (69.420% for T)……….PLG………TTravel………someone knows what’s going on……..


Manifested this one too:




Another one – that’s 3 – 11.13 – a big date in this house the past week or so – aligns w/other things seen……….1113



cue posts for  NOv 13 (of interest):





youtube link above goes to this (future, you say?) (other link no longer works):

Future World Music – Victory Of Life









F’ery?  Who knows – as usual there are conflicting reports……..I’ve seen a car caused the explosion – then read someone say there is some park underneath that caught fire.  Who knows………


Is this simply prepping the consciousness field to prompt the mind to be open to leaving……..?


I always hesitate sharing these stories – but then now and then I do because the victims deserve to be seen……..






People reflecting on what next Tuesday brings – will the people tolerate another steal?  All saying “NO” – of course – but the real question should be ok – what does everyone DO if it’s another repeat?


10.31.24 ~ Finds



Feels like a dream today.  It’s early evening but feeeeeeeeels like it’s midnight or later.  Zzzzzzzzzz.






I prefer “he walked off stage”………





Global I’d say:








JUST IN: President Trump Sues CBS News For $10 Billion For Deceptively Editing ’60 Minutes’ Interview with Kamala Harris


Former New York Governor Cuomo Recommended for Criminal Prosecution


Boeing Just Became The Latest Company to Scrap Its Entire Diversity Department


HUGE WIN: Judge Orders Arizona’s Democrat Secretary of State to Release List of 218,000 Registered Voters Who Did Not Provide Proof of Citizenship


Dallas, Texas Poll Worker Finds Folded Piece of Paper with Username and Passwords For Poll Books Lying on the Ground (VIDEO)


Third County in Pennsylvania Finds Fraudulent Mail Ballot Request Forms from Field+Media Corps Firm — District Attorney and General Office are Now Investigating




Barry Stepp:

Most Disturbing Videos On the Internet Today! (Part 280)




10.30.24 ~ Getting closer……….Finds, a gematria………


W h e w.  I haven’t gone into the fray today yet – but I still feel it.  If the weather had cooperated, I would have gone for a long walk – but given it poured and was cold (like winter cold), such walking was brief, with umbrella’s.  Being splashed on and wading through piles of wet leaves that stick to the bottom of your feet is just not my idea of pleasant escape.

So music it is.  Dance.  Drive.  And so much stretching and deep breathing, I’m going to bust into the Home Realm any moment.  “Hey guys – you about done out there?  Cause we want outta here!”








This happened today too………














Didn’t even know this was a thing………….😂



He said something about 420 3 years ago……….




MI EARLY VOTE SHOCKER! Election Integrity Data Analysts Claim They Have Proof of 208,075 Ballots Cast By 82,674 Voters… An Excess of 125,428 Votes Cast!


“This Truck is in Honor of Kamala and Joe Biden” – EPIC! Trump Trolls Democrats After Getting Picked Up in MAGA Garbage Truck (VIDEO)


“Panda” (eyes)………..😩

Jill Biden Shows Up to White House Halloween Celebration Dressed as a Giant Panda (VIDEO)



The Aging International Space Station May Have To Be Evacuated Because of Dangerous Cracks and Leaks


BREAKING: Trump Campaign Wins HUGE Lawsuit to Extend Early Voting in Bucks County, PA After GOP Voters Were ‘Turned Away’


On my timeline, he died years ago.  I even talked about it back in 2019.

Legendary Astronaut Buzz Aldrin Endorses Donald Trump


More bizarre…….

In the Bible, Isaiah 2:2 describes a prophecy of rivers flowing backwards: 

  • Rivers flowing back into Eden
    In this prophecy, many divided rivers will defy gravity and flow back into Eden, the cosmic mountain. This is in contrast to the original Eden, where one river flowed out from Eden to bless the nations.



Israeli strikes threaten Hezbollah stronghold Baalbek and its 3,000-year-old Roman ruins | CBC News

Explosions caught on camera as Israel begins airstrikes on Baalbek | VOA News #shorts – YouTube


Felt a nudge to do a gematria for NOVEMBER FIFTH TWENTY TWENTY FOUR

a new heaven and new earth his eternal promise

its going to be so epic lets make some waves

things arent as they appear we are in the clear

10.29.24 ~ Anticipation grows – Finds, etc




I watch and observe.  Intend.  The collective feel – certainly here in the states – in my area – is palpable.  It’s like no one knows what’s going to happen but each side is DESPERATELY focused on who they want to see elected.  Many however are probably not participating – however – even if now – the sense of anticipation is present.  However, in the middle of that I am feeling very calm.

Here’s what I’m seeing.




Dark to Light – Dome – Sky Event feeeeeeeeeeels:



Theory (I voted early – did find it interesting T has been saying for weeks to vote early)………..









States are gonna have to have this as well:



Very weird – Is ra el for last vibes:






JUST-IN: Suspect in Phoenix, Arizona Ballot Drop Box Fire Thursday Identified — More on Oregon and Washington Dropbox Fires


SCOTUS Will Address the Collision of Two Federal Election Laws


Joe Rogan Announces Date When JD Vance Will Appear on His #1 Podcast, While Kamala’s Chances of An Interview With Rogan Are Not Looking Good


Some are saying Mel Gibson……..he’s thinner and tan………they got the same height thing going on………..

“I Came Out of Jail Mentally and Physically Sharper” Steve Bannon Tells The Gateway Pundit. HE’S BACK AND READY TO FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT!!!


JUST IN: Supreme Court Rejects RFK Jr.’s Request to be Removed From Ballots in Crucial Battleground States Even Though He Suspended His Campaign


WOAH! Republicans Take Early Voting Lead in Deep Blue New Jersey


WATCH LIVE: President Trump Holds Rally in Allentown, Pennsylvania



this is really going on – very interesting (timing) – that plus 2 drills the past week or so – one during the day, one at night……….



Current feels (aligning):






Stefan Burns:

10.28.24 ~ Headlines, Finds – ’tis the season for treason


Hypocrisy is Elon Musk crying foul on youtube censorship while his X platform continues doing the same.

Hypocrisy is big accounts saying “thank you for putting this clue comm together” when we smaller accounts already did.

Odd things happening – suddenly on my social media feed are many posts from “the other side” – I smile, shrug.  Nice try.  We win.

Financial challenges hitting hard – funds down here too – so I will put out what I see in return.

I’m getting really loud now – I figure if illegal’s can park their arses on a corner and beg for money – I can too – in my own way.  If I’m going to be pinched by this g.d. plan – I am going to be vocal about it.  You’re gonna hear me.


vinsamlegast deildu og gefðu.




The f’ery begins (or amps up shall I say):

BREAKING: Pennsylvania GOP Committeewoman Taken Away in Handcuffs For Encouraging People to Stay in Line and Vote After Democrat Election Worker Misleads Voters (VIDEO)


Oregon and Washington:

question:  if hundreds were destroyed out of the one box, how will they know which ones were?  they’re leaving it up to the voters to do the contacting…………

Ballots destroyed after fires in election drop boxes | AP News


JUST IN: Nevada Supreme Court Rules Mail-In Ballots without Postmarks Can Be Counted Three Days After Election


ANOTHER QUESTIONABLE REGISTRATION INCIDENT IN PENNSYLVANIA! Woman Identified in Luzerne County Dumped Pile of Applications on the Last Day of Registration – Was Same Woman Who Ran Out of Paper Ballots in 2022 Election


Cut it off……..




Two More Washington Post Editorial Board Members Step Down in Protest of Newspaper Refusing to Endorse Harris






Oh yes – Martin feeling the pain of $hopping/eating.  Prices went up again this fall.  I’m like ENOUGH!!!  And don’t get me started on housing.  😫😮I’m so done waking up stressing about this topic – I soothe myself – go back to sleep.  Affirm.  Feel.  My girl and I are mixing shampoo with castille soap atm until I bring in more money or convince a bank to give me more credit. 😂 But I am also grateful for what we do have.  Paradox.


WATCH LIVE: President Trump Holds Rally in Atlanta, Georgia – Begins at 6 PM ET


Multiple Federal Agencies Raid Metropolitan Detention Center, Controversial Brooklyn Prison Holding Sean Diddy Combs and Sam Bankman-Fried








I will say this too – I still go by my dream of “all is seen by 11.22″……..



shut down the K.J’s……….we don’t care beebee……..


i heard i can feel it comin’ in the air tonight today – and yesterday……..🙄



A few end of day finds ~ 10.27.24



Going solo in creating – i don’t think that’s the answer now.  Two or more gather – far more power.  Like I said in yesterday’s piece.

Challenging moments today – tired – thankful for friends (old and new) that helped me get through.  💖



Stefan Burns (interesting timing considering we’re 9 daze away from the u.s. elections):




Is ra el latest:

LIVE: Israel strikes Lebanon’s Tyre, steps up siege on northern Gaza | Israel-Palestine conflict News | Al Jazeera




Most Disturbing Videos On the Internet Today! (Part 277)


little secret?  one million dollars for each of us?  i’ll take it now – go on with my life the way i need and want.




One of the Trump cards – i just feeeeeeeeeeeeeel it:


Zebra print:




Reflecting and Finds ~ 10.26.24


May be an image of text


May be an image of 1 person and text that says 'Steve Bartlett Your menta health health is more important than your career, money, other people's opinions, that event you said you would attend, your partners mood and your families wishes, combined. If taking care of yourself means letting someone down, then let someone down.'


Well here I go again putting myself out there – wondering who else may be experiencing these particular feeeeeeeeeeeels.

Cranky as a sleep deprived, hungry baby.  Did a purge earlier today that surprised me – it’s like my body was removing held in emotional stuff – it just came out.  In a strange, different way that left me surprised but also a feeling of “glad that’s out”.  Feeling as though I’m being pulled in two different directions and annoyed as hell from another – certainly pulled and pushed.

I voted.  I documented.  My heart wasn’t much in it – but I still voted – figuring I was giving another finger to evil, “woke” agenda’s, including learning that my state gives out $30,000 USD to illegal immigrants to get a house – not for legal citizens.  How special is that?  People like me are SOL – forgotten – which is igniting a rage in me that is growing considering how many months I have put myself out there and been specific in asking for what I frigging N E E D – something I have to really fight against – the frustration and anger – and shift around.  So some moments my manifesting looks a little something like this:

AP UHQR - Miles Davis - Kind of Blue | Page 178 | Steve Hoffman Music Forums

I feel like I need someone to take over this for me.  Apparently, there’s a term for it – manic manifesting.  Maybe it’s like emotional and/or physical healing – seeing more and more of this – whereby you have a healing buddy who more or less becomes the energy conduit to help you release – and reaffirm – because our ability to let our own stuff go is soooooo hard, isn’t it? 

Because it’s PERSONAL.  When it is OUR lives we are invested in – the letting go part is difficult – especially under extraordinary circumstances.  So having someone more or less do the energy work – just like those Japanese doctors who shrunk the tumor of the female patient – because they were not the. patient. – I think that kind of work could be really helpful in manifesting.

So if anyone interested – let me know – and I will pass along statements I tell myself.  🙏




“The Overton window is the range of policies politically acceptable to the mainstream population at a given time.”




got a feel this is one of those things where just one move has to happen then BOOM……….


May be an image of text





Game theory:

Elon’s been playing Diablo on X lately, btw…….I prefer foosball, pool or Ms PacMan……….



The sun is throwing a FIT and has earth in it’s sights! Here comes another giant!


Some things to put happy in your hearts (this first one is the best!):


An interesting theory………….


It may not be true – it’s a theory – one that aligns with me for certain – as I say “this is my kind of speak”.  Recently I have had a growing urge to really remember Who I Am – the me – fully awake – in full power.  M E.  I’ve also pondered and earlier today again said “what if daylight savings time (here in the states) on 11.3 is a mirror for dark to light?”  I don’t know – as I said – this is just a theory and is for entertainment purposes only – a side show to the movie.  😂  I did something about week 44 this week here – and now I can’t remember.  Anyone want to help me out w/this??

Oh wow – last 4 digits of this html code:  2288






q u e post 44:
