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10.24.24 ~ Finds and Headlines



Oh there has to be more than this happening today……… there another smallish lull?  On the other hand – there is a lot coming out of BRICS……..looks like it’s focused on local currencies.



Prosimo, ne pozabite deliti in donirati.



45th week is week of the u.s. election…….




raspy voice – and that last name “kidder” (kid her):


This is BIG and awesome:



Just another proxy state………









Watch sun unleash major X-flare in epic solar eruption (video)


Double X Flare As Spacecraft Spots Sun Blasting A Pair Of Major Eruptions | Watch






the big BOOM out west (knew this was coming – didn’t think it would be this soon):



good question (vetted for authenticity):



Girl and I were talking about this tonight when I mentioned T ending income tax – this has to be next.  Many people end up losing their homes not due to the mortgage but once that is paid off they can no longer afford the property taxes.  Such a theft………







Voter Fraud Alert: Over a Dozen Mailed Ballots Intercepted and Cast Fraudulently in Mesa County, Colorado — Criminal Investigation Underway After 3 Fraudulent Votes Counted


whatever’s coming – still feels it will all happen in a flash:

“He’ll Be One of the First Things Addressed” – Trump Says He Will Fire Jack Smith ‘Within Two Seconds’ if He Wins Election

10.23.24 ~ Finds and Happenings on Stage: More rocks incoming….this day in history (for 11.3)….a gematria




Sometimes the best friend is yourself – when you realize you’ve told the story enough – and you comfort your body and say we are going to create a NEW story.

Here’s what I’m seeing.  Tafadhali kumbuka kushiriki na kuchangia.





End of Oct./Beginning of Nov. including Nov. 3 (interesting timing, right?)

Stefan Burns:


I decided to see what happened in history on November 3rd:

Godzilla premieres

1783 George Washington orders Continental Army be disbanded

1930 Bank of Italy renamed Bank of America

1941 Japanese Admiral Osami Nagano presents a complete plan for the attack on Pearl Harbor to Emperor Hirohito

1956 Wizard of Oz aired on television for the first time

1992 Clinton elected (US)


One of Oprah’s “finds”:


Still waiting to see proof showing JD and RFK Jr on stage together………







Headless Comet……….more rocks incoming



Rocks reference from LOOP:

wow – talk about number vibes w/that one:






7:47 (47)….  It’s true – he’s always late for his rallies……..



Throw in some bacon and chicken (remove the pepper) and this looks like my kitchen:





so that term on his hat stood out at me – juhajance – which i put into google and only ONE THING comes up – a gematria – no joke:



aligning phrases:

Capital Letters Message From Trump

The Joe Rogan Experience (which T will be on this Friday)

Exacts Revenge on Cabal

Elvis Has Left The Building

Panic In DC

Im Batman

Chidlren (remember the tweet from trump about 10 years ago – w/this “misspelled” version?



And I end by going back in time to play some soothing comfort songs for the Soul.  Back to childhood….


Collective vibes ~ Finds ~ 10.22.24


It’s collective – the discomfort – the feeeeeeeeeeeeels of the intensity – some having GI issues – anxiety – ptsd flaring up – feeling compressed – feeling as though one is in a dream – feeling that “something BIG” – the body feeling it’s being put through a wormhole or similar.

Feeling the building up atm.  As I verbally tossed out in my last piece, I had to do yoga at 3am last night to find some peace and comfort in my body.  A lot of disinfo out there now.  People pushing their videos looking for personal loosh saying “my sources are saying” – either about the financial stuff, nesara/gesara (if i had a frigging dollar for every dayem time someone talked about that saying it happens on this date or any day now i’d be a wealthy woman and wouldn’t have to gripe about money) or the next step in this war/plan.  OMG just STOP already – NO ONE KNOWS unless you’re on the inside and if you ARE and you’re revealing you’re going to have your arse tossed into a prison cell for treason.  For the rest of us?  We see comms and tidbits that we (people like me) put together.  Sometimes we are close.  Sometimes we find a delta happening.  But most of the time we are spectators inside of a movie theatre trying to figure out who is who and what’s coming and if it’s a “well written” movie it will surprise ya.  Just INTENDING the ending is FOR US and brings down this entire filthy rotten stinking evil parasitic system and all who created it and knowingly willfully sold out to keep it going while hiding it all from the innocents.


Here’s what I’m seeing on that stage.  Wishing us all COMFORT, FREEDOM and PEACE.

s’il vous plaît soutenir mon travail en faisant un don et en partageant.




Recording it Friday:

Donald Trump to go on Joe Rogan’s podcast in a bid to gain young male voters ahead of 2024 presidential election | Sky News Australia



Feeeeeeeeeeels – as I intended feels like going through layers in pool of water to reach the surface of Authentic Original Self………


Feeeeeeeeeels (just one just came to me in a flash of a vision followed by the words – all comes in fast when it happens):


Thank you – those of you – who are Safe for and to me.  🙏💜




Bless this woman for her courage:


while others are focused on the 27, i’m focused on the holy grail:  the flux capacitor:


now here’s something interesting – i originally was going to do a gematria on flux capacitor – but got pulled into another direction – and instead typed in what i was told by john in that dream i had years ago -showing me the november calendar.  in gematria, the phrase aligns with 1122 (the date i was shown on the calendar).



10km……..out in the N. Atlantic ocean….





T cooks some fries at McD’s………..then this…………so insidiously e v i l….




All chess pieces on the board now?



this is interesting……….




Interesting tidbit I found – 10 year gap – wonder what party, if any, he was affiliated with – also interesting as 1999 was the year John “died”…….


The inner world of wounds….


May be an image of text that says 'I'm gonna let you in on a little secret. Yeah, I post motivational quotes but I don't have everything figured out. I wake up and try my best to conquer my battles and try my hardest every single day. Doesn't matter if I fuck up or fail, 11 be back tomorrow. Bet on it'


I try to stay positive – sometimes I fake it.  And keep going –  like the post above.  Today – lately – I’ve been struggling to keep the momentum.  I thought I would share those inner voices I am challenging/shifting – someone may need to hear you are not alone.

I was up at 3:30am – body needing to move.  I’ve learned to listen to my body and asked what she needed.  Yoga.  On the mat.  So I climb out of bed, get out my mat, place it on the floor and stretch – all intuitively guided by my body.  It worked.  Body felt much better so I was able to return to bed.  However, the inner words of doubt, anxiety and fear remained.  Today I figure – what the hell – let’s put those words out there so I can exorcise them.  With love.

I am invisible.  I don’t matter.  I am to blame.  It’s my fault.  I can never do anything right.  I can’t make it on my own.  The world is scary.  I can’t take care of myself on my own.  I am not safe.  People won’t like the real me.  I need to hide my fears and tears.  People will abandon me.  Why can’t I shift my inner thinking?  Why can’t I let go of these thoughts?  WHY DO THEY STICK TO ME?

You get the picture.

I’d really like to know how long it takes to shift something.  I’d like to know why some things just seem to stick – and how to remove them – other than what I am doing – deep breathing, intention, focus, releasing, crying, thinking new thoughts, challenging the old ones when they come up (and that is f’ing EXHAUSTING work btw – and requires dedicated time – which is hard as hell for me with my parameters) – hearing my own voice every day and night with the new words.

Am I being attacked?  Is there something attached to me – or this house – coming around?  My girl sees things.  I smell things.  I burn resin – intend – put on frequency music – cast ’em out.  Read the books.

It shouldn’t be this hard.  Trauma and ugly things happen in a flash and take root in the body.  Why the fuch is it so difficult to remove them – to shift into Love again?

Are we meant to heal alone?

I don’t think so – but that is- overall- what I’ve been doing.  Today I realized how much I needed someone to just show up in my life and hold space for me and hug me.  It seems, overall, when I reach out I get advice or get told to check this out or that out – and my body – my body says NO to that.  Sometimes the need is simply allowing me to tell my story over and over until it’s. all. out. of. me.


“THIS IS NOT A DRILL” ~ 4 Year Delta


Friends ~

I am being absolutely throttled on Social Media atm – from Facebook removing my posts containing links to my work to X lowering my visibility by 50% in the past week.  This means I need help sharing my work and I mean sharing it everywhere.  I refuse to fade away or be pushed into a corner, unseen, censored.  Not happening.  Share my work.  It helps!  TY.






“emergency evacuation drill”  Happened this morning at 10AM.  10th month.  10/10.


Evacuation of the US Capitol today, sort of.


Please find and follow me on the following platforms. 💜💥💖










World Stage Happenings ~ A reflection……10.21.24




I was thinking into the whole scenario of Trump showing up at McDonald’s – making fries – at the fryer.  Thinking of FRYDAY.  Fox news (below) says they “forsee” a 3 day lapse b4 election results are released – which would be a Friday.  Also thinking of my dream – the calendar – november – 22nd – “all will be revealed by then” – which is a Friday this year – and it also happens to be the 47th Friday of the year (Trump to become the 47th Prez).  Just some sleuthing.

Also thinking of elections – fixing this one and that one.  I continue to feel now 2020 was given the illusion of a rig in order to carry out military ops.  And in truth – none of the elections were rigged for one candidate or the other – because it was always the same coin w/different sides in each and every g.d. election we’ve had – certainly since Kennedy (and that could have been the same situation too – he just “flipped” the script and didn’t back down).  2016 could have been the first “real” election we’ve had here in the states.

It isn’t like I have a need to say go back and make sure Al Gore got in instead of Bush because, you know, all part of the same club.  Just want everything PURE and HONEST.

Here’s what else I’m seeing.

sicela ukhumbule ukwabelana nokunikela.




Leaked on telegram from what I’ve read/heard.  Remember the founder was arrested in August?  Interesting chain of events………

US probes classified documents leak on Israel’s planned strike on Iran: report | Fox News


Iran tells UN: Biden has signaled US approval, support for attack on Iran | Reuters


Iran Warns Biden Over US Role in Israel’s Attack Plan – Newsweek








Not seeing a dang thing on the “other” outlets………..








Judges Reject RNC Lawsuits in Michigan and North Carolina on UOCAVA Ballots Allowing Overseas Voters to Cast Ballots in Michigan Despite Never Living There


Then it ain’t a Town Hall is it?


IDF Declassifies Exact Location of Where Hezbollah is Hiding Millions in Gold and Cash



Current inner feels/experience


Personal share here.

My girl came to me a bit ago and said her jeans are getting too short on her.  I sighed, then smiled and said they will just have to do for now.  I stopped myself as I began to say I didn’t have the money right now to buy more clothes for her.

Which is true – because I don’t.

Part of my inner work I’ve been hitting hard in recent weeks is the abundance factor – going within to flip those false scripts.  I know I have that power to do that.

And I also know the frequency in this place will come in and poke at ya to say “no you’re not”.  Or wherever it is we are and however it is that this matrix/reality operates.  I don’t like it – I don’t like the heaviness of it – it’s like making new loaves of bread only to have old stale crappy ones tossed back at you while you continue to hammer away at making the NEW types of bread.

Make sense?

I feel that anger inside – the disappointment.  The f’ing fatigue – how I feel I am in the battle of my mental/emotional life – and how f’ing difficult it is when you are in the situation I am in.  Need I say more?

I did some searching around to see if there were more services for me – job help – that sort of thing.  N A D T (not a damn thing).  The one program through the state is only if you are super poor and on welfare.  I feel like I am not being seen in the way I want need and deserve.  I feel I am alone on a stage expressing explicitly what I need – expecting that experience to be returned to me – for I will accept nothing else.

So for now, I continue to say a quick “NO” to what comes at me that I do not want – and “YES” to the visions in my heart and mind.  But Jesus – some real relief would be a good thing.  Real lasting relief because my body is telling me to slow down and sleep and rest – but doing that doesn’t achieve the funds or things I need to be doing for my daughter alone.  It doesn’t keep food in the house.  It doesn’t allow for any sort of savings and considering the weather has changed from summer to late fall and I am having to run the heat :::CRINGE::: and my savings is pretty much depleted now and the CC maxed, I don’t know what else to do other than to plow on.

And PROMOTE myself – which is odd in this regard because I have been intending HELP with this for a long long time – MONTHS and MONTHS – and I have reached out to people who do this and WTF why don’t I hear back?  When people offer to share – and I do – but then they don’t share – I don’t get that.  I REFUSE to have that invisible experience.


I have questions and would like some answers from something real and divine.  That aligns with my HEART.

10.20.24 ~ Finds & Headlines – Flooding, Trump takes a shift at McDonald’s, comms, etc.


Not much to share personally.  Onward and upward.

Cofiwch gyfrannu a rhannu.




Sooooooooo this happened today here in America:  (“October surp-fries” – play on word for OCTOBER SURPRISE)

Donald Trump works at PA McDonald’s to needle Kamala Harris


Serving McD’s french fries (if you can call them that) to the public…….A funny move against Kamala – who said she worked there but turns out she didn’t (I read McD’s statement and they don’t say either way).  😂🙄







There’s “edward” showing up again……..






This is pretty amazing:


All these “countries” and their “leaders” broadcasting their war plans, as we know by now, is fake – perhaps showing incompetence (behind the movie scene).





Roswell………..(yes we are thinking what you’re thinking…)


Flooding in Vancouver: Videos show huge floods, street kayak – Vancouver Is Awesome


The Sahara Desert flooded for the first time in decades. Here’s what it looks like | CNN
France places six departments on red alert for flooding due to heavy rains | Reuters
Nepal: Hundreds killed as ‘unprecedented’ flash floods strike capital Kathmandu


More Bells………..


this is really cool…

florida man shreds the national anthem





Polar Ice Crisis 2024: Arctic and Antarctic Near Historic Lows


Antarctica is turning green at an alarming rate, satellite images show | CNN

A part of Barrientos Island that has given way to plant life.

Vegetation growing on Green Island on the Antarctic Peninsula, which is warming much faster than the global average.

10.19.24 ~ Finds……….T Comms, time travel synchs continue, A Gematria………Telling it in MEMES and finding peace in snuggled and animal videos








I am struggling today – trying to remain up – went for a wonderful ride – spent time in nature – but that would not alleviate the inner sadness and exhaustion – battle fatigue – I am feeling strongly today.  I tuned into my body – did some releasing.  I am focused on what I want but at the same time absolutely energetically as detached from this place as I can be – at least today (perhaps daily – just rather ignoring that detachment experience).  Paradox?  Maybe – but that’s the truth of my experience.

Here’s what I’m seeing.  thymitheite na moirasteite kai na dorisete.







Unless my money manifestations work as I expect of them, it will be a meager holiday – OR if this place flips/switches/changes and wealth and everything else we desire is returned restored – I don’t know what other words to put to the desires I hold.









President John F. Kennedy’s “Moonshot” was his challenge to the United States to land a person on the moon and return them safely to Earth before the end of the 1960s

Gematria for MOONSHOT:

Nikola Tesla

Master Plan

Divine Light

Three Eleven (311 – 113 – 11.3)

Gold Standard

Blink Of An Eye





Time Travel/DeLorean vibes….Time capsule from the future……….(Oct. 11, 2055)

DeLorean – Time Capsule (2024) Christopher Lloyd



The music makes this video…………..



10.18.24 ~ Checking in, finds, etc.



Feeeeels like we’re in a new space atm.  pozhaluysta, ne zabyvaite delitsya you delat pozertvovanya.





My state has a little video on social media – in which they turned off the comments because people were filling up the comment section challenging their data (“our voter rolls are clean/no fraud here”) and saying “VOTE TRUMP”.  😂



Grid officials said they did not know how long it would take to re-establish service.

Cuba’s power grid fails, plunging country into darkness (



How many government employees does it take to change a lightbulb?  500.  1 to do the screwing (pun not intended – but it works), 499 to make sure paperwork is intact, enough standing around and the rest to make sure proper procedures are followed.



Charlie Kirk:

Oregon Brings Mostly Peaceful Lies, But We Work it Out







Sixteen State Attorneys General Join Forces to Demand Access to DHS Non-Citizen Database from Sec. Mayorkas to Protect Elections


NASA Grounds Still-Not-Certified Starliner After Boeing’s Spacecraft Left Astronauts Stranded in the Space Station








Planks.  Squats.  Weights.

5 Key Exercises To Keep Your 40s From Feeling Like Middle Age | ZeroHedge


One-legged pants take over runways as part of ‘jarring’ new trend for 2025 (



On this freezing cold day, a warm and delicious surprise arrived. Consuelo and her son brought us freshly made tamales and hot strawberry atole—pure comfort in a cup. There’s no better way to keep working side by side, for and with our community, than by receiving the love and care of so many.
As Consuelo handed me the tamales, she smiled and said, “My grandfather taught me how to make these. With this food, we celebrate birthdays and weddings. With this food, we ease our pain at funerals. I know it has been with us for generations, just like you at BeLoved Asheville. It’s there in good times and in the hard times.”
What a beautiful reminder that food heals, and love keeps us going.