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Today’s Finds and Meandering Thoughts


(I originally put this one on my buymeacoffee page and decided to share it here.)

Why walk when you can bike?

I am a biker.  I L O V E to bike.  As in I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE it.  I love the speed.  I love the wind in my face.  I love to bend with my bike as I rip around a corner.  I love to greet the trees as they whip past me.  I love to ride until I can’t ride anymore, whereby I stop, take out my water bottle and take in much needed gulps of cool water, and depending on the weather, splashing it on my body.  Today was NOT one of those days that such a choice would feel good.  Today was a day where I had on a heavy coat, long pants and gloves.  Today was a day where riding fast didn’t feel as good as it does in the warmer months for it had been about a week that I last rode this hard and given it was 80 and today was about 30 degrees cooler, coupled with the lag time, my thighs screeeeeeeeamed at me “WHAT THE HE!! ARE YOU. DOING. TO. US?!”

I half laughed, half cried.  Each year after a pause in riding over the cold, rainy misery ends, the days lengthening, the suns warmth having returned, I jump back on and hit the trails and like each year before, I have to work my legs back into condition.  That’s after 3-4 months of no biking activity.  Today was only 6 days and my legs were behaving as though it had been months since they had seen such work.

NO FAIR, I thought.  This getting older stuff.  I do walk in the colder months, even do a bit of hiking on some of the trails, but it isn’t the same.  In fact, walking, for someone like me, is quite boring.  Yes, I can take in the scenery, but unless a story comes to mind to occupy my thoughts of boredom, I am just not one to go for a walk and truly enjoy the experience the way I do biking.  I’ve tried jogging, but I couldn’t push past the part of screaming knees, wobbly ankles and my stomach threatening to unload its contents.  So I am often left with doing what we do as children:  Pretend.  I pretend I’m on my bike as I walk.  I walk fast, do a fake impression of some jogging, closing my eyes and assuming the biker position.  I can get away with this when I’m alone, but if my teenager has decided to tag along, unless I am up to dealing with words like “OH MY GOD MOM STOP IT!”, which when I am out exercising and getting some escape from my daily routine, I’m just not up for the drama, so I stick to walking.

I am so obsessed with this sport and miss it so much during the winter that I will visit my girl (bike), parked in the cold garage, telling her I miss her, that “winter’s almost over” and “soon we will ride as one again.” Then I take off on another walk.

Boring old walking.

Fantasizing for the warmer days to come where I can hop on my old friend, tell her hello after a long winter’s absence, whiz on down the road and up to the trail, giving my command performance to nature as I greet her hello, relishing on how good it is to see her again from the vantage point of a bike.


So – the voter’s pamphlet arrived.  Perhaps I’ll write a piece titled “To vote or not to vote ’tis is the question.”  It all seems rather tiring and old – repeating another cycle – but I also see the bigger picture at play, so I get the purpose.  Really practicing the “observe – don’t absorb”.

Muistathan lahjoittaa ja jakaa.





May be an image of 2 people and text





True story:


Where’s K?  Interesting…………













Speaking of KH (and JB as well) – both Maya Rudolph and Dana Carvey were both asked to return to SNL (Saturday Night Live – tv show here in the states going back 50 years) – with Maya being asked to play Kamala and Dana, Biden.  Watching their performances I had this sense that they each are one of the actors we are seeing playing KH and JB.  And more theorizing – the possibility of John ending up as Prez –  or VP – masks removed from RFK Jr and JD Vance – which btw have we seen RFK and JD in the same room/photo yet?





now he’s wearing a gold hat – could be in indication for the sun (event) and/or for gold-backed (metal backed) currencies………which btw my friend LH said she saw the sun this morning (southern US) and it was YELLOW…….









Primal Trust with Cathleen King, DPT: (very useful help for today’s experience-the story is in the mind-the experience in the body-and i love her approach of holding space and being the validating person-a regulated adult- to help as the individual is processing the traumatic experience)

Nervous System Support for Shocking Events

10.16.24 ~ Finds, Sleuthing, A Gematria…………


May be an image of 1 person and text



Intuition is heightened.

Mesedez, gogoan izan nire lana partekatzen eta dohaintzan ematen.




All but one 10km………..Vibe………….Earlier today I said I had a feeling the underground is continuing………..Then I see this:


Always in our faces……….



Ok I get that this is a movie and all – and likely there is no real funding with real dollars headed that way – however as someone who REALLLLLLLLLLLLLLY REALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLY is focused dedicated on changing and improving her life and much of that requires DOLLARS to do that – this one – yeah – makes me growl…….



Yes, finding a place to make a photocopy of ID is so next to impossible…



Didn’t go very well.  “the system is broken and my administration helped create it but we will fix it and i don’t know how though and i will also not tell you how many came in under my watch so i’ll narc my way out of this by deflecting……….”  hey – that’s a good one – “narc my way” through a situation that is making me uncomfortable….🙄😂











Anyone thinking John playing them both?  (RFK and turbine dude)





Gematria:  FALCON

Final Call








Current CEO resignations:

NRx Pharma CEO resigns after suggesting he should be replaced – Philadelphia Business Journal (


Goldman Sachs’ Saudi Arabia CEO leaving firm – source | Reuters


Racing SA CEO resigns | RACING.COM


U.S. Figure Skating CEO resigns (


Poland’s Allegro says Roy Perticucci to step down as CEO in 2025 | Reuters


Something told me there would be a black line – there it is – smackdab on the 17:00 hour: (btw – i took this from the bot account on X and noticed they posted this 17 minutes ago)











SpaceX tells FCC it has a plan to make Starlink about 10 times faster – Ars Technica


This was distressing to read.  Ok Universe – we command SUN for these folks – warmth.

Snow impacts western NC mountain towns recovering from Hurricane Helene: ‘Coldest air of the season so far’ (

This was Western NC last night in the higher elevations of our mountains, where rescue efforts have been the most challenging. This was Avery county, just before sunset.
There are people still up there. With nothing. But nature just keeps throwing punches.
Imagine surviving the fury and theft this hurricane brought, only to find yourself standing in the aftermath with no roof over your head, no power, and winter already creeping in.
It’s not just about losing the things that made life comfortable; it’s about facing a new and cruel reality where basic needs become luxuries. The heartbreak settles in when the storm clears, and you’re left with freezing nights, no heat, no lights, and nowhere to go.
People huddle outside in the snow, in tents, in cars, in makeshift shelters, bundled in layers that can’t quite fight off the biting cold. It’s not just a physical struggle—it’s an all out emotional and mental war.
I continue to seek any beauty in all of this. Humanity. Neighbors who barely exchanged hellos before the storm are now sharing blankets, food, and any resource that might provide a sliver of help. Volunteers show up with hot meals and supplies, offering warmth in the form of community when the power grid can’t. Strangers helping strangers, and even in the darkest, coldest nights, people find a way to take care of each other.
I find myself awake at night thinking about the ones who didn’t find a blanket. Can’t build a fire. Truly surviving the elements.
God be with them; comfort them.
I pray the sun shines bright today, releasing a new hope to push just one more day.

And…..Please find and follow me on the following platforms. 💜💥💖










10.15.24 ~ Finds including a little bit of digging from a Nazi event at Madison Square Garden in 1939




Sometimes a cookie soothes the mind.  The radio is crazy now with the elexshun coming up – mailbox getting full of flyers.  My pov is that most supporting the donkey’s are still under the TDS illusion where anyone but “HIM” is the narrative, for anyone alive cannot look out how things are now and say with an honest heart and mind: “yeah – that!  I want more of THAT!”  I’ve dropped a few messages all from Robert Kennedy Jr who continues to tell us “Don’t vote for me if I am on your states ballot.  Vote for Donald Trump.”  That way it isn’t me saying it – it’s a democrat.  And a Kennedy.

So I eat cookies and watch.  When I’m not eating homemade soup and biscuits.  While I don’t like the shorter sun days, I do like that I can essentially eat soup and homemade breads for dinner’s every night for awhile.  Taters.  Carrots.  Squash.  I have a personal love affair with food which I feel is a better choice considering I could have this same semi-obsession with shopping or fake nails, which speaking of I recently painted my nails as a fun thing to do with my girl.  Normally I leave them plain – and short (piano player hands) – but decided to paint them a pretty share of blue.  A couple of days ago I read where the polishes – likely even the healthier versions – spread toxins into the bloodstream from the polish and this happens 10 minutes upon application.  Reading that was enough – I am  now back to naturally colored nails – free of toxins.

We do all we can here, right?  Here’s what I’m seeing in the land of cray.

Bitte denken Sie daran, zu spenden und zu teilen.




So tonight on the radio, I was listening to a call in show and the caller was comparing T’s upcoming rally at Madison Square Garden (10.27) to the Nazi rally at the same location in February 1939.  To the more awakened mind you see what we have here is from The Art of War – Mirror Your Enemy.


1939 Nazi rally at Madison Square Garden – Wikipedia


Donald Trump to hold rally at MSG ahead of 2024 election: Campaign (

Little is known about Trump’s Madison Square Garden appearance and how New York City officials will prepare. Senator Brad Hoylman-Sigal, who represents the area around Madison Square Garden, said the decision to allow Trump at Madison Square Garden is “disastrous.”

“This is a disastrous decision by Madison Square Garden that will endanger the public safety of New Yorkers and has the potential to incite widespread violence,” Hoylman-Sigal said in a post to X. “For the good of NYC and its residents, I demand The Garden keep our city safe by canceling the Trump rally.”

What they so afraid of?

I decided to gematria MADISON SQUARE GARDEN

The Real Commander And Chief (CIC – and being CIC gives the President authority and power to declare war and give orders to the military as to where to go as well as to call them back home)

I Born To Break Curse (that was in the vibe today on X)

Save The Clock Tower (88 is around me a lot these days)

The Sleeper Has Awakened

Trumpet Sounds

We Have All New Body


This was a flyer used for the rally.  Interesting the guy is piercing the snake.  Makes you wonder what is real and how much of the counter protest was propaganda.


Then there’s this – the Bellamy Salute – which looks identical to the Nazi salute doesn’t it?

The Bellamy salute is a palm-out salute created by James B. Upham as the gesture that was to accompany the Pledge of Allegiance of the United States of America, whose text had been written by Francis Bellamy. It was also known as the “flag salute” during the period when it was used with the Pledge of Allegiance.


Also included were signs that read “Wake Up American. Smash Jewish Communism” and “Stop Jewish Domination of Christian Americans.”


I think we should all put on music, dance and eat cookies.



HTML code ends with 88……….video is 3:11 – mirror 11.3……….Another possible mirror – Trump talking about calling in the military on election day/around that time………….We’ll see.  I see, speculate, drop and move on.



Kouji recently had an interesting theory on the astral and mornings.  He said he feels like some sort of a reset happens in that space – then shared he didn’t like mornings.  I feel the same – and experience the same – no matter how much I intend (and I continue with new focus on breaking that program).  I can go to sleep feeling amazing – focused – then wake up shaking all over and have to “reset” my brain programming back to where I want it.



Break the spell(s):


An interesting find last night – Has chess got anything to do with war?

Has chess got anything to do with war? – BBC News



“you can vote two months before probably 3 months after”………..


Trump has been sharing this – which has given me pause.  I read the fine print (below).  Interesting…

Earn and Borrow Crypto | World Liberty Financial

None of Donald J. Trump, any of his family members or any director, officer or employee of the Trump Organization, DT Marks DEFI LLC or any of their respective affiliates is an officer, director, founder, or employee of World Liberty Financial or its affiliates.


Open Source………..Tesla Tech………..if we are time traveling to the NEW – then what he speaks of is already there – and in a FLASH so. are. we.  I LOVE this kind of speak.  Frequency……….


Stefan Burns: (speaking of plasma)

Multiple Bizarre Energy “Shells” are Beginning to ENCIRCLE Planet EARTH



Barry Stepp:

Most Disturbing Videos On the Internet Today! (Part 271)



This seriously is the best video I’ve seen in awhile:




Today’s Finds and Synchs ~ A gematria and The Final Battle (or The Final Countdown): 10.14.24




Was more interested in the inner world than the outer.  Wrote a little piece you can read here.

N’oubliez pas de faire un don et de partager.








Gematria:  EUROPA


The Plan

Red Pill











Well I have felt for some time it is possible if AI is being used for GOOD to bust us outta here……..the collective awakening – for each moment someone questions this place, a piece of the matrix crumbles………my feel………..and yet i also feel we’ve reached that 100th monkey effect – and it’s possible even the matrix itself is an illusion…………we keep it going by participating in it……….sometimes i wonder if we all just stay home – refuse to go/do anything – and collectively say NO to this place………..


May be an image of ticket stub and text










Airplane passenger sees something OMINOUS while looking out the window at 35k ft!!



on a sudden whim i decided to pull a card – wondering where are we going are we getting out of this place transforming and liberating ourselves to a new world/reality/experience:

8 of Pentacles

Get a free one card tarot reading


Indicates the hard work and efforts we have put in will pay off – new work – success – achieving goals – diligence – it may appear to be mundane and boring at this point but keep going as success is right there….

A dangling of the carrot message?  Does it matter?  We are powerful and together our minds are changing this entire reality – calling it out – seeing it for what it is – collectively saying NO to it while collectively calling forth what we want:  Freedom.  Good health.  Long life.  Love.  Connection.  Pure water, food – you know – a reality without any of “their” energies.




10.13.24 ~ Reflecting…………Finds…………Noticing……..A friend in need




We have been listening to an old Coast to Coast way back machine episode with George Noory.  He has on William Henry, who was one of my earlier red pill historians, in particular on the top of the aliens, seen and unseen.  This particular episode came out at least after 2018.  What’s interesting to me is realizing some things they were speaking of back then have seemed to have disappeared from the timeline.  Mark of the beast.  Social credit scores.  The energy of that time seems so far removed – it’s literally as though that was one of the “cards” from the deck was removed.  My girl is even noticing how different this reality feels compared to 2019.

My thoughts have changed a bit where I now see 2020 had to be “stolen” (US Election) – at least the illusion of a stolen election had to happen so the military ops could continue and so that “pause” could be used to show those not yet seeing enough snippets to see the reality in which “they” had planned for us.

Pause.  Reflecting on that term – just came to me quickly – the timeline was literally put on pause – like we have been unable to move forward – energetically – naturally – which is why the more awake we are the more painful to the Soul/Heart it’s been the past 4 years.

Feeling a combination of excitement (as in MASSIVE sudden change is closer now – atm) and nostalgia making for some emotional moments.

Here’s what I’m seeing atm.  I continue to have a bit of fun and share my closing sentence in a language of my choice.



ná déan dearmad a roinnt agus a bhronnadh.



My friend – who recently sent me some AMAZING jewelry and other goodies – is in need of financial help.  She is so. talented and has a heart of gold that honestly can be seen in her work.  (for some reason my site is not allowing the full post to come up once I share it so I’m sharing it this way):




i’m having some serious blocks w/this for some reason – i have other pictures to share of her amazing work but my site simply won’t upload the rest.


Interesting………still listening to Coast to Coast – talking about the cult of “Q anon” – and how Trump is mass mind-controlling all of us – according to a caller.  The response was brief and mentioned nothing of Trump, etc.  5G is also being said that Elon Musk’s satellites are going to fry us all once they’re launched – it will separate those choosing to be cyborgs and those who refuse the transhumanistic agenda.  Have we seen this?


TRUMP ON ELECTION DAY CHAOS: “The National Guard, if not the military, may have to handle it.” | WLT Report



Remember – not all signed by Q:






North Korea Put Border Troops on High Alert After Drone Claims (



Miracle of the Sun – Wikipedia

The Miracle of the Sun (PortugueseMilagre do Sol), also known as the Miracle of Fátima, is a series of events reported to have occurred miraculously on 13 October 1917, attended by a large crowd who had gathered in Fátima, Portugal, in response to a prophecy made by three shepherd children, Lúcia Santos and Francisco and Jacinta Marto. The prophecy was that the Virgin Mary (referred to as Our Lady of Fátima), would appear and perform miracles on that date. Newspapers published testimony from witnesses who said that they had seen extraordinary solar activity, such as the Sun appearing to “dance” or zig-zag in the sky, advance towards the Earth, or emit multicolored light and radiant colors. According to these reports, the event lasted approximately ten minutes.


John Kennedy was born in 1917………..


Uh N O:




China………(if you’re on X check out AJ’s account – he’s sharing some interesting intel)

Grooming Allegations Against Tim Walz By Former Student on Sat Night Livestream (










Enjoy a recent bike ride from the perspective of my phone………

Hello bike path my old friend. I’ve come to ride you once again. (

10.12.24 ~ All in a day’s Finds, Headlines, Doing some sleuthin’………..


learning seeing growing evolving expanding and biking.



寄付と共有することを忘れないでください。 ありがとうございます!





I don’t understand how this was allowed………..



Classic projection – narc behavior – accusing your victim of the behavior you yourself engage in……..











Elon shared this today…………most talking about the game diablo while I’m over here saying “that looks like a video game inside of a holographic dome that is opening)





Kanye West Accused Of Sexual Assault During a Diddy Party (


I had the nudge to look up how many 17 drops there are for Nov 05 – there are 52 (interesting that adds up to 7)………….I notice many of them end with the following:  Snow White and Godfather III – there are 10 I believe (if I counted correctly).  And each one that ends with those two phrases also includes other phrases: The Great Awakening and Speed.  One also mentions VOTE (6x) and (3x).  This one feeeeeeeeeeeels for me:


Nov 05, 2017 11:56:55 PM EST
US Military = savior of mankind.
We will never forget.
Fantasy land.
God save us all.




10.11.24 ~ Daily Finds including the latest on Antarctica




I wanna know what normal is – I want (this reality) to show me………singing……lamenting.  😂🙄

Clown world out there – the real deal within Me.  Here’s today’s production/war finds.  Nezapomeňte prosím darovat a sdílet.





Antarctica – the “new Greenland” eh?

Antarctica: The New ‘Greenland’? (


Vegetation has increased dramatically in the Antarctic Peninsula.

Antarctica Isn’t Supposed to Be This Green (


I was showing my girl images of JB from years past – and she said “what?!  No way – that is NOT Biden!”  Saying this as Musk looks different today than just 2 years ago.








































10/10 Finds and after a long time, a video made by yours truly




That’s about all we need.  Farmers.  Healers.  Return of EVERYTHING taken from us and accountability, removal and end of all practices and behaviors that take from us harm us poison us.  I have zero energetic interest or attachment to the political theatre now and atm, I don’t know where I fit in or belong.  Like I am a body with a tether attached to my back floating aimlessly simply wanting to land in the right spot. for. me.

Here’s what I’m seeing.

Husk at donere og dele.. Tak.





First time in months – maybe a year or more – that I’ve done a video.

Trump has no statement in the Oregon’s Voter Pamphlet – Robert F. Kennedy is on the ballot – YouTube


This thing’s still going up:




Because, you know, it is………..Until I can share the Q page it is……….










These Dollar Bills to Be Rejected in Stores Nationwide Starting This October


Everything he’s saying lately I have two words:  “NOT ENOUGH”


This is me and how I look at T these days:



well this was not the first time the parks have closed over the years due to storms……….comms everywhere – crumbs – when we oh so deserve the full loaf by now……… uptick in people asking hard questions atm……..


Synchs and Finds (including a Gematria) ~ 10.9.24






Little synchs I continue to have – the song “One Headlight” (we can drive it home with one headlight) has been with me the last couple of months – along with seeing cars with one headlight out – like all over the place – every night I go out – I see at least one – most on newer cars too.  It’s become noticeable – my girl is even paying attention.

10:10 for the win – continues to be with me including seeing this show up on youtube tonight…..And I will say this – it is definitely a synch that the dream I had 1 1/2 years ago showing me drawing all of those 10’s with the card game I was playing w/my girl – and the sun going bezerk BOOM – now we got this happening on 10/10…..And the 7.77 X class……..?!  Trump’s age when sworn in Jan. 2017………….(70 years 7 months 7 days)


Significant?  Guidance?  Encouragement?  Whatever it all ends up being, it is a fun distraction – unless it isn’t – depends on the mood, right?  😂🙄

Here’s what I’m seeing.  To change things up, for fun, I will be ending these intro’s with a different language for a while – for you to figure out which one it is.

Donare et communicare memento quaeso.  Gratias ago tibi.







3 day forecast (typo):



MrMBB333 (using some interesting terms – Buckle Up and Blackout):

Now Huge Storm Engulfs Entire Earth






New Earth Less Dense

The Swamp Has Been Drained
















when i saw this trending – sudden attention – hunches told me something was “off”………




i love this:








THIS  🥰😍😎

10.9.24 ~ Hurricane Milton update


Dropped to Category 3 before going to a 2.  Flooding – atm the worst of it is in Venice, FL.  Saw someone on f/book check in for a friend in Sarasota – made it through the eye – and she’s ok.  More than 1 million without power.

Ryan Hall Ya’ll is covering live:

LIVE – Major Hurricane Milton Landfall With Storm Chasers On The Ground – Live Weather Channel…



Always in our face…..


More than 1 million without power as Hurricane Milton slams Florida –