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On it goes……..1.14.25 – When will Females truly Unite?


May be a black-and-white image of text


May be an image of text


Not going to go into detail as to why I’ve chosen the above meme’s – but I will say this:  As WOMEN we are supposed to be SUPPORTING one another.  And yes, while I know I am blessed to have this with a few – I have been absolutely appalled at how many women have failed me in the support area – especially after I got specific and open in the things I have been working to change in my life this past year.  It’s mind blowing to me – the concept that another woman cannot handle hearing her fellow sister say, “this is what I need”.

I don’t get it.  I know I should let it go – but I don’t know how to atm.

This is not a competition.  Shouldn’t we women want ALL of us to thrive?  Does MY desire to thrive – in my OWN way – threaten them?

What is so threatening with the phrases “this is what I need” and “that doesn’t work for me.”

UN REAL how many women have taken issue with those two sentences alone.

I see where it’s easier to take the easy way – the spiritual ego way – by comin’ in and tellin’ ya what I should be doing – yet when I clarify: “already done that” or “that doesn’t work for me” they run.  Go silent.  ANYTHING in the bag of gaslighting techniques to keep me at arm’s length instead of forming a connection.

Even my own counselor this past week wouldn’t look me in the eye as I told her some deeply held thoughts about the system, about humanity and so much of this suffering which is fixable and unnecessary – this after she said she wanted me to know she heard me, she sees me.  As I said – no you don’t – if you did you would look me in the eye and acknowledge what I was saying with SOMETHING.  You know?  Give me a word.  SOMETHING instead of looking away and then suddenly announce time was up.  If I touch on something uncomfortable, have the decency to tell me such – especially since you are getting paid to work with me.

Spiritual Ego is HUGE out there.  Denial of truths – deep deep truths.  Cognitive dissonance of the mind and heart.  I’m over it all – talking loudly now – as the meme above says.

The right ones though – stay around.  You know who you are.  You are the gifts in my life.  And I am blessed to be meeting more in person, here locally, who get it.

Who get ME.

For now – dealing with the wounds and trying to figure out the struggle I have in letting it all go.

Here’s the world stage finds.  Difficult to figure out who is who – what timeline are we in – both playing out is all I can figure out as it makes the most sense.

Today that is.  🙄😂









Trump shared this one below (proof is in the tweet below):



T shared these on truth social:


Very interesting share…


1.13.25 ~ Financial stuff getting exposed – movement on stage speeding up




Giving thanks for the friends today who were once strangers.   💖  Thank you for the birthday wishes too.




So many of us have known this for decades.  Finally seeing it on a mainstream outlet here in the states:







As though we need a law like this at all?  Right?  Low level thinking/evil actions put toxic pokes in the food supply.




Bringing it out on stage?


Because of this truth bomb:



Lots going on in Canada – a TON of minerals up there:


Of course they do….













Agree – dream job:







That smile….







25 years ago – 2 bedroom duplex here in town was $450.  $10/hour wage = 28% of income went to rent.  Very doable.  Today that same duplex goes for $2,000 – 344% increase.  Doable?  Nope – unless one’s income has jumped 300%.  That’s why I get downright pissy and blunt in how I speak these days when I get flack on the affordable housing need issue.

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Please find and follow me on the following platforms. 💜💥💖











Reflecting on The Event/Where we Are….on this New Year’s Eve – 1.12.25 Other finds and a Gematria






Shower portal guided me today on a few things.  One – the 17 post where we are told “you just forgot how to play the game” – something that has stood out for me over the years and isn’t discussed in the truther movement.  My sense continues to be we are in a simulated game, virtual reality, it was OUR game that outside parasites hijacked, locked us in, and with the mind wipe enabled them to do their b.s.  Then later on, while my hands were in water, I get an image of the cube and then a rubix cube – it’s weird when these things happen because they are more bodily impressions/knowings and the words are hard to come by.  blah blah, ya’ll know that about me by now.  If we are inside one giant clock like mechanism, locked in, there are protocols to unlock us – much like you solve a rubix cube.  Also got the reminder when I announced out loud to myself how wonderful it is to see the blue sky – “remember you are seeing water”.  Sometimes I try hard to distract myself and forget where I really am – but truth has this way of finding me again when I get *too* distracted.

This video is something that was watched recently – and he shared it with me.  It is interesting as it aligns w/some of what I got today about the cube.  This has a lot of good info where “they” show us where we are, etc.

The North Pole Mountain and the Real Blue Beam, Spiritual Messages #9 – YouTube


I believe the channel is JayZ Dreamer – another channel he watches – and he says a plasma event triggers us getting out – includes a bright flash AND a mist – something also included in the video above.  When theh worlds merge, there is this mist – something we are seeing everywhere these days with this abnormal “fog” – which according to some in the MrMBB333 video below, is smelling like gunpowder – which makes me think – perhaps we are smelling the remnants of the war activities – OR perhaps it’s them being released – sulfur based smell – from this reality – or perhaps being flushed out – or even coming out of us.  And what if the strange rashes and pimples so many are having in recent weeks (myself included) is some mass detox happening of nanites, etc. inside our bodies?  And what is one of the big things you need to do when you detox?  SLEEP/REST – and who among us now is not needing that.

Just theorizing.



Is the GRID about to go down? Something is DEFINITELY messing with it! – YouTube


I also had this thought – a memory – that getting out involves getting out via the center of the dome – the top – POLARIS – and thought to gematria it:



Hidden Codes

Look Up

The Moon

The God Gene


Here’s the New Year’s reference – it’s the real deal:


And there’s this – shared this awhile back – could reference the 11.3?



Then there’s this:





Numbers are codes – frequencies – which help unlock all of this b.s. and return is back to the future organic timeline.  My feeeeeeeeeeel……






May be an image of map and text



NEW: Manmade Smuggling Tunnel with Electricity and Ventilation From Juarez to El Paso Discovered (VIDEO)


Antarctic ice core could help solve an ancient climate mystery, scientists say | CNN


The LA Situation Is Only Getting Crazier.. Loud Booms And Strange Things Happening – YouTube










Safety – feeling Safe is key:




1.11.25 ~ It is truly a bizarre reality. Personal “UFO” experience. Reflecting and Finds.




On our walk today, my girl stopped, looked off in the distance and asked “What’s that?”  There in the clouds was a very bright white light.  It didn’t seem to be a plane.  We watched it as it disappeared inside the cloud, so we watched and waited for it to reappear.  Somewhere.

It never did.  👀

We made a stop at the store and were surrounded by people wearing cones on their faces.  We saw someone we know – and tried having a conversation.  I just can’t do it anymore.  Plus, it is impossible when their words are muffled and they are radiating, that combination of dryer sheet and need-to-take-a-bath smell.  I kept it friendly – p.c. – all sorts of p.c. questions asked which I answered briefly, returning my focus back on my girl, when OVERWHELMINGLY what I wanted to say was “for the love of god already take off that g.d. mask!  stop injecting yourself!  other than that, i am happy as a lark that T is about ready to step back into office and blow up that entire criminal narrative of mind-numbing bull$###.  have a nice day.”  And I really don’t give a crap how I sound or how rude or arrogant I may sound.  I want my reality where I DO NOT EVER SEE THIS AGAIN.  And not just for me but mostly for my girl.  The b.s. is hard-wired into her childhood experience and as a mama that pisses me the royal ef off.  They can have their own reality.

I just want. mine.

As do most of us who come here.  Overwhelmingly.

There was some local talk about how to talk civilly with local government.  Doesn’t matter how corrupt that government system is – be polite.  blah blah blah  Think evil responds to politeness?  This city is swimming in p.c. stench that has left us with potholes everywhere, homeless camps everywhere, fentanyl and other drugs everywhere, rents for crappy apartments and homes in need of repair starting at $2,000.

All done with intent and purpose.  And all along the people have tried to make a difference only to be met with blocks by bureaucratic monsters with too much money, not enough heart, likely lacking a Soul, and certainly not enough brain matter.

But let’s remember to be civil.


As though OUR response is the problem.

Nice victim-shaming tactic.


Just like that bully on the playground is the problem.

And how do you deal with a problem being created by those who know what they’re doing, don’t care and refuse to stop or change?


Thank you Military.

We are ready to SEE your work.

Here’s what I’m seeing.

To Truth.

And to our right to FREEDOM.  REAL freedom – not the cracker-jack new age pushed on us.









My personal favorite…




“He’s the only one who has my number….”  Of note:  at the .49 mark is the point (to Dan)………..  👀




Biden gives Pope Francis highest civilian honor before leaving office


Another rock toss………



Melania’s dress – it really is quite ugly – but she does that – wears her clothes as a comm…..And her hairstyle – same.  Kiss of – death – perhaps?

Melania Trump’s ‘Nun’-inspired outfit at Jimmy Carter’s funeral sparks backlash: 'What was she thinking?'

…Valentino black coat dress with an oversized white collar, paired with a dramatic print of a 19th-century neoclassical sculpture of lovers sharing an intimate kiss.

Melania Trump’s ‘Nun’-inspired outfit at Jimmy Carter’s funeral sparks backlash: ‘What was she thinking?’ | World News – Times of India







How many of ya’ll called this number?  😂


A letter to President Trump


*as shared with me from a fellow truther – leaving it as is.  the only thing i would add is return our WEALTH.  Feel free to circulate.

Dear President Trump

Congrats on being our President again.

I am writing to you because I have been awakened to the truth of so many things hidden. I am coming to you for I and so many of my friends and light workers want real and positive change. We know about the Med Beds , Free Energy ways, Replicators that can make anything out of the Zero Point Field. We know you can help rebuild California and other places around the world with the 3d Printers/replicators. We know you have the opportunity to help us Expose Big Pharma, Human/child Trafficking/ and other Crimes against Humanity. We know about the 6000 plus Invention Patents that have been suppressed since the 1940’s… possibly longer.

We know Rothschild created the Big Pharma industry . We know we are being poisoned. We know the medical industry do not want us well or happy.

We want to be healed , well and happy.

We want to live in a just and truly free world.

We know a lot of what really has gone on for the past hundred plus years.

We are all writing to ask you to please work with Robert Kennedy Jr and your team to start releasing the Med Beds, Free Energy ways/ devices/ Replicators / invention patents now to We the people freely available so everyone can be healed well and happy.

We ask you to forward these letters to the Military Generals of the True Light also.

We are asking for your help in exposing all the Big Pharma /MSM Lies/poisoning.

We are asking for your help in exposing the true criminals being involved in the human/child Trafficking/sacrifice/etc.

It is time for us to live in the Golden Age starting with the release of these important advanced healing and cleaning ways.

It is time to Arrest the True Criminals of this world 100% now. We want to see some Live Military Tribunals .

We can change this world really fast and make it pristine and beautiful again with these advancements and with the criminals behind bars or executed for crimes against children.

Please and thank you for helping these truths/ advancements get out to We the people now.

Sincerely ~


A Gematria ~ Got a little nudge that led to a synchronicity



As I sat here, I thought about T and his truth social account.  I had a feeeeeeeeling there would be something in ALL CAPS for me to gematria.  I was thinking of all of the slogans he has said over the years and felt he was going to drop another.

He did.


DRILL BE DRILL is what I felt to GEMATRIA and as I got that sense, at that very moment, MrMBB333 is saying “think outside the box”.  So here you go – doing my outside-the-box woo.  DRILL BABY DRILL

The Trump Card

Trump Won

This Is The End

Last Trump

Behind The Scenes

Matrix Hacked and Decoded

A Righteous Plan


Going to say this as well – I feeeeeel there’s something more to his use of the phrase DRILL BABY DRILL than just drilling for oil.  I don’t know what atm – but I sense it has something to do with either what’s underneath us – and/or perhaps some tech being performed to unlock us and set us free.

1.10.24 ~ Finds, Current feeeeeeeeeeeels in pictures, 5:5 sleuthing, and a Jesus Synch




My current state in pictures:

Mentally Exhausted? Here Are 7 Expert-Backed Ways to Cope | The Output by Peloton

14,521 Female Rage Stock Photos, High-Res Pictures, and Images - Getty Images

Other than these in moments, I am also exceptionally this.  Even after a pretty good night sleep.  New level of exhaustion today.  I see others saying the same today.  Tonight at the store, while getting some of my favorite pistachio’s in bulk, I misjudged the bag, and nuts went all over the shelf.  I stood there – and felt a mix of guilt followed by strong giggles – saying to my girl: “I could have sworn I had the bag open.”




Broken Stuff | Daily Devotional | Lincoln Presbyterian Church | Stockton

Clean up in aisle 4….

Time to wrap up this movie, end the psyops, initiate the final blow and get us all out of “their” little matrix playground.  BTW – as I felt – and as I have felt for years now in spite of other biggie’s saying T was going to jail – he is not going to jail.

Here are the finds for today.  Please support my work by leaving a donation and sharing my work on your social media accounts.  Thank you!







T said he’d be talking about this on day 1:


Okay so here’s the Jesus synch……….earlier today making the bed I thought about Jesus for some reason – said to myself “if he’s just a program inside this matrix, what if we ALL get ‘infected’ with it” hence most of us on X who did that social score thing all got 38…….


Yes, ma’am…


This is……….interesting……….perhaps………….JB giving his goodbye speech Jan. 15th – Covid and other things Delta – 5 years………and 5 days after Jan. 15th is T’s inauguration.  I’m seeing…5:5………


Happens to be the day I entered this place………’s going to be sunny so that intention has manifested.  Intending other magical wonderful happenings………..




Speaking of Z-burg – he was on Rogan dropping truth bombs – and today is looking human as compared to years past…

 (X user @npc_moments)


Mark Zuckerberg Admits to Joe Rogan that the Biden Admin “Screamed and Cursed” at Facebook Employees – Forced Us to Censor Content Related to COVID-19 Vaccines” – Confirms Arguments Made in Ongoing Murthy vs. MO SCOTUS Lawsuit


Mel Gibson Reveals $14.5M Malibu Mansion Burned to Ashes While Filming Joe Rogan’s Podcast: ‘It Was Like Someone Did It on Purpose’


Leaked Memo Exposes Incompetent LA Mayor Karen Bass’ $49 Million Fire Department Budget Cut Demand Just One Week Before Wildfires Erupted — Plan Would Shut Down 16 Fire Stations


Just like out of a movie, eh?  MrMBB333 – freaky friday………

HERE is what people are seeing NOW! Stopping along the roadside to LOOK UP! Man says “This is crazy” – YouTube



Several in CALI and TEXAS today – shallow too:

Today’s Earthquakes




And yet police said no probable cause for arson……….even though the citizens making the arrest said otherwise……….



There’s the Point……..

Son of Former President Bolsonaro Admits to Helping Israeli Soldier Escape Brazilian Justice Persecution | The Gateway Pundit | by Fernando de Castro






This is us.  KEEP. GOING.



No, but all I would have to do is ask her if she wanted to go to the P A R K and with each letter she would get more excited……….🥰


Cats speak, too:



1.9.25 ~ Actors Acting…..Finds and Headlines……Dogs and other cute stuffers….





Here’s what I am seeing atm.








Wish the Gunner’s Wife would do a piece on this one….

Obama chats with Trump at Carter’s funeral: Here’s what a lip reader could make of it – do you agree? | US News | Sky News






Maybe it’s a GMO orange……..





Fires in California decimate Los Angeles area |


Yep – anything to screw the poor and middle class even more:

Los Angeles fires could push up rents across the city by 8% or more, expert warns – MarketWatch


Paris Hilton….Billy Crystal….Eugene Levy….Ben Affleck….Jamie Lee Curtis….James Woods…..Anthony Hopkins….John Goodman….and of course there are already GOFUNDME’s being set up………🙄  I honestly don’t give a flying ef about the famous “entities”.  Can we just help those REALLY in need instead?

Celebrity Homes Burn Down in LA Fires: Jeff Bridges, Miles Teller, More






I saw a female tik tok influencer said the same last year….

Watch Joe Rogan Back in July Describing How a Firefighter Told Him a Fire Would Eventually Burn Through Los Angeles (VIDEO)







Studio City on Fire ~ Trump calls on Newsom to resign


17 did say not all would be clean – which makes me feel discomfort – and I hesitate to say that – but this is war.  Feels personal too at times – tonight spent an hour looking for remote work which included trying to verify my linkedin account (kept getting a spinning circle after I did the thing with the QR code and received a code, which I entered – it’s still spinning 20 minutes later)……….realizing yet another place I applied to only accepts poohpal……..then going through a list of 35 other possibilities two gave me “website not found” warnings, one I was able to get through before being asked if I had xyz equipment, which I don’t so I couldn’t go further…..I scrolled past the live phone work because that is work that I used to do and have avoided ever since as I am NOT a phone person – even when I was 19, I had anxiety each day I went to work….and at that – gotta have a quiet workspace and that is not in my current reality (ahem)……then scrolled through the ones that didn’t include my state and then the big one as said previously – scrolled on by those who pay via poohpal.  I’m like WTF life?!  Seriously – W T A F?  So I’m dropping this, watching a movie on miracles, and intending yet again for my intentions to MANIFEST.  Now.  With Ease.

(btw – who would be interested in opening up a rescue dog sanctuary with me?  i’m kinda done with everything i’ve been doing……….)


Perhaps this is all part of the plan….



well there you go:


1.8.25 ~ World Stage Happenings ~ Fire Updates



We got magic trees again – able to withstand intense fires and winds…..Not sure what to think about this situation given many of the homes lost owned by “them”.  Is it about taking out evil in pedowood?  Is it about exposure?  Is it about intentional doing’s with the purpose of land grabs?  Problem reaction solution?  Varying theories – many speculating – I appreciate those who speculate and say “I don’t know a damn thing” or similar at the end.










Copycat – arsonists:






222 html code:










I see things like this – and I pause.  Is this more mirroring going on or something else?  Just like MAGA is a 5th degree satanist.  And we already had The Great Awakening in the 1730’s and 1740’s (religious movement).  We’ve also had Golden Ages.


And this too:



My previous dog used to do this.  🥰



My dad would do this – where I get that childlike spirit from.  🥰


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