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Schumann resonance turned on and off.


editor victoria’s comment ~ my mate and i are conversing about this one as we watch it.  i had another awakening moment.  we are the schumann.  i feel the need to watch this more closely.  after the spikes – what happens on the graph? each line of frequency represents every one of us – and each level of awakening and awareness.  and maybe each band that lines up horizontally (on the vertical scale) are the clusters of consciousness among us all.  as you will see – there are many levels.  these white lines of spikes are likely coming from Home.  or from the ships (they’re probably just amplifying/controlling it).  all likely coming from the Central Sun.  wonder now what this will look like at the moment of the Event.  [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart-2″ wrap=”i”]  …..  i have put a recent magnetosphere read from earlier today….crunch crunch


Published on Feb 17, 2019

Multiple People Shot In Downtown New Orleans; Gunman Dead


another f/f….as Q said could happen during this time…


February 17, 2019

LOUISIANA — Several people were reportedly shot on Canal Street in New Orleans Sunday evening after an armed robbery suspect got into a shootout with police.

According to local media, at least four people were shot and have been transported to hospitals — all in critical condition. Another victim was wounded and also transported.

Police say the shooting suspect is dead.

Canal street was completely shut down due to the police investigation.

Today’s Reflection ~ Societal Programming, Mental “illness”, and whatever else I may happen to venture off into


i am reflecting on the programming i continue to see.  it is so intentional and as i keep seeing, effective.  i feel those who are so deep in it really haven’t a conscious concept of the program.  i have seen far too many people in my life whom i care about all but come unglued – and quickly – at the mention of the word “trump”.  the programming is so deep they aren’t even conscious of their sudden outburst – of their trigger.  is he in the room?  has he done anything to them personally?  i can understand having dislike for a political figure.  but what we see today is over the top.

i have made the choice that i will no longer engage in any political speak with one who holds the “disdain” energy.  i will no longer attempt to share sources of mine – even if asked.  i have done that numerous times and have yet had someone actually take appropriate time to do effective reading/researching.  so….the hand-holding is over.  i had no one hold my hand.  i simply searched because within my inner self guided me to do so.

i came into this realm questioning everything i was told and experienced. some people don’t.  i ask “why?”  what makes it possible for some to question and others either have no interest at all in knowing the truth (i have people in my life like that) or will be open to exploring only a little bit here and there – just not too far outside of the main narratives.  it has to be programming.  expand too far and the programming pulls one back to the story of lies – just like a rubber-band.  unless you have the tenacity and the drive and come from your heart and care MORE for the Truth than you do about what others think of you – you remain stuck in the program(s).  today as i reflect on this i also am feeling some sadness as well as a knowing that to expand the grand awakening, at this point, for the masses, it is going to take a HUGE event that they both experience within and that they SEE – an experience that is UNDENIABLE and over-rides ANY and ALL programs.

The Solar Flash Event.  that is what is going to “save” every one of us in its own way.  accompanied by the truth of ALL that has been hidden to be felt and SEEN.

people i read in certain groups are afraid the truth will get squashed – but i know there is sooooo much more going on than we see.  it is truly a multi-level/cosmic/dimensional exposure and cleaning up.  ALL WILL SEE.  here in this realm or outside.

moving on….lol

i just learned the schumann spiked for 24 hours total.  no coincidence there. a sneak preview of what’s to come?  i would love to fly in more of those bubbles of bliss.  never seen anything like what i saw yesterday – and would love to have more of the same.

i was also contemplating mental “illness” today.  i remember reading in my 20’s one of M. Scott Peck’s books – pretty sure it was in The Road Less Traveled (my first awakening book) – where he said addictions were a spiritual crisis.  connection with Source was not being felt/experienced so the person substitutes that connection with drugs, alcohol, sex, gambling, etc.  spiritual crisis.  i feel spiritual crisis is also behind most of these mental “illnesses” psychiatrists, psychologists and others in the field like to label.  the majority of us have some sort of mental angst – depression, anxiety, panic, disassociation, etc.  pretty guaranteed – comes w/the experience of being in this experience.

how can we define illness?  for me any illness is something out of alignment.  and we know this entire realm was designed to keep us out of alignment – with Source.  with our True Selves.  with Love.  Truth.

and now i pause – i don’t feel i need to go further with this.  this is matrix 101 stuff.  the basics.  we may not know exactly (yet) where we are – but we know what we are experiencing here – what we have been experiencing.  we know the agenda.

and we know the agenda is crumbling.  it is ending.

we are awakening.  and we are exiting.

the solar flash is what fully awakens every one of us.  awakens as in we get released from all controls.  what else will do it?  the programming as i said above is so locked in with some it is going to take that something HUGE to pull all up and out.  ascension = release from bondage.  and i feel – this time i am feeling at a deeper level than i have in the past – i feel it is coming.  very very soon.  very very very soon.

i did forget to mention physical symptoms i’ve been having lately in lisa harrison’s outline last night…..hands not working so well…..cells shaking especially in my legs – then my legs getting really tight – the muscles (that happens after i’ve gone to bed)…..feeling unbelievably COLD as in BONE cold to then really warm (within maybe an hour or less)….i have literally stood in the shower a few times with the water blasted on hot – shivering……unable to heat up my body……lately it’s been my eyes – sudden blurry vision like something is in them but i don’t feel anything so i rub my eyes and blink a few times….and the sleep patterns…..and the heart blips….and this feeling like i’m frigging autistic – overwhelmed so easily….thriving in quiet environments….and this growing energy within feeling like i could run for miles – that restlessness feeling that has returned…..i read some say they are feeling a bit manic – good word lately….appetite?  it waxes and wanes in some extremes now….eating much more fruit and am into eating a lot of greens now too (after having no interest in greens for a time)….not so much meat as in previous days….smoothies….kambucha has become a staple…dark chocolate and an occasional sweet treat like a cookie or donut….so you can see some supposed “taboo’s” but i put more trust in my body speak than i do in the food nazi’s.

i will close this one up by saying i feel each of us are rather pulling back in our shells now….not to hide but to reflect – rest – perhaps even prepare….just a feeling i am having about the collective experience.  of course this could also be my own projecting – but i am both sensing and seeing this in others who are anticipating our full awakening and exit.




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Who am I… or much more… What am I?


editor victoria’s comment ~ an interesting read….i’ve actually had a strong desire lately to really know not only who i am but more deeply – WHAT am i?  (and where am i?)…



It came in with a bang. An startling insight. The question of “Who am I” had been answered for me long ago. The further I moved into embodiment, I realized: The question now really is all around “What am I”?

This might sound a bit strange to begin with. Why would I care about what I am? Isn’t it clear? A spiritual being, in a human body? I thought so, too. The question of who I am I had answered for myself when I went through the first part of spiritual awakening. The clearing of the energetic patterns, the blocks, the empowering. More and more I understood, that awakening is actually not a journey at all. That would mean there is a destination, something to reach. No… it is an experience. A quest. An exploration. Not for the sake of getting anywhere. But for the sake of growth, expansion and learning. It is non linear. And I got it so clear. Anything I encounter on that quest, is actually a part of myself that is experiencing and exploring a different part of this overall map called universe, and more specifically planet earth. Collecting information for the source we all come from. So no matter what I see, encounter, experience: It is a part of the whole, a part of me – that is just how a hologram works…. So I got it. Who am I: The creative source.

“So no matter what I see, encounter, experience: It is a part of the whole, a part of me – that is just how a hologram works.”

Much more interesting it got when I really moved into embodiment. I had the feeling since a while already, that there is more to awakening than just meditating, breathing and keeping the frequency high. When we look at the process of creation, then at some point, we actually start to create. How many times have we read and heard that lightworkers are incarnate on earth to help humanity ascend and to create a New Earth that functions on a completely new mainframe. A higher frequency and codes that are based on 5D and above. Great! But what does that mean? January this year (2019) we could already feel that the time of talking about New Earth was over. We all kind of got tired of just talking about ascension and symptoms and methods. We had figured out how the universe works and how we transmute energy. We had cleared our stuff in large parts energetically. We could feel our bodies preparing to land this energy on the planet and being able to walk between the dimensions with ease. We could feel that urge that we are called to create.

“Who could have thought that this physical process would be so challenging once again.”

Who would have thought that this physical process would be so challenging once again. The physical body ailing, hurting, pushing cellular memory to the surface to release, and at the same time upgrading to be able to channel the higher frequencies in order to physically create. The energetic blueprint is established, so what is next?

We felt that our task is changing. What used to work did not work anymore. It did not feel right anymore to rely on tools or methods. Now it was intuitively being and doing what felt good in the moment. We had no choice really but to let go of the idea we could control anything or stay in our “spiritual comfort zone”. All we could do is move into the moment, into that zero point and create from there. Intention yes, expectation of specific outcomes no. We are now learning to reunite the past and future into the present moment.

Our experience from the past is a big clue on what is next. What we learned in our 3D past, combined with our unique talents and gifts, now serves us to walk between the dimensions. And it also helps us to find out WHAT we are.

“That means really finding out what our function is in this evolving human organism. It is so individual, no one else could fill exactly the same function.”

That means really finding out what our function is in this evolving human organism. That is so individual, that there is no one else in this whole organism, who could fill exactly the same function. And the process actually is a permanent striptease, showing us relentlessly what we are not. Everything that is not effortless for us, is what we are not. Everything that is not exciting for us, is what we are not. And it is funny, because when we first went through our awakening, we needed to learn to detach. To empower ourselves, to walk it on our own. To balance our feminine and masculine aspects. That was the shift from being dependent to being independent. Now that that is done… we enter the next phase… and that is becoming interdependent. No longer this means needing someone else to solve it for us or being attached and needy. Now it is all about sharing, joining our magical powers to become the living organism based on oneness and abundance that we all dreamt of. And we are building New Earth as we go. We are walking through the dimensions to inspire people, infecting the old system with the new way of living.

“We are walking through the dimensions to inspire people, infecting the old system with the new way of living.”

It is no longer about teaching, it is about leading by example.

To give you an example how much this is stripped down to the nitty gritty detail of learning what we are.

Agustí and I had been working on the movement/project/new model for society , and way of touching people through art experiences in their core to trigger shifts (Fast Forward, FFabric, FFellowism). Agustí is an amazing planner and plotter of blueprints, assembling different insights, experiences and ideas and amazing in provoking people to go beyond what they were able to imagine. Me on the other hand, I am superfast in understanding systems and structures and seeing where the flow is blocked. I love to put my finger onto those blocks to resolve them. I am a catalyst. I trigger people and systems to shift. I am really good at causing cognitive dissonances to blow the mind. I know what kind of experiences are necessary to create the conditions for such a shift. And I am good in translating complexity into a simple, down to earth language.

We both got so frustrated that the project despite all the things we did, did not ground and land. We both got tired, each time we came to the point when it was about making the necessary connections and actions to get things going. I did not like doing it, he did not like it either. And of course it did not work out this way. We did not do what we love in that moment. It was a huge effort and made us really tired. There was no way that our energy would excite anyone else or pull the right people and situations into our field.

“There was no way that our energy would excite anyone else or pull the right people and situations into our field.

A couple of days ago, Agusti posted: I am the heart, she is the heartbeat. And that is true. He is that structure, that connects everything, the pebble that causes the ripple. And I am the impulse, the beat to create waves. I keep the flow going. But I do not start the flow. I am not giving birth. And I am not the creative that goes into the nitty gritty details of things. It hit me like I was struck by lightening… That was exactly what the missing link was. The one that brings life force into the structure. The one giving birth. The one making the connections so that the flow could flow. It was such a relief to finally understand why we felt like going in circles and that we did not manage to land the project to really kick it off. And also understanding that we no longer can compromise on our function. We are not supposed to do it alone. With our human body, we have our specific configuration, specifically designed to do what we can do best. And we click into the fractal we are part of to interact and co-create by contributing what we truly love. To find our specific function to create and build new earth, we just gotta observe really well, what is effortless and fun for us. It is the thing that is least obvious to us and most obvious to others. Because for us it is so natural, it does not seem so normal and not special at all. And it is what others admire us and appreciate us for.

The texts I share are always based on my intuition (“downloads”) and/or on experiences of clients and my own. I do not claim what I share to be the ultimate truth. I encourage you to only take what resonates to find your own truth and wisdom. As this is universal wisdom, I do not claim any copyright. Please feel free to share this content as long as you keep its message complete so that the meaning does not get twisted. Thank you. With lots of love, Vera Ingeborg

Jussie On The Run – Leaves Chicago While Facing Arrest!!!


if he’s telling the truth, why would he be hiding?

Chicago police are looking for Empire actor Jussie Smollet, and are expected to arrest him for charges connected to his alleged fraudulent hate crime report.

But the police can’t find the Empire actor. Friends of Jussie tell MTO News that Jussie is missing, and possibly on the run.

CNN reported today that two law enforcement sources with knowledge of the investigation In Chicago Police believe Jussie Smollett paid two men to orchestrate the assault.

Smollett told authorities he was attacked early January 29 by two men who were “yelling out racial and homophobic slurs.” He said one attacker put a rope around his neck and poured an unknown chemical substance on him.


Compilation of States Pushing Legislation to Force Vaccinate and/or Remove Personal Exemption Option


20 states thus far….they will not win this one…


This is stunning. Please speak out on these issues.


Arizona SB 1489 would require foster parents to vaccinate BOTH their adoptive AND natural children to be licensed

Arizona HB 2162 removes philosophical exemption entirely, leaving only medial exemption as a possibility

Arizona HB 2505 (pretty much entered as plan b if above bill is killed) would get rid of philosophical exemption and replace it with religious (which they can then require clergy member’s testimony of as “proof”)

Arizona SB 1201 would require all schools to share immunization data and rates on their websites for the public

Arizona HB 2352 would require charter and private schools to make their exemption rates public on their websites

Colorado delegates have mentioned an effort to remove exemptions in the press but no formal bill has been introduced yet

Connecticut HB 7005 would no longer allow school nurses to accept exemptions, instead requiring a clergy member to do so

Connecticut HB 5277 would allow for changes to be made to the requirements for temporary vaccination waivers. With no details specifying what those changes would be.

Florida HB 213/SB 354 mandates reporting and tracking of vaccines by government tracking system

Florida HB 245/SB 356 mandates HPV vaccine for schools

HF 272 ANd HF 100 would require school districts to conduct health and safety visits to the homes of children who are under private instruction on a quarterly basis; reinforces that private instruction students are vaccinated just like other school students

Iowa HSB 86/SSB 1084 would grant more tax breaks to pharmaceutical companies developing vaccines in the state of Iowa

HF 206 removes religious belief exemption, leaving only medical

Indiana SB 273 would allow the Indiana kids first trust fund board to create a nonprofit subsidiary corporation. This nonprofit subsidiary would be used to increase childhood immunizations, among other things, coupled with exemption from federal income taxation

Kentucky SB 133
would give the Cabinet for Health and Family Services in consultation with the colleges rule making authority to require college students to provide documentation of receiving vaccine up to the full adult vaccination schedule (see CDC) for all students in campus housing

HD 541 Gives insurance companies access to policyholder vaccination data

Massachusetts SD 1520 Would mandate hpv vaccine for students

Maryland HB 316 mandates reporting and tracking of vaccines by government tracking system

LD 798 Would remove religious and philosophical exemptions, leaving only medical. Restricts medical. Allows for current students with IEP to be grandfathered in and permits philosophical or religious exemptions for them when accompanied by a drs Testimony. Children entering kindergarten next year with an IEP and those beyond would Not be privy to such. This would apply to children from preschool age through college, not just elementary to high school.

Montana LC 1435 Another bill to use the government tracking system so they know who is vaccinated and how many vaccines they’ve had on what timeline/schedule. This state would allow for it to be optional but it’s unclear how well parents would be advised that they can opt out

Montana HB 231 Allows pharmacists to administer vaccines to minors. Proposed money saving tactic that could also pose risk since pharmacists do not know patient medical history. Also makes vaccines more accessible to minors should laws continue to pass in more states (they already exist in several) to allow minors to consent to vaccines without parental knowledge or consent

New Jersey
A3818 completely eliminates religious exemption for preschool thru college

New Jersey S2173 Restricts religious exemption But no details yet on how. The above bill is getting far more traction to be pushed through than this one

New Jersey
A1991/s941 Mandates meningitis vax for four year college students

New Jersey A1847 mandates hpv vaccine for grades 6-12

New Jersey A2397 requires the Commissioner of Health to establish standards and requirements through the rules process for the certification of vendors providing goods or services or conducting other business at health care facilities. These standards shall include mandatory immunizations, which are not defined in the bill

New Jersey A3587/S634 requires healthcare workers to be vaccinated with very few exceptions made for medical exemption. This is an old bill that hasn’t been killed yet but it hasn’t seen much traction either

New York S3424A if religious exemption is kept in New York, this would change the process so that parents must submit their exemption form to the superintendent who can decide whether or not he or she accepts it

New York S2994 remove religious exemption

New York A2841 mandates vaccines for employees at children’s camps

New York S2289 if religious exemption remains, this would require a drs signature for a religious exemption

New York S2276 mandates flu shot for daycares and schools

New York A2371 another bill to remove religious exemption

New York A2316 another bill to mandate flu shot for daycares and schools

New York A1135 another bill to require a drs signature for a religious exemption of it remains

New York A973 allows healthcare practitioners to administer hpv and Hep b vaccines to minors without parental consent

New York A099 would allow the governor or his or her delegee, including, but not limited to the commissioner or the heads of local health departments to order the removal and/or detention of a person or a group of people who are a contact or carrier of a contagious disease that, in the opinion of the governor, after consultation with the commissioner, may pose an imminent and significant threat to the public health. would allow for enforcement of any other treatment determined necessary or appropriate to prevent dissemination or transmission of contagious diseases that may pose a threat to the public health including requiring testing, medical examination, a prescribed course of treatment, preventive medicine or vaccination. The bill does not provide for exemptions to treatment or vaccination for conscientious or religious beliefs or guaranteeing quarantine in a person’s home as an alternative.

New York S298 mandates hpv vaccine

SB 925
would require school districts to report exemptions to the health department every year. It would also give authority to Departments of Education and health to write rules to implement the exemption law section

Oregon HB 2783 requires healthcare signature for all types of exemptions

Oregon Rep Mitch Greenlick conformed last week to the press that he will be submitting a bill to remove both religious and philosophical exemptions. We are waiting on it’s submission.

Oregon HB 2220 allows optometrists (eye dr) to give vaccines. Also mandates requirement to report to government tracking system

Texas HB 1361/HB 1423 requires system tracking of employees and residents at long term care facilities

Texas SB 329 requires schools to report exemption info

Texas SB 145 requires all insurance plans to pay in full for vaccines without copays or deductibles

Utah SB 83 would require participants of certain state grant programs to be vaxxed. The risk with this is that if a grant recipient uses adherence to the state-approved immunization schedule as one of the measurements, that could force any participants to be vaccinated for all shots required by the State of Utah

Washington HB 1638 removes personal and philosophical exemptions for MMR

Washington SB 5841 eliminates personal and philosophical exemptions for all vaccines

Wisconsin delegates have mentioned an effort to remove exemptions in the press but no formal bill has been introduced yet

Wyoming SF 55 permits state health officer to allow optometrists (eye dr) to give vaccines

(I did not compile this excellent post and I do not know who did or I’d totally give the credit so thank you to whichever warrior did this for us!)


Qanon ~ 2/17/19


Q+ is back in these drops…

Screenshot 2019-02-17_19-00-19-862.jpg

3 [0] Deltas today sir
Well done, Patriot.
Important to note ‘Q’ drops just prior to POTUS.
Something BIG is coming.
Graphic request.

(3) today?
What are the odds of that?
Influential POTUS.png

Influential Q.png


The World is waking up to the TRUTH.
Expect ‘attacks’ to dramatically intensify across all platforms.
They knew the ‘reach’ then.
Think about now.
How do you infiltrate the MSM?
[Example 1]
ABC NEWS exec producer Ian Cameron married to Susan Rice (Nat Sec Advisor – HUSSEIN)?
CBS NEWS/CNN Journ Bianna Vitalievna married to Peter R Orszag (Dir of Office of Mgmt/Budget – HUSSEIN)?
CBS NEWS president David Rhodes brother of Ben Rhodes (Del Nat Sec Advisor – HUSSEIN)?
ABC NEWS correspondent Claire Shipman married to Jay Carney (WH Press Sec – HUSSEIN)?
MSM = arm/extension of the [D] party?
Nothing to See Here.
Harris & Booker applying political pressure re: Chicago PD re: Smollett FF case?
What Bill did the Senate recently pass re: lynching?
Who were the authors of the Bill?
What FF event took place just prior to the passing of the Bill?
Did the FF event involve a ‘noose’?
Did the FF event sway Senators in their decision to prevent FAKE NEWS attacks re: Smollett case?
Did FAKE NEWS contact many Senators prior to vote seeking out pro/nay in attempt to coerce using Smollett case as foundation for possible future smear?
What is the mathematical probability of these [2] events occurring within this same time period?
What is the relationship of Smollett & Booker/Harris?
Will Rahm Emanuel get involved?
Will the Chicago PD cave under pressure?
These people are sick!

Harris & Booker applying political pressure re: Chicago PD re: Smollett FF case?
What Bill did the Senate recently pass re: lynching?
Who were the authors of the Bill?
What FF event took place just prior to the passing of the Bill?
Did the FF event involve a ‘noose’?
Did the FF event sway Senators in their decision to prevent FAKE NEWS attacks re: Smollett case?
Did FAKE NEWS contact many Senators prior to vote seeking out pro/nay in attempt to coerce using Smollett case as foundation for possible future smear?
What is the mathematical probability of these [2] events occurring within this same time period?
What is the relationship of Smollett & Booker/Harris?
Will Rahm Emanuel get involved?
Will the Chicago PD cave under pressure?
These people are sick!
What happens when Russia gives you up?
Will the C_A protect you?
Sleep is important.
WHITAKER remain DOJ senior staff?
Senior counselor in the associate attorney general’s office?

Rocking gif overlay
Great work, Patriot.
Slowing will further highlight.
dmv illegals drivers licenses and 2016 election maps.png

Good stuff
Think about why separated both maps (2 posts) instead of placing both in the orig.
At what point is it mathematically impossible?


[0] Delta from today, and the last [0] delta.
16 total now!
Thank you, Patriot.

You are the news now.




2 [0] Deltas guys 2

Yet another blattant Q proof:


Trump team is with us today friends!

We love our Memes, don’t we folks?

Date posted (early)?
Oct 31 2017
Prior to the black pop awakening?
Why did we emphasize as important?
When you are awake we can see clearly.
Swap ‘we’ for ‘you’.
On the move.
Q_BiteCrumbs_20171101_black pop.png

black pop waking up?

Date posted (early)?
Oct 31 2017
Prior to the black pop awakening?
Why did we emphasize as important?
When you are awake we can see clearly.
It’s very simple – w/o the illegal vote D’s lose.
Previous illegal imm high pop v D win by county provided.
[Example 2]
Why do D’s push for illegals to obtain a driver’s license?
Does having a DL make it easier to vote?📁
What states provide DL‘s to illegals?
What checks are in place within each of the ‘DL granted states’ to prevent 2x-3x-4x-5x voting?
Compare v. 2016 Presidential election results.
What do you notice?
Do you believe in coincidences?
Memes are important.
2016 E Results.jpg

It’s very simple – w/o the illegal vote D’s lose.
Previous illegal imm high pop v D win by county provided.
[Example 2]
Why do D’s push for illegals to obtain a driver’s license?
Does having a DL make it easier to vote?📁
What states provide DL‘s to illegals?
What checks are in place within each of the ‘DL granted states’ to prevent 2x-3x-4x-5x voting?
Compare v. 2016 Presidential election results.
What do you notice?
Do you believe in coincidences?
Memes are important.

Some notes and insights into Lisa Harrison’s latest ~ 2/16/19 (EP #57)


I have finished listening to Lisa’s video.  It took me awhile – almost 3 hours total – as I had to re-listen to the first 22 minutes given I was cooking dinner at the time (risotto – made the right way – which required my continuous attention for about 30 minutes) and various other interruptions later in the evening.  So here what I took from her latest.  I have added in my own thoughts here and there as well.

We’ve been moved again.

Moved from the original construct from 2012.  Throughout 2013 there was a transfer of all of our “files” (programs).  We still have a free-will experience/game – but it was a “clean”, virus-free version.  THIS “move” is the reason for the mandela effects.

Every year since we have had repeating cycles of cleansing.

March is an important month in terms of things NEW/HUGE (that is my feel and interpretation to march being important.  This year the date is March 4th which Lisa says brings forth another frequency band release that will hugely strengthen our connection with our Biggest Self.  What’s interesting about this is that it aligns with something Brother Rick texted to me this morning – how something HUGE is going to shift in the next 15-17 days which puts us at March 2-4th.  It also aligns with something I “got” this morning as I woke up.  I heard “March” for the next big change.  Quite significant.  And at the end of Lisa’s video one of the people in her group said he began hearing shortly after the New Year that if he could just make it through March, he would be ok.  Everything would be ok.

Ok then….on we go….

We are in a lucid-like place – as she says “The Space Before Waking”.  We KNOW we’ve been dreaming and are ready to awaken.  I resonate with this as my awareness of this dream experience has grown from it being just an idea to contemplate to a knowing and a feeling at the same time.  As I have shared here, a few months back I had that dream of seeing myself asleep – and the desire to yell WAKE UP was quite strong.  That desire in waking life has only grown – and today while I was out and about I was called to look at the people around me as I drove and call out telepathically “WAKE UP” to each of them.

Physically people are experiencing the following:

  1. Intestinal purging
  2. Chest pain/heart expansion
  3. Mucus
  4. Fear release via low back and kidney pain
  5. Head pressure
  6. Cold sweat
  7. Internal heat
  8. Facial twitches

Anything that was also of a low-grade like issue is coming up for clearing as well.

A message from Home says ALL of creation here is a program and to let it all go.  All creations of this matrix.

The mind virus is the only thing keeping us alive.

The cleaning out of the deep state – while the focus is on America of course we know this is global.  We are embracing FREEDOM – unity and the like. This clearing out of the deep state is, of course, a mirror of what is happening within us.  Yes indeed I do align with this and have felt this for some time.  I think I said it was last night where each time we have a moment of awakening we create a new Quantum moment which works to purge, cleanse, release/let go of the old.

She saw some sort of a Source Creator – perhaps in form for the first time – the creator of the creation that this construct is a part of.  The creator of many races including the dragons.  He/She/It got touched by the virus and was asleep for a “time” and is now awake and assisting in this process.

Songs that are running through people’s minds:  Yellow Taxi and songs by the Police.  I can indeed align with the Police songs.  I’ve been hearing them on the radio and today as I headed out “Every Breath You Take” came on the radio – and I knew it was significant.  I could “feel” in that off-to-the-left space of mine that this song was being sung to me.  I’ll be watching you – as in a protective type space.

She also brought up Tartaria – which is interesting as videos on Tartaria began showing up hugely for my mate in the past couple of weeks.  The says this is a big mandela effect.  Old maps from 2013, which is when the Flat Earth theory and maps exploded on youtube, etc. – there was no mention of Tartaria at all.  And today’s maps show Tartaria as taking up almost 2/3 of land masses. … Tartaria is being exposed.

Manifestation ability is amazing right now.  Our access to the Freedom program is, well, I would say (given my interpretation) – online.

She spoke of “just being the observer” and said it is just another program and to let it go.  The act of observing is very powerful as our focus affects the object/thing we are observing.  She said it is more powerful though to be neutral.  When presented with ideas and suggestions if we do not wish to participate we say “no” – even if it involves someone else who is saying they have power over us whether it is being done consciously with intent or at a subconscious level.  I feel into this one.  Unless I misunderstood – there is a difference between observing and remaining neutral.  Here is what I feel – when we are observing we are giving our energy to something without making a choice.  When remaining neutral we make a choice and say “no” to what doesn’t align and “yes” to what does – WHEN presented with ideas, suggestions, etc.

She gave a breathing technique which involves making a figure 8 by breathing in through our solar plexus, out the back, up over our head, back into the solar plexus then down to the feet and back into the solar plexus. She demonstrates this a bit while sitting so you will have to watch the video (it’s towards the end of the video – 40 minute mark or so – going from memory here so I am likely off by several minutes)….This breathing exercise can be used to set the intention to unplug/disconnect/delete programs and/or power up our connection to our Big Selves/Source.  Once the program has been released/the breathing exercise undertaken, set it with a prayer and request it to run until it is removed.  (go to the 47 minute mark for great and humorous advice on the breathing exercise)

She then went on to speak of “LeeLoo’s” creation/realm.  For me I see this as home.  Perhaps LeeLoo is the creator of the New.  I see then each of us have created our Home within this New.  So that being said, Lisa says imagine waking up from a very intense lucid dream (which would be this experience we are having here now) – and you are not sure what happened.  Now imagine waking up at Home now on steroids – meaning very powerful – perhaps too powerful for some.  So….as Lisa explains in the comment section (which I am grateful for as I had questions):  The experiencing of going Home now – for many – would be too overwhelming so more is being done here for All to not have that jarring experience.  Perhaps this is the reason for this next frequency band entering in early March – to connect us more solidly with Biggest Selves to ease that transition.  What’s interesting to me about this is brother Rick and I have spoken of what this final switch will be like – and both of us have felt it will be like waking up from a dream.  In “time” it fades away and you go on living/being…

There was discussion of this “letting it all go”…..The core of this rabbit hole topic is so that we become again our Heart Selves – or as Sister Deborah so beautifully said to me this morning – imagine how MAGNIFICENT we are “out of here”.  By Being that Magnificence from our Heart Space we LET GO of all old ways of interacting.  And being.  So while we may let go of roles defined, for example, we do not let go of the heart-based connection.  We don’t let go of our relationships – just how this matrix has defined them.  Let go of the patterns that kept us OUT of our heart-space and kept us OUT of freedom programs (and instead bound by power-over games, etc.)…

She ended by saying there is going to be a gathering of family from Home to send us all a message – and she anticipates this within a week or so – and as such, that will be the next DTC video.

Our ability to connect with the Freedom experience has shifted hugely – or else the Freedom program has over-written the free will program.  (For those not familiar w/Lisa Harrison and the Freedom vs. Free Will – Free Will is essentially anything goes which includes power over which we see play out all over this realm as well within our own interactions w/one another. She said the choice was made to have either a program of freedom or free will here and free will was the one created.  It got hijacked.  So….Freedom is the right to do/be as one chooses in so long as that choice does not power over another.)

My note on the topic of Freedom and our choices we make NOW (this is taking into consideration that the Freedom energy/program is now the dominant program):  Be conscious of how and what we want to create so that the process, from start to finish, does not power over another.  When doing this NOW – the results will rather backfire.  I am seeing this in my own experiences.

No talk of “the event”.  Some say it may be another program.  I still feel there WILL be (obviously) some final moment where we BOOM – are awake. In our FULL SELVES – that is the event.  WE are the event.  And incoming energies are the catalyst to that moment.  At least this is my feel and continues to be my feel.

I think that’s about it.  It is now 1:39am and I am officially calling it a night – wrapping up the days experience – and going to put this vessel to bed.  Good night all.




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