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Compact News: Surreal scene, #Macron’s #regime forces violently break on people who are taking the subway during #ActeXV, #23February #YellowVests


Brave Hero in Haiti Shares his experience with Trump about the laundering of (money) out of Haiti to DC with the Clinton Foundation involvement


Report: Julian Assange Receives Australian Passport


By Lucas Nolan  Feb 24, 2019

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is one step closer to possibly returning home after receiving an Australian passport, according to a UK newspaper report.

The Evening Standard revealed Friday that the Australian government has confirmed that WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has once again received an Australian passport. Officials at the Australian department of foreign affairs and trade stated clearly that “Mr Assange does have an Australian passport.” The Londoner reached out to the Ecuadorian embassy in England where a staff member first stated “no comment” but then later added: “He has the right to do whatever he wants, but he doesn’t move on. He could stay here for ever.”

The Evening Standard notes that Assange has had a number of high profile visitors during his time at the embassy, stating:

Assange’s passport had been held up by wrangling over whether it could be issued to him given that a warrant is still out for his arrest in the UK.

His UK lawyer, Jennifer Robinson, reportedly applied for a fresh passport halfway through last year.

Greg Barns, Assange’s Australian lawyer, gave credit to former foreign affairs minister Julie Bishop for her role in securing the new document.

The Sydney Morning Herald reported Barns thought she had “gone to great lengths to ensure Mr Assange’s rights as an Australian citizen were upheld by being granted a passport”.


Microsoft Workers Revolt Over $480 Million Defense Contract


18 years after Microsoft’s Halo began training kids to shoot bad guys using a heads-up display (HUD), dozens of Microsoft employees have signed a petition against the development of Halo-esque augmented reality HUDs for the US Army, reports CNBC.

HoloLens is one of the leading consumer-grade headsets, however with only 50,000 units sold as of last November, it has yet to find a large-scale consumer application.

The contract, awarded last November, could eventually lead to the military purchasing more than 100,000 headsets that project holographic images into the wearer’s field of vision in order to “increase lethality by enhancing the ability to detect, decide and engage before the enemy,” according to a government description of the program.

“Augmented reality technology will provide troops with more and better information to make decisions. This new work extends our longstanding, trusted relationship with the Department of Defense to this new area,” a Microsoft spokesman said in a November statement to Bloomberg.



Today’s Reflection ~ Language. Conversation.


One of the “new” experiences I am deeply desiring and ready for is a new way of communicating.  New language.  New ways OF having conversations. Both of which will satisfy my deep longing for more connection.  Oh how I am longing for that…

So much of our spoken language is harsh.  I have been playing around with sounds and consonants and vowel blends.  I have a preference for l’s and vowels.  Today I came up with a new word for “hello” (which I have gotten away from).  I was saying “greetings” but that feels harsh in my mouth/throat.  I thought of the word “aloha” and even the “h” didn’t feel right so I came up with “alola” – and followed that with a smooth gesture with my right hand.  Heck, I’m even wanting to change my name to something that contains l’s and vowels.  That “v” sound is just not resonating with me now.

There is a scene in the movie “Valerian and the City of 1000 Planets” where we see the beings of the planet Mul and how they greet one another.  They gently touch their 3rd eye and wave it back at the other they are greeting.  I had naturally been doing that before seeing the movie so I was surprised when I saw that scene.

So much talking we do with all of these words that so often just grate on my nerves now.  Noise noise noise.  Very little connecting.  Just lots of blah blah blah’ing.  At this point I would rather just make eye contacts and smile – at least much more of that and less talking.  I did that this afternoon when I decided to treat my girl to a mama and daughter lunch date.  I didn’t talk much – did a lot of listening.  But there were moments where I just sat and watched her – observing – smiling at her.  This little being.  All her own person.  It was quite special.  There was far more connecting going on with those eye to eye contact moments than there was using our words.

I’m ready for the party.  The new.  Deeply deeply deeply ready for it. The NEW and how we all celebrate the new – things – experiences I don’t yet even know of.  I will know it when I have created it – when that door opens and I don’t give a god damn darn if I have to wait for 50 thousand more years to have that kind of freedom – I WILL NOT STOP DESIRING ALL THAT I HAVE SEEN and FELT.  (not saying that is my timeline – just that this is one dream/vision I AM NOT LETTING GO.  I know it THAT deeply.)

It is truly Freedom or Bust for me now.




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Arizona Lawmakers Pass Vaccine Parental Rights Bills In Face of Criticism


GOOD NEWS out of Arizona!  If my state continues w/their draconian, freedom-destroying bullshit regarding vaccines, we will be singing “Arizona here we come!”  spread the lovin’ hoo-ha out of this one please!  



The House Health and Human Services Committee approved three contentious vaccine-related House Bills. Each of the bills loosens government authority over parental immunization matters. Critics believe the measures may lower vaccination density in the state. Republicans and Democrats split the vote, with Republicans mostly siding with approval.

The first measure of importance, House Bill 2470, allows parents to opt their children out of vaccines without having to sign a state health department form. Committee chairwoman Rep. Nancy Barto, R-Phoenix, who supports and sponsors all three bills, says this measure is about protecting parents from government coercion.

“When a parent only has a government statement that they have to sign in order to qualify for an exemption that they don’t agree with, that is coercion. This allows them to either sign that or make their own statement,” said committee chairwoman Rep. Nancy Barto, R-Phoenix, who sponsored all three bills. “We are talking about a policy decision now for parents and we should attribute the best expectations on parents, not the worst.”

The second measure, House Bill 2472, applies directly to doctors. According to the bill, doctors will need to offer parents an “antibody titer” blood test for their children. The blood test is used to determine if the child needs the vaccine.

The third bill, House Bill 2471, is an informed consent bill that gives parents information regarding vaccine ingredients. Additionally, it explains the vaccine court process, in the event, a vaccine injury occurs.