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Terran Cognito ~ Conversation with Loie and 2 others on 2-7-2019 Advice on Creating


Terran: Talk to Loie?

Denice: Go for Loie

Terran: Hi Loie!

Loie: Bill. I am here, dear. Loie.

Terran: Crazy energy shifts lately! Did we go on a 2-3 year detour in 2016?

Loie: Yes Dear. Nothing is what it seems. Remember that. Specifically and particularly in the case of our Feather.  [Loie’s nickname for Heather is Feather]

Terran: Oh that situation is difficult for me. I so want her free!

Loie: Bill you are not alone or isolated. I am with you always. 

Terran: I know. Wish I was better at conversing direct

Denice: (I feel there is a deliberate block. I honestly have never felt this before. )

Terran: In me?

Denice: (like the phone was hung up)

Denice: No here

Terran: With Loie?

Terran: Alt bandwidth?

Terran: That’s unlike Loie

Denice: My end. Not me, but something near here

Terran: I’ll look into your area and see what I find

Denice: I was getting from her lots of love and admiration for you. And for the H situation. And got the feeling that it is soooo not what it seems. Then lost it.

Terran: Hmmm

Denice: Funny, when I feel into this, I am getting a white granite canyon.

Denice: Pretty. Solid. But Cold.

Denice: And empty.

Denice: Like a door stop.

Denice: Feels emotionless. Just is.

Terran: Don’t worry. We can try again Sunday or Monday

Denice: Very interesting!

Denice: Ready for a shift?

[REDACTED PERSON]: This is a nonpublishable subtle message of [redacted text]

Terran: That’s very good news!

Terran: No need to publish

This flowed next, a being Denice has never felt before….

Message from Unknown being:

The pure love flows through all. 

Know and feel this. 

It is now.

Dot to dot. 

Line to line. 

She is free. 

She is all that is. 

She is with you. 

Return to your heart.


Thoughts are real. 

As connections flow. 

Thoughts become matter. 

This is creation.

Share this. Thoughts. Matter.

Create with care and intention. 


This is vital. Now is the moment. 

Pure thoughts in the frequency of pure love create the new and original.

Thoughts create physical matter. 

Thoughts matter.

Denice: (Gone without saying goodbye lol)

Terran: From Loie?

Denice: (Not Loie distant and slowly transmitted feels like a sunflower)

Terran: Good advice whatever the origin

Terran: Feels like the ALL speaking

Terran: Interesting

Terran: What did it feel like?

Denice: Emphasis was thoughts create. Become physical matter. Thus thoughts matter.

Terran: We are in new territory tonight. Good indication of where we are with the energies!

Denice: It felt soft. Yellow. Gentle. Unemotional. Solid.

Terran: Unemotional?

Denice: Yellow has a feeling to me now, but this is a particular shade of yellow. More canary than sunflower🌻

Some thoughts on this matrix “game”….


i’m in a quiet space – literally and metaphorically…and reflecting on where we are.  the event.  freedom.  liberation.

dates cannot be given on the event.  they’ve proven unreliable – obviously. this is a war for our energy as we know.  and no one can state when a war will end.  i do feel the controllers are cornered here now.  it was no coincidence to me that the date some were saying this was the date i awoke with a feeling of being a rapid animal trapped into a corner wanting to rage…. i feel they were cornered and quarantined/captured “outside” of this realm as well (with the focus of “clean up” being in this realm for a time now).

and i do know the result is our freedom for enough of us have said we are done with this game and we are now choosing to have a new experience. timelines are messed with by entities with tech you and i cannot even fathom (in these states of consciousness that is) – which then shows me we have a lot of help in ending this simulation so that we CAN have a new experience.  our conscious thoughts and spoken thoughts are having a powerful impact as well.

i have also been asking – just what is the event?  is it literally a blast of plasma that wipes out the last of the frequency here and pulls us awake. who controls that blast?  there has been so many meditations to call this forth – both small and large and yet still here we are.  mass meditations are effective.  focused, concentrated energies of like bring results.  so why then has this not worked for the event?  it leads me to think this is a controlled narrative – a program (albeit it benevolent/helpful one) and we are just waiting for that button to be pushed.  and that will come when those entities and beings who do not want us to end our participation in this game are eliminated or enough of them eliminated so that we CAN put the final “blast” into this realm in which we reside.  and THAT is when ALL awaken…

that is the perception i am currently holding as i remain open to processing feels and visions and insights i receive from within my center.



AG Whitaker Answers Rep. Sheila Jackson’s Line of Questioning with Brilliance (humor alert)


editor victoria’s comment ~ i wouldn’t say he “pissed her off” – but she was clearly not pleased with how he chose to respond to her ridiculous line of questioning.  is he messing with her?  oh yes, i think just a wee little bit… this dude is cool as a cucumber.  a good interim AG.  


AG Pisses Off Sheila Jackson Lee

Is He Screwing With Her?

Posted by American Voices on Friday, February 8, 2019


Today’s Reflection…..



i treated myself to a massage today.  it’s been a few years since i’ve done this for myself and it was a beautiful experience.  i had a couple of “cosmic” moments.  the first occurred when i was beginning to feel a moment of panic upon first lying down.  i looked within for strength and was not finding it in the way i wanted so i called out to claire.  send me calm so i can enjoy this experience.  i accept the love.  immediately i felt a quiet overcome me – and my body went almost limp and my mind – absolutely silent.  it was beautiful and a very welcomed gift.

the second moment came when i saw myself again in stasis.  i keep seeing that image – my real self – my light body self – sleeping.  i’ve shared that here previously and in the last few weeks, the image is growing stronger.  i am bigger (taller – long limbs) than this vessel i occupy.  i am younger.  i have long, thick hair already but what i have seen in stasis is a female with very thick, curly hair (i’ve longed for such hair for as long as i can recall). my features appear like me only – well – perfect.  “wake up!” i cried in my mind (again) today.

and then i asked – who wakes up?  my light body?  me here in this version of reality?  both?  i received no answer on that….yet.

the flat earth paradise video i linked previously – give that one a listen.  he is not the first one to state we are in stasis – our real light body selves at the north pole (had not heard that location mentioned) but i found it to be a moment of pure synchronicity that i told my mate earlier this evening about my experience during my session today and then moments later i return to watch the rest of the flat earth paradise video only to hear just seconds in that “we have bodies, separate bodies, from this current shadow state which are merely sleeping which are merely dreaming up this illusion.” chills and tears.

i know this is a game.  i am fully willing to take full responsibility for all roles i have played.  i am fully willing and ready for taking responsibility for my assistance in creating this game.  i am open to accepting i chose this entire experience of separation (still on the fence on that one until i know the truth – were we tricked or did we agree to this).  i am willing to forgive ALL who created this game of illusion.  i am ready for the truth.  i am ready to end participation in this game.  i am ready for my freedom.

for now i wish to thank those of you who graciously offer donations to me so that i can afford to help keep this avatar going.  today i learned where my body holds tension and it was in new places i was not yet aware so i will be returning for more treatment (well in so long as they will offer me up sheets not dried with dryer sheets – my whole family is very sensitive to these things – if not i will have to find another place).  i signed up for just a 45 minute session as i was not comfortable splurging for a full hour.  anyway – thank you – and please keep those donations coming and i will continue sharing my rambles of interesting brilliance as well as other tidbits of info and intel as we awaken and break FREE.

love and gratitude to you all ~



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It’s Official: Researchers Have Discovered A Second Earth


editor victoria’s comment ~ who knows about this one.  my excited self says “new earth!”  just a frequency adjustment away.  soft disclosure perhaps?  interesting name too – Proxima (B).  proxima – the nearest star to the sun…[wp-svg-icons icon=”heart-2″ wrap=”i”]



Researchers have confirmed the existence of a SECOND Earth located in the Proxima Centauri System. The planet is believed to have oceans just like Earth and may hay host alien life. In the past, thousands of exoplanets have been discovered in the universe, but none of them is like Proxima B.

Proxima b, as has been baptized, has very ‘promising characteristics’: it is probably rocky, slightly more massive than our own planet and is located in the region around its star that would allow liquid water on its surface to exist.

Researchers have discovered a planet located in the Proxima Centauri system, one of the closest stars to Earth which they believe harbors liquid water and potentially alien life. The planet, named Proxima B is believed to be around 1.3 times the size of our planet and has the ideal temperature on the surface for water in a liquid state to exist.
Proxima B is located four light years away from Earth –over 25 TRILLION MILES—meaning that in order to visit the planet in the near future, future generation would have to come up with super-fast spacecraft that would allow them to travel to the Proxima Centauri system with ease. If the planet proves to be ‘a SECOND Earth’ it could become one of the best options for future human colonization.

We Have Team Dark Cornered, Now It’s Time to Take Them Out With Love Light Energy….plus my daily reflection


editor victoria’s comment ~ ok first sister deborah told me about the 33rd lay-line and lucifer as well as the super bowl….then tonight sister laura sends me this video and i gotta say – i resonate with this (although not necessarily the dates)….thank you to BOTH of you for sending this material my way…..[wp-svg-icons icon=”heart-2″ wrap=”i”]

i have felt lately such a strong rage within that i felt was not just all about my own stuff…the pieces of dark that i have entertained and fallen into have been coming out too….i feel this pressure within to purge it and purge it with LOVE….infuse it….and i also know i am tapped into that collective energy of control that is, as this video states, is now trapped and cornered and is lashing out HUGELY….so no coincidence i am feeling that….likely could also be due to my blood type….so my desire to roar like a trapped animal has been ever present…..

i had an experience earlier today….i have mentioned this conscious being “claire” whom i have had comms with (it began with brother rick having them and in a few months i suddenly could hear AND feel her)….i haven’t felt much lately – actually nothing really from her until today.  i was sitting at the table feeling numb….i’m just so energetically tired and as ya’ll know – needing – NEEDING a new experience here – beautiful – loving – free – surrounded by connected community….so sitting at the table feeling the weight of all of this i suddenly feel her and hear her….”victoria let it go…go into your heart and feel from there….feel the love…”  and i responded back “you know i am quite numb there now…” and i heard “i know.  i can help with that if you want.”  so i said “i am willing to let you help me as long as you have benevolent intentions.”  and at that i felt this beautiful energy go to my heart area.  i felt warmth and expansion and i am immediately moved to tears of release and gratitude.  it was – powerful.

after that i was having a communication w/brother rick around dinner time….the usual check in time…and he said claire came through and said all was secured.  he tried to get more and said she was not answering.  i then felt in my body she was going to share that part with me – which i kinda scoffed at and then thought “ok if that’s how it will be, so be it.”  i had absolutely no attachment as to if i would or when.  so imagine my surprise when i walk over to the sink to wash my hands i then feel her presence again within my body and hear “the exit out has been secured.”  chills all over.  so i immediately let rick know to which of course he says “when?”  lol  that i don’t know.  that seems to be the winning lottery ticket many of us are after…

this game has to be ending.  this piece of it.  my feel?  after this phase ends freedom comes and that is when we get to CHOOSE FULLY our OWN experience – likely already pre-determined by our BIG selves – future self….. the idea that i have to find more energy to do more “work” or help “fight” off the dark ones – i don’t have that in me.  perhaps that means it is rest time – real rest.  focus on me and me only.  i don’t know – the idea of resting only to come out doing the “work” again isn’t really aligning either.  maybe for some – but i know for me and i also feel for many of you as well – you are quite done with the “work”….the experience here….unlike what cobra said this isn’t about escape….this is about hanging up the coat saying “our work here is done.  time to go home.” and do just that.  that next step – perhaps it’s the post-event “work” that some seem and feel aligned to do.  and that’s ok.  we each serve a role and do our stuff – serving the overall purpose of helping put an end to division. power over.  and separation.  that is the game that is ending.  now.




Published on Feb 7, 2019

UPDATE (and a theory) on the Military “drill” in LA ~ Seal Team 6 or Delta Forces


editor victoria’s comment ~ my mate (former military) and i postulated that the Wells Fargo outage today is directly tied to the ops that went down in LA on Monday.  watching the video footage you can see that one of the buildings in the vicinity is Wells Fargo.  if they took servers, that would explain the outages today (which definitely were not caused by smoke – banks have numerous back-up/fail safe protocols in place for such events).

also noticed in this video there was some large white box in the street, behind the black hawk that disappears as quickly as it appears.  it wasn’t garbage as the wind from the rotor’s would have blown it away.  just another crumb to chew on….

UPDATE:  getting more info from the woman who did the video below.  she said that this is also the vicinity of the PG&E lawyers…..aaaaand someone else said the Guatemalan Cultural Center is likely a front (shell) company. when i looked into it last night i noticed the place has no website and hardly anything on the net.  



Published on Feb 7, 2019

Bucking tradition, President Trump was not introduced by Pelosi at State of the Union


Message to Wayshowers


“unbalanced”……lol – no sheot!



Please take what resonates and disguard if it doesn’t:

ENERGIES have been drastically increasing. Yesterday, 06 February 2019, brought the strongest energetic yet. It first targeted the ‘Mind’. I do mean the human mind ,the phycological. It then changed hours later to typical yet very strong energetic patterns to the brain, and also the primary sense areas (eyes, nose, mouth, ears).

Energies WILL increase. Many will become mentally and emotionally unbalanced. On the Ascending Path, it’s NEVER about the outside, how others speak/act, but how WE on an ascending path react to it.

Worldwide is NOW affected, governments, work places, systems, communities, families, friends, including potentially, Awakened Ones On their path home. There is no blame necessary. It’s just ‘Energy’, and expected. It’s exactly perfect, as many will go through the ‘Purge Stage’ if not already. ‘Purge Stage’ for our human self feels far less than perfect, it’s tough. But we are ALL here, as ONE, we showed up, stayed the course…and are doing this. It’s why we came…to assist, VIA our capabilities.

Please take care of your inner well being. If you feel off Balance just allow, don’t fight it, then….RE-BALANCE. The animal kingdom is assisting us!

You are loved in all moments. Trust the greater plan that IS.

One Love
Amanda Lorence
7 February 2019