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Linea Faerylight Ginn ~ The event 2019. Zero point.


editor victoria’s comment ~ while she is in a higher state of peace about this, i can relate to this feeling of silence/nothingness.  when i pull myself out of the state of “why is this still going on?  where is the new?  what else can i be doing different to change up my experience?” – i feel this stillness.  this silence.  i struggle with that emotionally – it feels empty and it brings up my experience of abandonment.  but i know simply because i have entered a quiet room does not mean i have been left behind nor does it mean the room is necessarily empty…and she is correct – new earth is nothing like this realm.  i have been there as well and upon the “knowing” visit over 10 years ago, i knew it was not this earth realm – but someplace new and elsewhere….


Published on Feb 6, 2019


UPDATE on the Military OP in LA ~ They hit buildings in the Financial District


editor victoria’s comment ~ so i looked up the Guatemalan house of culture and found this:  “Guatemalan House Of Culture is located at 1138 Wilshire Blvd # 300, Los Angeles, CA. It is categorized under Stone, Clay, Glass, and Concrete Products. Annual sales of Guatemalan House Of Culture is $286,000 & around 2 employee(s) working in this company. Guatemalan House Of Culture is not rated yet.”  there are other businesses in the building – looks like apartments and restaurant’s.  this is not the only building they came out of though.  


Published on Feb 6, 2019

Didn’t Buzz Aldrin die almost 2 years ago? Who was at the SOTU? Is this a mandela effect?


editor victoria’s comment ~ i remember reading almost 2 years ago (right after his trip to antarctica) that he died.  i also remember listening to a video on youtube where he says, about the moon, “we didn’t even go there”.  and i also found this article:

what is going on?  what are your thoughts and memories on this?  trump introduced him…..when he did my first thought as well as my mate’s was “wtf?  he’s dead!”  another mandela (timeline) f-job?


AZ Democrat Senator Kyrsten Sinema being told “Watch your ass”, by fellow Dem for applauding American success under Trump Administration.


editor victoria’s comment ~ as i was told over 10 years ago by a neighbor of ours who once held office at the state level:  “if you don’t tow the line, they will run you out.”  she didn’t tow the line and was run out of office.  



I need help.


UPDATE:  i would like to add this.  my biggest issue(s) could be resolved by money.  if all who visit here regularly would donate $5-$10/month, i could improve my living conditions greatly.  that is the help i am seeking – nothing more, nothing less.  thank you for understanding.  

i need a new life.  and i need help.  please someone listen to me for once – listen – hear what i say i NEED and if you can help then please help.  that is all i have to say for now.  thank you.

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A beautiful way to “raise our vibration”…..


editor victoria’s comment ~ i love this one.  whenever i hear or read “raise your vibration” a part of me goes into fear mode.  how do i do that?  what do i need to do?  am i doing it “good” enough?  what do i need to stop doing? below is such a beautiful, simple technique.  gentle.  reassuring.  just – love thyself.


Image may contain: text that says 'The easiest way to raise your vibration is to relax your body. The most essential way to relax your body is to slow your breath. The most effective way of slowing your breath is by loving your own heart. One love you" at a time, your breath is inspired into a slower pace, which reminds the body to feel safe enough to relax, as your vibration elevates into higher frequencies of light. This is the heart of transformation. Matt Kahn'


New bill would allow farmers to sue Monsanto if GMO crops invade their property


This article was originally published by our friends at NaturalNews

Farmer’s in Oregon could finally get a win in their fight against companies like Monsanto. House Bill 2739 is under consideration and, if passed, it would allow farmers and landowners to sue biotech patent holders like Monsanto for essentially trespassing on their property.

House Bill 2739

The House Bill 2739 summary states that it “Allows cause of action against patent holder for genetically engineered organism present on land without permission of owner or lawful occupant.” Defenders of the bill believe it is a step in the right direction to remedy problems caused by GMOs.

Sandra Bishop of the Our Family Farms Coalition, which supports HB 2739, spoke to the East Oregonian website saying, “This is not a wild legal grab. We will not be compensated for our angst. We will only be compensated for provable legal damages.”


Tonight’s reflection ~ feeling out of sorts


see her?  see that woman above?  that is me lately.  most indeed today.  i feel frazzled and out-of-sorts.  the magnetics combined with the overall energies of humanity and the personal and collective purging and the creating of new and the resistance to all of that feel like they are at a boiling point now.  am i being compressed?  pulled apart?  tossed around like a towel in a dryer?

i had an interesting wave of “something” hit me in the water portal tonight. off to my left i felt i was moving – slowly – and i had to see if my body was actually swaying (by opening my eyes and focusing).  it wasn’t.  it was an energy experience only.  there is something about the left side of my auric field.  this is where i have felt energies pulling on me as well as hearing those brief messages to guide me or pass along a new thought/insight, including one that literally saved my life when i was 19.

or this could simply be a pull by Big Me to plant myself in bed (which given the location of the shower portal is literally off to my left)…..ha!

i noticed something interesting yesterday.  i have been facing this struggle within – being i want NEW so deeply (i resist using the term desperately and yet that is part of the experience at times)…. and most all that is 3D is just so stale and out-of-alignment to me that try as i might to think and be and do otherwise, i simply cannot shake that “stale” feeling – that resistance that tells me to let that all go because NEW is coming (WHEN?!)….and  on the other hand given i want NEW so deeply i began taking some steps to DO NEW – here – now.  one of them is how i approach schooling my child.  i implemented a new approach this past week and it worked pretty good – although energetically within i knew this entire “follow the system educational standards” was NOT in alignment with what i wish to expose her to.  so as i said….worked pretty well….until today when my girl suddenly reverted and resisted and i decided to just “call it a day”.

the challenge is real.  the struggle.  and i simply do not know what to do DIFFERENT about creating this new life i desire.  brutally honest when i explore and seek, i feel like i am force-fitting a life when i engage in almost ANY THING considered/labeled 3D.

that’s it – right there – my absolute truth.

if it’s part of the “this is what the system offers” – it feels fake and forced.  and yet we know the drill – this is where we are.  this is what is offered.  i have moments where i wish i had remained “unawake” until the moment of the event/transition.  having the visions and the knowing’s is just fucking brutal at times when you KNOW there is different and yet, here we are…..

here we are…many of us energetically exhausted….discombobulated…..not only being bombarded by plasma and protons (and i know some are far more sensitive than are some others – i am one of those who is extremely sensitive to energies – PERIOD)…… not to mention outside attacks……we are also encountering the always energized spiritual ones who cheer us on to “keep on doing the work” or the messages that we’re on our own – we chose to came here – ain’t no one helping us (what happened to the “you’re not alone” message?)……well, all of “that” puts us – certainly me – into the state of mind as portrayed in the image above.

oooh and i swear if i hear one more time “i stayed in bed all day and downloaded codes” i am going to find out where this person lives, drop off my child for a few days and say “i know you will be more than willing to help out this Being who would LOVE to ‘stay-in-bed-all-day-and-download-codes'”….although i would likely actually sleep and thus accomplish nothing spiritually-advancing….

i know i am doing the best i can….although i can probably cut back on the ice cream i’ve been placing into my mouth lately…i can – but i likely won’t….as i said almost 2 years ago – i am more like the character in “michael” – one who has a deep love (most of the time) for the heart of humanity and for the well being of every one of us (most of the time) and yet who is also not very politically or spiritually correct and tends to have a love of sweet things. and a natural affinity to drop an occasional “F” boom….

for in truth, we DO come in all types, sizes, shapes and colors.  and it’s about time we (me too) honor this.

….whether we are in that quiet/accepting state….or the discombobulated one.




Thank you for supporting my work.  I welcome your donations that not only keep my site going, but they also make sure myself and my family are fed, kept warm and have an emergency supply of ice cream for these discombobulated days.  [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart-2″ wrap=”i”]

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