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Tonight’s reflection ~ feeling out of sorts


see her?  see that woman above?  that is me lately.  most indeed today.  i feel frazzled and out-of-sorts.  the magnetics combined with the overall energies of humanity and the personal and collective purging and the creating of new and the resistance to all of that feel like they are at a boiling point now.  am i being compressed?  pulled apart?  tossed around like a towel in a dryer?

i had an interesting wave of “something” hit me in the water portal tonight. off to my left i felt i was moving – slowly – and i had to see if my body was actually swaying (by opening my eyes and focusing).  it wasn’t.  it was an energy experience only.  there is something about the left side of my auric field.  this is where i have felt energies pulling on me as well as hearing those brief messages to guide me or pass along a new thought/insight, including one that literally saved my life when i was 19.

or this could simply be a pull by Big Me to plant myself in bed (which given the location of the shower portal is literally off to my left)…..ha!

i noticed something interesting yesterday.  i have been facing this struggle within – being i want NEW so deeply (i resist using the term desperately and yet that is part of the experience at times)…. and most all that is 3D is just so stale and out-of-alignment to me that try as i might to think and be and do otherwise, i simply cannot shake that “stale” feeling – that resistance that tells me to let that all go because NEW is coming (WHEN?!)….and  on the other hand given i want NEW so deeply i began taking some steps to DO NEW – here – now.  one of them is how i approach schooling my child.  i implemented a new approach this past week and it worked pretty good – although energetically within i knew this entire “follow the system educational standards” was NOT in alignment with what i wish to expose her to.  so as i said….worked pretty well….until today when my girl suddenly reverted and resisted and i decided to just “call it a day”.

the challenge is real.  the struggle.  and i simply do not know what to do DIFFERENT about creating this new life i desire.  brutally honest when i explore and seek, i feel like i am force-fitting a life when i engage in almost ANY THING considered/labeled 3D.

that’s it – right there – my absolute truth.

if it’s part of the “this is what the system offers” – it feels fake and forced.  and yet we know the drill – this is where we are.  this is what is offered.  i have moments where i wish i had remained “unawake” until the moment of the event/transition.  having the visions and the knowing’s is just fucking brutal at times when you KNOW there is different and yet, here we are…..

here we are…many of us energetically exhausted….discombobulated…..not only being bombarded by plasma and protons (and i know some are far more sensitive than are some others – i am one of those who is extremely sensitive to energies – PERIOD)…… not to mention outside attacks……we are also encountering the always energized spiritual ones who cheer us on to “keep on doing the work” or the messages that we’re on our own – we chose to came here – ain’t no one helping us (what happened to the “you’re not alone” message?)……well, all of “that” puts us – certainly me – into the state of mind as portrayed in the image above.

oooh and i swear if i hear one more time “i stayed in bed all day and downloaded codes” i am going to find out where this person lives, drop off my child for a few days and say “i know you will be more than willing to help out this Being who would LOVE to ‘stay-in-bed-all-day-and-download-codes'”….although i would likely actually sleep and thus accomplish nothing spiritually-advancing….

i know i am doing the best i can….although i can probably cut back on the ice cream i’ve been placing into my mouth lately…i can – but i likely won’t….as i said almost 2 years ago – i am more like the character in “michael” – one who has a deep love (most of the time) for the heart of humanity and for the well being of every one of us (most of the time) and yet who is also not very politically or spiritually correct and tends to have a love of sweet things. and a natural affinity to drop an occasional “F” boom….

for in truth, we DO come in all types, sizes, shapes and colors.  and it’s about time we (me too) honor this.

….whether we are in that quiet/accepting state….or the discombobulated one.




Thank you for supporting my work.  I welcome your donations that not only keep my site going, but they also make sure myself and my family are fed, kept warm and have an emergency supply of ice cream for these discombobulated days.  [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart-2″ wrap=”i”]

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Army Military Operation spotted in Los Angeles


editor victoria’s comment ~ i also read (but have yet to confirm) similar was seen in Houston today.  two southern border states – military operations ~ prepping for an upcoming operation at the southern border?



Magnetic north just changed. Here’s what that means.


The foundation of many navigation systems, the World Magnetic Model finally got a much-needed update with the end of the U.S. government shutdown.

Magnetic north has never sat still. In the last hundred years or so, the direction in which our compasses steadfastly point has lumbered ever northward, driven by Earth‘s churning liquid outer core some 1,800 miles beneath the surface. Yet in recent years, scientists noticed something unusual: Magnetic north’s routine plod has shifted into high gear, sending it galloping across the Northern Hemisphere—and no one can entirely explain why.

The changes have been so large that scientists began working on an emergency update for the World Magnetic Model, the mathematical system that lays the foundations for navigation, from cell phones and ships to commercial airlines. But then the U.S. government shut down, placing the model’s official release on hold, as Nature News first reported earlier this year.

Now, the wait for a new north is over. The World Magnetic Model update was officially released on Monday, and magnetic north can again be precisely located for people around the world.

Questions still likely abound: Why is magnetic north changing so fast? What were the impacts of the update’s delay? Was there really a geologic reason Google maps sent me off course? We’ve got you covered.

The Latest From ECETI & James Gilliland ECETI ~ ECETI State of The Galaxy Address


editor victoria’s comment ~ i will include my “reflection for today” here as what james speak of i was tuning into today.  whenever there is a big event or change underway i feel it.  i woke up feeling the pressure and intensity surrounding the SOTU later this evening.  a lot of expectations.  a lot of fear. a lot of wonder.  anticipation.  i could also feel a powerful heavy of dark lower density energies coming up and out.  i surrendered to that experience while in my water portal ~ let myself feel what has remained within me ~ the energy from old attacks – current attacks – my fears of allowing love in ~ an extensive list of “stuff”….i could feel the challenge within to go with the old and the need to let that go and all that is NOT working (which is pretty much every thing in my life at the moment) – in order to allow for NEW awesome wonderful experiences of freedom and LOVE to flow in (now asap would be refreshingly wonderful!)…….i let it flow through me and blessed every bit of it and breathed it out.  i may give the technique below a try as there are still energies within this vessel/mind needing release…


If you have not sensed the exponentially increasing changes on every level God help you.

There are unprecedented waves of energy passing through the solar system. These waves of energy are measured, all bands within the electromagnetic light spectrum have increased and this is creating change on all levels. A spiritual awakening, processing wounds and traumas from past experience, “emotional outbursts”, severe weather, and an increase in earthquake and volcanic eruptions are the byproducts of these waves. The Earth is expanding as it absorbs these new energies.  Everything that cannot adjust or match the new frequencies will eventually come to an end. There will be no energetic support for institutions and empires which do not adjust to and align with Universal Law. Everything that is based on the old draconian grid will fail but not before it surfaces and rears its ugly head for all to see.

If you want a perfect example look at your political system. Other than a few it is a spiritually and morally bankrupt world of opposites with true agendas being exposed daily. Universal Law is pressing hard in this arena. It is fueling the light workers, “white hats”, to do what is necessary to expose and remove those who have chosen self-service, acting against the higher good. Beware of double speak. A man’s/woman’s character is established by their actions. This applies to all races, religions or cultures.

The base or limited emotions and mental concepts will give way to the higher vibrational consciousness and ways. Universal Law will be the law of the land. Universal Law is written in the heart of hearts of all humanity. It is the core essence buried under layers of wounds, traumas, and false programming. In its simplest form it is Universal Peace, Brother/Sisterly Love, Individual Freedom and Prosperity for all. A Cherokee saying is, “If it isn’t good for everyone, it isn’t good”.

This process is not a purge by a wrathful god it is a healing. It is infinite tough love and the flow is ever increasing. It involves legions of higher evolved beings all the way back to source. Yes this includes the spiritually and technologically advanced off worlders some of which are our ancient ancestors. They are cleaning up the malevolent beings plaguing humanity for thousands of years.  Many of the light workers and sensitives are feeling as though they are being attacked. You are! It is directly proportional to how much light you are accessing. Unseen negative influences, lower dimensional entities, black magic, dark sorcery do exist.  Do not fall into spiritual ego and think you are above all this. Do not shrink in fear or be a victim either. Your Godself has this. If you are not being attacked you are not doing your work. In other words, you missed the red pill and not a threat. In India there is a saying, “The closer you get to nirvana the more the demons rear their ugly heads”. The more you step out of an unsustainable herd consciousness the more the masses will shun you. This is where love of self, loving detachment is in order. The sustainable path is to align oneself with Universal Law in thought, feeling and action.

There is a solution. Denial is not a solution. Casting out demons is a temporary solution. Aligning with the status quo is also not a solution, it is unsustainable on every level. There are tools and techniques to heal and clear unseen negative influences. Imagine if everyone had access to these tools and used them? Humans have the ability to connect to the ultimate power in the Universe. That power is love and you can connect through the heart to that love and allow the full power of God/Creator/Great Spirit to flow through you into any situation. Your soul sits right next to the heart and your soul is connected to the source itself in every increasing expansion of awareness. Knowing this and making accessing this a part of everyday life will create immense changes in tour live and those around you. Here is the method to heal unseen negative influences and a world and personal healing meditation. It is non-denominational and can be used no matter what faith or culture.

Disease, accidents, mood swings, negative thoughts even thoughts of suicide are often indicators of influence by unseen negative influences. I would look into ascension symptoms as well. Headaches, dizziness, walking sideways, body aches and pains are also side effects to the ascension process. Don’t forget to ground, recalibrate to the new Earth energies, take your shoes off walk on the grass or the beach, get on all fours in your garden. Best advice is to lose the fear.


​Healing is a must for all those who desire to operate in other realms of consciousness. You must have self-authority and maintain control.  If you are experiencing negative vibrations, they are either thought forms, limiting mental concepts, psychic bonds or discarnate entities (lost souls) in need of healing. They are bound to the earth vibration due to lower vibration attitudes and emotions.  Some are coercive and desire to manipulate and control. Love heals.  Casting out only sends them to another place, another person. In all healing, remember that God is love. It is the power of love that heals and lifts.


1. Close your aura by visualizing a white or gold light around you.

2. Call upon your chosen cultural representative of God, be it Jesus, Buddha, Babaji, Mary, White Eagle or another one of the Beautiful Many Christed Ones.
3. Tell the entities they are healed and forgiven, lifted and enlightened.

4. Tell them they are healed and surrounded with the Christ light and the Christ love.

5. Ask your chosen representative to take them to their perfect place.

6. Ask that all negative thought forms and limiting mental concepts be dissolved and lifted in the light of truth.

7. Ask that all psychic bonds be severed, and close their auras to all but spirit of the highest vibration.

Repeat this process until you feel clear. There may be more than one healing to do. Remember your word is very powerful, and what is spoken on their level manifests instantly. Many enlightened ones use this process before opening.

It creates a clear and safe environment, and it also lifts the one who is doing the healing. Intent is nine-tenths of the law. If you intend to serve and heal, you will draw to you entities of like mind. If you intend to coerce or manipulate, again you will draw entities of like mind. It is the law of attraction.

At times, discarnate spirits will come to your light like a moth to a flame. Do not judge yourself, simply heal them. They are the ones in trouble, not you. They are seeking your help.




Link to World and Personal Healing Meditation.–personal-healing-meditation.html

These two practices can change the world. Permission granted to copy and share, let it go viral.

We Are Living in a Hologram


editor victoria’s comment ~ i have requested a copy of the documents be emailed to me.  when i receive them, i will link here.  for now here are a few of what was shared….



According to CIA documents, this is the "shape" of the Earth1 of 29 pages

Posted by Emily Cockrill on Sunday, February 3, 2019

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No photo description available.

Benjamin Fulford Update ~ 2/4/19 ~ Year Of The Pig to start with big bounty for people of the world


editor victoria’s comment ~ i am going to also link the recent video put out by Abel Danger (Field McConnell – patriot, former military pilot, truther) where “Mad Dog” (who many say is JFK Jr –  he sure sounds like him given previous clips i have heard) calls in and speaks of the new quantum financial system and the chinese new year…it’s a long video and i will be watching it in a bit….for now this is THE BEST b.f. i have read thus far….i stopped reading him awhile back and only recently began again…..


The Chinese New Year—the Year Of The Pig—starts tomorrow, February 5th and sets up this year to be a year of bounty, where people can feed at the trough to their heart’s content, Asian secret society sources say.  The Year Of The Pig or Boar is associated with the hours 9-11 at night, which means the world is also set to get truth and closure on the mass murder and attempted gold heist of September 11, 2001, the sources say.

However, this year is also set to be a year of slaughter for certain elite criminals who have been trying their hardest to murder 90% of the world’s population, according to Western secret society sources.  It is the return of the bounty stolen by these criminals that will be feeding the downtrodden 90%, they say.

In concrete terms, the British branch and most of the French branch of the Rothschild family are trying to negotiate an orderly transfer of power, according to CIA sources based in Asia.  The Rothschilds and other families that own the private G7 central banks are hoping to trade their control of here-and-now money (ATMs, cash printing), financial computers, and international financial transfer systems in exchange for some real-life assets, such as rights to some of the historical Asian gold, the sources say.

These negotiations are ongoing, but one thing that has now already been decided is that the United Nations will be moving its headquarters from New York to Laos.  “Only those of high energy who are ready to help humanity move forward, clean up the pollution on this planet, and create a new world of peace and harmony for all living beings will be allowed to reside in the new headquarters—in other words, all new members who actually represent the inhabitants of this world,” a source said.

The U.S. government has been funded until Friday, February 15th so that certain major announcements related to these and other matters can be made over the following long weekend which celebrates George Washington’s birthday, according to Pentagon and CIA sources.

However, there are still some tough issues that need to be negotiated between now and then, say Asian and Western secret society sources.  One issue concerns the arrest of Meng Wanzhou, Chief Financial Officer of China’s Huawei Technologies.  It turns out that the real the reason Western intelligence community ordered her arrest was not for fraud, but rather because …

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More Fake News? Ruth Bader Ginsburg makes first public appearance since cancer surgery


The Church Lady - Imgflip

editor victoria’s comment ~ ok so she makes a public appearance at an event about her life put to song.  no one knows she’s there.  her presence was not announced.  no witness in the article to verify the claim.  aaaaand no pictures. how convenient….


February 4, 2019 at 9:01 PM

Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg on Monday night made her first public appearance since undergoing cancer surgery in December, attending a celebration of her life presented in song.

The 85-year-old justice attended a production of “Notorious RBG in Song” at the National Museum of Women in the Arts in Washington. The program about Ginsburg’s life in the law was created and performed by Ginsburg’s daughter-in-law, the soprano Patrice Michaels, and presented for high school students by the National Constitution Center.

Ginsburg did not speak, and many in the crowd did not know she was there. She sat in the back, and most saw her only as they left the performance. Michaels did not announce her presence.

Ginsburg had not made public appearances since undergoing a pulmonary lobectomy Dec. 21 after doctors discovered cancerous nodules in her left lung. Recovery from such surgery typically takes six to eight weeks, according to medical specialists, and Ginsburg, for the first time since joining the court in 1993, missed a round of oral arguments in ­January.

Some on the extreme political right had insisted that the justice’s ailments were graver than the Supreme Court acknowledged, suggesting it would be an ominous sign if she skipped President Trump’s State of the Union address Tuesday night.


CHECK THIS OUT! Law enforcement agencies in central Florida test new non-lethal tool known as the “BolaWrap”


editor victoria’s comment ~ this is so cool!  i’d like one!  [wp-svg-icons icon=”cool” wrap=”i”]

btw ~ it is only available to law enforcement agencies at a cost of $925.  i still want one….
