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Baby girls reaction upon hearing her big sister and mama’s voices for the first time


this is so precious – i just had to share…


Snopes & AP Suddenly Quit As Facebook Fact-Checkers


like a little child gettin’ caught wiff its widdle hands in the cookie jar….good news….and google plus is going away – quite suddenly – by march…


Profile picture for user Tyler Durden
Two of Facebook’s four fact checkers, Snopes and the Associated Press, have abruptly ended their fact-checking relationship with the social media giant. In a Friday press release, Snopes said that it had “elected not to renew our partnership with Facebook,” and while declining to reveal specifics, added that “Forgoing an economic opportunity is not a decision that we or any other journalistic enterprise can take lightly.”

While Snopes initially agreed to fact check for free, they eventually accepted $100,000 for its fact-checking services last year.

The announcement comes on the heels of a December report that the two-year relationship between Facebook and its fact checkers was in disarray.



Fake News Story of the Year (so far): Russian troll accounts purged by Twitter pushed Qanon and other conspiracy theories


editor victoria’s comment ~ so youtube is no longer promoting/advertising content they deem “conspiracy theory” related.  and now this piece.  i looked at myself several times today in the mirror.  i don’t look like a russian bot. hmmm…@jack (twitter) knows the truth.  the reason why there are so many #MAGA and Qanon tweets is because We The People HAVE AWAKENED….this piece is absolutely absurd and usually i only link a portion of articles out of respect for the news outlet/journalist but today?  nah, today the “bot” in me is linking the whole thing.  


The accounts’ tweets featured the hashtag #MAGA, usually in support of President Trump, almost 38,000 times — the most of any hashtag.
By Ben Collins and Joe Murphy

A new batch of troll accounts identified by Twitter as having ties to Russia’s propaganda operation revealed an emphasis on promoting far-right conspiracy theories such as Qanon to Americans.

Twitter announced Thursday the removal of 418 accounts tied to the Kremlin-backed Internet Research Agency, the disinformation group whose employees were indicted by special counsel Robert Mueller last February for attempted election interference.

The accounts’ tweets featured the hashtag #MAGA, usually in support of President Donald Trump, almost 38,000 times — the most of any hashtag. #ReleaseTheMemo, a social media campaign pushed by allies of the president last year that aimed to discredit some members of the FBI, was tweeted 37,583 times.

In all, the 400-some accounts tweeted more than 900,000 tweets.

At the time, close allies of Trump brushed off suggestions that #ReleaseTheMemo, which trended on Twitter, was boosted by Russian influence. “Russian trolls have nothing to do with releasing the memo. That was a vote of the intelligence committee,” counselor to the president Kellyanne Conway said last February.

Some now-purged users spammed Twitter with tweets repeating the hashtag “#ReleaseTheMemo.”

When removing the spam-style messages that included multiple hashtags, the second-most tweeted topic for the Russian troll accounts was #Qanon, a baseless conspiracy theory that claims Mueller and Trump are secretly working together to take down a global pedophile ring run by celebrities and Democratic politicians.

#GreatAwakening and #FollowTheWhiteRabbit, which are catchphrases for #Qanon followers, also featured prominently in the Russian trolls’ tweets.

Nina Jankowicz, a global fellow at the Kennan Institute focusing on Russia and technology, told NBC News that Qanon’s often outlandish narratives about a secret global cabal fueled by the United States fits well with Russian propaganda’s larger narrative.

“One of the Kremlin’s favorite tactics is to inspire confusion and doubt to sow distrust in government. Qanon certainly does that,” Jankowicz said.

“Amplifying the conspiracy theory also makes it look like it has more supporters, distracting from more substantive issues in the online discourse.”

Qanon, a more elaborate offshoot of the “pizzagate” conspiracy theory, came to prominence when several Trump supporters showed up at the president’s rally in Tampa, Florida, this past August carrying “Q” signs and wearing T-shirts supporting the conspiracy.

In the last year, believers in the conspiracy have also been in armed standoffs with the police in Arizona, and one blocked the Hoover Dam demanding the “Release of the OIG Report,” a Qanon-based conspiracy theory loosely derived from the success of #ReleaseTheMemo.

All of the 30 most-used hashtags pushed by the suspected Russian troll accounts focused on either support for Trump, conspiracy theories that targeted his political opponents or a separate — but sometimes overlapping — trolling campaign that meant to demean Muslims.

The hashtags #IslamIsTheProblem, #StopImportingIslam and #BanShariaLaw were each tweeted more than 15,000 times by the 481 Russian troll accounts.

The accounts attempted to emulate Americans on both sides of the political aisle.

One account identified by Twitter as a Russian troll account, @QuartneyChante, posed as an African-American woman. One of her tweets received more than 66,000 retweets.

“Dear White People. It’s a privilege to learn about racism instead of experiencing it your whole life,” the tweet read.

The account was even featured in several news articles, including a Mashable story dubbed “Dear white women: Here’s how to step up for women of color.”

Jankowicz said the widespread dissemination of the tweets is a good reminder not to trust everything you read on social media.

“That account was created fairly recently and gained a lot of traction quickly, it seems,” Jankowicz said. “It’s pretty sad, but unless accounts use a plausible name and personal photo on Twitter, I’d advise users against interacting with them.”


MONSTER ‘John of God’ cult leader with millions of followers ‘ran sex slave farm and sold babies to highest bidder’


editor victoria’s comment ~ i remember learning of him about 25 years ago.  i was intrigued with his “gift” but i also felt something off about him.  now i know why.  oprah was one of his supporter’s, too.  let all of their filth leave now.


The 77-year-old has been arrested in what prosecutors say could be the worst serial crimes case in Brazil’s history

A CULT leader known as ‘John of God’ has been accused of running a sex slave farm and selling babies to highest bidder on the black market.

Joao Teixeira de Faria was arrested a week after over 600 allegations piled against him in what prosecutors say could be the worst serial crimes case in Brazil’s history.

Today’s Q trip-code book search on google….


today’s trip code:  mG7VJxZNCI

here are some of the books that come up:

  Where We Go One We Go All by Glen Brunet

Exopolitics: The Political Implications of the Extraterrestrial Presence by Michael Salla

The Field of Fight: How We Can Win the Global War Against Radical Islam and its Allies by Lt. Gen. (Ret) Michael T. Flynn

  The Obama Nation by Jerome R. Corsi

Recent Headlines on Human Trafficking Arrests


when this horror ends and the skies are clear i will then know we are FREE (from their agenda)…


Arrests Made During Multi-Agency, Human Trafficking Taskforce Operation

Dozens arrested on sex trafficking charges ahead of Super Bowl LIII

Nearly 50 victims, including teens, rescued during California human trafficking sting


Virginia Democrat Admits She ‘Did Not Read’ Extreme Abortion Bill She Co-Sponsored

Terran Cognito ~ Dream Message


editor victoria’s comment ~ this one struck out at me.  earlier today i was out and about and as i climbed into the car to head home, i felt that nudge to look at the clock on the car dash.  4:44.  i thought “yeah so what i see that number a lot.”  it was then that i heard or more actually FELT off to my left “yes but later you will see it has a meaning today.”  while i am on his e-mail subscribe list, i was drawn to go to his site awhile ago and see this one (i had not yet received an email notification of new posts). hmmmm….


At around 4:44 AM I got this message.  Seems to be a mix of Hebrew, English, maybe Czech and Hindi/Sanskrit?     Feels part riddle, part notice, part poem.   I don’t claim this is spelled correctly only how it sounded to me…. or perhaps its just all jumbled nonsense?  I really don’t know…  But I don’t often get dream messages… To whomever is the intended recipient…. you’ll know what it means…

From yod [10th letter of Hebrew Alphabet] to vod [Czech for water? Or Vlad???]

and Ashur [Enil?] again.

Time for my people to come home.


Ben Nahaime. [could be Hebrew pronunciation of Benjamin? Or Nahayme in Hindi/Sanskrit?] Shalom


Mystery Good Samaritan picks up hotel bill for 70 homeless people in Chicago as temperatures drop to record-breaking lows


UPDATE:  No longer a mystery person.  See the kind soul who did this here.

An mystery Good Samaritan has stepped in to save 70 homeless people from record-breaking cold temperatures in Chicago by paying for their hotel rooms.

The Chicago Tribune reports people were camped out overnight in tents after their propane tanks were confiscated in temperatures as low as -32C.