Linea Faerylight Ginn ~ The event 2019. Update. A shift happened.


editor victoria’s comment ~ one of the very few i “follow”.  she’s human. real.  authentic.  i love her perspective on “focus on the positive”.  when i hear that my first thought is “oh stfu!”  lol  there are times i feeeeeeeeel the ability to be grateful.  and now and then though i really feel “nope.  not happening.  not finding a damn thing to feeeeel grateful for.”  i can chant some phrase but if i am not feeling it?  i’m just not feeling it.  so i am ALLOWING with the gratitude and all other “high vibe” stuff.  be in the heart.  BE REAL.  Keep it REAL.  that’s what i’m about while being kind to others – and not taking crap either.  the sky is different today.  i feel that shift she is speaking off.  yesterday was a challenge.  i felt afraid – angry –
and also fed UP w/being the target of the stupidity and abuse of any and all.  i let the rage come through – and yet there was also this calm – and this surrender -this “I AM WHO I AM…and THAT is THAT…”  say that to any who is making commands and demands that you are not enough or whatever blah blah agenda -and watch what happens.  yesterday….the dark attacking – but i also see it more – immediately.  i call it out – even if i am shaking with fear in my boots.  this game they have played is shutting down.

very interesting she says she was reminded to do a video on her perception of home/new earth (real earth) as this morning i literally stopped in my tracks and said “linea is going to do a video on her version of Home”….maybe i will write up a piece….i have shared it before – what i have seen – but i have new subscribers that may not know.

false ascension – yes.  the pleiadian light people and the 5D stuff just doesn’t feel right to me.  i see this as a lifting up and out – i have seen it – and felt it.  once we are out – what happens to us – no – what WE create – is still yet to be.  i still don’t feel this dimensional stuff – as dimensions – the “higher” the dimension – that does not, to me, indicate one is more heart-centered and benevolent.

the food thing – not into foods really – although now i am wanting pie.  sweet stuff.  and fruit/smoothies.  i still feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel fruit is food of Home.

happy to hear from Angela too….been wondering what has been going on w/her….stuck here for another 40 years?  NO.  i hope ALL stop listening to any “channeled” messages by any being (entity) that tries to tell us where we can go – and what we can experience.  NONSENSE.  the end of this game is the end of enslavement – here and there and everywhere.  this is about FREEDOM – returning to our FULL SELVES.

well enough of my share….another good piece by Ms. Linea…


Published on Mar 29, 2019

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.