Linea Update ~ The event 2018. The sleeping lightworkers and the awakened human. 4 weeks, here we go..


editor’s note:  this is one awesome video.  i am feeling energetically and noticing as well that those who hold the belief that we have to stay here  ~ we cannot leave this realm (nor should we want to) due to contracts or whatever “belief” system they hold ~ are on the increase now.  the energy emanating is almost harsh right now.  i have a vision of a priest telling the parishioners “you are not worshiping god correctly!”  it’s the same feel and it is being projected, i feel, from a space of fear.  it could very well be unseen programming being disrupted – challenged.  breathe.  allow others to have their experience.  i am remembering how to do this myself.

i feel ALL have the freedom to experience however and whatever they wish.  that is what freedom (and love) IS. supportive of other people’s choices.  if someone wishes to play out an experience where they stay here and clean up this realm, then i support that choice.  love just does that.  love says “sure whatever you want to experience i support that” (and if it is truly a choice made from love, it will not power over another w/a different desired experience).

like she says, and like my inner truth/feeeeeeel center keeps gently saying “highest self has this all planned out”.  [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart-2″ wrap=”i”]


Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

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