This is about to get more interesting for everyone….
A few weeks ago, we entered the “Release of the Fury of the Fire” (then later the words, the Rein of Fire)…. as we moved into increased Earthly/Galactic Karmic Clearing/Cleansing phases. This is different for each, dependent on what is still held in cellular programming and not fully conscious yet….
Immense heat, immense release, immense density clearing, immense increase in high voltage/highly charged electrical cellular stimulation and increased inner Earth/atmospheric/spacial activations/convergences…. in all of our Earthly Cosmic Planetary Galactic Bodies…..
Increased merging/converging of all dimensions/timelines in this “space” here…. “outer space becoming inner space” and “outer atmospheres/space” changing in huge ways too….
Galactic existences becoming more prevalent, as more move into clearing those timelines that no longer need to dictate these here. As more release the old veils of amnesia while existing the deep slumber of eons….
The Soul Emerging more within each, no longer tainted by discord and dis-ease, no longer bound external programs playing out, realizing they were just a projection of inner unconsciousness and through expanding ones consciousness fully beyond the physical to feel/experience/see more that the physical experience will change to match the new level of consciousness… by holding this all of the time, regardless of what presents “out there”….
What presents will show you the options for different realities, the one you choose/do/allow dictates what is REAL…. the one you believe/participate in/inner-tain/transmit out, the one you KNOW inside with every breath, the one you transmit out as love, the one that you ARE over what you are not any longer, technically never were, yet once believed… while an unconscious aspect of yourself….
Full consciousness gives you the POWER of choosing, the POWER of transmitting, the POWER of dictating the vibration that plays out……
LOVE can hold the new foundations and realities in place…. it can create new realities at-will and inspire through intentional creation. When your fields unite, there is a new experience, one of simple,easy and free, one that shows you that things don’t have to be so complicated…. yet your human will have to play these realities out where you created unconscious realities and until you are ready to intentionally create new ones to experience here…
Continue reading here.