Lisa Harrison DTC Update: Ep 40 – 12 May 2018


editor’s notes:  listening….  soooooooooo close!  we are in the beginning of The Event energy……  i snapped another pic of the event tree – she is all filled in.  deep breath we got this…this is what we came here for.  very much resonating with lisa on this one….  confirmation this is not a planet….and no need to connect with “mother earth” because that is just (sadly) another construct….i stopped grounding here months ago and have instead been grounding in the new earth realm i have seen myself in as it is something i have co-created…..and no reaching out to the angels (archangels) and galactics….stopped doing that as well awhile back….  i also had this odd/new feeling that “they” could no longer manipulate the timelines (by turning them “back”)…  very interesting details on the “merging” of all of our selves on these different timelines.  i recently began “tuning” in to my other selves – wondering what would be happening to those other versions of myself – and i was not sure all would be merging back w/the me now (now that is)…  and very much appreciate the difference between free will and freedom… and “they” will be up to their sheot until the very end ~ just as i have felt for a long while…  and happy to hear those in the galactic realm who were the most deep into harvesting has been wiped!  i used to be one of those UFO sluts (best word i have found – applies both male and female btw) ~ would speak with/follow ANY thing i felt was “out there”.  i learned discernment and developed a very keen eye/inner…. and happily as many have known/said – this “free will” experience will never be allowed again.  just a really insightful, amazing video!  (a side note i want to include here ~ “Q” has been speaking of a Sky Event ~ i have wondered w/their tech they have – the ability to look into the future they must know about this energy wave coming that will take down the matrix energy barrier and reveal all – if that isn’t a sky event i don’t know what is.  however in a discussion about this “sky event”, i found the following:  (the person posting this feels the Sky Event is in reference to a reunion between us and the galactics….hmmm….in so long as they are those who are ASSISTING in this benevolent cleaning up of this realm process…..)

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Published on May 12, 2018

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

One thought on “Lisa Harrison DTC Update: Ep 40 – 12 May 2018”

  1. Whoa! Had to have a walk in woods after this one…saw and heard two Barred Owls BTW in daylight…either Divine Wisdom or some kind of death, lol.
    I was never one for angels(does this mean no more 444?)and when I tried to ground into earth, it felt yucky. Was this ever truly a planet? Some have said it was destroyed in 1997 (?) & we were moved to this construct. Does it really matter? (Omg, I sound like u know who).
    How could “they” have not anticipated how this was going to play out? I have a hard time with that one!
    For me, this sounds like a “Summer Reunion” beautiful song by Jennifer DeFrayne.
    We will soon find out, won’t we.
    Damn, I should have not paid my taxes.

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