Lisa Harrison shares A Message from Home


this message (which was left in the comment section last night) was quite a heart-needed treat this morning. throughout the day and into last night i was essentially – no literally – pleading for a message from Home.  the pleading was mostly internal but a couple of times it was stated out loud.

i needed something to confirm what that quiet voice within was saying which is essentially what you read below – let go of this experience and know i am on my way out.  all i see is happening for a reason and on its own and there ain’t a dang thing i can do about it – the chaos.

yesterday and in recent days and weeks – as that chaos has increased – so has my doubt.  am i falling for a false narrative?  how is that possible when i question EVERYTHING now.  i haven’t been able to get that inner knowing feeling to shift or change.

another question:  is this how it’s ending here?  and yet – if nothing of the old goes on and thus we are called to let it go (so it is easier TO transition) – would that look like an experience of paradise where we absolutely loved our experience – or would it look like, well, this?  and everyone i speak with expresses feelings of discomfort and dismay and sadness.  no matter how programmed one is, ALL are feeling this very uncomfortable energy.  ALL want it to end.

and what a way to make it easier for all to exit out.

even though it does royally suck.

it’s still very difficult.  i spent some time so far today purging – as in crying and releasing.  i don’t know what else to do with this purging.  i look where i am holding tension (which lately has been throughout my body) and soothe it away in the same manner i do when my child is in need of comfort.

last night i thought of those suffering and wondered – how can i help them? i feel helpless in this regard.  and i am.  just like i can’t take away the pain of my child, i can’t take away anyone’s pain (i have yet to master doing that for myself).  all i and any of us can do is hold space and if we see someone struggle and we are able and/or willing, ask if they need anything.  and to be honest, i feel the main focus now is on helping ourselves.

although i am reminded of that beautiful statement i read in the last year which is “some day someone is going to hug all of your pain away.”

perhaps upon our arrival.

anyway – i hope this brings you all comfort.  i am grateful for the gift Lisa left – and grateful that somewhere, somehow, i was heard.




Message received from home on June 29:
“What is this I see…yes…much disruption
What would you expect from such a mush mind
All as expected
I feel the new book of life is welcoming you
Feel it I can
Thus you must release first
Yes I feel this is true
Release and let go you must
Nothing of the old comes into the new
All of it is new
You must let go, Just let go
And allow the new to pulse within you, then out.
No need to fear anything
It’s all happening as it must
It is time to let go, you must
I send this feeling to all
We cannot assist in this process
Let it happen naturally
But you must let go”

IF, ‘I feel the new book of life is welcoming you ‘.. and ‘Nothing of the old comes into the new’,
then this is the final and finest sieve, letting go of all fear and doubt.

As for me, feels like it is going to play out in line with original Star Wars….
1. A New Hope…expose and take on DS/Virus
2. Empire Strikes Back…..where we have been since March
3. Return of the Jedi….superpowers…we win

keep getting the glass of water image, all the sludge is sitting on top with the clear water/energy filling the glass, feels like a final purge/push to finally get it all out the top of the glass…I know it’s uncomfortable, a real place of tension but feeling the positive still underneath it all.

Had 2 big energetic ‘hits’ over the weekend, ‘the tide has turned’ and ‘the heavy lifting is over’….

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

One thought on “Lisa Harrison shares A Message from Home”

  1. I have been inspired by your grieving, its nice to know I am not alone, my heart goes out to all who grieve.
    Remember the Event, our final breakthrough, our graduation, will it all have not been worth it?
    I focus on the outcome as I struggle daily with the news, in order for energy to flow, it takes equal negative & positive energy, we see the negative daily but do not see the positive.
    The Matrix has been fractured and will collapse, don’t get caught up in the movie.
    You are here and now for the Grand Finale!
    Know the event will happen!

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