A Little Pep Talk


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With the fear and concerns people are having, with some not knowing what to do, thinking they need to be doing more ~ remember this:

Just by simply questioning your reality, awakening to it and remembering more and more of who you really are and BEING that Self ~ all of this in and of itself is changing the energies of our reality.  WE have already stopped a timeline of destruction and controlled apocalyptic endings JUST by changing our energy signature through our awakenings, individually and collectively.

So when things feel ick and crappy and the world seems insane, please remember those words.  Birth is messy.  Painful.  But the result is a miracle.

You are having a positive effect.  Most indeed!  Keep it up!

Much love.  


Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.