Michael Kavanagh ~ White Hats Update


editor’s note:  update:  apologize profusely for the typo in the title – fixed only after i hit the publish button.


Good morning world from Colorado. Lots of information coming to the light of day as White Hats continue to take out the trash and restore the Republic. Trump and Putin are exposing Deep State shenanigans. Some Intelligence Operations are years in the making and for many years, I traveled all over America as undercover boss listening to what people had to say about this country and the direction it was headed wondering if the truth would ever be told about what goes on behind closed doors? When I had written that disclosure is a process and not a single event that’s exactly what we’re doing starting with the Clinton Foundation. Putin dropped a bombshell telling the world that certain players in Russia gave Hillary Clinton $400 million for her election. Thank God that didn’t work as we would be up to our eyeballs in more war and death. Say goodbye to NATO. The Alliance told certain world leaders that the party is over! Hence Trump taking the power away from Queen Elizabeth on Friday the 13th. Hereto revenge of the Knights Templar’s! Yesterday, many of you asked for more information about things to come? Will there be a global currency reset? All debts satisfied? Again, this financial transition will be done in stages. A “New Civilization” is upon you and will be based on Universal Law. Organized religion and politics will be gone! Islam worships Venus, Jews its Saturn, and Christianity its the Sun. All three are false teachings. The Supreme Intelligence does not play games! The little Hobbits will continue to wake from Deep State Programming and reclaim lost memories. Perhaps, I should write more about that today?

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.