More finds…..8/4/21



Thank you to my friend Murry for sharing this one.  I either have or have used most of these suggestions.  The big eyeopener for me was the Vit. C recommendation.  It put me down a rabbit hole.  Learned most Vit. C is derived from corn (!!) – derived from Chyna.  WTH?!  Tapioca is much easier on the tummy – certainly those in this house.  We also recently switched our xylitol brands.  Finding it locally sourced from Birch instead of corn (UGH) has been impossible and recently I had a reaction that I felt came from the brand we use (which is corn derived from Chyna).  Anyway I had to go online to find a Birch Tree product made in the USA/Sourced from the USA.  That is what we used to use but the store “got cheap” and switched to corn-derived.  I know some say the end result is the same – sugar alcohol.  I still say source of Origin matters.  Anyway – enjoy this one.  Good info.  (and I can attest to fulvic acid – always keep it on hand.  a few years ago we all had a nasty virus.  the cough lingered for literally months f0r my mate and i.  after month 3 i said enough – went online – discovered F.A. – ordered a bottle – it arrived – and in 3 days the cough was gone.)




This is horrifying…..NO MORE!


Show me the money….lol….




WOW! FDA Accidentally Displayed The List Of Vaccine’s Side Effects!


According to his insight, something big is about to break in the states.  Someone wiped the flight logs/boards.  Transponders turned off.  Squadron headed south….

Monkey Werx US ~ Live Overwatch SITREP


Ya’ll see this one last month?  “Checkmate”?  Hmmm….



The main object?  Looks nearly identical to what I saw in July 2009 and again last month.  (only I didn’t see anything come out of it lol)

UFO ~ Multidimensional Ship ~ Orb ~ Manhattan NY USA ~ Sightings ~ Contact ~ Highly Advanced Spirit



Some humor:

May be an image of text that says 'SENIOR TRYING TO RESET PASSWORD WINDOWS: Please enter your new password USER: cabbage WINDOWS: Sorry, the password must be more than 8 characters. USER: boiled cabbage WINDOWS: Sorry, the password must contain USER: boiled cabbage numerical character. WINDOWS: Sorry, the password cannot have blank spaces. USER: 50damnboiledcabbages WINDOWS: Sorry, the password must contain at least one upper case character USER: 50DAMNboiledcabbages WINDOWS: Sorry, the password cannot use more than one upper case character consecutively. USER: WINDOWS: Sorry, the password cannot contain punctuation. USER: Û WINDOWS: Sorry, that password is already in use.'



Delta Variant: Natural Immunity 700% Better Than the Vaccine


Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

3 thoughts on “More finds…..8/4/21”

  1. Hi V, I was wondering if you would tell me what brand of Fulvic acid you use. I use to have a good source but unfortunately because of this F*ing fake pandemic/lockdown/war we are in, they had to close their business. I have a very dear friend who actually got the “virus” and has been battling a very bad cough so am hoping this might help him. Thanks so much and fyi, as soon as I’m working again I plan on donating, just can’t right now, but please KNOW!!! how much I appreciate all you do. This blog & one other are the only ones I follow anymore as you both seem to get the “goods”. Hugs to you & the fam. Thank you xo

    1. Aaww, thank you so much LC! That makes my heart happy. 🙂 I am sorry about your friend – the brand I use is Fulvic Ionic Minerals. I get the X200 concentrate (there are two concentrates if my memory is correct). I hope it helps your friend. Much love to you. Victoria

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