So I am watching the live cam on earthtv of the capitol – and there is still some billowing steam – but NOTHING like what I and others saw last night. Here are some finds I had gathered from anonup.
My ongoing question: Why did DJT push for these vaccines? All others have offered up is either trust the plan or we will know soon. Those responses don’t suffice. Others are asking the same question – which needs to be answered.
This is a really good one. And yes – the US Army Corp. of Engineers has the RED CASTLE emblem. Also of note – Lin Wood recently had a hat with the number 550 on it. Notice the 55 below. Perhaps that is what 17 refers to as 5:5? (at least one possible reference)
Red Castle👈 Getting ready to divert the water in DC to flood it out creating a swamp and flushing those bastards out at the same time. Red Castle. It will be Biblical. Watch the Water.
Putin Announces Total Independence from ‘Rothschild-Controlled’ US Dollar
B. Gates talking about what they are jabbing into the children’s arms:
Negative Energy is Food For Them Literally

pool table video – :04 sec

I never noticed that before about the stadiums being an eye. I did figure out that “super bowl” pronounced another way is “supper bowl” – another one of those language tricks – which is creepy as heck when you think about the loosh. 🤢
oh gawd….i never thought of like that. some days i just don’t want to talk – other than to say thank you and love.
Re the ‘warp speed’ context and djt–also an ongoing question for myself and inner circle of researchers.
Perhaps a few plausible possibilities(shall we avoid the term “theory?” LOL) :
* not all vacs administered are nano biometric mRNA variety?
*placebos being administered as well, so we don’t see a mass die off–which would make the toxcity all too obvious–especially if the plan is to jab 7 billion plus.
*perhaps the military personnel are receiving normal flu shots in order to protect our defense system?
* the crime had to unfold in order for arrests to be made–ditto election fraud (collateral damage was inevitable from the git)
Impossible to know the scope and full range of any military opp…patience is difficult when the optics look so bleak. Also, the fact of society’s mass hysteria psychosis re the “invisible enemy”–as DT said,”The nation seems like it is under a spell”…In conclusion, we are at a new stage of reckoning where we must raise the vibration and transmute the Fear, and find our spirit kin to fortify. I consult the podcasts of Jeffrey Prather (former Mil intel and Chaplain/warrior) for a specific approach–U Toob has recently censored him- go to The era of virtual war and cyber crimes is here folks! Blessons…
thank you – i will check him out