editor’s note: interesting. resonate w/the purpose of the moon….the planets being part of the simulation… although i do not see nor feel any sort of fake invasion or any such “global” cataclysmic event(s).
Published on Jul 8, 2018
Well, that would explain why one side of the moon always faces the Earth. So …. since “there are no saviors”, what are we supposed to do? It’s not like we can just jet on up to the moon and do something about this. So I wonder what Ashtar and the mighty GF are up to? Anything? Maybe just kickin’ back with a couple of cool ones taking in the show? I am just wondering.
So there is a wave coming the will collapse part of the reptilian mind control system? Why only part? I have heard this whole Earth ascension thing referred to as an “experiment” and a “game”, as if that alone isn’t horrible and insulting! But now they want to keep this “game” going a bit longer? They’re not finished with their “experiments” that they are conducting on us? It looks like all this is less about love and our freedom than it is about these aliens and whatever else that has a higher perspective than us seeing what all this is going to do to us. Makes me feel less loved and like “family” than a microbe on a petri dish.
So on one hand we have energies from the Great Central Sun, or whatever, clearing out negativity, and on the other hand we have energies from the moon generating negativity. So it’s like we are caught in a galactic microwave oven and it sure as hell feels that way! No wonder my nerves are fried!