New Earth Experience


Christie Hanalei

Guys I had a new earth experience 💗

Early this morning… between lots of sleeping.. I woke up for a little. I instinctively tuned into my Guides. I just felt to. They gave me certain messages. Like, there is no more reason that I have to stay with my family, as I’ve seen all that I need to. For me to move on. They said other things that helped me put together certain realizations I’ve been trying to have lately. Then, I felt all this loving energy pour, pour, pour into me. From my Guides. Later when I woke, I felt so comforted. Then I was hit with strong emotion, clearing out old emotion about my family and the way they’ve treated me. It hit me very hard. Now I’m recovering from that clearing episode. I now see why my Guides told me, before my clearing hit, that there’s nothing more that I need to see with them now. Bc I I was about to have a crazy purge and my guides wanted to comfort me as much as they coukd before it happened. And now, after that clearing, I now suddenly have clarity*** on the discrepancies between my fam and I. I had to really see that the way they act isn’t my fault, took me so long. Autism (I am autistic, not able to be completely in the physical dinension), and autism has a way of drawing out the demons that ppl have to face. The millions of autistics in this world, have a hard postion.

Anyway. After my guides gave me so much love energy before my purge/ clearing hit… there was a very cool aspect to this experience. As they were pouring in the l8ve energy into my body/ aura… I was taken ino the most amazing experience on New Earth. I all of a sudden see myself lying in the grass, next to a giant mushroom. It was beige colored with red spots. Everything felt like it was swaying, like in a constant motion of Energy. It felt.. blissful. So full of blissful love. The skies were a milky pale blue. I would lean against the Mushroom, it would give me Love and the Type of Energy I need right now. If youve ever tried to tune into the Essence of plants, they have certain specific qualities, personalities, charscteristics, benefits for the human body/ mind and energy systems.

My experience with this mushroom makes sense bc it was giving me the energy that a mushroom holds for us humans. Which is deeply feminine, supportive, dimensionally attuned, loving, calming, satiating, balmy, relaxing, deeply nourishing… and in very psychic spiritual ways too. The mushroom brings awareness. But we feel supported in our dimensional awareness. And in our emotions. Like deep trauma and ptsd. Bringing us to Love when its so hard. Feeling unsettled, feeling betrayed like someone ripped your heart out. Which is what I was clearing after this experience! Mushrooms give us the healing presence and deep emotional re-nourishment, and they love us humans. They hold this love and healing, for the humans. (Once I took a bach flower remedy, and I psychically saw what the flower was doing to me and what qualities it had.)

So I communed with this Mushroom on New Earth. Feeling like blissful love. Felt so real (bc it is!). And as the experience closed out, my guides said, you’ll bring these new earth mushroom energy back with you into your current experience. I opened my eyes gently. I felt so loved and comfortable.

Jesus and St. Germain were on either side of me during this experience, helping me with the healing energies. They are two of my Guides. Yes some channels get false info from “guides” or other ascended/ beings… but I’m used to being in communication with different Beings and I know what is false/ dark trying to come thru, and what’s genuine/ of the real light. Btw when we have communication with genuine Beinhs, they will always* be Loving. They will not be scolding or induce fear. They say things kindly and gently. They are ok with taboo. They are not spiritually correct. They are funny and have a sense of humor. They want to make us feel good, feel uplifted, and to lighten our load for us. Negative beings tend to act the opposite of these ways.

This is the first time I went to New Earth, in “real time”. It’s there. We are so close to it, energetically. When I really get to New Earth… I can see myself going back to the same Mushroom, and having a love experience with it again. It was so amazing and blissful. Can’t wait for us all to experience a Constant Love, like we will at New Earth ⚘⚘⚘💗



Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

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