NEWS UN knew years ago about refugee sex-for-food scandal, leaked report reveals


editor’s note:  the horrors of this realm are weighing very heavy at this moment. i consent to none of it.  i can say none of these victims consented either.  i feel myself tossing off in a fit of rage the energies of the programs of “consent” and “lessons” and “karma” and all of that other nonsensical bullshit that permeates this toxic realm of lies.  bring in the LOVE NOW.  jesus effing cheese wipes any being at this point on the “outside” looking “in” with the ability to HELP (via advanced tech, weaponry, etc.) who isn’t is as complicit as those doing the dark doing’s. what i am saying is i am long past DONE FINISHED in hearing these “some day” and “you must do x y z in order to” channeled messages from arcturians, sananda, ashtar, etc. etc. ad nauseam.  i am speaking on behalf of all when i say NO MORE SUFFERING. LOVE HELPS NOW.  LOVE FREES.  WITHOUT CONDITION.  PERIOD.  


Workers from more than 40 charity organizations exploited refugee children and women in West Africa by trading food for sex, according to a leaked report — that the United Nations has known about for 16 years.

The disturbing scandal is laid out in an 84-page report produced in 2001 by researchers for the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and Save the Children working at refugee camps in Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia.

The report was handed over to the UNHCR in 2002 but only a summary of the allegations was published.

Identified in it are 40 organizations “whose workers are alleged to be in sexually exploitative relationships with refugee children,” according to The Times in the UK, which obtained a copy of the full report.

Aid workers were “among the prime sexual exploiters of refugee children, often using the very humanitarian assistance and services intended to benefit refugees as a tool of exploitation.”

They allegedly traded basic needs — like food, oil, access to education and plastic sheeting for shelters — for sex.

Women at a camp in Guinea told the researchers, “In this community, no one can get corn soya blend without having sex first. They say, ‘A kilo for sex,’” the Sun reported.

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Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.