Earlier, on my social media page, I wrote a little statement about standing in ones Power and being the Creator of ones life. Then I heard “no man is an island”, which for me means “no one makes a life on his/her own”. Creation/Being is not a completely solitary experience. Therein lies the paradox that comes up for me when I think about those topics, the resulting truth being we need one another.
Later on, I received an e-mail stating a request for help for a woman who is battling cancer and who is seeking some stable housing, having had a far too stressful housing situation for over 6 months with little financial ability. (Hopefully I will be sharing the e-mail here once I receive permission as it is a private e-mail group.)
Her story tore at my heart and angered me at the same time. I would love nothing better than to contact this woman, and either tell her I know of someone in her area who has available housing for little cost or free, or ask her how much she needs and write her a check. No strings. Just go alleviate that unnecessary struggle/suffering. Then I heard the voices of rugged individualism, voices of the old paradigm, which said things like “she has to be responsible for her own life” and “writing a check would only enable her” and my least favorite “maybe she needs to learn a lesson from this.”
Telling those voices they no longer apply in my new paradigm, my new reality I am creating, I was suddenly drawn to turn to the television. A new song I had never heard before was playing on the music channel I had on.
Higher Self said “look at song title”.
So I did.
“No Man Is An Island” was the name of the beautiful song I was listening to.
I began to weep.
I will never cease to be moved by such moments of synchronicity. (And here’s another ~ I stopped typing after writing out “I began to weep” and noticed wordpress said my draft had been saved at 11:11.)
This Ascension process is creating all sorts of realities for us. I am seeing many pull back and retreat. I see some claim the time to stand on our own is now. Words like self responsibility are common place.
And I agree and resonate.
However, let us not forget that even during this next stage of shifting we are both creating and experiencing, that this is also a Collective Experience we are having.
Being Sovereign doesn’t mean we stand on our own at all times. It means that WHILE we stand in our own power, this can and will include those times when we need another/others (or we assist others). For self-responsibility only means the ability to respond to a situation ~ as best as one can. There are times when that ability is stronger than at other times.
I leave you here with a video of the song, No Man Is An Island. The ending lyrics hit home the most: We don’t have to do it alone.
What does the song and the message mean to you?
Blessings, Sovereignty, Freedom and Unity~