Ode to the Trolls


Gloves and glasses are off.

Truth is exposed.

Sometimes it is a flowery meadow.

Sometimes it is dark and difficult.

Other times it’s a mix of all of the above.

Always though, Truth = Authenticity.

The trolls are out in full force.

Their reality is collapsing around them and they are having a difficult time.

Those who own this are seeking help, asking questions.

Those who refuse to own the emerging transition(s) are attacking.

If you are one who wishes guidance and help, ask away.

If however you are attacking, know your words are powerless.

They bounce off of those who only wish love and freedom and truth and come right back on you.  You will be ignored.

The new energies are working this way.

They do not support deception or anything that is not of Truth.

Some of us find this out the hard way, some the easier way.  Most, somewhere in between.

The choice is yours:  seek Unity or find yourself alone in internal chaos.

hint: choosing Unity makes you feel better in spite of what the ego likes to shout

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Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.