Oil Market crashes


…at the moment it is now at $1.00/barrel…this after it crashed to negative 38…

all of this happening on 4/20 – Donald Trump day?

here is what I have put together….the market was flooded w/oil by Russia (Putin) and the states (under Trump)….the reserves are full….and yet oil continues to be produced and now there’s really no place to put this commodity….how do you crash a market?  flood it w/the particular commodity.

since the world has essentially run on the petro dollar, this is how you crash it in order to install a new $$ system – in this instance a gold-backed currency.

Here are a couple of things I found on twitter – including one by VK:


The End of an Error – love the play on words – the end of the Federal Reserve – the end of their ability to print notes at whim without any assets to back it.

I feel we are going to see EO 11110 as referenced above – created by John Kennedy in 1963 – finally put forth – with notes coming from the Treasury. I feel this is the Financial Reset many have spoken of including Yellow Rose who says this particular system goes “west”.  Those going “east” -Home receive the Unfettered Access experience (under Heather Ann Tucci Jarraf). I could be wrong – but this is what I am seeing and sensing.

What an amazing day – and on 4/20 which is Donald (4) Trump (20) day.  And the cannabis industry day as well – which if you use CBD Oil, check out Social CBD who is having a special today of $15/off for every $50 you spend plus free shipping.  Check out my affiliate link here.



Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.